4250syllabus Spring 2021 v4

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Brooklyn College of the City University of New York

Department Of Health and Nutrition Sciences

HNSC 4250 Integrative Nutrition and Functional Foods 3 hours; 3 credits

Spring 2021 – Tuesdays and Thursday 3:30 - 4:55 PM

Course prerequisites: BIOL 1001, BIOL 1002, HNSC 2220, HNSC 2221, HNSC 2210, HNSC 2300, HNSC 3300

Location: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83276192082?pwd=bEtuQUhxTndxOXR5MkJPbzQ4STBiQT09

Meeting ID: 832 7619 2082
Passcode: 047162
One tap mobile +13017158592,,83276192082#,,,,*047162#

Professor: Angela Taylor, MS, CNS, LDN

Contact info: Email: Angela.Taylor@brooklyn.cuny.edu

Course Description:

Students will develop a fundamental understanding of the role of integrative nutrition and functional foods
including complementary modalities, whole foods and plant-based medicines and their effects on health,
nutritional status and disease prevention. Students will examine, interpret, and evaluate scientific research
for practical application in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able:

• Assess and interpret scientific literature focused on Integrative Nutrition and Functional Foods
• Discuss the role and application of integrative modalities in the field of nutrition and dietetics
• Incorporate knowledge of human nutrition and integrative therapies for future clinical practice
• Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between functional foods and health
• Evaluate the evidence for popular diets, dietary supplements and herbal medicines
• Identify medicinal and edible wild plants growing in an urban environment

In accordance with ACEND standards, the course will satisfy a portion of Standard 5-required elements 5.2
a. 13 and the following learning activities:
KRDN 1.1 Demonstrate how to locate interpret evaluate and use professional literature to make ethical
evidence–based practice decisions
KRDN 1.2 Use current information technologies to locate and apply evidence-based guidelines and protocol
KRDN 2.1 Demonstrate effective and professional oral and written communication and documentation
KRDN 1.3 Apply critical thinking skills

Required Texts:

Integrative Nutrition and Functional Foods (2020). Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-1-284-
This book was custom-created for our class by the previous instructor, Dr. Roseanne Schnoll.
Students can purchase the eText through this link:
It can be read on your computer and iPad (using the app). (the eReader will not work on other

Skidmore-Roth, L. (2010). Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs and Natural Supplements (4th ed.). St.
Louis, MO: Mosby- Elsevier.
This is easily available, but we won’t need it until Module 24.

Brooklyn College Bookstore - Link to our course:


Optional Texts:
Aggarwal, B. B. & Yost, D. (2011). Healing Spices. New York: Sterling Publishing.

Bone, K. & Mills, S. (2013). Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine (2nd
ed.). New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone.

Braun, L. & Cohen, M. (2015). Herbs and Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Guide (4th ed.)
Volume 1 and 2. Chastwood, NSW: Churchill Livingstone.

Harris, M. & Taylor, G. (2009). Medical and health science statistics made easy (2nd ed.). Sudbury,
MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Kuhn, M.A. (1999) Complementary therapies for health care providers. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott.
Perrin, R. (2015). Pocket guide to APA style (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Sarubin-Fragakis, A. & Thomson, C. (2007). The Health Professional’s Guide to Popular Dietary
Supplements (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Association.

HW for each class Session:

• Cronometer food diary submission
• Discussion post: (minimum) 100 Words what inspired you this Session? With at
least 1 APA reference.
• Responses to peer Discussion (minimum 2 peer responses of 50 words each)
• Knowledge Check (Open Book, Multiple Choice)

TENTATIVE Course Schedule – Subject to change

Upon changes, a new syllabus will be announced and posted to Blackboard

Session & Date TOPICS:

