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Fishy Ferts
Worm Castings
Compost Tea
A Brewer's Guide

Bio Fungicides
Peak Phosphorus
Grow Gadget Reviews
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CO² Devices Day/Night Multi-Function Dual Outlet - 24 Hour Timer with
Fan Speed Controller 15 Minute Intervals
Plug ventilation equipment in, set the This 2 outlet timer features a 15
ATLAS 1 high and low fan speeds, adjust the day amp capacity to easily run lights,
CO2 Monitor/Controller and night mode and the controller will acti- pumps, fans and light movers.
Controls any 120 volt CO2 dispensing vate inline fans within the preset parameters. 96 – 15 minute segments that
system including Selene 1 & 2 Gen- can be configured to meet the
erators or Titan CO2 Regulators. NYX 1 most demanding requirements.
Day/Night Photo Controller
CO2 REGULATOR Set the daytime or nighttime switch to
control devices either while lights are on
Used to release CO2 from tanks. Com- or off. This includes products like light
Dual Outlet - 24 Hour Digital Timer
patible with Atlas 1 CO2 Controller or This 2 outlet precision timer can be
movers, light ventilation fans or pumps.
Apollo 1 Short Cycle Timer. set to as low as 1 minute intervals
with 8 separate timing schedules
Timing per day. Features a 15 amp capac-

SELENE 1 & 2 ity to easily run lights, pumps, fans

and light movers.
CO2 Generator – 4 & 8 Burner
The Selene 1 is for rooms
less than 300 sq. ft. and Repeat Cycle Timer with Photocell APOLLO 10
Selene 2 for rooms 300 Provides precision timing control of 240 Volt – 24 Hour Timer with
sq. ft. or larger. These fully CO2 devices, fans or pumps. 3 seconds 15 Minute Intervals
adjustable generators feature to 30 minutes “ON” time and 3 minutes to With a 10 amp capacity, this accurate
electronic spark ignition and a 8 hours “OFF” time. timer can operate your lights or any
tip-over switch for safety. other 240 volt equipment. 96 –
APOLLO 2 15 minute segments can be set to
meet any timing schedule you require.
CO2 INLINE HEATER Day/Night Cycle Timer
Controls accurate timing sequences of
Install between CO2 tank and
regulator to warm gas stream CO2 devices, fans or pumps. 10 seconds
to 20 minutes “ON” time and 1 minute to
to prevent regulator freeze up. Short Cycle Timer with Photocell
12 hours “OFF” time.
Controls timed equipment during the day-
time only, nighttime only or both. Tight
APOLLO 3 timing settings for the precision control of
Ventilation Fixed Cycle Timer your CO2 system, fan or pump. 5 seconds
Specifically designed to control aeroponic, to 30 minutes “ON” time and 5 seconds
ebb & flow, NFT (nutrient film technique) to 60 minutes “OFF” time.
and fogging systems. 1 minute “ON” time and
MERCURY 1 4 minutes “OFF” time.
Adjustable Fan Speed
Controller APOLLO 6 Lighting
Fully adjustable to tune your 24 Hour Timer with 15 Minute Intervals
ventilation system. Features a 15 amp capacity to easily
run lights, pumps, fans and light
4 Light Controller with
MERCURY 3 movers. 96 – 15 minute segments that
can be configured to meet the most
Built-in Timer – 120 Volt
Day/Night Fan Speed Controller Controls up to 4 – 1000 watt light
demanding requirements.
This unit will activate your fan to maintain the systems. Features a German made
daytime and nighttime temperatures timer and heavy-duty Seimens brand relay.
within your preset parameters. APOLLO 7 Timed 120 volt accessory outlet to activate light
movers or cooling fans.
24 Hour Digital Timer
This precision timer can be set to as low
as 1 minute intervals with 8 separate
timing schedules per day. Features a
15 amp capacity to easily run lights,
pumps, fans and light movers.
Environmental control products
for all your indoor gardening needs
Built with the finest quality components. • Digital and analog controlled devices. • Easy to operate. • Great warranty
program. • First rate technical support at 1-888-80-Titan. • RoHS compliant. • Heavy-duty construction. • Instructions
in both English & Spanish. • Easy to understand diagrams on most boxes illustrating typical applications.


4 Light Controller with Relay Inline Timers for Ballasts Day/Night Temperature Controller
Trigger Cord – 120 Volt – 120 & 240 Volt + CO2 Integration
Controls up to 4 – 1000 watt light These heavy-duty timers provide Features independent day and
systems. Features 120 volt relay trigger 24 hour lighting control for up to night temperature settings to
cord and heavy-duty Seimens brand relay. Timed 1000 watt ballasts. maintain the ideal climate in your
120 volt accessory outlet to activate light movers or growing environment. Activates
cooling fans. HADES 1 exhaust fans or heaters based
on set points. Integrated CO2
Hot Start 15 Minute Delay Timer outlet can activate/deactivate
Protects lights during power outage by activating a 15
HELIOS 3 minute delay before “restriking”. Prevents “hot start”.
CO2 Controller (Atlas 1) during daytime hours
based on temperature settings. Proprietary
4 Light Controller with 10 minute delay keeps CO2 contained before
Built-in Timer – 240 Volt activating exhaust fan.
Controls up to 4 – 1000 watt light Temperature
systems. Features a German made timer and
heavy-duty Seimens brand relay. Universal outlets & Humidity KRONUS 4
allow the use of different types of power cords. Temperature and Humidity +
Timed 120 volt accessory outlet to activate light CO2 Integration
movers or cooling fans. Independent temperature and
humidity outlets to control two
KRONUS 1 Digital
different devices (i.e fan and
HELIOS 4 Temperature and
accuracy with
the simplicity dehumidifier). Integrated CO2
4 Light Controller with Relay Humidity Controller outlet can activate/deactivate
of analog
Trigger Cord – 240 Volt CO2 Controller (Atlas 1) during
Maintains optimum controls
Controls up to 4 – 1000 watt light daytime hours based on temperature
temperature and humidity
systems. Features 120 volt relay trigger settings. Proprietary 10 minute delay keeps
in your growing space.
cord and heavy-duty Seimens brand relay. Uni- CO2 contained before activating exhaust fan.
24 hour control of your air
versal outlets allow the use of different types of Fourth outlet is connected to a photocell for
conditioner or exhaust
power cords. Timed 120 volt accessory outlet to night only activation.
equipment and
activate light movers or cooling fans. dehumidifier.
HELIOS 7 KRONUS 2 Day and Night Temperature Controller
8 Light Controller with Controls a fan, air conditioner or
Temperature and Humidity heater to maintain independent
Built-in Timer – 240 Volt Controller + CO2 Integration day and night temperatures in
Controls up to 8 – 1000 watt light
Controls exhaust equipment to your growing area.
systems. Features a German made
maintain temperature & humidity
timer and heavy-duty Seimens brand
relays. Universal outlets allow the use of
set points. Integrated CO2 outlet activates/
deactivates CO2 Controller (Atlas 1) during
different types of power cords. High Temperature Shut- off
daytime hours based on temperature & humidity
settings. Proprietary 10 minute delay keeps CO2 with Adjustable Delay
Controller turns off your lights if the high temper-
HELIOS 8 contained before activating exhaust fan.
ature exceeds the set point. Innovative adjust-
8 Light Controller with Relay able hot start delay with “hold” feature allows a
Trigger Cords – 240 Volt manual restart if desired.
Controls up to 8 – 1000 watt light
systems. Features 120 volt relay
trigger cords and heavy-duty Seimens DISTRIBUTED BY EOS 1
brand relays. Universal outlets allow Humidify/Dehumidify Controller
the use of different types of power cords. Controls either a humidifier or
dehumidifier to maintain the humidity
level in your growing space at the
VANCOUVER, W ASHINGTON U.S.A. desired set point.
Titan Controls® are available exclusively through our nationwide network of retail dealer partners.
Issue 014 February / March 2011

The Organics Issue
“The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.”
~Franklin D. Roosevelt

12 Is the Clock Ticking for Hydroponics? 60 The World of Worms

If you rely on minerals to fertilize your crops, brace Worm expert, Larry Martin, explains how you can
yourself for some bad news! make worms work for you.

16 The Global GMO Agenda 68 Stop the Rot!

Corporatist imperialism exposed by Wikileaks, ignored Emily Walter helps you avoid the dreaded mildew
by mainstream media. and flower rot with natural foliar sprays.

20 Organic and Mineral Nutrients 98 Eye Candy: Root Aphids

Don’t know the difference? We explain!

100 Las Vegas’ Hangover

24 Grow Store 105 Graham Foster compares the Vegas from the
The final installment of Hydroguy’s tour of the Grow movie The Hangover with the real thing.

105 Vide-oh-no!
Check out the world’s most controvesial music
30 Clever Containers videos!
Make way for the pots that get more from your plants!

40 Reusing Coco Coir 110 Product Test: Bluelab pH Meter

Our Technical Editor, Gareth Hopcroft, puts
Save money, save resources, save shipping!
Bluelab’s premium pH meter through its paces.
Oh, and bigger yields!

112 Incoming: Nutriculture’s NFT Tank

44 A Fish Called Fertilizer Europe’s #1 super high-yielding hydro system
Master gardener, Jeff Lowenfels, explores fish-based finally lands in North America!
fertilizer products.

117 Grow Gear

50 Organic Growing Indoors Q&A The latest kit that’s begging to be in your garden!
Simon Hart answers some interesting questions on
122 Rant: Your Letters
Unload your brain spunk on us.
56 In Deep: Expert Q&A on microbes,
nutrients and compost. 128 Starving Artist: Rocket01

74 86

Trichoderma in Hydroponic Systems Breeding Microbes with Compost Tea

Does the soil fungus also work in hydro? Unveiling the microscopic secrets of connoisseur
organic growers.

root production and
fruits and flowers.
All in the same line!!!



Available only on
Urban Garden Los Angeles Expo:
October 1& 2 BOOTH # 327-426

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October 16 & 17 BOOTH # 425-427-524-526

COCO MAX A NPK 4 4-0-1
0 1 AND
COCO MAX B 1-4-3
COCO 143
1. High
1 H
Hi h levels
l l off phosphorus
h h andd potassium.
2 P
2. Promotes i blooms.
massive bl
3 P fluctuation
3. PH fl i ffriendly.
i dl
4 M f
4. Manufactured d using
i g hi gh quality
high q li y raw materials.
i als.
5 F b
5. For both h grow and d fl
flower stage

AWA A LEAVES A & B NPK 5-0-35 0 3 0-4-4
0 4 4 AND
A A MAX A & B 4-0-6
AWA 4 0 6 1-5-3
1 . For
1. FFo ih R
or use with: k
Rockwool, l Hydroton,
H yd P li Etc.
Perlite, E
2 Contains
2. CCo i multi-purpose
ontains li EDDHA iron
i h l
chelates. .
3 Water
3. W soluble and immediately available.
4 Eliminates
4. Elliminates nutrient waste because of
ree-circulating capacity.
5 Trace
5. TTrrace elements that promote massive flowering.
flowerin ng.

TER R (soil/soilless)
l soilless) MAX
(soil/ AX NPK 2-2-4
1.. Highly
l concentrated.
Suitable for
f r all soil/soilless
fo l soilless mediums.
2.. Immediately l available
v ilable trace elements.
3.. Stimulates plant
l nt vigor.
4.. Promotes larger,r heavier blooms.
5.. pH Balanced

TERRA (soil/soilless) LEAVES NPK 3-1-4

1.. Highly Concentrated.
2. Suitable for all soil/soilless mediums.
3. Ideal composition for the mother plant.
4. Ensures a good plant mass.
5. Stimulates the fruit and flower setting.

Urban Garden Magazine has been brought to you by…
Editor All editorial is copyright. All rights reserved.

Everest Fernandez No part of this publication can be reproduced or be stored in any retrieval system in any

form without the prior permission of the

Technical Editor Publisher.

Gareth Hopcroft While every effort is made to ensure accuracy
no responsibility will be accepted for

Lifestyle Editor inaccuracies however caused. Contributed

Graham Foster material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Publisher.

Associate Editor The Publisher cannot accept responsibility

Boris Bell for any unsolicited materials. It is assumed that any images taken from sources that are

widely distributed such as the Internet, are

Marketing & Events Manager in the public domain. However, since such

Vicky Fox images are passed between sources such as

Resistance is Fertile...

T websites, the original source is not always
possible to trace.

he greatest change we need to make is Advertising Manager (North America)

Vicki Stanton The editorial policy and general layout of
from consumption to production, even if the publication is at the sole discretion of
on a small scale, in our own gardens. If the Publisher and no debate will be entered

only 10% of us do this, there is enough Advertising Manager (Europe) into. No responsibility will be accepted for

Emma Brute illustrations, artwork or photographs while

for everyone. Hence the futility of in transmission with the Publisher or their

revolutionaries who have no gardens, agents unless such commitment is made in

Account Manager writing prior to receipt of such items.

who depend on the very system they attack, and who Dave Vincent
produce words and bullets, not food and shelter. Urban Garden Magazine is published
by Massive Publishing Ltd in
~Bill Mollison, founder of modern permaculture. Production Director Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Russ Sealey
Everyone’s talking about a revolution. Some even say it’s T. +1 604 558 0420
being broadcast on Al Jazeera. But didn’t you listen to a word E.
Mr. Warhol said? The real revolution occurs in a place where Art Director W.
cameras cannot film. Can you think where? There really is no Pete Turner PO Box 88097
need to bother signing a petition on Facebook or writing to your
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6A 4A4
congressman. We have been trained for millennia to defer our
Photography and Illustration
responsibility to others. And look where that’s got us! Emma Godley
Nobody is in control—not the government, the Federal PRINTED IN THE USA
Reserve, the Catholic church, the Freemasons, the Jews, the Nazis
or the Neocons—not even the shape-shifting grays and their
NORTH AMERICA ISSUE 014 Contributors
international banking cartel. These are merely “epistemological Boris Bell, Gaby Bronstein, Chris Butcher, Everest Fernandez, Evan Folds,
cartoons” as my friend Terence once said. In other words, it’s Graham Foster, Dan Gulliver, Simon Hart, Chris Hidden, Gareth Hopcroft,
all in your head! Protesting, blogging, arguing back and forth Dr. Elaine Ingham, Rob Hunt, Hydroguy, Larry Martin, Lynette Morgan, Zac
or even hurling bricks through Starbucks’ window just affirms Ricciardi, Dr. Carole Rollins, Jeffrey M. Smith, Emily Walter, Andrew Clegg.

your ardent belief in these fictions. Get back to your gardens.

It’s not going to be easy. Humans have been bred, just like
modern vegetables, to such an extent that life outside the gates
of the industrial food system seems impractical, even backward.
It’s easier for us to play the disempowered fool and ignore the Urban Garden Magazine is designed in partnership with
atrocious wars that feed our parasitism than to break through PARA
our conditioning and start taking responsibility for ourselves.
So, if you’re ready to get your hands soiled, read on. You’d
better be! Let us know what you think of the new layout and
super geeky articles within! Here’s hoping that this incredibly
dirty issue of Urban Garden provides some inspiration for a true

“We must cultivate our own garden. When man was put in the Garden of
Eden he was put there so that he should work, which proves that man
was not born to rest.” ~ Voltaire

Is the clock ticking
for hydroponics?
If you think your plant fertilizers already cost too much
then you may wish to avert your eyes!

A report just out by the British Soil to an increase in prices for compost. - a process that is currently banned under
Association has revealed that mined He commented: “As fertilizer prices get EU law.
phosphorus, a key component in your higher composters will no doubt be able to It also praises the way organic farmers
hydroponic nutrients and other mineral- charge more for their product.” Currently use compost to nourish the soil. The
based fertilizer products, is set to run out a lot of compost that goes to agriculture report states: “Organic farming systems
after 2033. Finito! Growers and farmers is given away for free, or purchased at a already make use of many practices to
alike are going to have to look elsewhere very low cost by farmers. Mr Chambers reduce the need for mineral phosphate,
in order to feed their plants. Some growers explained that, although prices to including managing nutrient loss; using
are already embracing composting and agriculture were likely to increase, they farmyard manure, crop residues and
compost-based products in order to give would never reach the levels commanded green waste composts as fertilizers;
their plants the nourishment they need. by mined fertilizers. This is due to the fact increasing the availability of phosphorus
The report, entitled ‘A rock and a hard that compost is “bulky” and the associated to plants by encouraging microorganisms
place: peak phosphorus and the threat to transport and spreading costs will and mycorrhizal fungi; and using crops
our food security’, found that “the supply always be higher than those for artificial with high uptake efficiency.”
of phosphorus from mined phosphate fertilizers, he explained. Compost is already widely
rock could ‘peak’ as soon as 2033, after Jeremy Jacobs, Managing Director of acknowledged in the farming community
which this non-renewable resource the Association for Organics Recycling, as a way of nourishing the soil. Two years
will become increasingly scarce and commented: “It is known that both ago, when prices for nitrogen-based
expensive.” phosphorus and potash are significant fertilizers rocketed, many farmers turned
Composting experts have pointed out elements in compost which is why it is to compost to reduce their costs.
that compost, particularly that produced a useful soil amendment. Compost is an Mr. Chambers said: “Farmers like using
using green and food waste, is an excellent extremely valuable replacement and it compost if it is of a good quality and low
source of phosphorus and is already used should be promoted more.” The report in plastic. It is a good replacement for
by many farmers across the world. says that a lack of phosphorus to return expensive fertilizer and it is also the right
Brian Chambers, of environmental to the soil could lead to food insecurity. It thing to do.”
consultancy ADAS, said that the loss recommends that human waste should be
of mined phosphorus was likely to lead used as a fertilizer instead of being wasted Source:

A Hydrofarm Production

they came from

the farm. . .

featuring the

BIGGER – 30” x 41” The WIDEST WINGSPAN in the industry

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The Global GMO
agenda to control
the World’s food
has been exposed.
So now what?
“Control oil and you control nations;
control food and you control the people.”
Henry Kissinger
Nearly thirteen years ago, a 150-second TV media firestorm that ultimately kicked
broadcast changed our world; everyone GM foods out of European supermarkets,
everywhere owes a debt of gratitude and derailed the industry’s timetable to
to the man whose life it turned upside quickly replace virtually all food with
down—in his effort to protect ours. On genetically engineered alternatives.
August 10, 1998, eminent scientist Dr. However there was barely a whisper of
Arpad Pusztai dared to speak the truth. the story in the US or Canadian media. that France might pass environmental
He had been an enthusiastic supporter of It’s the same story today. The latest laws that would hinder the expansion of
genetic engineering working on cutting batch of diplomatic cables released by GMOs:
edge safety research with genetically Wikileaks reveals a US-led conspiracy to
modified (GM) foods. But to his surprise, force genetically modified foods (GMOs)
his experiments showed that GM foods on to European countries by making those
“Europe is moving backwards
were inherently dangerous. When he countries pay a steep price if they resist. not forwards on this issue with
relayed his concerns during a short But will you find any mention of this huge France playing a leading role,
television interview in the UK, things story on CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC? No. along with Austria, Italy and even
got ugly. With support from the highest Maybe it would raise too many questions?
levels of government, biotech defenders The cable details the words of Craig
the [European] Commission...
quickly mobilized a coordinated attack Stapleton, then the US ambassador Moving to retaliation will make
campaign trying to distort and cover up to France, who had been pushing the clear that the current path has
the evidence. commercial interests of the biotech
real costs to EU interests and
It worked for a while, but when an industry by attempting to force GMOs
order of Parliament lifted Dr. Pusztai’s into France. In his own words (below), he could help strengthen European
gag order, the revelations touched off a expressed his frustration with the idea pro-biotech voices.”

