Resume: Professional Objective

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Pratik Bhikaji Veer

1st Floor,
C/O Mr. Dhanawade,
Opposite Adv. Pawar Banglow,
Kalishrinagar, Post. Birwadi
Additional MIDC,
Mahad- 402302
Mobile: 7769088393/8268731833
Mail ID:

Professional Objective
To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational
skills, educational background and ability to work well with people and will
allow me to expand upon my education and continue to grow.

2015: BE (chemical), Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering,
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai with 64% in BE
2008: HSC, K.D.S.H. and Jr. College, Patan, Tal: Patan, Dist: Satara
with 68.33%
2006: SSC, Bharat Vidyamandir, Kodoli, Satara with 79.33%

Projects Undertaken

 Academic Project
Biodiesel Production from Marking Nut Tree Oil successfully submitted
in the fulfillment of degree of Chemical Engineering.

 Industrial Project

At Metallurgical Products India Pvt. Ltd, Taloja

1) Worked on sulphuric and hydrofluoric acids recovery process:

Wherein, Raffinate solution from the current solvent extraction process
contains a mixture of two distinctive acids as mentioned above, needs to be
recovered and separated in order to reutilize. Thus a process and plant has
been designed where both acids will get separated at their boiling point
differences (Relative volatility) through evaporator.

2) Worked on ammonia recovery plant:

Wherein, NH4F solution received from Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 alkaline precipitation
operation contains measurable NH3% which can be further reutilized in the
same unit operation as well as in recovery operation. A process and a plant
thus designed and under working condition, where CaF2 is by-product and
NH4OH is a major product, which is further concentrated in a distillation
column and used process utility as liquid ammonia.

At Kopran Research Laboratories Ltd, Mahad

1) Worked on kilo scale to plant scale production of Sodium Hypochlorite:
Wherein, working under Technology Transfer Department (Scale-up Facility),
for stage 3 production of Pregabline , required raw material NaOCl was
successfully manufactured with required specifications.

2) Have successfully produced Nitroxoline, Ticagrelor and Amlodipine

Besylate, Azithromycin amine and Rivaroxaban under New Product
Development zone at scale up facility and validating the same for
commercial usage.

3) Successfully worked on chemical reactions like Hydrogenation,

condensation while performing NDP

Work Experience
From 20th Oct, 2018: Technology Transfer Officer – At Kopran Research
Laboratories Ltd, Mahad
Kopran is currently an integrated Pharmaceutical Company
manufacturing a large range of products. It manufactures both Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Finished Dosage Forms.

Job Responsibility:
1. To carry out various unit operations such as Atmospheric Distillation,
Centrifugation, Sparkler Filtration, Nutsche and Pressure Filtration,
Atmospheric Drying, Vacuum Drying, Vacuum Distillation, Milling and Sifting ,
Micronization etc.
2. To understand the process via lab demonstration.
3. To prepare lab demonstration report.
4. To prepare mapping of new product in pilot plant and in other plants.
5. To perform and monitor actual batches during scale up in pilot plant and in
other production plants.
6. To prepare Technology Transfer and validation report.

7. Handling deviations, OOT and OOS, Change control, validation - protocols

and reports, their presentation, troubleshooting as per process requirement.

From 15th May, 2016 to 8th Oct, 2018: Prod. Engineer – At Metallurgical
Proucts India (Pvt.) ltd, Taloja, Raigad
It’s a Metallurgical company producing Niobium, Tantalum and Calcium
based fine powdered products like Niobium Pentoxide, Tantalum Pentoxide and
Calcium Fluoride.

Job Responsibility:
1. To carry out various unit operations such as Ball-wet-milling, Acidulation,
Solvent Extraction, Filtration, Precipitation, Repulping, Recovery, Atmospheric
Distillation, Drying and calcination etc.
2. To carry out new process via lab demonstration.
3. To prepare lab demonstration report.
4. To prepare stock charts for store.
5. To work with proper safety in handling HCL, HF and H2SO4 like highly
acidic conditions as well as NH3 like Basic conditions.
6. To handle Manpower required for various sections of plant.

From 10th June, 2015 to 26th Apr, 2016: Jr. Prod. Engineer––Prasol
Chemicals Ltd, Honad, Khopoli, Raigad.
It’s a Petrochemical plant producing Acetone and Phosphorous based
products, have worked in production department of Isophorone Plant, and
worked with basic PLC operations.
Job Responsibility:
1. To carry out various unit operations such as Atmospheric Distillation,
Reactions, Feed Preparation, Decanting, Heat Recovery.
2. Making Daily shift reports and filling of logbooks entries.
3. Monitoring reactions on both PLC screen and manually.

Extra-Curricular Activities
1. Had been a part of “RScience 2k15”, the Chemfest organized in college by
chemical engineering department as an “Event Head in Cooling Tower Design”

2. Had participated in intercollegiate cooling tower design competition.

 Personal Information
Name - Pratik Bhikaji Veer

Fathers Name - Bhikaji Dadu Veer

Date of Birth - 22/12/1990

Gender - Male

Marital Status - Married

I, hereby declare that all the above information is true and best to my

(Pratik B. Veer)

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