1 Feb 2 Overview of Complementary & Integrative Medicine in the US
First Things First – Eat to Win
Cronometer Setup
Textbook: Ch. 1
Course Packet:
! Dickinson, A., Bonci, L., Boyon, N., & Franco, J. C. (2012). Dietitians use and recommend
dietary supplements: report of a survey. Nutrition Journal, 11, 14.
! Eisenberg, D. (2012). Integrative medicine in 2021: An imagined retrospective. Explore: The
Journal of Science and Healing, 8(2), 81–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.explore.2011.12.007
! Fan, D. (2017). Holistic integrative medicine: toward a new era of medical advancement.
Frontiers of Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11684-017-0499-6
! Kantor, E. D., Rehm, C. D., Du, M., White, E., & Giovannucci, E. L. (2016). Trends in Dietary
Supplement Use among US Adults From 1999-2012. Journal of the American Medical
Association, 316(14), 1464. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2016.14403
! Maizes, V., Rakel, D., & Niemiec, C. (2009). Integrative Medicine and Patient-Centered
Care. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 5(5), 277–289.
2 Feb 4 Understanding Scientific Research in Integrative Medicine
Textbook: Ch. 2
Course Packet:
! Handu, D., Moloney, L., Wolfram, T., Ziegler, P., Acosta, A., & Steiber, A. (2016). Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics Methodology for Conducting Systematic Reviews for the Evidence
Analysis Library. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(2), 311–318.
! Fowkes (1991). Critical appraisal of published research: introductory guidelines. British
Medical Journal, 302, 1136-1140.
3 Feb 9 Understanding and Interpreting Scientific Research in Integrative Medicine
Course Packet:
! Katan (2007). Does industry sponsorship undermine the integrity of nutrition research? PLoS
! Bruemmer (2009). Publishing nutrition research: A review of epidemiologic methods. JADA
! Lesser (2007). Relationship between funding source and conclusion among nutrition-related
scientific articles. PLoS Medicine
! Garfinkel (1998). Yoga-based intervention for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Journal of the
American Medical Association, 280 (18), 1601-1603.
! Mills (2003). Health food store recommendations: Implications for breast cancer patient.
Breast Cancer Research, 5 (6), 170-174
! Barringer (2003). Effect of multivitamin and mineral supplement on infection and quality of

life. Annals of Internal Medicine, 138, 365-371.

! Wegrzyn (2016). Malabsorption of L-T4 Due to Drip Coffee: A Case Report Using Predictors
of Causation, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116, 1073 - 1075
4 Feb 11 IFM Functional Medicine: Comprehensive Care for Chronic Disease
Cost of Healthcare in the United States
Conventional Medical and Health Care
Textbook: Ch. 4, 5

5 Feb 16 CAM, Integrative Medicine, and Healthcare

Complementary and Alternative Health Care: Historical Foundations of Holistic Healing
Textbook: Ch. 6, 7

6 Feb18 Integrative Modalities - Ayurvedic Medicine / Yoga

Textbook: ch. 8
Course Packet:
! Sherman (2005). Comparing yoga, exercise, and self-care book for chronic low back pain.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 143, 849-856.
Kolasinkski (2005). Iyengar yoga for treating symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees: A pilot
study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11 (4), 689-693.
7 Feb 23 Integrative Modalities – Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Textbook: Ch. 9
Course Packet:
! Bensoussan (1998). Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 280 (18), 1585-1589.

Course Packet:
! Berman (2004). Effectiveness of acupuncture as adjunctive therapy in osteoarthritis of the
knee. Annals of Internal Medicine, 141, 901-910.

Tai Chi / Qigong

Textbook: pgs. 219-222
Course Packet:
! Sancier (1996). Medical applications of qigong. Alternative Therapies in Health and
Medicine, 2 (1), 40-46.
Gallagher (2003). Tai chi chuan and qigong, physical and mental practice for functional mobility.
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 19 (3), 172-182
8 Feb 25 Integrative Modalities - Naturopathic Medicine & Homeopathy
Textbook: Ch. 10
Course Packet:
! Linde (1997). Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis of
placebo controlled trials, The Lancet, 350, 834-842.
! Taylor (2000). Randomized controlled trial of homoeopathy versus placebo in perennial
allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial series, British Medical Journal, 321, 471-476.
! Spence, D.S. (2005). Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease: A 6-year, university-
hospital outpatient observational study, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine, 11(5), 793-798.
! Reilly, D. (2005). Homeopathy: Increasing scientific validation. Alternative Therapies in
Health and Medicine, 11 (2), 28-31.
9 Mar 2 Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies
Textbook: Ch. 12
Course Packet:
! Ali, B., Al-Wabel, N. A., Shams, S., Ahamad, A., Khan, S. A., & Anwar, F. (2015). Essential
oils used in aromatherapy: A systemic review. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine,
5(8), 601–611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apjtb.2015.05.007
! Lemon (2004). An assessment of treating depression and anxiety with aromatherapy. The

International Journal of Aromatherapy, 14, 63-69.