How To Fight GMOs

1. Avoid eating processed foods! 2. Grow your own! 3. Demand better labeling 4. Spread the word
If you must, choose products that There’s no better way of Unlike in Europe, New Zealand, Educate yourself on the dangers of
are certified organic. The use of knowing what’s in your produce China or Japan, food products genetically modified food and tell
genetically engineered organisms than to grow it yourself. containing genetically modified your friends about it.
is prohibited under organic foods Choose heirloom, organic seeds. ingredients do not have to be Visit,
standards. Learn how to save seeds labeled as such in North America.,
Download a shopping guide: from one crop to the next. This was a key victory for the Watch the movie “The World According to Share with your friends biotech industry— Monsanto” on YouTube. Read Jeffrey M. Smith’s bestselling book “Seeds of Deception.”
guide.pdf and family. keeping you in the dark!

Stapleton goes on to say something
“Stopping GMOs is simply a
rather incredible. Remember, you were Genetically modified organisms
never supposed to read this! numbers game. When enough
(GMOs) are created by taking genes
shoppers stop buying GMO from organisms such as bacteria,
“Country team Paris brands, the food industry will viruses, or animals and inserting them
recommends that we calibrate kick out all genetically modified into other, often unrelated, species.
a target retaliation list that (GM) ingredients. This happened Unlike traditional breeding, genetic
causes some pain across in Europe, and it’s happening in engineering creates new organisms
that would never occur in nature,
the EU since this is a collective the US with GM bovine growth
creating new and unpredictable
responsibility, but that also hormone (rbGH). We need about environmental risks. The term
focuses in part on the worst 5% of US shoppers-15 million ‘genetically engineered (GE) food’
culprits. The list should people or 5.6 million households- refers to any product containing or
be measured rather than to choose healthier non-GMO derived from GMOs. In North America,
vicious and must be sustainable brands in order to generate up to 70 percent of the processed
foods found in grocery stores contain
over the long term, since we a non-GMO tipping point.
GE ingredients. The most common GE
should not expect an early It’s just a matter of reaching ingredients come from crops like corn,
victory...” enough people. That’s what our soy, canola and cotton. Biotechnology
educational tools and talking companies like Monsanto genetically
The global GMO conspiracy is no longer
a theory. This cable proves, once and for
points are designed to do.” engineer these crops to produce
a pesticide or to withstand the
all, that there is a global GMO conspiracy
Jeffrey M. Smith, application of herbicides. They also
where government operatives work in
collusion with corporations to push the bestselling author of OWN these crops via patents which
biotech industry’s GMO agenda while “Seeds of Deception” means they can control who grows
punishing opponents of GMOs and adding and “Genetic Roulette.” the seed and prohibit farmers from
them to a “target retaliation list.” saving seed.
Google “Definition of Fascism” if you
need to. COMPILED BY: Boris Bell
Hydroponics & Organics
What’s The Difference?
Many newcomers to the world of
gardening mistakenly believe that the
difference between hydroponics and
organics simply lies in the bottles they
choose to buy. The organic grower buys
the bottle with the word “organic” on it
and the hydro grower buys the “hydro”
stuff. It’s a tempting over-simplification
but, in reality, the difference in both
practical approach and growing
philosophy goes a lot deeper.
WORDS: Everest Fernandez

Nutrients: Hydroponics Nutrients: Organics

Hydroponic nutrients contain a precise Organic nutrients … well, we should
balance of elements needed by your stop right there. It’s more accurate to
plants to grow and bloom. I like to use speak of organic inputs, rather than
the analogy of an astronaut’s health- nutrients. That’s because organic
shake—one of those mega-nourishing growers rely on bacteria and microbes
drinks that contains everything they to mineralize or ‘break down’ these
need to go on space walks, play cards, complex organic substances into ionic (plant accessible) nutrients. They can also be
and whatever else astronauts do all brewed at home in compost tea. These bacteria and microbes are present in healthy soil.
day. Liquid hydroponic nutrients are They can also be brewed at home in compost tea. Organic inputs are largely naturally-
derived from mineral salts that have occurring, unrefined materials that will fertilize plants through the action of microbial
been mined from the earth and then mineralization. These organic fertilizers include sugar beet extracts, worm castings,
chemically synthesized using fossil guano, animal manures, compost, blood meal, bone meal, fish products (meal/emulsion/
fuels to create inorganic fertilizers. hydrolysate), alfalfa meal, feather meal, seaweed, unrefined naturally occurring
These fertilizers are in a ionic form that minerals (glacial rock dust, soft rock phosphate, Epsom salts) and many, many more.
plant roots can access and assimilate Manufacturing liquid organic nutrients is a complex process that involves the selection
immediately. of key ingredients that will stay stable and soluble.

If you’re new to the concept of ‘microbial mineralization’ try thinking of the earth
as one giant compost heap. This amazing hidden world of microbiology does the
work of cycling this organic matter back into a form that plants can use. It’s the
reason why the Amazon rainforest thrives without any additional fertilizer!

Hydroponics is a preferred method of cultivation, especially commercially, because it
affords the grower increased control over the nutrition available to the plant. When
factors such as nutrient pH, strength and temperature are well managed the results can
be astonishing—huge production is possible from the smallest of spaces.
Organic growers, on the other hand, will counter that their chosen method is more
sustainable as it does not rely on large quantities of fossil fuel energy required to purify
this finite mineral resource. Exponents of hydroponics often counter this with the fact
that recirculating hydroponic growing systems use up to 90% less fresh water than
conventional growing methods!

Can we use both?

Exponents of bioponics and aquaponics organic molecules that will decompose
claim they have successfully merged rapidly (in a couple of days), to allow
organics with hydroponics and combined continuous nutrition availability from
the benefits of both. When you consider start to finish. This fast decomposition
the very different approaches in terms process is activated and sustained by the
of plant nutrition, this is no mean feet! introduction of beneficial microorganisms
Simply adding organically derived liquid contained within a ‘biofilter’, in which
Language often holds in itself inputs to a hydroponics system is not bacteria and fungi (particularly
more wisdom than the wisest going to cut it. (We’ve seen many growers Trichoderma harzianum) feed on the
try and fail!) There are many reasons for carbon part of organic molecules and
of those that use it. The word this but the primary cause is the absence release the ions attached to them, which
of the microbiology needed to breakdown
“hydroponics” literally means is exactly what plants are looking for.
the organic inputs into plant-accessible
“water working” – the water form. Other problems include organic
nutrient solutions going ‘bad’ and clogged
does the work of carrying the drippers. Most organic nutrient solutions
nutrients to the roots and the are unable to stay stable in a hydroponic
reservoir for more than 24-48 hours, which
job is done. In organic, soil- often leads to a smelly sludgy soup, the
For more information on the development
of this ‘Bioponic’ Nutrient – see the article
based growing, or “terraponics” growth of bio-films and clogged pipe work.
There are a number of exciting new in Urban Garden Magazine Issue 6 (08/09 –
growers focus on “feeding the technologies that may help us to combine 2009) My Quest for “Bioponics”, or visit our
soil” rather than feeding the hydro with organics. William Texier website:
from General Hydroponics Europe has
plant. The soil, or rather, the developed a concept he calls ‘BioPonics’. This year we will also see new lines of
microbiology within it, does the Four years of research and development nutrients coming onto the market that
resulted in the BioSevia Grow and Bloom claim to deliver the power of hydroponics
“work” of getting water and nutrients, the ingredients of which are
in an organic boxing glove! Here at Urban
soluble, derived from approved organic
nutrients to the roots, usually Garden HQ, we look forward to testing the
sources and proven to remain stable in
in some mutualistic exchange a hydroponic reservoir. It is a complex
claims of the emerging ‘organic hydroponic
combination of already dissolved nutrients’ and sharing our findings with you
that benefits all concerned. ions from organic origin, and larger in 2011!
Garden Protection,Temperature
Temperature& &COCO


2 2
TMP-DNe temperature
temperature andand
HLC-2e HLC-1e

Temperature TMP-1 TMP-DNe Temperature
Shutdown Coolingororheating
thermostat interface allowing
interface allowing
shutdown independent
crop of day and night
of day and night
eventofof temperatures. Also has
overheating. and 7 degree temperature temperatures. Also has
and 7 degree temperature
overheating. differential coordinated CO
coordinated CO control.
2 2 control.
HLC-3e HLC-2e


interruptions Thermostat
totoavoid Best
expensive thermostat
indoor Temperature
Temperature && Humidity

Shutdown&& gardening
industry. Control, Combined
Control, Combined
Minute On-DelayTimer
On-Delay Entry level unit forfor
NFT-1e HLC-3e

Timer Entry level unit


Temperature first time gardener,
first time gardener,
Shutdown Adjustable
Recycle allows both temperature
Shutdownand and1515Minute
Minute Timer
allows both temperature
(double TimerDay/Night
Day/Night and humidity
and humidity control
Combines needing
needing precisetiming
precise timing
functionsofofboth Temperature && Humidity
both intervals. Temperature Humidity
HLC1-1e intervals.Great
HLC-2e. controlling
Control, Independent
Control, Independent
2 Same features asas
Same features AIR-1


Timer Variable
Speed except temperature and
except temperature and humidity
Set precisioninterval
precision interval Controller areare
controlled independently.
timers. ControllerDay/Night
Day/Night controlled independently.
minute Designed
on, 4 minutesoff;
4 minutes off;NFT-2e increase Temperature, Humidity,
NFT-2e increaseorordecrease
decreasethethe Temperature, Humidity,


speed &&COCO Control, Combined

minutes speedofofcentrifugal
fans 2
Control, Combined
depending Temperature and
off. dependingononday/night
day/night Temperature and
set humidity control
points. humidity control
C.A.P. Systems
Systems combined.
combined. Also includes
Also includes
coordinated CO
coordinated CO 2
(just add medium and nutrients)
(just add medium and nutrients) Temperature, Humidity, &&

Temperature, Humidity,

Control, Independent
Control, Independent
Same2 great features of the AIR-3
Same great features of the AIR-3
with independent temperature
with independent temperature
and humidity control. Also
and humidity control. Also
includes night on outlet.
includes night on outlet.

Humidity / Dehumidify

Humidity / Dehumidify
Control manages the
Ebb Monster System Accurately manages the
Ebb Monster System relative humidity of your
12 pot System, expandable to 48 relative humidity of your
12 pot System, expandable to 48 grow environment.
Ebb & Gro System grow environment.
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6 pot System, expandable to 12 sites.
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We don’t just build controllers – we manufacture stress free gardening. No THE INDUSTRY’S ONLY
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works in conjunction
Controls every aspect of
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with the CO2-2e, CO2-4e including lights, fans,
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parts per million CO2 CO2.

CO2 Monitor/Controller XGC-1e

Standalone CO2 Greenhouse Controller
Same great features as
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in addition of Fuzzy Logic
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The best value, least

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the addition of an exhaust controller on the market.
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CO2 Generators CO2 control for optimal plant
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GEN-1 & GEN-2 Propane & CO2 Regulators
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Natural Gas CO2 Generators generators.
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Photocell Controllers
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420 Harley Knox Blvd. Perris, CA 92571 • 888.639.9112 •
Store 105
The Other Stuff and
Then Some by Hydroguy
Making sense of some of the less obvious products a person can purchase at a grow store
can be a rabbit hole of confusion. Such is the case with the product types chosen for
Grow Store 105, aptly subtitled “The Other Stuff,” a term I have previously used to describe
the numerous compounds contained in organic nutrients. In this instance I’m using the term
to catch some of the more confusing product types that we haven’t already discussed and,
specifically those which I believe hold most promise of being beneficial.

Wetting Agents
Wetting agents are primarily used to it to bond to the leaf surface; it will reduce
increase the effectiveness of foliar the tension between the air and the water
applications. The term is a common name as well, allowing the solution to spread.
given to a class of compounds called The wetting agent is a unique particle,
surfactants, or surface acting agents, illustrated quite similar to a sperm, with
based on their observed property of a water-attracted head and a water-
reducing the surface tension of liquids. repelled (or organic-attracted) tail. The
We all know water is wet, so “making head nestles comfortably bonded to water
water wetter” seems obtuse at first, but molecules while the tail is free to bond
the term exists because of the notion that to leaf surfaces or a waxy or oil based
water acts as it does simply because of the (organic) particle. In cases of oil-based
force of cohesion of water molecules to products designed to be sprayed on leaf
other water molecules, and this results in surfaces (such as neem oil), the surfactant
surface tension at the boundary of water acts within the solution reducing the
and whatever it has contacted. When surface tension between the oil and
an aqueous solution, such as a diluted the water, which is more appropriately
pesticide, is sprayed onto a waxy leaf termed interfacial tension—the tension Spraying the leaves of foliage is
surface, tension is formed where the water where the oil and water interface. To
contacts the leaf, and the solution will produce an emulsification of oil and the most common, but not the
tend to bead and run off the leaf because water, where the oil appears to be mixed only use of wetting agents in
it is repelled. A surfactant, when included in solution with the water, a surfactant is
with the solution, will reduce the tension usually used since it can effectively unite hydroponics.
between the water and the leaf, allowing the two otherwise opposing compounds.

Spraying the leaves of foliage is the most
common, but not the only use of wetting
agents in hydroponics. There is another
possible benefit from wetting agents,
and that is the enhancement they can
give to the uptake of root-fed nutrients,
based on the interactions between the
wetting agent, the nutrients, and the
target plant species. Wetting agents used
in this fashion have been found to allow
a reduction of fertilizer usage with each
application, since more of the nutrients
that are irrigated to plants find their way
into a plant than without the use of a
wetting agent. There are several wetting
agents available on the market that have
been formulated for agricultural use, but
not all of these will necessarily work to
improve uptake.

Catalyst Altered Water [CAW]

You may have heard of “Lourdes healing molecules and has a powerful negative
waters,” “living water,” or some other magnetic field. The negative surface of
dubious “magical water” claim, which the micelle attracts and unites water
CAW increases the you probably ignored—understandably. molecules, generating chains of water
uptake of fertilizer Catalyst Altered Water is no doubt that permit nutrients to be carried more
perceived in the same light by a lot of effectively.
so well that using people, yet in truth it is a unique, and Dr. Willard and his colleagues claim
possibly beneficial, adjuvant (helper) they have witnessed a reduction of
full-strength nutrients in both foliage feeding and nutrient one-half to one-third of fertilizers with
with CAW can cause irrigation. Catalyst Altered Water could the inclusion of Willard’s Water at the
be a catchall for any water that has been rate of 2 oz (60 ml) to 15 gallons (57 L)
plant roots to burn. catalyzed, but in most instances (as in of water, and this has been supported
this article) it refers more specifically by third-party commercial greenhouse
to a solution invented by the Professor tests in the U.S. and Canada. In fact, Dr.
Emeritus of Chemistry at the South Willard states quite cautiously that CAW
Dakota School of Mines and Technology, increases the uptake of fertilizer so well
Dr. John Willard. that using full-strength nutrients with
The story of Dr. Willard and how CAW can cause plant roots to burn. CAW
he came to invent the CAW is pretty can be used to improve the health and
interesting, but let’s just focus on what it germination rate of seeds, as a substrate
is and does. The active ingredient in CAW soak for clones, and can be sprayed on
is a tiny micelle, which is a silicate colloidal the root system of rooted cuttings or
particle illustrated somewhat like a seedlings during transplant. As a spray for
pompom. Surfactants can form micelles foliage, Dr. Willard recommends reducing
in high concentrations and pressures, but the pesticide or nutrient by one-half, and
most micelles in chemistry are notably notes a list of additional benefits, which
toxic. Dr. Willard created a micelle that include nitrogen acquisition from the
would cleave the bonds of carbon chains air, as well as delivering a host of plant-
(intended for train engine spark plugs) available nutrients from lignite if the
out of very common substances including CAW XXX product (containing dissolved
road salt and castor oil. His micelle is lignite) is used.
10 to 100 times larger than most water
In Grow Store 101 we discussed the “short list” of vitamins and minerals that humans
need to survive, and I compared this to the “short list” of micro- and macronutrients
that plants need. So what about vitamins for plants? You might already be aware that
vitamin products exist, but without knowing what they have been found to do, you will
not necessarily be able to maximize their potential benefits. It is not necessarily as easy
as picking a “vitamin product” off the grow store shelf and calling it a do-all vitamin
supplement. Various vitamin compounds have been shown to induce different plant
responses, and we will soon see that “plant vitamin science” is still, more or less, a work
in progress.

