Centre of Gravity A

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Torque (Turning moment) Torque

Torque is defined as
T = Fd
T - Torque (Turning moment)-Nm

O F - Magnitude of force (N)

F d - The perpendicular distance

of the line of force from the axis.

Method - 1

10 sin 30° A O
30° 4.0 m 4.0 m


Torque = 10 sin 30° x 4 = 40 x ½ = 20 Nm.

Method - 2

4 sin 30°
30° A 4.0 m O 4.0 m


Torque = 10 x 4sin30 = 20 Nm.

Two force which are equal in magnitude and which are anti - parallel constitute a couple

* A couple can only produce a turning effect. F

* A couple cannot be represented by a single force.


Physics 01 Erendra chrysanthus

Total torque about O = F x OA + F x OB
= F x (OA + OB)
= F x AB
= F x d.

Torque due to a couple = one force x separations of the two force.

Conditions for equilibrium

A body is said to be in equilibrium if

1) The resultant force is zero in two perpendicular directions.
2) The total torque is zero about any axis.

The 2nd statement is also called the principle of moments

The total clockwise moment about any axis = the total anti-clockwise moment about the same axis.

Neither of the above conditions require that the body be at rest. A body may move with a
constant velocity & rotate with a constant angular velocity. And still be in equilibrium.

Concurrent forces

Concurrent force are force whose line of action intersect at a single point.

Concurrent force are in equilibrium if their resultant is zero.

a) If a body is in equilibrium under the action of three-non-parallel coplaner forces, then the forces must
be concurrent.
b) A particle is an object which has mass but is small enough to the considered as a point. The set of
forces acting on the particle must be concurrent.


Let a body be in equilibrium under the action of 3-force as shown below.


α ß

→ Since it is in equilibrium, the force are concurrent then. Lami-theorem states

= =
Sin α Sin β Sin θ

Physics 02 Erendra chrysanthus

→ This theorem is very useful in solving equilibrium problems.

Types of equilibrium

There are three types of equilibrium.

(a) (b) (c)

(i) Stable equilibrium A body is in stable equilibrium if it returns to its equilibrium position after it has
been displaced slightly (a)
(ii) unstable equilibrium A body is in unstable equilibrium if it does not return to its equilibrium position
and does not remain in the displaced position after it has been displaced slightly (b)
(iii) Neutral equilibrium A body is in neutral equilibrium if it stays in the displaced position after it has
been displaced slightly (c)

Centre of mass

The centre of mass of a body is the point in which the entire mass of the body is considered to act on.

→ If a force acts on a body such that its line of action passes through the centre of a body the body will have
linear acceleration but no angular acceleration.

→ Even when rotated the centre of mass moves on a straight line.



Centre of gravity

The centre of gravity is the single point in which the entire weight of the body can be considered to act.

→ A freely suspended body hangs in such a way that the centre of gravity is vertically below the pivot.
1nd pivot

2nd pivot
Centre of gravity of some regular shaped bodies. ↓↘ Mg

Physics 03 Erendra chrysanthus






Physics 04 Erendra chrysanthus


07. 13


09. 08.


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Physics 07 Erendra chrysanthus



21. 20.


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29. Find the C.G. of the Z-section shown in Fig. 5

30. A circular disc of 50 mm diameter is cut out from a circular disc of 100 mm diameter as shown in Fig. 6 .
find the C.G. of he section from A.

31. Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) An irregular body can have more than one centres of gravity.
(b) The C.G. of a triangle lies at a point where any two medians meet each other.
(c) The C.G. of a triancle lies at a point where the bisectors of all the three angles meet.
(d) All of the above.
(e) None of the above.

32. The centre of gravity of an isosceles triangle with base (p) and sides (q) is ……. From its base.

(a) 4p2 + q2 / 6 (b) 4p2 + q2 / 6 (c) 4p2 q2 / 8 (d) 4p2 + q2 / 8 (e) none of above

33. The C.G. of an equilateral triangle with each side (a) is ……….. from any of the three sides.

(a) α√3/2 (b) α√2 / 3 (c) α / 2√3 (d) α / 3√2 (e) none of above

34. The centre of gravity of a semicircle lies at a distance of ……… from its base measured along the vertical

(a) 3r/4π (b) 4r/3π (c) 4π/3r (d) 3π/4r (e) none of above

Physics 10 Erendra chrysanthus

35. The centre of gravity of hemisphere lies at a distance of ………. From its base measured along the
vertical radius.

(a) 3r/8 (b) 3/8r (c) 8r/3 (d) 8/3r (e) 8/2r

36. The centre of gravity of a right circular cone of diameter (d) and height (h) lies at a distance of …….
From the base measured along the vertical radius.

(a) h/2 (b) h/3 (c) h/4 (d) h/6 (e) h/8

37. A circular hole of radius (r) is cut out from a circular disc of radius (2r) is such a way that the diagonal of
the hole is the radius of te disc. The centre of gravity of the section lies at

(a) Centre of the disc

(b) Centre of the hole
(c) Somewhere in the disc
(d) Somewhere in the hole.
(e) none of above


The frame shown in the figure is made from a uniform wire. The centre of gravity of the
frame is most likely to be found at.

