Blood Agents and Their Countermeasures-2018
Blood Agents and Their Countermeasures-2018
Blood Agents and Their Countermeasures-2018
PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS Working Together For a World Free of Chemical Weapons
- Cyanide ion (CN-) binds to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule in red
blood cells.
- It distributes throughout the body via the bloodstream where it binds to the
metabolic enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. This prevents cells from using oxygen
and producing energy.
- Symptoms of hydrogen cyanide poisoning:
Headache, nausea, dizziness (mild doses)
Countermeasures including
Structure Effect
supportive measures
Nitrite oxidizes iron from the ferrous (+2) state to
the ferric (+3) state, increasing the concentration of
circulating ferric ion which competes for cyanide
Sodium nitrite/ Sodium Thiosulfate NaNO2/ Na2S2O3 binding to the ferric ion of cytochrome c oxidase.
(administered intravenously) Sodium thiosulfate binds to cyanide to produce
thiocyanate, which is less toxic and eliminated via
the kidneys.
4-Dimethylaminophenol (4-DMAP) Oxidizes iron from ferrous (+2) to ferric (+3) state at
(administered intravenously) a faster rate then sodium nitrite.
(a form of Vitamin B12 , administered
Binds to cyanide to form a complex that can be
cleared from the body via the kidneys.
Dicobalt EDTA
Caution: High incidents of side effects have
been observed in patients receiving this