Vitamin B (Thiamine) Vitamin C Vitamin D

The most common vitamin type found Lets look at a vitamin that most people Another vitamin that is synthesized
in hydroponics products, vitamin B is an have never even imagined giving to a naturally within plants, vitamin D has
ingredient within various supplements plant. If you do not recall ever reading been shown to produce growth responses
designed to increase root growth, vitamin C as an ingredient on any bottle in plants, promote adventitious root
as well as to reduce plant stress and of plant food or supplements, you are not growth, and is a critical player in the
transplant shock. Vitamin B is one of the alone. Yet, lo and behold, not only have absorption of Calcium to plant stems.
most confidently used vitamins in the researchers found that plants respond to Compared in function to the rooting
hydroponics industry, so a grower may vitamin C, they even go so far as claiming it hormones IBA and NAA, Buchala and
be amazed to learn that a University of is essential for plant growth! Now, before Shmid published a paper in July 1979
Colorado State publication has effectively you get too excited, let’s first note that the suggesting vitamin D and its analogs
attempted to debunk what it calls a scientists at Britain’s University of Exeter should be a new class of growth simulators
“gardening myth.” are not endorsing pipe dreams—they are affecting root development.
As it goes, back in the 1930s there was a not saying feed your plants vitamin C, but
study done by James Bonner on isolated they are stating that plants contain gene
pea roots cut from their growing medium. coding for the production of an enzyme
The roots were placed in culture with called ‘GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase’
thiamine present and such a dramatic that endogenously produces vitamin C at
response was observed that Bonner particular stages of a plant’s growth. Not only have
concluded that thiamine was “essential to So is there any reason to seek a plant
the growth of pea root.” What Robert Cox vitamin supplement that contains vitamin researchers found
points out in his brief debunk sheet was C? Some researchers at the University of
that thiamine is normally produced in California may think so, since they have
that plants respond to
the leaves of the plant and transported to reported an increase of photosynthetic vitamin C, they even
the root. In the absence of a plant system, response as well as production of various
where the roots have been removed, they bio-chemicals when a plant’s enzymes, go so far as claiming
will respond and continue to grow with called dehydroascorbate reductase, it is essential for plant
exogenous applications of thiamine. In were manipulated to create higher
normal circumstances, he concludes, concentrations of vitamin C in leaves. If growth!
where vitamin B has been tested on intact manipulating plant enzymes is not your
production crops such as corn, tomatoes, thing, Synnöve v. Hausen published a
beans, pepper, and watermelon, among study in Nature showing that 40 mg of
others; there is no evidence it provides ascorbic acid (vitamin C) added to a sterile
any type of growth response. Researchers liquid growing medium increased the dry
at the University of California concluded weight of the treated plants over that of
the same, noting there was “no discernible the control plants by 35–75%.
differences in color or vigor among

Humus: I often refer to peat and coco as “nearly ground-up clothing”
in an exaggerated illustration of the non-composted fiber quality it
has in comparison to soil. This is not to be taken literally, but there is
still a very distinct contrast between good rich dark earth and the
common peat-lite or coco substrates used. And the primary difference,
as I see it, is humus.
Because a lot of modern growing substrate is marginally composted
it lacks the qualities and benefits that humus provides. Humus increases
nutrient exchange capacity and water retention, chelates heavy metals, promotes microbial life, and is considered by some the
life force of soil primarily responsible for fertility and soil quality. Humus that is not entirely decomposed can provide more
readily available nutrients to plants and microbes and contains a high percentage of fulvic acids, but it is not as effective for soil
conditioning. The best way to get the benefits of humus is to mix well composted material into your substrate that is high in
organic matter

Humic Acid Fulvic Acid

There are varying qualities of humic acid The distinction between humic and fulvic electrical current that allows minerals
depending on the source of lignite or acids is not always made in literature, to interact with each other much more
leonardite used. Some humic acids will as fulvic acid can be considered a low easily. Interfacing with plants, fulvic
contain heavy metals as contaminants, molecular-weight humic acid. Fulvic acid, acid has been found to stimulate plant
and these contaminants are referred to which is derived from the more active enzymes, promote microbial activity
as ballast and ash. Humic acid is used partially composted humus, is used to around the root zone, enhance a plant’s
largely for soil conditioning, improving improve the uptake of nutrients, promote natural resistance to disease, increase
texture and water retention, and giving the conversion of nutrient elements into root respiration and formation, increase
soilless media a more biologically active plant-available forms, and to improve the germination and viability of seeds, as
component. “Humic acid” here refers nutrient transport through plant cell well as many other perceived benefits to
specifically to the less active and high walls. As a natural and organic electrolyte, gardeners.
molecular-weight humic acid products. fulvic acid is capable of conducting an

Paramagnetic Earth
Now we’re going to look at something paramagnetic materials in various
cut straight from the bizarre—or cut containers, placed adjacent to the roots of
from a basalt mine, to be more specific. plants within a growing media.
Paramagnetic earth is a sort of group- One researcher who was a part of
all name for volcanic rock that exhibits extensive tests on basaltic paramagnetic
varying degrees of paramagnetism, earth and plant development in Australia
which means “attracted to magnetic notes, “stones have a secret life that
fields.” To be straight from the hop, the involves two equal and opposing
idea of paramagnetic earth being any magnetic forces, the plus and the minus of
benefit to plants, as a direct result of the nature, the yin and yang of the Chinese.” in ways perceived positively by growers,
paramagnetic qualities of the substance, As silly as that may sound to a lot of is probably true until proven otherwise.
is not something necessarily believed readers, myself included, his point is well One last thing to note is: where
even by researchers who work ardently taken regarding the secrecy of such forces paramagnetic material has been found
to prove the hypothesis. Unfortunately when we are relating to the interface to increase stem and leaf length,
for them, the notion has held firm between plants and magnetic materials. ferromagnetic material was shown in one
against all forms of tests that isolate the Studies are not entirely conclusive, but test to decrease stem length. Will iron
paramagnetic material from the growing it is looking to date like the notion that filings then promote tighter internodes?
substrate, including researchers placing paramagnetic earth affects plant growth Who nodes?

Was that crazy enough for you? Or have we only just scratched the surface? Let us know
what you think by emailing us at

Clever Containers in Action
This illustration shows how air
pruning works in a breathable
fabric pot.
Shortly after the cutting/seedling

is planted into the pot, primary
roots grow towards the sides and
bottom edges.

CONTAINERS The fabric sides of


the pot allow it to

Plant pots. What a breathe, letting air
get to the growing
beautifully simple growing
media. This air is
system. Fill it with potting drier than the root
soil and voilà - you’re good zone environment
to go. No wonder that this within the pot, so
technique dates back to as the roots start
to grow out of the
ancient times. growing media
the relatively
In fact, fragments of Egyptian dry air prevents
horticultural pottery have been dated further growth,
as far back as 10,000 years. These pots and stimulates
are thought to have been used simply secondary roots to
for portability between settlements. The branch out within
Romans, however, are presumed to have the pot.
been the first to have grown perennial
plants in pots with the intention of 3.
bringing the plants inside during periods The root branching
of cold weather.
and pruning cycle
Until the 1950s, most plant pots you
keeps repeating,
could buy at your local gardening store
creating a plant
were made of terracotta clay—then
with an abundance
along came plastic, a substantially
of healthy, well-
cheaper more durable and lightweight
branched roots within
product. However, not all gardeners were
convinced plastic was a good idea, and for the growing media.
good reason. Unglazed terracotta pots
insulate the root zone from hot and cold
temperatures and, because clay is porous,
the pots are able to “breathe”—albeit with
only the small amount of air that’s able
to pass through the clay pot. Many old-
school gardeners claim this as the main
reason they can produce better plant
growth using clay pots rather than plastic.

“Plastic pots are far from perfect! Which means of course, that there’s room for improvement.”

It’s pretty obvious why plastic pots with However, plastic pots are far from SO WHAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH
solid sides are now the norm; they’re perfect, which means of course, that STANDARD CONTAINERS?
cheap, more practical and durable than there’s room for improvement. It turns
clay and, of course, featherweight in out that with a few design modifications Remember, Mother Nature didn’t create
comparison. many of the fundamental problems plant pots. Humans did! In normal plastic
Also, although they restrict air, there’s associated with standard plastic pots plant pots, roots grow until they hit the
no arguing that they work, and in most can be reduced, if not eliminated. inner edge and then invariably the roots
cases they work pretty well. start circling around the inside wall of the

Air Pruning Key Benefits of
Essentially, air Clever Containers
pruning is a physical
technique that Stronger, healthier
inhibits root growth starts.
from extending are air pruning and root trapping.
beyond its growing Elimination of root Understand how these techniques work,
media circling in pots. and you’ll understand how plant pot
design can be vastly improved!
Less growing media
Decreased risk of
Essentially, air pruning is a physical
transplant shock.
technique that inhibits root growth from
extending beyond its growing media, or
Improved overall root
circling around its container, by exposing
structure (more root
the root tips to relatively dry air and
stopping their growth. As these roots now
have nowhere else to grow, it stimulates
Better use of water and
further growth of secondary roots that
branch out from them within the growing
media. These secondary roots will spread
Promotes the activity of
throughout the pot until they reach the
beneficial biology.
sides and bottom and get air pruned again,
stimulating more root growth and more
Quicker growing times.
root hairs. More root hairs = more root tips.
More root tips = more water and nutrient
Fewer transplants
uptake. The overall effect of this growth
and pruning cycle is the establishment of
a well-developed root system in a relatively
short space of time throughout the growing
Root Trapping
Root Trapping may be a new
concept to some growers.
With root trapping the root
Root trapping may be a new concept to
tips become physically
some growers; it involves a more mechanical
trapped in the pot material, approach to the problem than air pruning.
which is made from coarse With root trapping the root tips become
felt or some other fabric. physically trapped in the pot material,
which is made from coarse felt or some
other fabric. When a root tip grows into the
material at the edge of the pot it becomes
trapped, preventing horizontal and vertical
growth around the edge of the pot. I know, I
know, words like “trapped” and “preventing”
don’t sound good. But, because the root tip is
unable to grow any further at the pot’s edge,
it’s forced to branch and grow secondary
roots within the growing media. This all
pot. Now in this case, being on the fringe thing is for sure - these outer roots are adds up to a more effective root zone.
isn’t such a good thing because roots like certainly not taking advantage of all the Parallels with the above techniques can
cool and moist conditions, and plastic pots water, nutrients and beneficial biology be made with the plant growth we observe
can get fairly warm, especially under grow that may be present within the growing above the ground. Most gardeners know
lights or when exposed to direct sunlight. media. that pruning a lateral branch or terminal
Roots that are circling around the inside So how do you get the roots to (uppermost growth tip) can create a more
edge are more susceptible to the negative concentrate their growth within the productive plant. You cut and remove the tip
effects of excess heat (no media to provide growing media? The answer actually to encourage lateral branching and in this
insulation), drought (edges of growing lies in providing a consistent restrictive way create a fuller, bushier plant with more
media tend to dry out first) and disease environment for root growth at a pot’s branches. The same can be done for the root
(unhealthy roots suffering in these edges. This can be done in a variety of structure; air pruning and root trapping is all
conditions are more prone to disease). One ways, but the most common techniques about encouraging lateral root branching.
There are many containers These can be classified into FABRIC CONTAINERS
in grow stores and garden two general categories: fabric
centers that have adopted and plastic containers. Here’s Generally, fabric containers are relatively inexpensive, can be used
air pruning or root trapping a list of clever containers with a variety of growing media, and are suitable for hydroponics
capabilities, or a combination with brief descriptions of systems (ebb & flow and drip irrigation), as well as the basic hand-
of both, into their designs. how they work. watered application.

High Caliper - RootMaker – Aurora innovations - Square Root

Smart Pot RootTrapper II Root Pots Aeration Containers
Made from black, custom, These containers are made Made from 100% recycled Utilizing a slightly different
non-woven, polypropylene using thick felt, and as the name materials, the Root Pots approach, these containers
material, Smart Pots use a suggests, utilize root trapping to certainly have an authentic, have a space saving square
combination of root trapping encourage root branching. The recycled look to them. The design. The soft, breathable
and air pruning. The root tips felt is lined with an outer white breathable fabric allows air fabric provides adequate
grow into the fuzzy fabric of plastic layer that is designed to pruning of the roots to occur, drainage at the base and
the pot and become trapped; keep the internal temperature which prevents root circling. aeration through the sides,
the breathable fabric causes of the container cool as well as This fabric pot helps with allowing air pruning to occur.
the root tips to become air prevent evaporative moisture thermal insulation during cold The black fabric helps to keep
pruned. The black fabric loss. The white outer coating also temperatures, and also allows the substrate warmer during
helps to warm the growing reduces the risk of roots dying evaporative cooling during hot cold temperatures and cooler
media (outdoors in the early on the sides that are exposed to conditions. Root Pots are re- during high temperatures.
season) and also allows heat direct sunshine. This can happen useable for three to five years,
to escape via the breathable with black containers. Water use and are also biodegradable.
material (evaporative cooling can be reduced because there are
action in summer). Smart no large drain holes at the bottom
“The soft breathable
Pots are highly durable. The or evaporative sides. The base “Made from 100% fabric provides adequate
smaller sizes now come with is made from a slightly different recycled materials, the drainage at the base
handles too! material that allows for adequate
Root Pots certainly and aeration through
drainage. These felt pots are
“Smart Pots are reusable, but trapped root tips will have an authentic the sides, allowing air
highly durable...” remain in the fabric. recycled look to them.” pruning to occur.”
Sizes Available: 1-2-3-5-7- Sizes Available: 1-2-3-5-7- Sizes Available: 1-2-3-5-7-10- Sizes Available: ½-1-3-5-7-
10-15-20-25-30-45-65- 10-15-30-45-60-100-150- 15-20-30-45-65-100-150-200 10-20-30-100
100-200-300-400 (Gallon) 400-500 (Gallon) 250-300-400-500-600 (Gallon) (Gallon)
5 Gallon MSRP: $5.95 5 Gallon MSRP: $7.25 5 Gallon MSRP: $4.00 5 Gallon MSRP: $5.95

Root Pouch -“Diamonds and plants should last forever, not nursery pots!”
New to the industry, the Root Pouch is a patented, degradable fabric container. Available in 1-600 gallon sizes, the Root
Pouch boasts all the features you come to expect from breathable, fabric pots. The pouches are made from recycled
plastic water bottles and natural fibers and are one of the few degradable fabric containers currently on the market.

Sizes Available: 1-600 (Gallon) 5 Gallon: $TBC

Driven To

These high-tech plastic containers are more expensive than fabric “Clever containers” have some historical roots; clay pots with many holes
pots, but are more durable and can be reused time and time again. in the base and lower sides have been made in Greece for over 3000 years!
Like the fabric pots, they are suitable for use with many types of These perforated pots allowed growers to bury them partially in the soil to
growing media, and for indoor and outdoor gardening applications. allow the roots to grow out in an effort to minimize transplant shock.

Air-Pots RootMaker II - RootMaker II - Injection RootBuilder II

Propagation Tray Molded Containers
Air-Pots have a somewhat These plastic propagation Larger versions of the These pots have a similar
unusual design, the sides cell trays have either 32 or propagation cells, these plastic design to the Air-Pots. The
of the pot are made up of 60 cells. Within each cell pots have a tiered design walls are assembled around
inward- and outward-pointing there are three tiers and with multiple small holes on a bottom disk to create
cones, much like an egg box, in the corner and sides of each tier to allow air pruning either a 3- or 5-gallon
and the bottom is plastic these tiers are small holes. to occur and stop roots container. These walls have
mesh. The inward pointing These holes allow air pruning circling around the pot’s sides. outwardly projecting funnels
cones are solid whereas the to occur during the initial These are available in square with holes at the tips.
outward pointing cones are propagation stages, which and round variations in the Root growth is directed
open ended. The purpose of prevents root circling. 1-gallon size, but are available toward the holes at the end
these inward-pointing cones only in the round design for the of these funnels, where the
is to deflect the roots and 3- and 5-gallon containers. roots get air pruned. The
stop them from circling within
“These plastic The Root Makers are made shape of the container is
the pot and, more importantly, propagation cell largely from recycled plastic. designed to direct the roots
to direct the roots towards the trays have either to the air holes, but it also
outward-pointing cones. This 32 or 60 cells. “...these plastic pots creates shade to keep the
exposes the root tips to air, container and the root zone
which causes air pruning.
Within each cell have a tiered design cooler, which also helps to
there are three with multiple small holes improve plant growth. The
“the sides of the tiers and in the on each tier to allow air RootBuilder II containers
have solid root-directing
pot are made up of corner and sides pruning to occur and
bottoms, which direct the
inward- and outward- of these tiers are stop roots circling roots towards the edges of
pointing cones...” small holes.” around the pot’s sides.” the pots.

Sizes Available: 0.3-0.8-1.2- Sizes Available: Sizes Available: Sizes Available:

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“These high-tech plastic containers are more expensive than fabric

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Grower Feedback and Tips
QUICK ESTABLISHMENT standard pots. This means you could that have grown into the fabric to rip,
potentially decrease the size of your which can often be felt as the pot is lifted.
The quickest way to see the benefits containers without the risk of a plant So, when lifting or moving fabric pots it is a
of the various root-pruning containers becoming root bound; you would also good idea to support the bottoms.
described above is to use them in the early save floor space and reduce the amount of
stages of propagation and vegetative growing media. However, if you do reduce FILLING TECHNIQUE
growth, when plants are establishing their the volume of your pot, an increase in
root systems. Growers using root-pruning water requirements should be expected. A few growers we spoke to who use Air-
containers observe quicker establishment Pots and RootBuilders reported that they
into new pots (whether these are larger MOVING POTS had to spend more time during the potting-
root-pruning containers or larger normal up stages when adding the growing media
pots), improved root growth and overall One of the advantages of growing in a to the pot. The growing media in these pots
plant vigor. pot—any pot—is the ability to move it needs to be slightly more compacted than
around the garden to suit your needs. in normal pots; frequent tapping down
SMALLER VOLUME Obviously this is still possible with all root- during the filling is absolutely crucial to
pruning containers, but the fabric pots ensure all the growing media settles in all of
Plants grown in root-pruning containers need some extra care. Lifting any fabric the outward-pointing cones/funnels. Some
demonstrate an ability to cope with being pot using the rim will cause the sides to growers tip the pot on its side while filling
containerized for longer, when compared stretch, even more so when they are wet it with growth media to ensure that it fills
to plants of a similar age in the same sized and heavy. This often causes the root tips every nook and cranny - very important!