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

39. A uniform circular plate of radius 2R has a circular hole of radius R cut out of it as shown in
the figure. The centre of gravity of the plate with the hole is most likely to be found at

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) E

40. An object of mass m is hung by a string and is kept in equilibrium as shown in the diagram
by a horizontal force F. The magnitude of F is

(1) mg tan Θ (2) mg sin Θ

(3) mg (4) mg cos Θ
(5) mg / tan Θ

Physics 11 Erendra chrysanthus

41. A uniform bar of mass M is suspended from its midpoint by a spring balance. Two masses
m1, and m2 ( m2 > m1) are placed at the two ends of the bar. A wedge supports the bar at the
end B to keep it horizontally as shown in the figure. The reading of the spring balance

(1) 0
(2) m1 g
(3) (M + m1) g
(4) (M + 2m1) g
(5) (M + m1 + m2) g


A bird of mass m sits on a tightly stretched telegraph wire as shown in the figure. The
additional tension produced by the bird in the wire is

(1) zero (2) less the mg

(3) more than mg (4) equal to mg
(5) equal to ½ mg.

43. Figure shows a piece of metal in the shape of the letter ‘E’ cut from a uniform sheet. The
centre of gravity is most likely to be found at

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) E

Physics 12 Erendra chrysanthus

1. Identical laminae cut into the form of the lett E are pivoted vertically at X. If G is the
centre of gravity of the laminae, which of the states shown in the figure are at stable

(1) (A) and (C) only (2) (A) and (B) only
(3) (C) and (D) only (4) (B), (C) and (D) only
(5) (A), (C) and (D) only

45. Three masses A,B and C are hanging from horizontal crossbars as shown in the figure. Each
crossbar has negligible mass. If A has mass 6 kg, the masses of B and C respectively are

(1) 1.0 kg ; 1.0 kg

(2) 1.5 kg; 0.5 kg
(3) 3.0 kg ; 1.0 kg
(4) 0.5 kg ; 1.5 kg
(5) 1.5 kg ; 1.0 kg

46. A frame is made by joining three uniform rods P, Q and R having identical geometrical
dimensions as shown in the figure. Rods P and R are of the same mass, but the rod Q is
twice as heavy as P or R. When the frame is suspended freely from the point X, its
equilibrium position is most likely to be.

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Physics 13 Erendra chrysanthus

47. A person bends over and touches his toes as shown in the figure.

The center of gravity of the person is most Likely to be found


(1) A (2) B (3) C

(4) D (5) E

48. The diagram shows a uniform rod resting horizontally on two supports X and Y. The lengths PQ, QR,
RS and ST are equal. As Y moves from S to T, keeping X stationary, the reaction on the rod, due to X

(1) decreases and that due to Y increases.

(2) increases and that due to Y decreases.

(3) increases and that due to Y also increases.

(4) decreases and that due to Y also decreases.

(5) remains equal to that due to Y.

49. The co-ordinates of the centre of gravity of a uniform sheet of cardboard shown in fig. (a) are (x0,y0).
The cardboard is now folded along OP as shown in fig. (b), the centre of gravity of the folded cardboard
has co-ordinates (x,y) where

(1) x=x0
(2) x <x0;y<y0
(3) x > x0;y>y0
(4) x >x0;y <y0
(5) x<x0;y>y0

50. When a H shaped body shown in the figure is hung from

point B, it hangs with point D directly below B. When the
body is hung from point E, it hangs so that the point C is
directly below E. The center of gravity of the body is more
likely to beat,

(1) E (2) Q (3) R

(4) S (5) T

51. The water (H2O) molecule has the shape

shown in the figure. The center of gravity of
the molecule is most likely to be found at
(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
(5) T

Physics 14 Erendra chrysanthus

52. A uniform wire is bent as shown in the figure. The
center of gravity of the whole wire is most likely to
be found at.
(1) A (2) B (3) C

(4) D (5) E

53. The object in the shape shown is cut from a

uniform sheet of metal. The center of gravity of
the object is most likely to be found at,
(1) A (2) B (3) C

(4) D (5) E

54. The frame shown in the figure is made from a

uniform wire.
The center of gravity of the frame is most
likely to be found.

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

55. Three identical uniform books are placed on each

other as shown in the figure. The center of gravity of
the set of books is likely to be found at

(1) A (2) B (3) C

(4) D (5) E

56. A circular coin of radius R and mass M is placed so that it

touches a step of light R as shown in the figure. The minimum
value of the horizontal force F required to pull the coin over
the step is
(1) mg
__ Mg
(2) __ (3) Mg (4) Ö2Mg (5) 2Mg
2 Ö2

57. A toy in the form of a child-figure holding a section of a thin

ring, which carries two identical heavy metal balls, is made
from a thin metal sheet as shown in the figure. If the toy can be
balanced in stable equilibrium from the toe of the child-figure,
most probably the centre of gravity of the system can be found
close to a point

(1) P (2) Q (3) R

(4) S (5) T
Physics 15 Erendra chrysanthus
58. Water droplets drip at a constant rate from a tap as
shown in the figure. The centre of gravity of the
system of drops in the air is most likely to be found at

(1) P (2) Q (3) R

(4) S (5) T

59. Two identical uniform bricks of length L are stacked

without being toppled on a table as shown in figure. The
respective maximum possible values for l1 and 12 are.

(1) L , L (2) L , L
2 4 2 6

(3) L , L (4) L , L
2 8 4 4

(5) L , L
4 6

60. Figure shows a thin uniform L-shaped metal

sheet. The centre of gravity of the sheet is most
likely to be found at the point
(1) A (2) B (3) C

(4) D (5) E

Physics 16 Erendra chrysanthus



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