Sample Assignment 1 - 2 (BIP3193)
Sample Assignment 1 - 2 (BIP3193)
Sample Assignment 1 - 2 (BIP3193)
Assignment 1 - 20%
This assignment requires you to discuss issues related to the development of materials for
ESL learners.
Issue 1 ● Topic sentence to An issue that can be found in the material used in teaching
introduce the issue speaking skill is conventional approaches and strategies
are still used to which due to instructor's dominance,
learners are not actively learning.
● Provide a clear example For example, in the Pulse 2 which is Form 1 textbook
of the material by page 10, the activities seem very conventional and typical
inserting the image for students to do as the textbook takes control of the
teaching and learning approaches and strategies in the
classroom as well as other sources of material will not be
in use.
● Discuss the solution The instructor can ask learners to bring colorful pictures
and make reference to of different activities that students admire or objects that
Tomlinson’s principle/s students can relate with their favorite activities as this way
and other articles will increase students’ interest and excitement in sharing
and expressing themselves regarding their favorite
activities to do. Teaching students with objects and
photographs proffer for developing lessons to students’
interests and needs and at the same time creates students
with higher levels of visual literacy. Moreover, pictures
show expressions, unwritten details and context that help
us to compare and contrast. These details allow teachers to
analyze a little bit more complex details of character
development. This activity can be discussed with a partner
or in a group, before presenting in front of the whole
class. Tomlinson (2011) asserted the instructors also need
to offer choice in order to achieve impact with most of the
learners as the more varied the choice of topics, texts and
activities, the more likely is the achievement of impact.
● Provide a clear example Below shows an example of the Show and Tell Activity
of the material (insert that can be done using various topics or content with
the image if possible) learners.
Issue 2 ● Topic sentence to Providing texts or passages in a way that relates to the
introduce the issue ideas, customs and social behavior of different societies
that seems to be queer to the learners can also be one of
the issues in the material used in teaching reading skill.
● Discuss the problem Tomlinson (2011) clearly expressed that most learners are
and make reference to more at ease with texts and illustrations they can relate to
Tomlinson’s princple/s their own culture than they are with those which appear to
and other articles be culturally alien. Additionally, Tomlinson (2011)
highlighted that the feeling of ease can also be achieved
through materials which relate the world of the book to
the world of the learner. Howard and Major (2004)
indicate the vary topics, situations or skills must also
consider a learner’s culture and experience.
● Provide a clear example For instance, in the Pulse 2 textbook page 24, the passage
of the material by or text is regarding the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
inserting the image Students become automatically unfamiliar as well as
unable to make or show connection as the passage tells
about a festival that is celebrated abroad. Students also
lack knowledge related to the content.
Solution 2 ● Topic sentence to One way to manage the unfamiliar nor unrelated content
introduce the solution being provided to the learners is by relating reading to
other areas of learners’ life like providing them with
information of the festivals learners are familiar with in
their life.
● Discuss the solution Teachers can provide festival information that students are
and make reference to familiar with by explaining the background story of the
Tomlinson’s principle/s festivals and encourage them to read out aloud. For
and other articles example, the place of celebrations, about festivals,
festivals’ attire, dates of the festivals, community that
celebrate and many more. Students seem to learn better if
it is narrated in the form of a story. Beside that, teachers
can show learners appropriate festival images for their
reference as well as provide the experience base learners
require in order to profit from reading. By projecting
images, teachers are able to provoke deep thought from
students as they ponder the issues the image represents.
Howard and Major (2004) mentioned that
teacher-produced material should be able to allow
instructors to tap into learners’ interest and add personal
● Provide a clear example
of the material (insert
the image if possible)