Of the majority of growers we spoke to, all Tip: Consider installing a drip irrigation system
found the growing media to dry slightly to water your plants. These are an excellent way
quicker than usual. Most said this was not to deliver water slowly in order to achieve an even
as significant as they thought it would be; and steady re-saturation.
the average report being a 10-20% faster
drying time. When growing in standard pots, if the growing media has been allowed to
dry out more than usual, the water can run straight down the sides making it difficult to
re-saturate. The same goes for Air-Pots and RootBuilders, but instead of water running
down the sides, it runs out the outward-pointing cones. To avoid this instant run-off you
need to re-saturate with small amounts, and water slowly.

“Of the majority of growers we spoke to, all found the growing media
to dry slightly quicker than usual.”


While it’s important to match pot size to plant size, transplanting can be a chore! One of
the great benefits most growers can achieve with root-pruning containers is the reduced
amount of necessary transplants—particularly when growing with potting soil. For
years, commercial nurseries have experienced time- and labor-saving benefits, and now
many indoor growers are taking advantage of some of these same benefits.

When growing in standard pots and potting soil, With root pruning containers this can be
most growers would go through three to five (and significantly reduced, with most growers only
in many cases more) potting stages - for example: having to use two potting stages - for example:
Propagation cube > 0.3 gal > 1 gal > 3 gal > 5 gal. Propagation cube > 0.3 gal > 5 gal.


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Most growers using root-pruning containers are growing with potting soil and hand watering.
However, other growers are choosing to use clever containers for automated growing
applications—particularly drip irrigation systems. Growing media that are more prone
to drying out faster, like rockwool and clay pebbles, are much more suited to automated
Nearly all types of growing media are suitable for use in root-pruning containers, but we did
hear of one minor issue from growers using clay pebbles in Air-Pots in automated drip systems.
These growers are happy with the improved growth of their plants, but found that some of
the outward-pointing cones became blocked with pebbles when filling. They solved this by
tapping the sides of the pot and poking the obviously blocked holes.


Air pruning can be applied to any stage of plant growth; however, most growers avoid
air-pruning roots of newly rooted cuttings or seedlings grown in small propagation cubes

EVEREST’s TOP TIPS or plugs. Cuttings and seedlings are quite tender stages of a plant’s life, so a sensible
approach would be to wait until the next propagation stage to begin air pruning: when
plants are growing in larger rock wool blocks or low volume root-pruning containers.

FILLING To help deal with over- and under-watering

issues, seasonal variations in climate should
be taken into consideration when choosing
The relative humidity of the air in the growing
environment will determine the severity of the
air pruning. In humid conditions, roots may stop

POTS: Top Tip

the growing media or potting soil mix for short
cycle plants in air-pruning pots. During the
winter when average temperatures are lower,
growing at the surface of the media and produce
secondary roots within the media, but the tips
may not completely dehydrate. Although we want
the growing media can be lightened up with less the roots to stop growing in response to contact
whenever filling pots with absorbent media like perlite, clay pebbles or with drier air, we don’t want to stress the plants
growing media, be sure to tap coarse coco chips. During summer when water by trying to grow them in an environment with
the sides and bang the bottom requirements increase, the mix can be made low humidity (below 50%). Experimenting with
of the pot on the floor. This heavier by reducing the previously mentioned different relative humidities for your species and
will help to settle the growing additives. These seasonal variations will help you variety of plants and growing media is highly
media, preventing large gaps achieve the maximum potential when using air- recommended. Try varying the humidity between
or air pockets forming. Avoid pruning techniques. 55-80% to see it affects your air pruning.
pushing and firming down the
growing media with your hands
as this will compact it.

Grow Up!
Grow Up!
Gold Label Substrates
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were the first manufacturers of a professional hydroponics substrate and we still offer the best quality substrates available world-wide.

Gold Label Hydrocorn Gold Label Coco

An absolute inert clay pebble, Gold Label Hydro is The best buffered coco in the market with a very low
made from the highest quality clay and baked with EC, Gold Label Coco is RHP for Horticulture certified.
clean fuels guarantees absence of heavy metals or This not only guarantees a clean and buffered
other contaminates. These stable clay pebbles assure substrate, but also a production process with respect
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Get professional results on a professional substrate. and a renewable resource, light and airy, can hold
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Grow. Bloom. Harvest.
Dump all that media. Buy a load more.
And start all over again.
It’s a cycle that many of us, as indoor gardeners, are all
too familiar with. Whether you choose to grow in soil,
coco coir, rockwool, clay balls or soilless mix, chances
are, when the crop’s been chopped, invariably it’s back
to your local grow store to reload with fresh media.
However, it turns out that lots of indoor growers
(especially those growing short-cycle annuals) choose
a different route. They reuse their growing media! And
before you think this is just the preserve of penny-
pinching hippies, it turns out that it’s not all about
saving a few dollars – it could increase your yields too!
Aha, there we go … increased yields …
that’s all we needed to say, wasn’t it?

It’s worth pointing out that not all growing media

is suitable for re-use. So first, here’s what you REUSING MEDIA:
should factor into your evaluation:
Structure stability Nutrient retention Practicality

Now let’s look at coco coir in these three terms. About the authors: Robert Hunt is the owner of Rocky Mountain
Coco coir, as a soilless growing media, is usually a Hydroponics in Golden and Edwards, CO and of Evergreen Garden
Center in Portland, ME. Zac Ricciardi is the products trainer for Rocky
mix dust and fiber, but some mixes can also Mountain Hydroponics in CO.
contain larger coir chips.

1 Structure Stability 2 Nutrient Retention In the early days when coir

Good quality, buffered coco coir, will keep most of its Buffered coir remains relatively was first introduced into
attributes throughout its useable life. However, the chemically stable throughout its life, the hydroponic market,
structure of steam sterilized coco coir will degrade particularly when used with a coco
faster than its un-cooked counterpart. For the coir specific nutrient; formulated to
the pre-treatment process
purpose of this discussion we will assume that the complement the unique cation exchange was overlooked. Young
coco coir is soft water washed, unpasteurized and properties of the media. Coco coir can be non-composted and non-
chemically buffered; this represents the majority easily EC controlled by monitoring the
of coir available to hydroponic growers. Coco coir’s EC of the run-off. Watering with a low
buffered coir products were
miniature “sponges” will become misshaped and EC nutrient solution will reduce its EC sold without instruction
smaller towards the end of their life, resulting in without rinsing off the famous buffer. and many growers suffered
less air space between particles and an overall If plain water is used in excess, the coir
higher water holding capacity. Even though this is may be rendered chemically imbalanced major nutrient issues and
a slow process, some adaptation in watering may and may create problems in subsequent lost crops. Although these
be required. After using coir for short cycle crops, culture. On the other hand, coir reacts
days are behind us, this
amendments with 10-20% fresh coir or perlite may quickly to low EC rinse and thus it
be required when being reused for the 3rd and requires much less run-off than peat initial introduction to coir
4th cycle. Care must be taken with the irrigation mixes. Unpasteurized coco coir is also a tarnished its reputation as
regime and nutrient program to insure the coir has very hospitable substrate for its natural
an adequate life span. Principally, good watering beneficial fungal inhabitant trichoderma,
a quality growing media for
practices and monitoring run-off EC (keeping it making it a very disease resistant and many years.
within optimal range) will permit seamless re-use. root protective growing medium.

What is Coco Coir?
Grab some coco coir out of the bag and, at first glance, it looks like soil. But it isn’t. It’s actually a
bi-product comprised of the fibrous husk of … you guessed it … coconuts. From this husk three main
Fine horticultural coir products can be acquired; coir chips, coir fiber and coir pith/dust. The dust retains
Coco Dust water well while the fibers and chips help with air space and drainage. Many mixes and grades of coco
coir are on sale in grow stores, variations of coir media exist to suit the irrigation strategy or hydroponic
system of the grower. Coco coir dust is the major constituent of most coir products and is composed
of millions of capillary micro-sponges that absorb and hold up to nine times its own weight in water. It
has a natural pH of around 5.7 to 6.5, plus good a cation exchange capacity or ‘CEC’ (how easily it gives
up nutrients to the plant’s roots), making it ideal for hydroponic cultivation. Plants grown in coir can
develop large roots, stems and blooms. Unlike regular potting soil, which can easily become compacted,
coco coir has plenty of air spaces for plant roots, giving rise to a healthy aerobic rhizosphere—essential
Coco Coir with
for favorable nutrient and water uptake. Coco coir has a naturally high lignin content which encourages
high fibre
favorable micro-organisms around the roots and discourages decomposition, making it an ideal growing
media for reuse.

Buffered and Non-Buffered Coco Coir

Coir coir in its natural state contains a lot of sodium ions, which cling to the coco coir like a magnet on
the cation exchange sites, and is also rich in potassium. In order to make coco coir suitable for use as a
growing media it must be pre-treated or ‘buffered’ before use. The buffering process involves pre-soaking
Coarse the coir for 12-24 hours with a buffering solution high in calcium; this displaces the sodium and balances
Coco Coir the naturally occurring potassium. After the soaking period the media is washed with water, this removes
with high chip the displaced sodium, leaving the calcium in the coir. This buffering process prevents unwanted draw
content down or ‘lockout’ of calcium and magnesium, and avoids sodium toxicity issues. Luckily for us home
growers, most pre-packaged coir products in grow stores are buffered at the point of manufacture and
will be ready to use, however; it doesn’t hurt to check the packaging before use!

3 Practicality Preparations and Conclusion

The widely held belief in the Coco coir can often produce better results on the second
gardening industry is that coir may Once the media is ‘clean’, the or third use; this can be due to a number of factors. Coir
be used for up to one year, or three addition of beneficial microbes is can get better after the first successful crop because
to four crops for short cycle plants, highly recommended. Coco is an there will be a stable balance of ions on the cation
without any compromise on crop ideal environment for beneficial exchange sites, leading to subsequent crops starting
quality. Others growers claim that bacteria and fungi, in particular, life with an improved root environment. Another
they have successfully re-used coir the introduction of trichoderma reason growers often see improved results is due to the
for years. The amount of times and mycorrhizal fungi will help beneficial microbes present in media, these take time
that coir cam be utilized ultimate maintain good growth and disease to develop and flourish; particularly mycorrhizae and
depends on the initial quality of the resistance. Inoculating coco coir Trichoderma, which can reach much higher potentials
coir and the steps taken to prepare with beneficial fungi also has great for growth improvement over longer time frames.
the media between each use. The benefits when re-using the media, as However, an alternate explanation might be that the
first thing that must be done is fungal colonies improve with time. original coir coco was too young in decomposition first
the removal of dead cellulose e.g. The deciding factor as to how long time round and may have degraded in a favorable way
root matter left over from previous coco may be reused is how far it has after reuse.
crop. To remove the large roots decomposed naturally. Coir does Crops that went through a flush period at the end of
the coco coir can be broken up, decompose when wet over a period a crop cycle fair better because salt levels are reduced
passed through a ¼ inch soil sieve of time. Unfortunately, fungus gnats during the leaching process. Salts are constantly given
and larger roots can be discarded. thrive in the presence of decaying off by coco coir as it decomposes, mainly potassium and
Enzyme products (e.g. CANNAZym, organic matter, and coir is a perfect sodium. Since the medium decomposes throughout
Hygrozyme / Grozyme, or Multi environment for them. Making sure its life, this process is continuous. Washing the media
Zen) when applied in the latter that all the dead roots are removed, out well before planting should mitigate any negative
stages of the crops cycle will do a the coir isn’t over-watered and a effects. Reusing coir that has not been flushed often
sufficient job of cleaning up the using dry mulch of coir chips or clay results in nutrient imbalance and over-fertilization
residual decaying material. It is not pebbles on the surface of the media issues. However, it should be noted that the presence
advisable to have lots of dead roots will all help to prevent fungus gnats. of some of these ions is what buffers the coco. If you
remaining in the media because Utilizing certain “drench” products lose this buffer you return to calcium and magnesium
they can contribute to an anaerobic definitely controls gnat populations, lockout and pH issues of untreated coco.
(low oxygen) environment. Once along with sticky traps and the
In summary, coco has great potential as a reusable media,
the root material has been disposed natural predator Hypoaspis miles.
but to what extent is dependent on the motivation of the
of, coco coir should be flushed with
IMPORTANT: You should not reuse coco gardener. Should a gardener decide that the preceding
water or a low EC nutrient solution
coir if you encountered any pathogenic is too much trouble, coco may always be reused as a
to bring the nutrient levels back
or root insect issues during a cycle. soil improver for outdoor plants as well as a ‘brown’ high
down to an acceptable range.
carbon addition to compost piles.
A Fish Called Fertilizer
Each category of fish fertilizer is made
using a different process and the products
that result contain varying amounts of
nutrients. There are also best uses and
special problems, so it is important to
Mention the words “fish fertilizer” and all too often growers are know a bit about fish fertilizers before
holding their noses. Sure, some fish-based products stink, but you wade into the water (sorry, I can’t
that’s not necessarily a bad thing! An aside—some growers help myself!) and start using them.
In sum, the three categories of fish
mistakenly believe that root feeding fish-based products to their
fertilizers are: fish meals, fish emulsions
plants results in their produce tasting fishy! WRONG! But hey, these and fish hydrolysates. Fish meals are made
are probably the same folks that buy those exotically flavored by grinding fish carcasses after a heating
flushing products expecting their tomatoes to taste like mangos! process has removed much of the oils.
Wastewater left over from making fish
Go figure…
meal can be concentrated to produce fish
emulsions. Finally, fish digested in vats
Seriously, there has to be a using enzymes instead of heat produces
fish fertilizers called hydrolysates.
good reason why fish fertilizer
has been used for thousands
What types of fish are
of years. So we called in
processed into Fish Fertilizer?
organic expert and gardener
extraordinaire Jeff Lowenfels Virtually any kind of fish can be made
to give us the lowdown on the into a fertilizer. However, fish are usually
divided into two groups. The first are fish
various products available that harvested for human consumption. These
are derived from our aquatic include tuna, salmon, catfish, halibut, bass,
friends. anchovies and sardines. Fish processed
specifically to make products for plants
American kindergarteners are taught the and animals make up the second group.
story of Squanto, a Native American who These include pollack, menhaden and
showed the Plymouth Rock pilgrims how herring.
to use fish to fertilize their corn plants.
Egyptian children learn about their
What are the advantages of Fish
ancestors using fish to feed plants along
the Nile, and Peruvian youths are taught Fertilizer?
that their pre-Columbian ancestors put a
kernel of corn into the mouth of a fish and Fish fertilizers have several advantages
planted the whole thing. over their chemical counterparts. First,
My Grandfather, an avid gardener and they can be totally organic with all the
fisherman, was my Squanto. He taught me benefits associated with improved soil
to bury fish guts and too-bony-to-eat-fish structure, increased microbial life and
in the rose garden and beneath the tomato better plant health. Second, fish fertilizers
plants. The results were outstanding. I’ve don’t burn plants as readily as chemical
been hooked, if you will pardon the pun, fertilizers. Fish fertilizers generally have
on fish as great fertilizer ever since. slower release rates and they don’t need
to be applied as often. Moreover, fish
fertilizers are not readily leached from
What is Fish Fertilizer? the soil, rather they are held in the bodies
of the microbes that turn then into plant
Obviously, fish fertilizer is fertilizer
food. Finally, they often contain trace
made from fish or fish parts. However,
nutrients not found in chemical formulas.
not all fish fertilizers have the same
characteristics. In fact, there are actually “...not
“...not allall fish
fish fertilizers
fertilizers have
have thethe same
same characteristics.
characteristics. In In fact,
fact, there
there areare
three different categories of fish fertilizer,
actually three
three different
different categories
categories of of
fishfish fertilizer,
fertilizer, soso don’t
don’t just
just walk
walk into
so don’t just walk into a store and pick up
whatever is on the shelves without doing a store
a store and and pick
pick upup whatever
whatever is on
is on thethe shelves
shelves without
without doing
doing a bit
a bit of of
a bit of homework first. homework
homework first.”

The word “fish” can refer
to both a single fish or plural
when referring to fish in
general or to a quantity of
fish of the same kind; the
word “fishes” is a special
kind of plural used to refer to
a quantity of various types
of fish.

Fish meal is a good soil

conditioner for use early
in the outdoor growing
season—it’s ideal in new
vegetable or flower beds
because it will help root
development. Although
most fish-meal fertilizers
will last for 6-8 months,
most of the benefits are
realized in the first few
Hydrolysates contain all of the fish
oils (Top Circle).
The nitrogen contained
American kindergarteners are taught in fish emulsion is released
the story of Squanto, a Native American more gradually than in
many other non-fish-based
who showed the Plymouth Rock pilgrims
how to use fish to fertilize their corn
plants (Bottom Circle).