! Fismer, K. L., & Pilkington, K. (2012). Lavender and sleep: A systematic review of the
evidence. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 4(4), e436–e447.
! Ernst (2002). “Flower remedies”: A systematic review of the clinical evidence, The Middle
European Journal of Medicine,23-24, 963-966.
Armstrong (2001). A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of a Bach Flower
Remedy, Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, 7 (4), 215-221.
10 Mar 4 Manipulative Therapies: Massage, Osteopathic Medicine, Chiropractics, Reflexology
Textbook: Ch. 13
Course Packet:
Field (1998). Children with asthma have improved pulmonary function after massage therapy.
Journal of Pediatrics, 132, 854-858.
11 Mar 9 Integrative Modalities: Biofeedback/meditation Mind/Body
Textbook: Ch. 14
Course Packet:
! The Heart Lock-In Technique, Institute of Heart Math.
! Bowen (2006). Mindfulness meditation and substance use in an incarcerated population.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 20 (3), 343-347.

Music therapy
Freeman pg. 21-24.
Course Packet:
! Siedliecki (2006). Effect of music on power, pain, depression and disability. Journal of
Advanced Nursing 54 (5), 553-562.
! Horowitz (October, 2004). Music therapy, notes from research and clinical practice.
Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 251-256.
Amen (2006). Music and the Brain, http://amenclinics.com/bp/articles.php?articleID=12

12 March 11 Energy Therapies and Biotherapy

Textbook: Ch. 15
Course Packet:
! Eccles (2005). A critical review of randomized controlled trials of static magnets for pain
relief. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11, 495-509.
Weintraub (2003). Static magnetic field therapy for symptomatic diabetic neuropathy: A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 84, 736-746.
13 March 16 Review of Nutrition-Focused Diagnosis NFPE, Reading Standard Labs

14 March 18 Functional Lab Testing

IgG Food Sensitivities, Organic acids Test, Stool Testing, DUTCH Testing

15 March 23 Functional Foods 1 – carotenoids (lycopenes, luteins, zeaxanthins)

Course Packet:
! Crowe, K. M., Francis, C., & Academy of Nutrition. (2013). Position of the academy of
nutrition and dietetics: functional foods. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
113(8), 1096–1103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2013.06.002
! Kris-Etherton (2002). Bioactive compounds in foods: Their role in the prevention of
cardiovascular disease and cancer. The American Journal of Medicine, 113 (9B), 71S-88S.
! Thompson (1999). Effect of increased vegetable and fruit consumption on markers of
oxidative cellular damage. Carcinogenesis, 20 (12), 2261-2266.
! Chen (2001). Oxidative DNA damage in prostate cancer patients consuming tomato sauce-
based entrees as a whole-food intervention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 93,
(24), 1872-1879.
! Engelhard (2005). Natural antioxidants from tomato extract reduce blood pressure in
patients with grade-1 hypertension: A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. American
Heart Journal, 151, 100.e1-100e6.
16 March 25 Functional Foods 2 - resveratrol, ellagic acid, crucifers (isothiocyanates, sulforaphane).
Course Packet:
! Sumner (2005). Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on myocardial perfusion in
patients with coronary heart disease. American Journal of Cardiology, 96, 810-814.
! Brennan (2005). Effect of cruciferous vegetables on lung cancer in patients stratified by
genetic status: a mendelian randomization approach. Lancet, 366, 1558-1560.
17 April 6 MIDTERM

