Epicor ERP Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

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The document describes Epicor ERP accounts receivable transactions and the accounts that are credited or debited for each transaction type.

The document is about the transaction hierarchy for accounts receivable in Epicor ERP, including invoice entry, credit memos, cash receipts, reversals and adjustments.

Transactions described include applying invoices and credit memos, cash receipts, reversals of cash receipts and invoices, write-offs and adjustments, and payment instruments.

Epicor ERP

Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable

Transaction Hierarchy
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Revision: June 25, 2014 3:00 a.m.
Total pages: 15
Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Contents

Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy.......................................................4
AR Invoice Entry - Add Invoice..........................................................................................................................4
AR Invoice Entry - Action Menu........................................................................................................................7
AR Invoice Entry - Discounts and Taxes.............................................................................................................8
Cash Receipt Entry.........................................................................................................................................10
Apply Document............................................................................................................................................12
Reverse Cash Receipt.....................................................................................................................................13
AR Write Off and Adjustment........................................................................................................................14
Payment Instrument (PI) Receivable Entry........................................................................................................14

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

This hierarchy is a summary of common general ledger (GL) transactions posted from within the Accounts
Receivable (AR) module.
Note This hierarchy assumes your company uses an unmodified version of the Standard posting rules
delivered with the Epicor application. If you use the Extended posting rules, or if you need information
regarding an AR transaction that is not listed on this hierarchy, refer to GL Transaction Type Maintenance
and review the details of the AR Invoice posting rules.
In addition, this hierarchy does not include intercompany or consolidation transactions.

AR Invoice Entry - Add Invoice

Transaction/Program Action Debit Credit

AR Invoice Entry

Post Advanced Receivables Account Deferred Revenue Account

Billing Invoice
1. AR Account GL Control - 1. AR Account GL Control -
With the Deferred Customer Customer
Revenue option
2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config Company Config
Note: If you select the Deferred
Revenue check box on an invoice
line, the application credits the
Deferred Revenue Account.

Post Advanced Receivables Account Sales Account

Billing Invoice
1. AR Account GL Control - 1. Product Group GL Control -
Without the Customer Product Group
2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Revenue option
Company Config Customer
3. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config
Note: If you clear the Deferred
Revenue check box on an invoice
line, the application credits the
Sales Account.

Post Deposit Receivables Account Prepayment Account

Billing Invoice
1. AR Account GL Control - 1. AR Account GL Control -
Customer Customer

4 Epicor ERP | 10
Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Transaction/Program Action Debit Credit

2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config Company Config

Post Receivables Account Miscellaneous Charge Income

Miscellaneous Account
1. AR Account GL Control -
Charge Amount
Customer 1. Account from GL Control on
Miscellaneous Charge
2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config

Post Credit Memo Returns Account Receivables Account

1. AR Account GL Control - 1. AR Account GL Control -
Product Group Customer
2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Customer Company Config
3. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config

Post Advance Deferred Revenue Account Receivables Account

Billing Credit
1. AR Account GL Control - 1. AR Account GL Control -
Customer Customer
With the Deferred
2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Revenue Account
Company Config Company Config
Note: If you select the Deferred
Revenue check box on a credit
memo invoice line, the
application debits the Deferred
Revenue Account.

Post Advance Sales Account Receivables Account

Billing Credit
1. AR Account GL Control - 1. AR Account GL Control -
Product Group Customer
Without the
2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Customer Company Config
Revenue Account
option 3. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config
Note: If you clear the Deferred
Revenue check box on a credit
memo invoice line, the
application debits the Sales

Post Deposit Prepayment Account Receivables Account

Billing Credit
1. AR Account GL Control - 1. AR Account GL Control -
Customer Customer

Epicor ERP | 10 5
Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Transaction/Program Action Debit Credit

2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config Company Config

Post Receivables Account Sales Account

1. AR Account GL Control - 1. Product Group GL Control -
Customer Product Group
2. AR Account GL Control - 2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config Customer
3. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config
Note: A Sales Account can be
updated on an AR invoice line at
the time of invoice entry.

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

AR Invoice Entry - Action Menu

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

AR Invoice Entry -

Get Shipments Receivables Account Sales Account

- Post
1. AR Account GL Control 1. AR Account GL Control - Product
- Customer Group
2. AR Account GL Control 2. AR Account GL Control - Sold To
- Company Config Customer
3. AR Account GL Control - Bill To
4. AR Account GL Control - Company
• If a Sales Category is used (invoice
line or customer), the Department
segment comes from the Department
GL Control selected on the Sales
• If a Site is selected on the invoice, the
Division segment comes from the
Division GL Control selected on the
Warehouse or Site.

Post Reverses original AR invoice Reverses original AR invoice GL credit

Cancellation GL debit transactions transactions

Post Finance Receivables Account AR Finance Charge Accrual Account

1. AR Account GL Control 1. AR Account GL Control - Customer
- Customer
2. AR Account GL Control
- Company Config

Epicor ERP | 10 7
Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

AR Invoice Entry - Discounts and Taxes

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

AR Invoice Entry -
Discounts and Taxes

Post Discount Sales Discount Account Receivables Account

Amount (All
1. AR Account GL Control - Product 1. AR Account GL Control -
Invoice Types,
Group Customer
2. AR Account GL Control - Customer 2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config
3. AR Account GL Control - Company
*If a Sales Category is used (invoice
line or customer), the Department
segment comes from the Department
GL Control selected on the Sales
*If a Site is selected on the invoice,
the Division segment comes from
the Division GL Control selected on
the Warehouse or Site.

