Automatic License Plate Recoganization System Based On Image Processing Using Labview
Automatic License Plate Recoganization System Based On Image Processing Using Labview
Automatic License Plate Recoganization System Based On Image Processing Using Labview
Abstract – Automatic License plate recognition (ALPR) parts including license plate localization, character
system is one kind of an intelligent transport system and is of segmentation and finally character recognition which either
considerable interest because of its potential applications in has several subparts.
highway electronic toll collection and traffic monitoring
systems. This allows traffic fines to be automatically
generated and sent to the appropriate violator without the II. IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF ALPR
need for human intervention. An ALPR system can be
located on the side of or above a roadway, at a toll booth, or Selection of camera & CCD size:
at another type of entrance way. All ALPR systems follow a Selection of camera is very important concept to acquire
basic high level process. The process starts when a sensor high contrast image with maximum clarity, more accuracy
detects the presence of a vehicle and signals the system and more précised. CCD sensor is the heart of the camera.
camera to record an image of the passing vehicle. The image
is passed on to a computer where software running on the
computer extracts the license plate number from the image.
License plate numbers can then be recorded in a database
with other information such as time vehicle past and speed of
vehicle. And finally, chain code concept with different
Fig.1. Sensor Size
parameter is used for recognition of the characters. The
performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested on
real images. The Proposed system has been implemented
Selection of lens:
A. Lens Mounts: Common Types – C, CS, and F Mounts
using Vision Assistant & LabVIEW.
i). C Mount Lenses work with CS Mount cameras using an
Keywords – Image Acquisition, Image Scissoring, Vehicle adapter.
License Plate Detection (VlPD), Segmentation, Morphology ii). CS Mount Lenses can NOT work with C Mount or F
Algorithms, Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Mount Cameras.
iii). Mount Lenses work with C Mount cameras using an
B. Lens Format
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a
C. Focal Length
transportation intelligent control solution that nowadays
Focal Length = S x (WD / FOV)
inseparably combines with several technologies. This
S= sensor size
technique in software area is chiefly based on concept and
WD=working distance
principles of machine vision. However, different scientists
FOV=field of view
utilize these techniques along with various intelligent
D. Minimal Working Distance
structures and intuitive synthetic methods. In regard to the
Aperture, Depth of Field
essence of problem one can classify three factors as main
reasons and goals of researches. First is the accuracy which
itself is divided into two subclass including accuracy on
localization of vehicle license plate and accuracy on
recognizing the license plate characters. The second factor
is algorithm time complexity which is significant when the
science purpose is implementation. Third factor is
adaptability as we expect the intelligent agent, the
algorithm or the model has the ability to adapt itself with
environment to cope with dynamic outdoor conditions
therefore without human being intervention the expected
tasks has been done. Generally, this work divided into three Fig.2. Fundamental Parameters
1. Acquired image
2. ROI
3. Character Bounding Rectangle
4. Character
5. Artifact
6. Element
7. Vertical Element Spacing
8. Horizontal Element Spacing
9. Character Spacing
It is indeed a great pleasure and matter of immense
satisfaction for us to express our deep sense profound
gratitude towards all the people who have helped, inspired
us in our project work. First I would like to give our
gratitude to Dr. Jitendra Kumawat (Assistant Professor,
ASET) for the effort taken by him right from the selection
of the project to its completion. He spent his precious time
whenever I was in need of guidance.
Moreover I would like to thank Himanshu G. Bhavsar
(Director VBTech Automation, Ahmadabad, Gujarat,
INDIA), who was always there whenever we needed any
support and was a constant source of inspiration for
accomplishment of this project.
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Copyright © 2014 IJECCE, All right reserved
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
Volume 5, Issue 3, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X, ISSN (Print): 2278–4209
Rachana Chahar
received the B.Tech. degree in Computer Science
and Engineering from BMIT, Rajasthan Technical
University, Jaipur, India, in 2012, the full time
M.Tech. Degree in Computer Science and
Engineering from Amity University Rajasthan,
Jaipur, India, in 2014. Her research interests
include Image Acquisition; Image Scissoring; Vehicle license plate
detection (VLPD); Segmentation; morphology algorithms; optical
character recognition (OCR).
Jitendra Kumawat
received the B.E. degree in Computer Science and
Engineering from Sri Balaji College of Engineering
and Technology, Jaipur, University of Rajasthan,
India, in 2004, the M.Tech. degree in Computer
Science and Engineering fro Sri Balaji College of
Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Technical University, Kota, India, in 2010 and the Ph.D. degree in
Computer Science and Technology from the CMJ University,
Meghalaya, India, in 2013. He is currently Sr. Lecturer and Program
Coordinator in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Amity
University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, Since July 2011. His research
interests include Wireless cellular networks, Communication and
Networks and Security. He has about 10 years of teaching experience,
since 2004. He has served as lecturer, Sr. Lecturer and the life Member of
IET, India.
Himanshu G. Bhavsar
received his degree in Bachelor of Science With
electronics From Gujarat University, Gujarat, India.
He is Director of VBTech Automation, Ahmadabad,
and Gujarat, India. He is having more than 25 years
of experience in Industrial Automation, Laboratory
Automation, Process Control, Research &
Development and LabVIEW based automation. During his professional
carrier he has worked for multinational engineering, IT & automation
companies as Technical Director. He has started his own company
VBTech Automation in the year 2003 to provide exclusive IT enabled
Automation solutions on National Instruments LabVIEW platform. He is
one of the system integrator of NI to provide software /hardware based
automation solutions.