18 April 8 Functional Foods 3 - essential fatty acids

Course Packet:
! Essential fatty acids: omega-3/ omega-6 clinical handbook. www.NordicNaturals.com
! Oh (2005). Practical applications of fish oil in primary care. Journal of the American Board of
Family Practice, 18 (1), 28-36.
19 April 13 Functional Foods 4 - fatty acids, tree nuts
Course Packet:
! Martinez-Gonzalez (2006). The cardioprotective benefits of monounsaturated fatty acid.
Integrative Medicine, 5 (1), 48-55.
! Ferrara (2000). Olive oil and reduced need for antihypertensive medications. Archives of
Internal Medicine, 160, 837-842.
! Ramirez-Tortosa (1999). Extra-virgin olive oil increases the resistance of LDL to oxidation
more than refined olive oil in free-living men with peripheral vascular disease. Journal of
Nutrition, 129, 2177-2183.
! Blomhoff (2006). Health benefits of nuts: potential role of antioxidants. British Journal of
Nutrition, 96, S52-S60.
! Hu (1998). Frequent nut consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in women:
Prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal,317, 1341-1345.
! Tucker, L. A. (2017). Consumption of nuts and seeds and telomere length in 5,582 men and
women of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ( NHANES ). Journal of
Nutrition, Health and Aging. https://doi.org/doi:10.1007/s12603-017-0876-5
20 April 15 Functional Foods 5 - green tea, chocolate polyphenols, honey, fermented foods, prebiotics
and probiotics
Course Packet:
! Hakim (2003). Effect of increased tea consumption on oxidative DNA damage among
smokers: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Nutrition, 133, 3303S-3309S.
! Steinberg (2003). Cocoa and chocolate flavonoids: Implications for cardiovascular health.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103, 215-223.
! Serafini (2003). Plasma antioxidants from chocolate. Nature, 424, 1013.
! Keen (2001). Chocolate: Food as medicine/medicine as food. Journal of the American
College of Nutrition, 20 (5), 436S-439S.

! Ab, J., Cullum, N., Jc, D., Mj, W., Deshpande, S., & Walker, N. (2015). Honey as a topical
treatment for wounds.
! Drisko (2003). Probiotics in health maintenance and disease prevention Alternative Medicine
Review, 8 (2), 143-155.
! Hayes, S. R., & Vargas, A. J. (2016). Probiotics for the prevention of pediatric antibiotic-
associated diarrhea. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 12(6), 463–466.
! Marco, M. L., & Golomb, B. L. (2016). Fermented foods, lactobacillus, and health. Microbe,
11(8), 349–352.
! Marco, M.L., Heeney, D. (2017). Health benefits of fermented foods: microbiota and beyond
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 44, 94-102. d: 10.1016/j.copbio.2016.11.010
! An, S., Lee, M. S., Jeon, J. Y., Ha, E. S., Kim, T. H., Yoon, J. Y., & ... Lee, K. (2013).
Beneficial effects of fresh and fermented kimchi in prediabetic individuals. Annals of Nutrition
& Metabolism, 63(1-2), 111-119. doi:10.1159/000353583
21 April 20 Functional Foods 6 - medicinal mushrooms
Course Packet:
• Rathore, H., Prasad, S. Sharma,S. (2017). Mushroom nutraceuticals for improved nutrition
and better human health: A review, Pharma Nutrition 5, 35-46.
• Meng, X, Liang, H, & Luo, L. (2016). Antitumor polysaccharides from mushrooms: a review
on thestructural characteristics, antitumor mechanisms andimmunomodulating activities.
Carbohydrate Research, 425, 30-41.

