7.2. Humans in Space Policy
7.2. Humans in Space Policy
7.2. Humans in Space Policy
immovable property, wills and negotiable instruments. Thus, this provision excludes the applicability
of the technology for such activities.
o Localization: Data redundancies are stored across all nodes on a blockchain network. Thus, the technology
may hit a hurdle with data localization requirements.
• Skillset and Awareness: Many projects
Global Efforts
which have started implementing
• European Blockchain Partnership (EBP), aims to use
Blockchain based applications are
blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and develop
confronted with a resource crunch of the a trusted, secure and resilient European Blockchain Services
skilled manpower. Infrastructure (EBSI) which will meet the highest standards
Key recommendations by National Strategy on in terms of privacy, cybersecurity, interoperability,
Blockchain regulation in applying policies etc.
• Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) is a Blockchain
This document provides an insight on the technology designed in Estonia to prove the authenticity of
strategies for metamorphosing Indian the electronic data (records) mathematically.
Blockchain ecosystem to make India as one of • United Arab Emirates has “Smart Dubai” initiative, which
the leading countries in terms of harnessing the aims to become the “first city fully powered by Blockchain
benefits of this emerging technology by focusing by 2021,” and enhance everything from health care,
on Technological and Administrative aspects. education etc.
Efforts in India
• Need for National Level Blockchain • MeitY has supported a multi-institutional project titled
Framework (NLBF): NLBF can aid in scaling Distributed Centre of Excellence in Blockchain Technology
deployments for developed applications, with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (c-
creating shared infrastructure and also DAC), Institute for Development and Research in Banking
enable cross domain application Technology (IDRBT) and Veermata Jijabai Technological
Institute (VJTI) as executing agencies.
• Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Blockchain technology was
o Government does not create any
established by NIC in association with NICSI. Its objectives
framework for the time being and include accelerating adoption & deployment of Blockchain
allows the ecosystem to evolve freely technology in Government.
with the active support of the • NITI Aayog has recognized Blockchain as a promising
government. Technology enabling features such as decentralization,
o In order to plan and implement NLBF, a transparency and accountability.
multi-institutional Centre of Excellence • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is exploring on applying
is proposed. Blockchain Technology in banking domain.
• Integration of important National Level
Services to Blockchain such as eSign, ePramaan, DigiLocker etc.
• Focus on research in the domains of standards & interoperability, scalability & performance, consensus
mechanisms, security & privacy, key management, secure smart contracts and detection of vulnerabilities in
Blockchain Technology based solutions is required for sustainability.
• Consultancy services can be offered in architecting the Blockchain based applications as different ministries /
departments are showing interest in adopting Blockchain Technology.
• Capacity building in Blockchain Technology need to be promoted by conducting short term courses or
• Regulatory aspects & Polices also need to be focused along with Infrastructure, Research, Technology Stack,
Testing & Certification and Capacity Building.
• Explore the potential of Blockchain Technology in the proposed public digital platforms in various sectors like
Agriculture, Health, Energy etc., for more security.