Post Discount Receivables Account Discount Account

Amount (Credit
1. AR Account GL Control - Customer 1. AR Account GL Control -
Memo, Part)
Product Group
2. AR Account GL Control - Company
Config 2. AR Account GL Control -
3. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config

Set Terms Payment Discount Receivables Account

Discount (On
1. AR Account GL Control assigned 1. AR Account GL Control
to invoice you are paying assigned to invoice you are

Sales Tax (All Receivables Account AR Tax Accrual Account

Invoice Types,
1. AR Account GL Control - Customer 1. Tax GL Control - Tax Type
2. AR Account GL Control - Company

Sales Tax (Credit AR Tax Accrual Account Receivables Account

Memo, Part)
1. Tax GL Control - Tax Type 1. AR Account GL Control -

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

2. AR Account GL Control -
Company Config

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Cash Receipt Entry

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

Cash Receipt Entry

Post Invoice Cash Account Receivables Account

1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account 1. AR Account GL Control
assigned to invoice you are
Note If the Reconciled AR
Balance check box is selected
on the bank record in Bank
Account Maintenance, this
transaction debits the Pending
Cash Account defined in the
Bank GL Control instead of the
Cash Account.

Book Cash Account Unapplied Cash Account

1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account 1. AR Account GL Control -
Note If the Reconciled AR
Balance check box is selected 2. AR Account GL Control -
on the bank record in Bank Company Config
cash on
Account Maintenance, this
transaction debits the Pending
Cash Account defined in the
Bank GL Control instead of the
Cash Account.

Post Cash Account Enter Account Number on

Miscellaneous Record
1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account
Note If the Reconciled AR
Balance check box is selected
on the bank record in Bank
Account Maintenance, this
transaction debits the Pending
Cash Account defined in the
Bank GL Control instead of the
Cash Account.

Post Deposit Cash Account Prepayment Account

1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account 1. AR Account GL Control -
(Allocated or
Company Config
Unallocated) Note If the Reconciled AR
Balance check box is selected

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

on the bank record in Bank 2. Option to enter Account
Account Maintenance, this Number on record.
transaction debits the Pending
Cash Account defined in the
Bank GL Control instead of the
Cash Account.

Post Debit Receivables Account Cash Account

1. AR Account GL Control - Customer 1. Bank GL Control - Bank
2. AR Account GL Control - Company
Config Note If the Reconciled
AR Balance check box
is selected on the bank
record in Bank Account
Maintenance, this
transaction credits the
Pending Cash Account
defined in the Bank GL
Control instead of the
Cash Account.

Book Bank Fee Bank Fee Account Cash Account

1. Bank Fee GL Control - Bank Fee 1. Bank GL Control - Bank
2. Option to change account on the
Cash Receipt (A/R Account > Bank Fee Note If the Reconciled
sheet) AR Balance check box
is selected on the bank
record in Bank Account
Maintenance, this
transaction credits the
Pending Cash Account
defined in the Bank GL
Control instead of the
Cash Account.

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Apply Document

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

Apply Document

Apply Credit Memo Receivables Account Receivables Account

CM created in AR Invoice 1. AR Account GL Control 1. AR Account GL Control -
Entry - Posted Credit Memo Posted Invoice to which you are
applying credit memo

Apply Credit Memo Unapplied Cash Account Receivables Account

CM created when 1. AR Account GL Control 1. AR Account GL Control -
unapplied cash posted in - Posted UR Credit Memo Posted Invoice to which you are
Cash Receipt Entry applying the credit memo

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

Reverse Cash Receipt

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

Reverse Cash

Reverse Deposit Prepayment Account Cash Account

Payment Credit
1. AR Account GL 1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account -
Control - Source Cash Source Cash Receipt

Reverse Invoice Receivables Account Cash Account

Payment Credit
1. AR Account GL 1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account -
Control - Source Cash Source Cash Receipt
Note If a Pending Cash Account
is defined in the Bank GL Control,
this transaction credits that account
instead of the Cash Account.

Reverse Account Selected on Cash Account

Miscellaneous Source Cash Receipt
1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account -
Payment Credit
Source Cash Receipt
Note If a Pending Cash Account
is defined in the Bank GL Control,
this transaction credits that account
instead of the Cash Account.

Reverse Unapplied Cash Cash Account

Unapplied Cash Account
1. Bank GL Control - Bank Account -
1. AR Account GL Source Cash Receipt
Control - Source Cash
Note If a Pending Cash Account
is defined in the Bank GL Control,
this transaction credits that account
instead of the Cash Account.

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Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy Epicor ERP Accounts Receivable Transaction Hierarchy

AR Write Off and Adjustment

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

AR Write Off and


Increase or decrease an Enter Account Number on Receivables Account

open invoice amount Record
1. AR Account GL Control
assigned to invoice you are

Increase or decrease an Receivables Account Enter Account Number on

open credit memo Record
1. AR Account GL Control
assigned to credit memo you
are adjusting

Payment Instrument (PI) Receivable Entry

Transaction/Program Function Debit Credit

Payment Instrument
(PI) Receivable Entry

Receivables Account
AR PI PI Receivable Account
Payment 1. AR Account GL Control assigned
1. Payment Instrument GL
to the invoice to which you are
Control assigned to the
applying the Payment Instrument
Payment Instrument Receivable

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