PHET Waves Intro
PHET Waves Intro
PHET Waves Intro
Click on the green dot on the faucet and start the water flowing. Observe the waves. Compare what you see
with the water to the waves on the graphs.
1. Now increase the frequency. What happens with the number of waves?
Now choose the Speaker (sound) the bottom. Set to side view and the multiple waves. Put Frequency
and Amplitude in the middle (just like you did with the water) Choose Play Tone and Waves.
5. You can have your sound on - but don’t have it extremely loud. Push the green button for sound.
What do you notice about the waves?
7. Now increase the frequency. How does the speaker movement change?
8. What happens with the pitch of the sound? _______________ the number of waves? __________
9. Now decrease the frequency. How does the speaker movement change?
10. What happens with the pitch of the sound? _______________ the number of waves? __________
11. Increase the amplitude. How does the speaker movement change?
12. Does the pitch change? __________ What happens to the volume? ______________
13. Decrease the amplitude. How does the speaker movement change?
14. Does the pitch change? __________ What happens to the volume? ______________
Turn off the Tone. Click on BOTH (for particles and waves) Move the Frequency and Amplitude sliders
side to side (high to low) Watch the particles, especially the red dots.
15. Describe how the particles move wave energy.
Now choose Light at the bottom. Set the Frequency and Amplitude sliders in the middle.
17. Slide the frequency to the left (so a lower frequency). What happens to the color?
18. Slide the frequency to the right (so a Higher frequency). What happens to the color?
SUMMARY: Describe what you see (or hear) for each situation (the first column is filled in for you)
Light Bright