Hydrolyzed fish is widely

considered to be the “high-
“Fish fertilizers generally liquids are like thick fishy milkshakes. end” fish fertilizer product.
Phosphoric acid is added to the mixtures It doesn’t have a highly
have slower release rates and to halt the digestion process. As a result, objectionable odor like
they don’t need to be applied the pH of hydrolysates is usually lower fish emulsion and it’s also
as often.” than other kinds of fish fertilizers. Also highly water-soluble, so it’s
they don’t smell nearly as bad. great for drippers and foliar
Characteristics of Fish Fertilizer Generally, fish hydrolysates have an applications. It also contains
NPK analysis around 2:3:0, 2:4:1 or 2:5:0. higher levels of phosphorus
The characteristics of a fish fertilizer are Because no heat is involved in making the than fish emulsion products.
based on the way it is processed as well fertilizer, and nothing is removed from
as what is in the fish used. Processing the fish, hydrolysates contain more of a
methods are either listed on the label fish’s proteins, hormones, trace elements Fish themselves
or implied by the name of the kind of and vitamins than do other kinds of fish naturally contain about
fertilizer. fertilizers. Application requires dilution 2.3% nitrogen. However,
to about five or six teaspoons per gallon of some fish emulsion
Fish Hydrolysates water. Fish hydrolysates can be used in all products contain synthetic
stages of growing. sources of nitrogen, such
These fish fertilizers are made from whole Finally, unlike the other two kinds as urea, to boost the
fresh fish, or fresh fish scraps, which are of fertilizers, hydrolysates contain all nitrogen percentage. Be
digested using special enzymes that break of the fish oils. These oils are excellent sure to check with the
down the large proteins in fish meat and beneficial fungal foods, which make fish manufacturer to find out if
bones. Enzymatic digestion is known as hydrolysates a good nutrient source for their fish emulsion product
hydrolysis, hence the name hydrolysates maintaining and increasing soil fungal is comprised only of organic
for the liquid mixtures that result. These populations. inputs.
Fish Meals Common objections to, and prejudices against, fish fertilizers.
Fish is often heated to remove fats and There are some basic objections to using fish fertilizers, which may help you decide
oils to use in various products. The lean to use one versus another.
carcasses that remain are ground up
into a meal and sprayed with phosphoric
It Stinks! Toxins Sustainability
or sulfuric acid for stabilization and
One of the biggest Adding to the problems No one should ever buy
deodorization. Unlike hydrolysates and
concerns about using caused by high fish fertilizer made from
emulsions, fish meals are not liquid. They
some fish fertilizers is concentrations of chlorine endangered or depleted
have more protein than emulsions, but
their smell. Fish meals, in the steam water used to fish stocks and some argue
less than hydrolysates.
for example, smell cook some fish fertilizers that there are good reasons
Fish meals usually have an NPK
horrendously. The odor are the existence of not to buy any fish fertilizer
analysis around 10:6:2 or 12:6:2. The high
goes away after a few days other toxins. Some fish made from “trash” fish. For
nitrogen obviously makes them good for
but using the stuff inside fertilizers contain heavy the most conscientious
vegetative growth and the relatively high
might be problematic, even metals like mercury, which growers, only waste fish
phosphorus content makes fish meals
for those growers with the are found in fish living at and fish wastes from
good for root development, too. The down
largest carbon filters! the top of food chains. human consumed fish are
side is that fish meals have a strong odor.
Concentrating solutions acceptable. Again, a little
Fish meals are granular or powder in
Fish emulsions can when making emulsions snooping around on the
form, and are usually applied at a rate
also have a strong, also concentrates these Internet can provide you with
of 5 to 10 pounds per 100 square feet.
offensive odor even when toxins. However, these the valuable information
They continue to smell for a few days
deodorizing agents are fertilizers may still be fine needed to make a rational
and are therefore usually buried into the
added to them. Generally, for inedible plants. purchasing decision.
root zone. They are not recommended
hydrolysates have much
for indoor use because of their odor, but
less, if any, offensive odor. Unfortunately, the In this day and age, there
if you can stand the smell, they can be
amount of toxins in a are other sustainability
mixed into soils where they act as a slow
While humans may take fish fertilizer is not going considerations. Packaging,
release fertilizer.
offense to the smells of to be listed on the label. energy resources spent
fish meals and emulsions, However, you can look up on processing and
Fish Emulsions many pets and pests find individual fertilizers—to transportation, as well
the odor attractive. Cats, determine any heavy as additives used are all
After oils, fats and proteins are removed dogs and raccoons love metal content—on a great inputs to making a choice
from fish, a liquid slurry is all that to eat fishmeal and some website maintained by as to which category or
remains. This slurry can be concentrated dogs like to roll in it. If the Washington State brand of fish fertilizer to
by evaporating up to half of its liquid, you are concerned about Department of Agriculture, purchase. Again, a little
resulting in a syrupy emulsion suitable for animals disturbing your research is worth it in terms
use as a fertilizer. Some phosphoric acid plants, take protective PestFert/Fertilizers/ of environmental, plant and
is added to stabilize and deodorize things. action. FertDB/Product1.aspx. human health.
This lowers the pH of the emulsions, which
is still not as low as that of hydrolysates.
The cooking segment of the fish consumption by humans. They often Application rates of fish emulsions
emulsion manufacturing process destroys contain toxics. Menhaden, for example, generally run about five or six tablespoons
a lot of the fish “goodies” such as the spend part of their lives in waters that per gallon of water. Fish emulsions are
vitamins and hormones so useful to are heavily polluted with metals. Some often used in mixtures made up of kelps,
plants and microbes. There is much less freshwater fish that can’t be eaten other seaweeds and crab shells. They
protein in emulsions, and fewer solids, but because they are polluted are also often sometimes contain additional materials to
the upside is that fish emulsion is more processed into fish emulsions. raise the NPK. These may not be bad, but
soluble than other fish fertilizers and Moreover, if the steam employed to you need to take into account what they
cheaper, too. strip oils from the fish is from a municipal provide before using these fish fertilizers
Fish emulsions have an NPK analysis of source, it usually contains chlorine. When on your plants.
5:2:2 or 5:1:1, even though they are known the final liquid is concentrated, so is the
for their micronutrient content. As the chlorine—reportedly up to as much as
most soluble fish fertilizers, they are good 50%. Chlorine can be harmful to plants “Application rates of fish
for foliar feeding. and beneficial soil microbes, so you might
The fish used to make emulsions are
emulsions generally run about five
want to review product material safety
usually “trash” fish, which are harvested data sheet reports to make sure what you or six tablespoons per gallon of
only for this purpose and not for buy isn’t too loaded with chlorine. water.”

“The cooking segment of the fish emulsion manufacturing Fish meals, too, support loads of microbial
activity. They contain tremendous
process destroys a lot of the fish “goodies” such as the vitamins and amounts of protein and are great foods for
hormones so useful to plants and microbes.” bacteria, and annuals and vegetables that
prefer a bacterial dominance in their soil.
Covered with bacteria, fishmeal added to
Suitability for hydroponics and foliar applications a compost pile gets the pile cooking due to
its high microbial metabolism. In addition,
Fish emulsions and fish hydrolysates can be used in hydroponics systems because they
flies (and their larvae) love it, which in
are liquid in form. Emulsions are more soluble and some of their nutrients are plant
turn attracts other members of the soil
useable without beneficial microbiology, but both work best in organic systems with
food web.
microbes. Odor is a concern, especially with emulsions, and toxins may be as well. If you
use a filter in your system, fish hydrolysates may need straining to prevent clogging the
filter’s fine mesh screen. Fish Fertilizers:
All of the major hydroponics companies sell fish based hydroponics fertilizers. They Be an educated consumer
also supply lots of information to promote them, but read labels carefully and fish (ouch!)
for the necessary information to make an informed decision. You can also request MSDS Not all products sold as fish fertilizers are
(material safety data sheets) from these companies. made just from fish. Some contain non-
fish additives as previously mentioned—
Fish fertilizers as a catalyst for beneficial biology primarily seaweed and crab shell. The
seaweeds are full of micronutrients,
Organic fish fertilizers excel at supporting the microbe herd that is at the base of the soil auxins and cytokinins; crab shells
food web. They all provide some NPK and most, at least those made from sea fish, also provide chitin found in the cell walls of
provide trace elements, micronutrients and other good stuff. fungi. Sometimes, however, non-organic
Fish hydrolysates, in particular, come about as close to duplicating the practice materials are added to boost NPK, so
of burying a whole fish. Only the hydrolysis process makes the fish more available to always read the labels on fish fertilizers.
microbes, breaking down large molecules into tiny ones. Microbes can and do happily
feed off the organic matter and proteins from the meat and guts. Calcium from the fish “No one should ever buy fish
bones is also retained in hydrolysates. And, as noted, the oils in hydrosylates make great
fungal food for those plants that prefer fungal dominated soils: perennials, trees and
fertilizer made from endangered
shrubs. For this reason, hydrolysates make great fungal food for compost teas. or depleted fish stocks... a little
research is worth it in terms of
environmental, plant and human
The right fish fertilizers, or combinations
thereof, can be great for your plants. Fish
hydrolysates provide more nutrients and
vitamins, hormones and micronutrients.
Fish meals are slower acting, more
suitable for outdoor use and larger areas.
Fish emulsions are ideal for quick-acting
foliar sprays.
However, while fish fertilizers can be
extremely useful, do your homework
before buying. Research the web, read
labels and know what to ask for and you
won’t go wrong.

Words: Jeff Lowenfels - author of the best selling

gardening book “Teaming With Microbes: The
Organic Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web”
from Timber Press.

Got a fishy fertilizer tale you wish to share?

Email us at or
post it for all to see on our website, or Facebook

Credit: Diagram courtesy of Dramm Corporation

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WORDS: Simon Hart
Prior to Urban Garden’s Grow Expo, in Los Angeles
last year, I was given the opportunity to talk
about organics on the presenters’ stage. As an organic
enthusiast I accepted the opportunity, and decided to
solicit composite questions from readers about organics.
The following questions are simple, yet their answers can be complex as
most relate to microbiology. That, in itself, demonstrates the first rule of organics,
especially as it relates to micro flora and fauna. We are only scratching the surface
of understanding. Even the most complex and cutting-edge technologies our industry
promotes appear unsophisticated and heavy-handed when compared to the nearly
incomprehensible biological synergy that exists within functioning ecosystems.

The last slide of my presentation simply stated: Experiment and observe. If

you are considering organics and microbiology, your garden is cutting-edge. Can I use organic nutrients in
You could be doing a combination of things that have not been used together a soilless mix? Can I cultivate
before. When you make a change in your garden, enjoy the experiment but beneficial microorganisms in
always observe. A solution is not an answer if you can’t replicate it. this medium?
Organic nutrients
Can you use organics and mineral based nutients together? can work well in
Do hydro-style nutrients damage microbiology? soilless media. If you
are using a powder
It is possible to use organics with mineral-based products. In or granular option
fact, there are many “hybrid” products within the marketplace try and premix it
already. Organic acids such as humates can provide substantial with your medium.
benefits to synthetic forms of nutrients. Stimulants such as Also, consider
kelp and yucca—among others—have also found their way into charging it with
many products. Clearly organic enhancements to mineral-based some useful beneficial organisms and
programs can provide benefits, though it is up to the gardeners to some enzymes to begin the decomposition
test what works in their own situations. process. If you can’t mix with your medium
When it comes to biology in your indoor garden, mineral-based nutrients can cause because your plants are already rooted,
issues. Soluble phosphorus can inhibit many strains of mycorrhizae, while abundant consider using an organic liquid, which
nitrogen will cause nitrogen-fixing bacteria to become dormant. would include digested nutrients and
There are many instances where mineral-based nutrients can damage biology; in would have a higher initial availability.
this case your indoor garden is no different than conventional agriculture. Remember Using the premix and then adding in
that in an indoor garden, biological stimulants are a temporary adjustment, whereas in liquids is a great way to get the best
nature they’re in an omnipresent relationship, which builds and diversifies over time. results out of organics indoors. You can
You’ll never duplicate that relationship, so use biological stimulants as temporary and cultivate microbes in a soilless medium
specific beneficial substances instead. but it is difficult to find balance and
ensure long-term survival. Use biology
as you would any other supplement—as
You can cultivate microbes in a soilless medium but it a short-term beneficial substance. Pick a
is difficult to find balance and ensure long-term survival. biological option for a specific need and
give your medium as heavy an application
Use biology as you would any other supplement— as necessary.
as a short-term beneficial substance.
Can one type of beneficial
be too aggressive and will it
crowd out other species?
Isn’t it all about variety?
In a natural system,
biodiversity is
the essence of
life. The soil food
web is sometimes
presented in a
simple chart—
an effective
learning tool but
an over simplification. The reality is we
understand a fraction of the activity that
Should I use carbohydrates occurs in soil and have identified only a
to feed my beneficial? small portion of the organisms that thrive
How can carbs help plants? there. In an indoor garden, no matter how
talented the grower, it would be sheer
Feeding beneficials arrogance to suggest he has the definitive
with simple sugars answer to balancing a complex system of
sounds good in beneficial microbes.
What is the difference theory but in Our approach is more hit and miss.
between fungi and practice it can cause Many microbes will not have the required
bacteria? headaches. When soil conditions to thrive and will die
bacteria are exposed out quickly, whereas some might like
They are both to high levels of the conditions and dominate the root
exceptionally sugar they begin zone. You can only hope that the ones
important in the to frenzy (a desired effect within a high that dominate are beneficial. Be sure to
ecosystem, being oxygen aerobic compost tea system). The understand the effect of your chosen
part of the trophic unfortunate problem with this activity is microbes and apply them frequently to
layer related to that most beneficial bacteria are aerobic. ensure some viable colony exists in your
decomposition, Aerobic organisms use oxygen during medium. Remember that bacteria can
however they are activity. In the root zone where oxygen colonize more quickly than most types
quite different. levels are at a premium, does this type of of beneficial fungi so it’s easier to find
Bacteria are unicellular organisms that stimulation make sense or could it lead benefits from bacteria in short-cycled
can rapidly colonize localized areas to anaerobic conditions? Not to suggest annual crops. In nature most established
in soils. Fungi are multi-cellular and the abandonment of a carbohydrate ecosystems are usually fungal dominated,
slower growing so apply them as soon as supplement, simply be aware that this however these systems have evolved and
possible. What’s more, bacteria can thrive reaction can have a negative effect on been left to mature for exceptionally long
in disturbed soils, but generally fungi plant roots and cause a proliferation of periods of time.
can’t as soil disturbances interfere with pathenogenic microbes stimulated by
their mycelia networks. In many cases the lack of oxygen. Sometimes a little is
bacteria and fungi compete, but they can better than a lot. To benefit microbes,
both exist together in a balanced system. consider insoluble humates or substances
like Biochar as more persistent sources of
Both types of organisms secrete various
byproducts such as organic acids that can carbon.
When it comes to biology
be exceptionally beneficial to your plants. Carbohydrates can help plants but in your indoor garden,
“carbs” come in many forms. Once again,
As with any microbial option, be sure to
understand why you are choosing and testing is the easiest way to determine if
mineral-based nutrients
applying the organism you have selected there is a desirable benefit—such as an can cause issues.
for use. increase in yield.
Can mycorrhizae thrive
in a water system? Do I need
endo- and ecto- varieties?
We are only just
beginning to
understand this
350 million year-old
relationship. What
we do understand
does question the
benefit of adding
a product like this in the absence of soil
or media to colonize. The main functions
that we understand about mycorrhizae
at this point are the absorption of A quality compost tea blend is an excellent biological
hygroscopic water which would be inoculant and, in some cases, could be effective as a foliar
unavailable to plants in the absence of
their fungal partners, and the exceptional spray for disease prevention.
ability of these fungi to acid-mine various
minerals that are hard for the plants to Endo- and ecto-mycorrhizae varieties
access, which includes phosphorus and as they relate to the indoor garden has What are the benchmarks
several micronutrients. always been a difficult concept for me. I
Look at a water system in regards to
for a good quality compost
enjoy learning and for all of the science I
these two main benefits. The constant have reviewed I still can’t understand why
tea and what are the scope
supply of water over the roots seems to someone would add ecto-mycorrhizal and limits of its use?
contradict the necessity of these fungi fungi into a water system growing annual
accessing water that plant roots just can’t plants. I pursued the issue with several There are several
find. Most gardeners are supplying soluble experts who reaffirmed my thinking professional
mineral salts and chelated micronutrients on the subject. Unless you are growing organizations that
to their water systems so the fungi are conifers or some deciduous trees you provide standards
rendered ineffective for this purpose really have absolutely no use for ecto- and testing for
as well. In fact if soluble phosphorus is fungi varieties in your indoor garden. microbial diversity
applied at more than 25 ppm in solution, You get way more colony forming units in compost tea. If
the colonization of the mycelium network per gram with ecto than you do endo, you are serious
is inhibited. If you were to be gardening but at least the lower number of endo are about this beneficial organic option be
in a soilless media with organic nutrients, actually doing something for your plants. sure to get your solution tested so you
then the mycorrhizae would surely be Most blends that have both are designed can be sure it truly is beneficial. There
more beneficial with the introduction of for nursery growers so they can just use is clearly no way to visually assess a
hard-to-access water within the medium one product for all of the plants that compost tea and if it is untested you
and also organic nutrients that needed respond to endo- and ecto-mycorrhizae. will have no idea what is going into
to be broken down—rock phosphate, for This is an important feature for a time and your soil. A quality compost tea blend
example. cost sensitive diverse nursery operation; is an excellent biological inoculant
It is possible mycorrhizae could create a however, remember the concept of and in some cases could be effective as
biofilm around the rhizosphere in a water- biofilms and the limited understanding a foliar spray for disease prevention.
based system and that they could provide we have of these organisms. Perhaps there Note: it is far easier to amplify bacterial
benefits outside of the two major points is a positive relationship to adding ecto- populations in a short-cycled compost
we understand. Remember we have a very varieties unrelated to the observed and tea brewer, but you can still charge your
limited knowledge of the scope of this validated associations. I can never stress medium with many other soil dwelling
relationship. More research is required to enough that if you observe a difference organisms when applying your brew.
get a better understanding and you can in your garden from the addition of a
always experiment in your own garden. component try and find a reason, and keep
Now, that is cutting-edge! using that product!

