Epicor ERP Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
Epicor ERP Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
Epicor ERP Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
Revision: June 25, 2014 3:00 a.m.
Total pages: 15
Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Contents
Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy.......................................................4
AR Invoice Entry - Add Invoice..........................................................................................................................4
AR Invoice Entry - Action Menu........................................................................................................................7
AR Invoice Entry - Discounts and Taxes.............................................................................................................8
Cash Receipt Entry.........................................................................................................................................10
Apply Document............................................................................................................................................12
Reverse Cash Receipt.....................................................................................................................................13
AR Write Off and Adjustment........................................................................................................................14
Payment Instrument (PI) Receivable Entry........................................................................................................14
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
This hierarchy is a summary of common general ledger (GL) transactions posted from within the Accounts
Receivable (AR) module.
Note This hierarchy assumes your company uses an unmodified version of the Standard posting rules
delivered with the Epicor application. If you use the Extended posting rules, or if you need information
regarding an AR transaction that is not listed on this hierarchy, refer to GL Transaction Type Maintenance
and review the details of the AR Invoice posting rules.
In addition, this hierarchy does not include intercompany or consolidation transactions.
AR Invoice Entry
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
AR Invoice Entry -
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
AR Invoice Entry -
Discounts and Taxes
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
Apply Document
Apply Document
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
Reverse Cash
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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy
Payment Instrument
(PI) Receivable Entry
Receivables Account
AR PI PI Receivable Account
Payment 1. AR Account GL Control assigned
1. Payment Instrument GL
to the invoice to which you are
Control assigned to the
applying the Payment Instrument
Payment Instrument Receivable
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