Material Design Daniela M

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Comparison chart


Lists of Principles According to Tomlinson: These practices
from the Applied Tomlinson, these Evaluates that its include the use of
Linguist views, principles emerge to principles remain effective classroom
according to: Ellis support classroom valid in different management
(2005), Nation practices and that measures. It also procedures; promote
(1993), and teachers can highlights the most student participation
Tomlinson (2011). differentiate training by important points that and motivation;
adapting to content that materials should evaluate student
is, what students learn, provide well-crafted preparation; argue
to the process as exposure and about the form of
students learn, to the description, learning; and teach
product as students stimulate affective the development
demonstrate mastery of and cognitive area between what a
skills and knowledge. engagement, and student can prove
However, there is no include enough unans helplessly and
single model for opportunities for what the student can
differentiated students to see their do with help (Allan
instruction; this Will achievements. It & Tomlinson, 2000;
depend on students' also discusses Ellis). tomlinson
previous knowledge, between universal (2003) and Ellis
interests and skills to a principles such as (2005). Participants
learning situation. age appropriate discussed which
Leaders should also materials and local three principles they
nurture different principles, more considered most
teaching models; context-specific, and important and how
encourage teachers to students. Rod Ellis: these principles
apply differentiation Emphasizes in the could be observed in
with flexibility, need to focus on the their practice. We
creativity, and choice; context of the also reflect on
and provide teachers classroom, not on whether our
with high-quality the writer's principles are visible
professional perspectives, but on in the existing and
development as well as teachers and newly created
time to collaborate, students. He materials we use in
plan, and implement believes THAT ELT our classrooms. Are
differentiation materials should be they reflected or
based on both L2 could they be
acquisition research reflected in the
and classroom content of the
configuration, so materials, their
experienced teachers design and design,
have a lot to their quantity or
contribute! perhaps in a
different way?
Jan Bell and Roger Gower Maley

 · Teachers need flexibility in a  

course-book to select and rearrange Maley's conclusion, The Authenticity of
activities the Student and the Teacher Himself,
suggests that this should be considered in
 · Texts should be authentic addition to the authenticity of the
 · Content should be engaging assignment or text. Also, that it is
important that the teacher is authentic, not
 · Language should be natural only as a teacher, but also as a person,
raising questions about the implications
 · Grammar should be treated
this could have for teacher training.
 · Here should be and emphasis on
 · Practice should be personalized

 · Skills should be integrated

 · Approaches should be balanced
(inductive and deductive, accuracy and
fluency taskbased and ppp, creative and

 · Students should be helped to learn

 · Professional respect and pride in
the work produced.

Febrina, W. Authentic materials are The advantage of Disadvantages which
(2017). resources created for using authentic may include: clearly
native speakers of the English materials is lack in grammatical
target language. that the teacher has accuracy, acquisition
Authentic materials may a skill in using order or durability of
include: Listen: TV resources that can learning (Mishan,
shows, radio, provide a more real 2005); do not fit into
commercials, news and considered the systematized
broadcasts, authentic language syllabus.
documentaries, movies, environment on
phone messages, etc. their own. The
Visual: photographs, teacher must have Disadvantages
works of art, signs with the ability to select,
symbols, postcards, classify and apply • Extreme difficulty
books with images, etc. the material in reading or listening
Printed: restaurant demonstrating texts because of the
menus, newspaper authenticity to a amount of vocabulary
articles, bulletin board resource. The not intended for
ads, company websites, authenticity itself students
coupons, sales catalogs, lies in the relevance
• some examples of
travel brochures, maps, of the selected
the material may be
phone books, blogs, material and its
obsolete and
movie posters, food ability to generate
unreactive to the
labels, etc situations that cause
same group of
activities. Selecting
materials to bring • The fact that the
them to a high material is not for
degree of teaching can inhibit
authenticity is not and in cases frustrate
simple, the teacher the student
must take into
account different • Mixed structures
advantages and may seem more
disadvantages of complex to
their use and how apprentices
he can make the • Often authentic
most of this texts are advanced
material. level
  • It is very possible to
find words or
expressions that are
not in the dictionary
 • A burden for the
teacher may have to
select materials for
the most basic levels
NON On authentic material -The language is -We can learn
AUTHENTIC Materials used by easier and English as an empiric
MATERIALS teachers or learners to understandable Get way but always are
facilitate the learning of clear objectives to going to stay some
a language. Obviously develop voids in our
include cassetes, videos, knowledge therefore
-It is adapted for a
cd roms, dvd’s, is important to
particular aspect
dictionaries, grammar acquire theoretical
books, workbooks, -Materials are study
photocopies etc. relevant, useful and
focused on what
students are  -Listen and read
learning at the point English without
knowledge about it
-They may contain
could be very
a nonauthentic
difficult because
language: there are difficult
sometimes words and
textbooks can vocabulary, its
present a non necessary to know
the language
-authentic language
structures to
because texts,
understand contexts
dialogues, and
other aspects of
content tend to be
written specially to
teaching points are
sometimes not
representative of
the original
language use.
- Content can be
distorted if
textbooks present
an idealized view
of the world or do
not present real
 -Do not reflect
students' needs,
because textbooks
are written for
global markets,
may not reflect
students' interests
and needs and
therefore require
- It is a challenge
for the teacher, if
teachers make uses
of textbooks as the
primary source of
their teaching, as
the role of the
teacher can be
reduced if their
primary function is
to present materials
prepared by others.
Authentic materials
The novel "Harry Potter and the scorcerer's stone" by J. K. Rowling (1997) will be used.
It will talk about the author, the context of the work, the vocabulary of the book and its
cultural references.
The language that she uses is an everyday language, easy to understand. It does not use
scientific or cult vocabulary, in this way the student will learn in a more dynamic way.
The book has an endless vocabulary, which could be classified in different ways; one of
them could by groupings of word families:
- Quidditch: Golden Snitch, Bludgers, Broomstick, Quidditch robes, Quidditch field,
- Halloween: Bats, candles, pumpkins. firecrackers, decorations, ...
- Christmas, Christmas tree, tiny icicles, candles, holidays, lunch, branches, golden
bubbles, presents, toys, pudding, turkey, ...
- Library: library, books, shelves, rows. the librarian brandished,…
- Magic: goblins, wizards, magic, spells, enchantments, Ministry o´ Magic ...
Work in pairs: it allows communication between the couple, it is quite stimulating and
favors cooperation, but it also needs a strong presence of the teacher. We can leave the
choice of partner free or let the teacher choose them.

Actividad: Activity: Unexplained Events

Place Materials Groups
Classroom Free 5 people
Explanation of the activity

There are three inexplicable events before the one with the snake. Find them and have
a dialogue with one of them. In this, in addition, there must first be a description of
the place and the characters that will appear. Later represent it to your colleagues.
(Chapters 1 and 2 of the book.)

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