Computer Vision and Embedded Systems

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Computer Vision and

Embedded Systems
Computer vision and embedded systems are revolutionizing
industries, enabling intelligent automation and real-time decision-
making. This presentation explores their synergy, fundamental
concepts, and real-world applications to unlock the potential of a
more connected and efficient world.

par Emna Saadi

Introduction to
Computer Vision
1 Visual Understanding2 Pattern Recognition
Computer vision emulates Advanced algorithms
the human visual system, identify and classify
enabling machines to objects, faces, and scenes,
interpret and analyze powering applications like
digital images and videos. security, robotics, and
autonomous vehicles.

3 Cutting-Edge Technology
Rapid advancements in deep learning and hardware
acceleration are driving the evolution of computer vision
Embedded Systems and Computer Vision
Embedded Powerhouse Compact Integration Edge Computing

Embedded systems provide the Combining vision algorithms with Embedded systems can perform on-
computing power, sensors, and real- embedded hardware enables device processing, reducing latency
time processing needed to deploy standalone, energy-efficient, and and bandwidth requirements for
computer vision in the field. cost-effective computer vision time-critical applications.
Applications of
Computer Vision
Autonomous Vehicles Surveillance and Security
Computer vision enables self- Facial recognition, object
driving cars to perceive their detection, and activity
surroundings, detect monitoring enhance security
obstacles, and navigate and surveillance systems.

Industrial Automation Medical Imaging

Vision-guided robots and Computer vision aids in
quality control systems medical diagnostics, patient
improve efficiency and monitoring, and surgical
precision in manufacturing. guidance.
Fundamental Concepts of Image Processing
Image Acquisition Feature Extraction
Capturing digital images or video frames using sensors, such as Identifying and extracting meaningful visual cues, such as
cameras and scanners. edges, shapes, and textures.

1 2 3

Image Preprocessing
Applying filters and techniques to enhance image quality,
reduce noise, and prepare for further analysis.
Object Detection and

Image Capture Object Detection

Acquire digital images or video Identify the location and
frames using cameras and presence of objects within the
sensors. image.

Object Classification Output Generation

Determine the class or category Provide the detected objects and
of the detected objects. their classifications as output.
Challenges in Embedded Computer Vision

Limited Resources Real-Time Requirements Optimization Techniques

Embedded systems often have Computer vision algorithms must Careful optimization of algorithms and
constrained processing power, operate with low latency to enable hardware is necessary to overcome
memory, and energy resources responsive and time-critical the limitations of embedded platforms.
compared to larger computing applications.
Optimizing Computer
Vision for Embedded
Model Compression
Reducing the size and complexity of deep learning models to fit
within the constraints of embedded hardware.

2 Hardware Acceleration
Leveraging specialized processors, such as GPUs and TPUs, to
offload and accelerate computer vision tasks.

3 Algorithm Optimization
Streamlining and parallelizing computer vision algorithms to
improve efficiency and real-time performance.
Case Studies:
Embedded Computer
Vision in Action
Autonomous Drones Obstacle avoidance, target
tracking, and precision landing
using embedded vision

Industrial Robotics Vision-guided robots for tasks

like bin picking, quality
inspection, and assembly line

Smart Home Devices Facial recognition, gesture

control, and object detection
in intelligent home appliances
and security systems.
The Future of Computer
Vision and Embedded
1 Edge AI 2 Embedded Computer
Continued advancements in
on-device AI processing will Smaller, more powerful, and
enable more intelligent and energy-efficient embedded
autonomous embedded platforms will drive the
systems. proliferation of computer vision
in IoT and edge devices.

3 Intelligent Automation
The convergence of computer vision and embedded systems will
accelerate the development of smart, autonomous, and adaptive

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