Computer as a tool in scientific research

Use of computer to present information-
PowerPoint ® instruction, 326 New Ingersoll (HNS computer lab)
• Leenen (2000). A single dose of tea with or without milk increases plasma antioxidant
activity in humans. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 54, 87-92.
22 April 22 Microbiome
23 April 27 Overview of Botanical Medicine regulatory agencies, GMP – administration & classification,
properties & categories, chemistry of herbs, herbal energetics
Textbook: Ch. 11
Course Packet:
• Firenzuoli, F., & Gori, L. (2007). Herbal medicine today: Clinical and research issues.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4(SUPPL. 1), 37–40.
! Snow, J. (2016). Context Effects in Western Herbal Medicine: Fundamental to
Effectiveness? Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 12(1), 55–62.
! Newmaster, S. G., Grguric, M., Shanmughanandhan, D., Ramalingam, S., & Ragupathy, S.
(2013). DNA barcoding detects contamination and substitution in North American herbal
products. BMC Medicine, 11(1), 222. https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7015-11-222
24 April 29 Botanical Medicine 1
Skidmore-Roth pgs. 18-22; 40-41; 70-73; 180-181;224-227; 238-240; 241-242;
Herbs as food/spice/medicine in green, and herbs used just for medicine in black:
aloe vera, astragalus, basil, bilberry, cannabis, cayenne, chickweed, cinnamon, dandelion, echinacea
Course Packet:
! Khan (2003). Cinnamon improves glucose and lipids of people with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Care, 26, 3215-3218.
! Mang, B., Wolters, M., Schmitt, B., Kelb, K., Lichtinghagen, R., Stichtenoth, D. O., & Hahn,
A. (2006). Effects of a cinnamon extract on plasma glucose, HbA 1c , and serum lipids in
diabetes mellitus type 2. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 36(365), 340–344.

Botanical Medicine Laboratory

Herbal infusions and tinctures

25 May 4 Botanical Medicine 2

Skidmore-Roth pgs 245-248; 263-264; 281-284; 287-290; 290-294;294-296
Herbs as food/spice/medicine in green, and herbs used just for medicine in black:
elderberry, ephedra, feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng
Course Packet:
! Perry, E., & Howes, M. J. R. (2011). Medicinal plants and dementia therapy: Herbal hopes
for brain aging? CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 17(6), 683–698.
! Tattelman (2005). Health effects of garlic. American Family Physician, 72, 103-106.
! Smith (2004). A randomized controlled trial of ginger to treat nausea and vomiting in
pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 103, 639-645.
! Chaiyakunapruk (2006). The efficacy of ginger for the prevention of postoperative nausea
and vomiting: A meta-analysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 194, 95-99.
! Altman (2001). Effects of ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Arthritis
and Rheumatism, 44, 2531-2538.
26 May 6 Botanical Medicine 3
Skidmore-Roth pgs 332-334; 385-386; 395-399, 432-434, 443-445, 457-458,
494-496,506-508, 579-581; 588-590, 591-592, 603-604
Herbs as food/spice/medicine in green, and herbs used just for medicine in black:
hawthorn, lavender, licorice, milk thistle, mugwort, nettles, parsley, peppermint, plantain, rose,
rosemary, sage, St. John’s wort, thyme, turmeric, valerian, yarrow
Course Packet:
! Lewis (August 30, 2005). Indian spice may ward off disease. The Wall Street Journal.
! Lawvere (2005). St. John’s wort. American Family Physician, 72, 2249-2254.
! Woelk (2000). Comparison of St. John’s wort and imipramine for treating depression:
randomized controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 321, 536-539.
! Chainani-wu, N. (2003). Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: A component of
tumeric (curcuma longa). The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 9(1),
161–168. https://doi.org/10.1089/107555303321223035

Botanical Medicine Laboratory

Herbal decoctions, syrups, and vinegar extractions
27 May 11 Dietary Supplements
28 May 13 CoQ10, glucosamine sulfate, carnitine, lipoic acid

May 20 Final Exam 3:30 - 4:55 pm (please contact Instructor if you have a schedule conflict).


Class attendance/participation ............................................................ 20%

Knowledge Checks .............................................................................. 20%

Blackboard Discussion Board participation ......................................... 20%

Midterm................................................................................................ 20%

Final exam ........................................................................................... 20%

TOTAL ............................................................................................... 100%

Course Grade Determination:

A+ 98-100 B+ 88-89 C+ 78-79 D+ 68-69 F <60


A 93-97 B 83-87 C 73-77 D 63-67

A- 90-92 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62

The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and
plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for
avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College
procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/policies. If
a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation,
or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.

Note: As already indicated above, Syllabus is subject to change.

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