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CAROLE: Can you explain in simple
terms how a plant goes about obtaining
the different nutrients it requires from

In Deep:
the soil in a regular outdoor setting?
ELAINE: In different parts of a growing
Plant - Microbe Interaction
cycle a plant needs different nutrients,
It’s all about teamwork! Plant roots exude

so the plant sends out food to certain
carbohydrates for microbes to feed on.
microbes that it “knows” (a process of
In return, microbes break down organic
selection that has happened over the
materials into plant accessible nutrients.

Q&A on
course of millennia) will result in the
nutrients it needs being made available at
that particular time of its growing cycle.
A plant feeds the organisms it needs,

changing pH by altering fungal or bacterial
foods to grow bacteria or fungi, thus
producing the pH it needs to have more or

less of this or that nutrient solubilized by
bacteria or fungi. The increased bacteria
and fungal populations then attract
protozoa, nematodes, microarthropods

& Organic and/or earthworms to eat those bacteria

and fungi. So, the right nutrients, in
the right amounts are released in the

right place, i.e., right around the roots.
A plant is in control of its own nutrient
requirements, and it knows, way better
than people do, what it needs.

Dr. Carole Ann Rollins CAROLE: Okay, let’s say a plant needs
quizzes Dr. Elaine Ingham more nitrate, which requires alkaline
conditions to be made. What will the
on harnessing the power plant do in order to get more nitrate
of microbes, compost around its roots?
and organic nutrients. ELAINE: The plant puts out the exudates
(sugars) that will encourage the bacteria
that produce alkaline byproducts in order
to make sure the pH shifts to alkaline. The
If you really want to learn about plant then feeds the particular foods to
organic growing, why not pick stimulate the nitrifying bacteria, which
the brains of world-renowned make the enzymes take the hydrogen ions
experts — if you get the chance! from the ammonium molecule, so nitrate
Turns out, you’re in luck! is made in a two-step process.

Recently we were fortunate CAROLE: So you’re saying that the

enough to be able to eavesdrop microbiology around roots actually
on some highly enlightening relies on food from the plant?
Q&A sessions between two PhD ELAINE: Pretty much all organisms
wielding friends of ours, Drs. around roots rely on the plant for food in
Carole Ann Rollins and Elaine one way or another. Additional foods that
Compost Process
Ingham. help supplement what a plant directly
provides is contained in general organic In nature, nothing is wasted! Organic matter
The insights revealed will blow matter. (leaves, flowers, fruits, stems) decays back
your mind and can be put to good into the soil and enriches it with nutrients for
use in your garden today! CAROLE: Why do we apply compost or the next generation. Life goes on...
compost tea then?
Make sure you check this out! ELAINE: To supply the organisms that are
missing from your soil or plant surfaces,

and to add additional foods so those
organisms have something to eat when a
plant isn’t specifically feeding them

CAROLE: So is it a good idea to feed

the organisms in a compost before you
spread the compost or make it into
compost tea?
ELAINE: You would want to feed a
compost so the balance you need between
the organisms is right. Part of the trick is
to look at what is currently in your soil,
and then make sure that the compost and/
or tea contains the missing organisms.
The compost doesn’t need to supply all
the organisms. It just needs to supply
the missing ones. Diversity in compost is
probably more important than getting the
balance in the compost adjusted perfectly
for your plants. The fine adjustments
of balance will happen in your soil. Just
make sure the plants you are growing are
the ones you want, and not plants that
grow because the nutrient concentrations
are all out of whack, and set for weed
growth, and not crop growth.
A plant will fine-tune balance of species,
or function, if it has the organisms that
do the various things it needs. Thus,
diversity is a really important thing
for growers to focus on and maintain,
along with keeping a soil habitat aerobic.
It is easier to increase the organisms
missing in your soil by adding compost
than to try to add the specific foods or
mineral nutrients to the soil and hope
they get to where you need them to be
to help your plant. REMEMBER: Organic
matter is plant material that has partly
decomposed. All nutrients except carbon
are therefore concentrated as compared
to the original plant material, as long as
the process remained aerobic. Properly
made compost should therefore contain
all the nutrients a plant needs, in higher
concentrations than the plant actually
needs. The limitation in most soils is the
lack of organisms to do the work of cycling
nutrients from plant not-available forms
to plant available forms.

“Part of the trick is to look at

what is currently in your soil,
and then make sure that the
compost and/or tea contains
the missing organisms.”
do the organisms come from in compost? too low in other nutrients. Given that
CAROLE: Is it the case that soils growing They were on the surfaces of the plant bacterial enzymes are much, much better
plants that are diseased, or that show material the pile was made from, so again, than fungal enzymes for competing for
signs of lack of nutrition, just need a the more types of plant materials added, the simple, easy-to-use substrates or
boost with the balance of organisms? the greater the diversity of organisms in foods, fungi get stuck having to make
Would it be safe to say that organic the pile. do with the wider C:N ratio foods, like
fertilizer is not needed in soils if you’re wood, sawdust, corn cobs, standing dead
applying good quality compost before CAROLE: Would you class kelp as an grass material. That means they too do
planting? organic fertilizer? not release any nutrient on their own,
ELAINE: You should add any organism ELAINE: Kelp is plant material from the they must concentrate it. Fungal foods
group to the soil that is lacking in sea, that has been dried and ground up. generally have a C:N of 100:1 or higher,
diversity or balance, or is below the Kelp has not been through the composting while a fungal biomass has 20:1. there’s
minimum thresholds to produce adequate process so it cannot be labeled compost no release from fungi or bacteria on their
yields. How many bacterial or fungal in any way, but it contains many plant own. They are retainers, holders and
species, or foods, or protozoa, or beneficial nutrients—whatever was in the kelp “sequesterers” of nutrients.
nematodes are needed? First, assess as it was growing. Thus it is an organic
these groups in your soil to determine fertilizer as long as we do not limit the CAROLE: Do fungi release any Nitrogen?
what is lacking. (For more information definition of fertilizer to inorganic salt ELAINE: No, fungi are retainers of
on identifying beneficial microbiology forms. nutrients, even carbon, because they leave
see Urban Garden Magazine Issue 6, pp. carbon behind in their hyphae, rather like
62–65.) Check the balance of bacteria and CAROLE: How do we make the nutrients railroad tracks, which the fungi can re-use
fungi in the soil, and then in the compost. in kelp available to the plant? if they need. This is unlike bacteria, which
Enhance your compost by adding the ELAINE: Bacteria and fungi would release copious amounts of carbon as
microbe groups that are currently too need to grow on the plant material (i.e., CO2. Bacteria are the real problem when
low in biomass, activity or diversity. Then decomposition must occur), the bacteria we look at elevated carbon dioxide in the
apply that compost, and check, about two and fungi have to be eaten by protozoa, atmosphere. Humans have enhanced so
weeks after application, that the life in the nematodes and microarthropods in many bacterial decomposition processes,
soil is changing in a beneficial direction. order to release the nutrients in a plant to the detriment of fungal decomposition,
Compost is classified by some people as usable form. That’s what is going on in a that the imbalances are even being seen in
an organic fertilizer. But possibly we need composting process. Kelp is plant material the atmosphere of the planet.
to use that term fertilizer with a degree of used because it contains high levels of
care. To many people, the term fertilizer certain nutrients. CAROLE: Humic acid is a good fungal
implies inorganic, salt forms of nutrients. food, does it therefore have a C:N of
To others, fertilizer means anything that CAROLE: Do bacteria or fungi convert or 100:1?
benefits plant growth. The question being release any nutrients directly without ELAINE: Some humic acid products have
asked might actually be whether any being eaten by protozoa or nematodes? a C:N around 30:1, mainly because of the
other form of amendment is needed if the ELAINE: Care must be taken with the perception that the only way to grow
compost being used is good compost and word, “release.” What is really meant? plants is to add the inorganic forms of N
provides the nutrients and biology the Release would require that the organism the plant needs. As soon as people realize
soil needs. The answer would be, no other take up the nutrients into the biomass of this is only necessary if the nutrient-
amendment would be needed, other than the organism, and then process to release cycling life in the soil has been destroyed—
the plant residues that will grow. those nutrients in a different form. by tillage, toxic chemicals, a lack of adding
But, if a compost is lacking something, When enzymes alter substances outside foods for the microbes back into the soil—
then other amendments would be needed. the body of the microbe, real uptake is then people will get off the kick of adding
Those other materials, like microbial not performed, and thus release is not inorganic salts to everything. Humic acid
inoculants, humic acids, kelp, green sand, involved. should have C:N ratios more in the 60:1,
etc. might be needed if the compost isn’t Consider Carbon to Nitrogen ratios or 150:1 to 200:1 ratio, because humics are
really up to par. (C:N). Bacteria (C:N around 5:1) have to made of long, long, long chains of carbon,
concentrate N because they consume, or with long side chains of mostly carbon,
CAROLE: So if we add food to a compost eat things that have a wider C:N, say on many ring structures, and unusual bonds.
to get more organisms growing, what average around 30:1. Bacteria therefore Humics are highly condensed, with many,
exactly is compost? cannot release any N, they have to hold many branches and complex binding
ELAINE: Compost is a mix of plant onto all of it, or they would die from too within the molecule.
materials, the more kinds the better low N levels. Presumably, to the best
because then more of the foods needed of our knowledge, the same is true for CAROLE: What about sea kelp?
to grow a huge diversity of microbes P, K, S, Ca, etc. Bacteria have to hold all ELAINE: The first flush of kelp growth
will be present, and the organisms that other nutrients except of C, because all after a dormant period has a high
decompose that plant material. Where their food resources are too high in C, or concentration of N, around a C:N of 10:1.

As that first flush is diluted by photosynthesis which
proceeds rapidly, the GREEN plant material has a C:N of
30:1. Kelp, if harvested green has a C:N around 30:1 like any
other plant. If harvested after it becomes dormant, then the
“standing dead” material, which easily breaks off and washes
up on shore, will have a C:N upwards of 150 to 200.

CAROLE: What happens if the kelps dries? Will the plant

material lose any nutrient content?
ELAINE: If the drying process is rapid, within a few hours to
days, and stays aerobic through that whole process (no loss of
nutrients by volatilization), it should not lose any nutrients
except water... Distinguish drying from burning to make
charcoal, for example, which is a totally different process.

About the Authors

Dr. Elaine Ingham

Dr. Elaine Ingham is President of Soil Foodweb Inc, an
international laboratory system that assesses the balance
of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and mycorrhizal
fungi in all materials. The major emphasis of her work is to
return health to soil, so that natural nutrient cycling and
disease suppression mechanisms are present, allowing
desired plants to grow without requiring use of pesticides
or inorganic fertilizers.

Contact Info: Sustainable Studies

Institute, 1750 S.W. 3rd St., Suite C,
Corvallis, OR 97330, 541-752-5066
Website Address:
Email Address:

Dr. Carole Ann Rollins

Dr. Carole Ann Rollins is co-owner with her husband of
Nature Technologies International LLC located in Novato,
California, which produces organic alternatives to toxic pes-
ticides and synthetic fertilizers: Nature’s Solution brand of
compost tea, ancient humate, sea kelp, mycorrhizae, worm
castings, compost tea brewers, solution ingredients, and
books. She has co-authored and compiled several books,
manuals, posters and articles with Dr. Elaine Ingham.

Contact Info: Nature’s Solution, P.O.

Box 1519. Novato, CA 94948, 415-
Website Address:
Email Address:
Redworm Habitats
The redworm’s native habitat is on open
grassland, especially where there is plenty
of animal manure for them to feed on. You
will find these worms in great numbers on
farmlands, particularly around animal
pens and manure piles. The anaerobic
bacteria in their manure is what gives
it that distinctively unpleasant smell!
The worms consume and aerate the
manure, thus reducing the odor. They
are top feeders that are found in the top
6-8 inches of the soil. Farmers that use
pesticides will have very few worms and
a very smelly farm.

Euro Habitats
The Euros native habitat is the forested
areas of Hungary, but they are now found
in other areas of Europe and the USA.
In Europe, due to their forest dwelling

THE WORLD OF attributes, they are also known as the

‘leaf worm’, consuming the leaf litter and
animal waste on the floor of the forests.

WORMS They burrow much deeper than redworms

and can be found up to three feet beneath
the soil surface.
These two earthworms have a lot in
Let’s hear it for worms! They not only help to increase the amount of common and can be raised together for
air and water that gets into the soil, but they also play a key part in home use in vermicomposting bins (more
on that later). It’s preferable to raise them
breaking down organic matter into forms that plants can use as food.
separately if the excess worms will be
And even if that weren’t enough, they compost out of organic waste.
The Euros are a larger and tougher
also leave behind castings (worm poop) If you want to breed your own worms
worm, which makes them a great worm
that rank as one of the most highly and create your own worm castings the
for fishing as well as for vermicomposting
prized fertilizers on the planet. Ask any first thing you need to do is look at your
and gardening. The redworms breed
seasoned organic grower (indoors or chosen species of worm’s native habitat to
quickly and produce more offspring
outdoors) and they’ll tell you that worm get a good idea how they might function in
than Euros but, pound for pound, Euros
castings are where it’s all at. But why are a worm growing operation. Redworms and
consume more organic matter than
they so special and what are the metrics Euros are from the same genus and share a
of quality? lot of the same traits, but they are actually
We decided it was about time we different species.
learnt more about worms and the rich,
“A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish
wholesome, soil enriching castings they
produce so we brought in seasoned that hath fed of that worm.” - William Shakespeare
vermiculture expert, Larry Martin, to
bring us up to speed on Mother Nature’s Worm Species
soil workers.
There are over 7,000 species of worms, Reds: Common names for the Eisenia fetida
but only two species, the Redworms are redworms, red wigglers, manure worm and
(Eisenia fetida) and the European composting worm.
Nightcrawler (Eisenia hortensis) are
widely used in vermiculture—farming Euros: Common names for Eisenia hortensis
worms and harvesting their castings and include Euros, European Nightcrawler, ENC,
vermicomposting - using worms to create Dendros and Big Reds.

How Worms Work Vermicompost and through the worm.
Worm Castings (aka ‘worm humus,’
Worm Castings - Know The ‘worm manure’ and ‘vermicasts’) are
Earthworms have no teeth, but daily Difference! literally worm poop that has been
they consume their own weight in
maturity. separated from vermicompost by passing
decomposing organic matter and micro-
The vermicomposting process greatly it through a 1/8th inch screen. All of
organisms, from which they derive their
reduces the volume of material in the the organic matter that has not passed
nutrients. The crop and gizzards help
finished product. For example, 20 cubic through the worm is removed, leaving
breakdown their food, and astonishingly,
yards of compost or compostable organic just worm castings.
worms have five hearts to pump blood
matter processed through the worm A really good Vermicompost will
throughout their body. Worms breathe
would reduce the volume to between 10 contain 40 to 60% pure worm castings,
through their skin and must live in a
and two cubic yards of a much denser but many products out there contain
moist environment. As organic matter
finished product – Vermicompost, not significantly less. Much like thermal
passes through a worm’s intestines, it
pure worm castings. So what actually is compost, vermicompost is a highly
becomes inoculated with many more
the difference between vermicompost and variable product. Some manufacturers
worm castings? add pure worm castings to cured
A worm ‘cast’ is produced after a worm
Vermicompost is the end product of compost, this is slightly different and
feeds. This worm poop is rich in nutrients
adding worms to decaying plant debris to is called a blend. The advantage of a
and beneficial soil bacteria. On the way
speed up the process of breaking down the blend is that you know the percentage
through the worm’s body, the calciferous
organic matter (compost). After removing of both the castings and the compost
gland coats each tiny casting with
the worms from the process, what remains that is being purchased. As with any
different thicknesses of calcium that are
is the vermicompost. Vermicompost will product, it’s always advisable to do some
readily available for the plants to uptake.
have typically not been screened and not research before buying vermicompost to
It is the multiple layers of calcium that
all of the organic material will have passed ensure you are purchasing a good quality,
make worm castings a sustainable slow
effective product.
release fertilizer. This encapsulates
all the plant nutrients and micro-
organisms with the correct amount of “Both species are true hermaphrodites. The smooth band or “Clitellum”
moisture that will keep the nutrients and near the head end of the worm is formed at maturity. On the underside of
microorganisms viable for up to three the Clitellum there are two pores that release the sperm on one side and
years when stored properly.
Both species are true hermaphrodites.
two pores that release ovum.”
The smooth band or “Clitellum” near
the head end of the worm is formed
at maturity. On the underside of the
Clitellum there are two pores that release
the sperm on one side and two pores
that release ovum. They mate head to
head so both can share the sperm and
ovum. They also secrete albumin (a water
soluble protein) to feed the developing
baby worms within the cocoon, and
mucous to make the protective cover
around the cocoon. The cocoons can stay
dormant and remain viable for a year or
more and will not hatch until the right
moisture, temperature and the proper
microorganisms are present. Given
optimal conditions, a cocoon will hatch
in a couple of weeks and produce one to
four small pinkish baby worms about ¼
inch long. Given the right conditions, it
takes them three to four months to reach

Right Diagram: ‘How Worms Work’

General Earthworm Anatomy
Stacked Worm Bin

Doing it Yourself with upper tray.

A larger ground vermicomposting bin
Vermicomposters can be made from 2x12 lumber or cinder
blocks. For a bin that would deal with a
Also known as a ‘worm bin’ or ‘wormery’, family of four, simply make a raised bed
a vermicomposter is a vessel in which that is 2 feet wide by 3 feet long with
vermicompost and worm castings are weed block placed on the bottom—this
produced. There are many types of will help to keep the moles from dining
contraptions in which worms can live on your worms. In-ground worm bins
and produce valuable plant amendments; should be located in partial shade to avoid
they range from huge worm bins used in temperature extremes.
commercial production, to small plastic In any worm bin, a combination of the
boxes you can use at home. Redworms and Euros work very well
together. The Redworms are surface
Worm Bin Tips feeders and the Euros feed both surface
and subsurface. The main difference
A simple worm bin can be purchased between the two species is that the
online or you can easily use your DIY Redworm still has an aquatic gene that
skills, purchase a similar bin or tote from attracts them to the water. If the mix
a DIY store and make your own. If there of materials becomes too wet in the
is a strong chemical smell coming out of vermicomposter, they will preferentially
the bin you will need to let it air out for stay in the water and die in less than 24
several days or fill it with water and place hours. Other than checking the moisture
in the sun for a couple of days. The pliable content, you can tell if the mix is too wet - Ground Worm Bin
plastic bins contain chemicals that leach dead worm odor is really, really nasty.
out and may slowly kill the worms! Any of Some worm bins have a reservoir and
the food grade plastics will not cause any tap in the bottom to catch and pour the
harm. It’s a good idea to drill 12-15 ¼ inch “worm tea”. A lot of this liquid is from
holes in the bottom to allow air flow. the fresh fruits and veggies that are 90%
The multiple stacked vermicompost water. Some of the directions sold with
bins look quite glitzy, but they can have the bin encourage the use of excess water
a high failure rate if Redworms are used to make ‘worm tea.’ which at that point is
because they often drown in the reservoir actually ‘garbage tea!’ Tea is best made
at the bottom of the unit. Also, worms from the finished vermicompost or worm
have minds of their own and it is usually castings, which when applied will not
hard to ‘train’ the worms to migrate to the burn the plants.

Simple Worm Bin

“If there is a strong

chemical smell coming
out of the bin you will need
to let it air out for several
days or fill it with water
and place in the sun for
a couple of days. The
pliable plastic bins contain
chemicals that leach out
and may slowly kill the

Introducing 20LB
composting worms.

The first step is filling your worm bin
half way with ‘bedding’ - brown (carbon)
coarse organic matter to trap oxygen
below the surface. The best bedding is
made with stuff taken from your own
compost heap. Bedding materials such as
shredded paper and/or cardboard that is
commonly used will pack too tight and cut
off the oxygen needed to sustain healthy
worm populations. However both may be
used in moderation in combination with waste, but don’t go to a juicer and put Buying worms – Buyers Beware!
the following materials: Pine shavings a ton of it in at a time. Do not use meat,
from rabbit cages or horse stalls, chopped cheese or other milk products, these take Try to find someone locally that is
woody plant stems from the garden and too long to break down and will encourage vermicomposting and purchase worms
shredded dead small branches. animals to dig up your worm beds. The from them. If that doesn’t work try the
After adding your bedding to the worm wastes should be chopped up so it will Internet but do some checks to make sure
bin, water well to make sure that there are break down quicker. that this person has been in business for
no dry spots. The quality of the vermicompost more than a week.
can be improved with the addition of a Worms are usually purchased by the
Tip: Do not use any cedar shavings or pine tablespoonful of a quality rock dust once pound. Sounds simple enough, but there
straw in bedding mixes as they are high in a month. Microbial inoculants are also a are some different opinions in what
harmful resins. great additive to increase the microbial constitutes a pound of worms. Some
population and rapidly break down the will include the weight of the bedding
organic matter, as well as to help convert in the pound of worms. But a pound of
So What do Worms Like to Eat? the rock dust to usable minerals for plant worms should be just that – one pound
uptake. of worms. This should exclude the ¾ to 1
Use a mix of green veggie waste from the Remember, what is grown in our pound of bedding that is mixed with the 1
kitchen or garden, plus fruits, grass, etc. earth can be recycled through our pound worms to keep them alive while in
for your nitrogen source. Do not overload earthworms and returned to Mother transit. The rule of thumb is to purchase
it with any one item. It is ok to use citrus Nature. Be aware that feedstock used ½ to 1 pound of worms per sq. ft. of your
from municipal composting operations vermicomposting bin.
may contain heavy metals, pesticides, Next, put the worms to work. A mixture
“Remember, what is grown in our herbicides and sometime sewer sludge. of the worms and their bedding is a great
earth can be recycled through our Leaves and twigs picked up by the city way of inoculating the garden, planter
curbside programs often have traces of box or other growing containers. The
earthworms and returned to Mother antifreeze, oil and other contaminates partially vermicomposted bedding will
Nature. Be aware that feedstock from the roads. The worms do a great give the plants a shot in the arm. The
used from municipal composting job reducing contaminates, but do not worms will start to work aerating the soil
complete eliminate them. If you put and converting the organic matter to the
operations may contain heavy
garbage into your vermicomposting you nutrients NPK, Calcium, Iron, etc., plus
metals, pesticides, herbicides and will get garbage out of the back end of microorganisms need for a healthy soil
sometime sewer sludge.“ those worms! food web.

A Quick and Easy Worm Tea –

Place two cups of The next day it is ready When applying to
vermicompost in a recycled to use. When using this healthy plants simply
milk jug(s), fill with water tea for recovering stressed watered with the clearer
and shake well several plants, shake the tea well tea leaving the debris
times during the day. before watering. in the jug.

Alternatively you can pour the clear liquid through cotton or cheese cloth filter into a spray bottle, this solution can then be used as foliar spray which will give
the plants a boost of nutrients, and populate the foliage with beneficial bacteria to help protect against pests and disease.

Tips & General info: Consumer Quality Control Test:
Beneficial Biology: A good quality vermi- 1. Use empty 20oz. drink bottles. First, check to see what, if anything, is floating on
compost will have a minimum of the fol- the surface. This is a good way to check if there are
lowing microbes; Aerobic & Facultative 2. Place 3oz. worm castings in each any weed seeds and how much unconsumed junk is
Bacteria, Yeast, Actinomycetes, Pseudo- labeled test bottle. floating.
monads & Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria. Do
not dry out the vermicompost. 30 to 40% 3. Fill each bottle about ¾ full with water. Next, check out the sediment layers. If the
moisture content is necessary to maintain manufacturer has used sand as filler, it will be the
the micro-life of the product. Do not freeze
4. Shake vigorously for two to three minutes. first to settle out at the bottom. What is the color
as it will kill most all of the microbes and
of the layers? The darker the color the more pure
storing above 100 degrees will also have a
5. Let it set for 25 or 30 minutes. castings will be in the product.
deleterious effect.
Nutrients: Calcium, Magnesium, Nitro-
gen, Phosphate, Potassium, Manganese,
Boron, Iron & Zinc. Hopefully it will be
very low in the heavy metals and free of “Life is hard. Then you die.
E. coli and Salmonella. Some really great
quality vermicompost contain less heavy
Then they throw dirt in your
metals than in some municipal drinking face. Then the worms eat
water systems! you. Be grateful it happens in
Application Rates: For good quality that order.” - David Gerrold
Vermicompost, use 15-25% as a soil
amendment for growing veggies and up to
30-40% for plants with a higher nutrients
demand such as fast growing annuals,
trees and shrubs. For large outdoor plots
When purchasing vermicompost, make sure that the bag is not air tight. Invariably the
use two tons per acre or 80LB per 1000 ft2.
vermicompost will have some worms and egg cocoons, that will hatch. They require a lot
If using high quality worm castings, use
of oxygen as do the micro-organisms. Without some air flow they will die and really smell
50% of the above recommendations.
bad. Pure worm castings have a shelf life or around two years, after this the micro-life
Teas: Generally speaking aerobic teas
will begin to diminish.
made using a quality vermicompost are
When buying worm castings for the first time, ask the retailer if you can open up the
often superior to that of aerobic tea made
bag. There should be a pleasant earthy odor and a nice uniform texture, much like coffee
with only thermal compost. However, teas
grounds. The color of the castings should be should be light to dark black.
made with only vermicompost will more
often than not be dominated by bacteria
Words: Larry Martin
and low on fungi. The best approach for a
diverse range of soil food web organisms
is to use both types of compost as a
microbe source.
Purchasing Tips:



Always ensure you get some runoff
when watering your plants. No runoff
means water may not be reaching all
parts of the pot. This picture shows a
poor cucumber plant that’S not been
watered enough on each watering.
Note the roots have not grown at the
bottom of the pot.

UGM_Fundamentals-Worms.indd 8 09/02/11 4:34 PM
Stop the Rot!
How to fight Mildew + Botrytis
with Natural Foliar Sprays
It’s enough to bring a grown man to
tears. Spotting powdery mildew on
your leaves during veg, or finding
botrytis (flower rot) while you’re
harvesting can be a real heart
stopper. But once you’ve had a
battle with botrytis or a mêlée with
mildew (and hopefully come out on
top) you invariably develop into a
better, more confident, grower.
Savvy growers, instead of reaching for
the chemicals, look to a cue from Mother
Nature in their search for effective
biological products that can prevent and
treat certain fungal diseases. The most
notable are a specific group of naturally
occurring bacteria that can be used to
prevent and control fungal infections.
These bacteria are called Bacillus subtilis
and Bacillus pumilis.
So what are these strange Latin names POWDERY MILDEW ON SQUASH LEAF
and, most importantly, how can we use Squash leaves are particularly susceptible to
these bacteria to help us grow healthier, powdery mildew fungal infections. With severe
happier, and more productive plants? infections leaf discoloration and necrosis occurs.
We asked Emily Walter from Agraquest,
a provider of biological and low-chemical
pest management solutions, to give us the So What Exactly Is Powdery Mildew? What about Botrytis?
lowdown on our friendly neighborhood
fungal disease controllers. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that The dreaded botrytis or ‘gray mold’ is a
causes patches of white to gray powder on fungal disease that infects many annual
leaves, stems, fruits or flowers of infected and perennial plants. There are several
Fungal diseases are a common issue plants. These patches can grow to cover species of the fungus botrytis which can
among gardeners. And some of the more the entire surface on both sides of leaves. cause significant plant damage; the most
common diseases that gardeners struggle Different strains of fungi cause the disease common is Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis
to control are powdery mildew and on different plants, but they are all similar infections are favored by cool and humid
botrytis. Mildew can cause significant in appearance. On some types of plants, conditions, and are most common during
damage on some plants. It’s a common, but the mildew will cause leaves to yellow and rainy spring and summer weather when
rarely fatal disease which affects many prematurely drop, or can cause stunted temperatures hover around 60°F (15°C).
different types of plants. Most gardeners or deformed plant growth, and eventual Gray mold can take hold and spread
resort to removing infected plants, but plant decline. Mildew thrives in cool, rapidly if your indoor garden sustains
often, the best strategy combines control damp conditions with poor air circulation. long periods of high relative humidity,
and treatment. Indoor and greenhouse growers listen up! or outdoors when rainy, drizzly weather


Scanning Electron
Micrograph (SEM) showing
a healthy fungal spore
on the surface of a leaf. Growers should be extra
Image credit - AgraQuestInc vigilant as crops approach
maturity and post-harvest.

SEM showing a destroyed fungal spore after foliar
application of the beneficial bacteria Bacillus subtilis
strain QST713. The Bacillus bacteria are the small rod
shaped organisms around the top of the picture.
Image credit - AgraQuest Incmagna aliqua.

Overlapping leaves and no air movement can create wet patches on
leaves – the perfect environment for botrytis spore to germinate on this
hydroponically grown sage plant.

Plant breeders often continues over several days. Botrytis If you have no choice but to use susceptible
can affect leaves, stems, crowns, flowers, types of plants outdoors, make sure they
select specimens that flower buds, seeds, seedlings, bulbs and are in full sun and will receive a minimum
show resistance to common just about any other part of a plant with of six hours of sun each day. Isn’t UV
fungal diseases. This has the exception of the roots. radiation great? Indoors, however
lead to many different tempting as it may be, never overcrowd
Steps Towards Prevention your plants! Allow plenty of fresh air
varieties of fruits, flowers to circulate around your plants, this
and vegetables that have an Good cultural practices can help prevent will discourage disease. When growing
ever increasing resistance to and control the spread of fungal issues. indoors, it’s absolutely crucial to focus on
The first and most important step toward maintaining adequate ventilation.
fungal diseases. prevention is to select healthy plants in Carefully remove infected fruits, flowers
the first place; these will be more likely to or mildew covered leaves. It is best not to
resist fungal attacks. do any removal of diseased plants
If you encounter a heavily infected
leaf, fruit, or flower and are worried
about spreading spores around your
garden, carefully cover the moldy
item with a plastic bag before
attempting removal. This way,
spores end up in the bag rather
than all over your garden!

when they are wet with dew or rain Beneficial Bacteria - PRACTICAL TIPS:
since this could spread fungal spores Bacillus as a Fungicide
during conditions which favor infections.
Likewise, avoid overhead watering or Another way to control plant diseases is
misting plants especially if fungal disease to use products based on beneficial
has been troublesome in the past. bacterial, specifically Bacillis subtilis or
Always throw away infected plant Bacillis pumilis. Both of these bacteria are
debris instead of placing it on the compost common found in soil and have been used
pile. Spores can overwinter on diseased in horticulture and agriculture for many
plant material. New spores can be carried years. 1. When Do I Use It?
by the wind, so destroying the infected Bacillus subtilis are naturally-occurring Most Bacillus subtilis or pumilus products
plant parts are essential to help stop the soil borne bacteria, first characterized can be sprayed as a preventative measure
spread of plant disease pathogens. in 1835. Over the years varying strains or be used as a curative control. They can
of B. subtilis have been widely used for be applied early on in the plant’s lifecycle
In an effort to keep fungal diseases
industrial processes (like detergents on established cuttings or seedlings, and
at bay, it’s good general practice to keep
or waste water treatments). Bacillus as late as the day of harvest on mature
your indoor garden as clean and tidy as plants. Most growers freak out at the
possible. Avoid leaving yellowing or dead subtilis strains produce extremely photo
mere idea of spraying mature flowers
leaves hanging from plants, and never – and temperature – stable bacterial
or ripe fruit, but these natural Bacillus
keep piles old leaves and trash bags in or spores, making them ideal for gardening products are safe for human consumption
near you indoor garden. applications. B. subtilis is also Generally and actively kill fungal growth.
Regarded As Safe (GRAS) by the EPA.
Fungal Control Options Some strains of Bacillus subtilis are
active ingredients in highly effective,
There are many chemical controls on the broad-spectrum contact fungicides and
market but they do have some drawbacks. bactericides. The Bacillus subtilis in these
Some controls have temperature and products produce lipopeptides, which
timing restrictions impacting applications are anti-fungal metabolites and anti-
or harvest of your crops. Some diseases bacterial compounds. These lipopeptide
become resistant to certain chemicals compounds that Bacillus subtilis produce
2. Spray timing
over time as well. If you are using kill fungal spores and they are highly When using outdoors, it’s best to spray
IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in stable, resistant to elevated temperature in early morning or late afternoon when
the garden, you will want to preserve and pH extremes. light intensity is not too strong. Sunlight
beneficial insects, which can be impacted Lipopeptides are small peptide rings contains a natural broad spectrum
by some chemical controls. Additionally, with a lipid (fat) attached. One end of microbe inhibitor, Ultra Violet light. If
the lipopeptide is negatively charged, the applied during strong sunlight, the UV
not all chemical fungicide treatments
other is “greasy”. A fungal cell membrane may prevent some Bacillus products from
are acceptable for consumable plants.
can be compared to a sandwich - with working effectively.
Some chemicals can only be used when When spraying indoors, it’s also good
the plant is dormant or cannot be used hydrophilic (water-loving) surface
practice to spray in low light. This may
when the plant is close to harvest time. and a lipophilic (fat-loving) core. The
mean raising your grow lights up high
Carefully read fungicide labels to discover lipopeptides insert into those fungal cell before spraying, or spray just before the
which is right for your particular need. membranes and create small holes in a lights come on or go off.

Practical Tips: fungal spore. As, they puncture the preventative disease control program or
membrane, cell contents leak out and the at the very first sign of disease. Beneficial
fungus is killed. bacteria can be used in conjunction with
Some B. subtilis products rely on other gardening products. Bacillus subtilis
prolonged wet periods on the leaf surface and Bacillus pumilis can be applied every
for the bacteria to become active, produce seven days up to the day of harvest if
lipopeptides and then out-compete the needed. Beneficial bacteria can be applied
fungal spores for leaf surface area. This is more often if needed such as every four
not the case with all products – the specific days during heavy disease pressure.
Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713 is unique When applying either type of bacteria as
in that it does not require time to activate, a foliar spray one should spay the leaves,
since the bacteria have already done their shoots and new growth until the plant is
3. Spraying the plants
job producing the lipopeptide metabolites dripping wet. Run-off spray will not affect
The best fungal control is achieved during production. Information about the beneficial soil fungi like mycorrhiza. When
when the plants are thoroughly wet, active ingredient and how it works should a gardener is planning to use beneficial
and run-off spray is dripping from the be found on the container label of the bacteria or an organic gardening product
leaves. It’s a good idea to use a wetting product you decide to use. to prevent or control fungal and bacterial
agent for increased coverage. diseases they should scout the garden
often to look for any signs of disease.
Avoid adding other foliar additives or Some Bacillus subtilis Strains of these beneficial bacterial can
nutrients as this may interact negatively
with the beneficial bacteria. Spray the
strains also illicit plant health also be found in some compost teas since
it can promote plant health and growth
underside and top side of the leaves as and growth promotion in promotion.
well as any exposed stems. Sprays can
be repeated every 3-4 days if plants are treated plants. When applied,
Problem-Solver-Icons_pete_2.pdf 1 11-02-09 1:31 PM

Got a story about botrytis or mildew that

heavily infected, or every 7-10 days as a these strains can trigger the
preventative. you’d like to share? Email us at rant@
plant’s internal defenses and or go on our
physiological responses. website and post it there for all to see.

The effect is systemic -

responses are triggered
throughout the plant even
when a small area is treated. Indoor growers should
keep their oscillating
fans on 24/7
4.What products contain Bacillus Products based on Bacillus pumilis
subtilis or pumilus for foliar strains are useful for gardeners for similar
fungal disease control? reasons. While products based on B.
subtilis destroy fungal cell membranes,
Most good quality compost teas will products based on B. pumilis instead
contain some Bacillus subtilis and focus on fungal cell walls. The compounds
pumilus strains, so regular spraying can produced by B. pumilis compete with
help with disease prevention. fungal diseases for amino sugars needed
to build cell walls, effectively making it
For a more targeted fungal control, the impossible for fungal cells to build and
patented Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713
grow. B. pumilis does not control bacterial
can be found in the commercial product
diseases. Instead, it is strongest against
rust and mildews. B. pumilis is typically
Other Bacillus subtilis strains are used used by a gardener when targeting a
for root disease control, these include specific type of fungal infection that is
strains GB 03 found in the microbial better controlled by this specific bacteria
inoculant ‘Companion’ and strain MBI over the more broad spectrum approach
600 found pre-mixed into the substrate of B. subtilis. Also, B. pumilis strains, like
‘Pro Mix MX with BioFungicide’. those of B. subtilis, have been shown to
trigger plants’ natural defenses.
Both of these beneficial bacteria are
best used when applied to plants in a


Vermi T System
Vermi T™ Solution is freshly extracted and avaiilable in retail stores. Look for the
Vermicrop refrigerator in your local store.
• Increases nutrient efficiency, root mass and yield
• Increases overall health and vigor of the plant
• Highly Concentrated - Dilutes 1:50

The Vermi T™ Bio-Cartridge is available in both 5 and 10 gallon sizes. These

cartridges contain a culture of biology and through the extraction process it is multiplied over
9 billion times. The end result is a highly concentrated liquid form of beneficial biology that
makes your plants thrive. Vermi T™ Solution - Go Get it!
Vermicrop™ 5/10 Gallon Extractor
This easy to clean extractor is bio engineered to consistently achieve
the largest total biomass by injecting a 16:1 air to water ratio
directly into our 5 gal or 10 gal Bio Cartridge. The Vermi T™
extractor continues the air injected recirculation of the
fresh microbial rich tea until conveniently dispensed
with the simple turn of the fill valve. These are just
some of the things that make the Vermi T™ 5/10 gal
extractor the most sought after microbial extractor for
retail and home use.


VermiSoil CocoNot


VermiSoil™ is a rich blend of VermiBlend™ contains a CocoNot™ is a renewable soilless EcoPot™ with CocoNot™
professional grade organic materials. rich blend of Earthworm castings, medium made from the bark of General Hydroponics CocoTek® coco
Coco Coir, Earth Worm castings, Peat Vermicrop™ Organic compost, sustainably harvested redwood trees baskets pre-filled with CocoNot™ Coir
Moss, Vermicrop Organics Premium Alaskan Humus, fortified by Fossilized blended with the fibers of Kapok fruit alternative!
Compost, Bat Guano, and Mycorrhizae Sea Kelp, and inoculated with husk. This revolutionary blend has great
are key elements in this rich potting soil. Endo / Ecto Mycorrhizae. drainage and wicking capabilities and Your Totally clean, easy and simple
VermiSoil™ has great drainage that is • Amends up to 10 cu ft of potting tends to absorb less than coco or peat way to start your next garden!
aided by Pumice and Perlite which give soil giving it the ability to be aggressively
it a structure that cannot be clumped. • Reduces transplant shock watered. CocoNot™ carries the lowest
• NO more messy filling of your
This soil is teaming with organic life, • For Indoor OR Outdoor use carbon footprint, is free of salts, Ph
filled with love and is sure to help • Restores a diverse multitude of balanced to 6.3, charged for ideal
any gardener grow amazing plants. beneficial life to your soil OR soilless nutrient absorption and is providing • NO more carrying heavy bags!
medium amazing results for growers everywhere. • Just plant, water and grow!
A mixture of the richest and most Don’t get left in the coir!
diverse soil conditioners found in
one bag

Vermicrop Organics | 3470 Swetzer Rd Suite A | Loomis, Ca 95650 USA | Ph.800.994.8775 | Fx.916.652.4652
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A Plant’s
Best Friend?
Trichoderma In Hydroponic Systems
By Dr Lynette Morgan

What is Trichoderma?
Trichoderma is a naturally occurring
genus of soil fungi that has been known
to possess bio-control qualities against
a number of plant pathogens since the
1920s. While there are a number of plant-
associated microbes, both fungi and
bacteria, which are strongly beneficial to
plants, none has been more intensively
studied than Trichoderma. Stable and
effective preparations of Trichoderma
have also been formulated into a range of
bio-control or “effective microorganism”
products readily available on the market
for both large-scale commercial producers
and smaller home gardeners. Although
Trichoderma is naturally endemic to
soil and decomposing organic matter,
it is well proven to have significant
beneficial effects in soilless systems
and formulations have been developed
specifically for hydroponic use. While
How does Trichoderma operate?
Trichoderma can be highly effective as
both a pathogen control agent and growth
Many species of Trichoderma, if given optimal conditions, establish stable and long-
promotant, it is a living organism and,
lasting colonizations of root surfaces and even penetrate into the epidermis (outer layer
as such, requires specific conditions for
of root tissue) and a few cells below this level (1). This intimate relationship between
establishment and long term use within a
Trichoderma and the host root cells is what induces localized and systemic resistance
hydroponic system.
responses to pathogen attack. Along with root penetration, Trichoderma produces a
range of antibiotic substances, can strongly compete with other micro-organisms for
food, and produce enzymes that can degrade cellulose and chitin. Trichoderma also has
the ability to dissolve the cell wall membranes of pathogenic fungi.
Initially Trichoderma species were only thought to have suppressive effects on a
small number of plant root pathogens, however as research into the methods of this
suppressive effect were studied, it was found that Trichoderma had other beneficial
properties on plant growth and development. These growth enhancement effects
went further than just suppression of pathogen in the root zone allowing a return to
normal healthy growth. It has been found that the species Trichoderma spp. increase
the uptake and concentration of a variety of nutrients (copper, phosphorus, iron,
manganese and sodium) in the roots in hydroponic culture (3). This increased uptake
suggests Trichoderma creates an improvement in plant active-uptake mechanisms as
well as having been shown to increase root development in numerous plant species.
The beneficial effects of Trichoderma on plant growth overall has been indicated to be
from a combination of reducing damage, even non-visible damage, from plant pathogens,
deactivation of toxic compounds in the root zone, increases in nutrient uptake, efficiency
Wondering what the numbers in brackets are all of nitrogen use and solubilization of nutrients in soil and organic matter. It is possible
about? Check out this article’s references online Trichoderma species release certain molecular elicitors of plant growth promotion in a
at similar way that growth promotion by certain bacteria is known to occur, however this is
still an area of ongoing research and such compounds are as yet unidentified (1).
Trichoderma & Disease Control
Trichoderma is not just one species of fun-
gi – the genus Trichoderma contains many
species and strains, of which some are spe-
cific to certain pathogenic fungi such as “Of all the Trichoderma species, T. harzianum, of which there
Pythium and Rhizoctonia. For example, T. are several strains, is the most widely commercialised and has
virens has been found to be specific to cer- been found in scientific studies to be effective against a range
tain fungal diseases of field grown cotton,
while T. asperellum has been found to pro-
of fungal plant pathogens...”
tect cucumber leaves from Pseudomonas
syringae when only applied to the root disease control. The exact nature of resistance system triggering molecules from the
system demonstrating that some Tricho- Trichoderma response are unknown. However it has been proven that applying certain
derma strains have systemic abilities. Of Trichoderma strains to the root zone of hydroponically grown plants has given control
all the Trichoderma species, T. harzianum, of certain leaf pathogens (i.e. systemic control) and it is this inducement of the plant’s
of which there are several strains, is the natural defense system by Trichoderma that is likely to be responsible for this effect.
most widely commercialised and has been Therefore Trichoderma has two important modes to action – direct suppression of the
found in scientific studies to be effective pathogen with production of antibiotic substances and enzymes and strongly stimu-
against a range of fungal plant pathogens, lating the plant’s own natural defense mechanism.
including Botrytis, Colletotrichum, Green-
mottle mosaic virus, Alternaria solani, Why Do Growers Love Trichoderma So Much?
Pythium sp., Phy-
tophthora capsici, Apart from pathogen suppression and growth promotant activi-
Rhizoctonia, Fusar- ties, Trichoderma has been selected for widespread use in horti-
ium, and Sclerotinia culture for a number of other reasons. The spores of Trichoderma
(4) can be easily formulated into long shelf life products that, upon
One of the most reactivation, rapidly colonize the growing media under suitable
effective methods conditions. Trichoderma is a strong competitor in the root zone
of pathogenic fun- and generally has a good chance of establishment even when
gal control exhibit- there are pre-existing healthy populations of other microbial spe-
ed by Trichoderma cies. Trichoderma has also proven to be compatible with a number
is `mycoparasit- of other bio control agents, including beneficial fungi in a number
ism’. In this process of different studies, so that mixtures of effective microbes can be
the Trichoderma safely applied. Trichoderma spp. In general have also been found
first detect other to be highly resistant to a variety of toxins including chemical fun-
target fungi species gicides, heavy metals and antibiotics produced by other microbes
and grow towards (1) . While Trichoderma is commonly applied to the root zone or
them, once contact nutrient solution, certain strains have also been applied to fruit,
is made, the Tricho- flowers and foliage to control certain plant pathogens and even
derma attach and used to prevent post harvest rot disease. One study found that ap-
Picure Caption here...
coil around the fun- plication of Trichoderma spp. on greenhouse strawberries could
gus, then produce Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
control post harvest rotting, while several Trichoderma spp. have
several fungitoxic adipiscing elit. Fusce varius consectetur mauris been used to protect fruit such as banana, apple, mango and to-
cell-wall degrading ut eleifend. mato during post harvest storage (4). There is evidence to suggest
enzymes and prob- Trichoderma assists plant growth and development under stress-
ably also certain antibiotic compounds. ful conditions and the growth promotant potential of Trichoderma appears to be stron-
These two activities results in dissolution ger in crops growing under less than ideal conditions.
of the fungal cell walls and parasitism of
the target fungus. (1) How To Get Trichoderma Established In Hydroponics
Another highly effective mechanism of
control by Trichoderma is the ability of Trichoderma is best used as a preventative and since it may take time for complete
certain strains to induce phytoalexin de- colonization of growing substrates, inoculation should be carried out as early in the crop’s
fence compounds in plants and seedlings. life as possible. A warm, moist growing media, thoroughly inoculated with Trichoderma
Phytoalexins are the plant’s own natural will rapidly be colonized, and some additional inoculate can then be added directly
defense system for fighting off attack by under the root system of the young transplant. Soaking the root system of transplants
pathogens and although induced resis- or cuttings with Trichoderma inoculate can also be helpful to ensure high levels of the
tance systems in plants are complex, they microbial product are applied in the right position. While Trichoderma should take hold
are often highly effective strategies for rapidly and colonise the entire growing media, over time the population may decline

Trichoderma Q&A
Q. What do Trichoderma use as a food source? and fresh inoculation throughout the growing cycle are
recommended. Since many pathogens such as Pythium
A. Trichoderma release coconut fiber and other which causes `damping off’ in seedlings are more preva-
two main types of `organic’ type substrates lent during the sensitive propagation phase, inoculation
enzymes in their quest there is initially plenty of seed germination media with Trichoderma is particu-
for sustenance – these of cellulose to feed on, larly important. Trichoderma has also been shown to in-
are different types of later on in the crop cycle, crease the germination percentage of tomato seeds sown
cellulases and chitinases. plant residues, exudates, in soilless growing media when Pythium pathogens were
Cellulase enzymes break dead roots and other present (5) . Cuttings or clones also benefit from Tricho-
down cellulose which is organic material are derma application as a preventive for stem rot pathogens
a component of plant also available for the and to ensure the new root system is fully colonized and
cells, organic matter and Trichoderma to digest. protected by Trichoderma before potting on or introduc-
crop residues. Chitinase Other fungi (certain ing to a new hydroponic system. Since Trichoderma is a
living organism, commercially available inoculant prod-
breaks down Chitin which species of Trichoderma
ucts tend to have a limited shelf life, so it is advisable to
is a structural component are specific for certain
always check the expiry date and follow usage and stor-
of fungal cell walls (and fungi, while others have
age instructions provided with the product.
insect exoskeletons). It is a wider range of prey)
thought that Trichoderma are a easily digested food
switches the production of source through activation Which Substrates Are Best For Trichoderma
these two main enzymes of chitinase enzymes Establishment?
on and off depending on and the Trichoderma will
what its main sourceof actually coil around the
Hydroponic systems are generally not sterile environments, however
food is at the current host fungi and penetrate they do tend to contain lower levels and less diversity of micro-organ-
time. In composts, bark, the cell walls fairly rapidly. isms compared to soil. Before planting out, sterile growing media, clean
and disinfected equipment and a treated water supply provides a clean
Q. Will Trichoderma survive in the absence of other fungi slate for microbial establishment. For this reason it is considered easier
to feed from and if so what do they feed on particularly in to establish beneficial microbes in hydroponic systems with a new sub-
a hydroponic environment? strate as little competition exists from micro-organism already present,
unlike the situation in soil (6). If the system is using synthetic growing
A. Trichoderma not only microbial growth can be media such as rockwool, rather than composted bark, coco fiber or simi-
feed on other fungi, quite plentiful provided lar substrates, then initially the system is a relatively poor environment
but also on cellulose the grower is not doing for microbial life to take hold and microbe numbers and population di-
from various sources something incompatible versity have been found to be very low. However once the plants are
of organic matter. We such as applying harsh growing, exudates from the roots and sloughed off root material begin
sometimes assume that chemical sterilants such to provide organic substances for micro-organisms to grow and popula-
hydroponic systems are as chlorine or hydrogen tion numbers build over time. A substantial part of the food source used
completely `clean’, and peroxide to the plants by micro-flora is derived from plant roots, resulting in high numbers of
non-organic and not root zone or nutrient micro-organisms on the surface of plant roots consuming organic com-
capable of supporting solution. Even in solution pounds such as carbohydrates, mucilage and dead cell material which
a diversity of microbial culture microbial life in accumulates over time.
While Trichoderma has been shown to establish and proliferate on
life, but this is rarely the the nutrient develops
a range of soilless substrates, there is some evidence that colonization
case. Even systems such – hopefully the `good’
may be greater on certain growing mediums. When coconut fiber (Coir)
as rockwool which start microbes out compete
and rockwool were compared after inoculation with T. harzianum it
out as completely sterile, any pathogens and a well
was found that colonization was greater in the coco fiber, with spread
rapidly develop some oxygenation solution helps
through the rockwool substrate being less dense. It was also found that
forms of microbial life as with that process. In these
colonization of Trichoderma was highest at the site of inoculation sug-
the warmth, moisture, cases the food source, gesting that the initial introduction of Trichoderma into a growing me-
nutrients and organic if not other fungi, will be dium should be at multiple sites or well mixed through the substrate
matter produced by the organic matter provided before planting (7) .
plant’s root system provide by either the substrate or
a good environment the plant’s root system “While Trichoderma has been shown to
for microbes. In fact, in which produce exudates,
establish and proliferate on a range of
hydroponics where there is old root cells which are
typically year around heat, sloughed off as the root
soilless substrates, there is some evidence
plentiful moisture, oxygen system expands and other that colonization may be greater on
and rapid plant growth, debris. certain growing mediums.”
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Trichoderma Q&A
Q. What do Trichoderma get from root invasion?

A. Trichoderma penetrate symbiotic relationship’

into the cells of the root meaning even though
system – once this occurs, the Trichoderma has
it triggers a response gained entry to the plant
in the plant host which tissue, it does not cause
effectively `walls off’ the any disease or damage.
Trichoderma and prevents Symbiotic means both
it getting any further into parties benefit, the plant
the living root tissue. In gets protection and the
triggering this response, Trichoderma gets a good
the plant’s natural system place to live and also
of defence is activated and some plant derived
a systemic resistance is sucrose which is an
induced. This relationship important resource
between Trichoderma and provided to the
plant roots is termed an Trichoderma cells in this Pythium infected roots (right) compared to healthy
`opportunistic avirulent association (22). roots (left) from an NFT hydroponic system.
Trichoderma has proven effective against Pythium in
Q. How do Trichoderma attack and control pathogens? numerous studies.

A. Many Trichoderma direct control. Another

species are specific for method of pathogen
Oxygen & Temperature
certain pathogens and control is through inducing
will predate these if they systemic resistance in the Trichoderma, like many microbial species has tempera-
are present in the same host plant, Trichoderma ture optimums for rapid colonization and activity, for
location – this is through does this by invading the most of the commonly applied species this is 77-86 F (25-
30o C) (8). If conditions are too cold, the rate of multiplica-
a number of different plant’s root system to the
tion of the Trichoderma will slow and even cease, if too
processes. The main depth of a few cells, which
warm, then die back may occur or the Trichoderma may
method of attack is for triggers the plant
become out competed, leaving the way open for other
the Trichoderma to coil to launch its natural
forms of microbial species to take hold.
around the pathogenic defence mechanism to
Another important consideration is oxygen in the
fungi, release enzymes wall off the Trichoderma,
root zone – Trichoderma and other microbial species re-
to break down the cells in doing so the systemic quire oxygen for healthy functioning and unfortunately
and consume its prey. It resistance spreads through oxygen starvation is a common cause of root disease
is thought Trichoderma the entire plant so that outbreaks in many hydroponic systems. Over watering
also release a number of foliar and fruit diseases may with either too frequent application of nutrient solution,
antibiotic compounds for be controlled as well. stagnation and deep ponding in NFT systems, heavy wa-
ter logged growing media with poor drainage all lead to
Q. Why does Trichoderma give greater growth potential to a lack of oxygen in the root zone which suffocates both
plants growing under stressful conditions?

suppression of
“If conditions are too cold, the rate of multiplication
A. Largely because there is
more potential for growth pathogens, many of of the Trichoderma will slow and even cease, if too
improvement under which are opportunistic warm, then die back may occur or the Trichoderma
less than ideal growing and will attack stressed may become out competed, leaving the way open
conditions than with plants plants, and by possible
for other forms of microbial species to take hold.”
already at maximum production of certain
biomass production – the elicitors of plant growth
root systems and Trichoderma. If the root system then becomes dam-
effect is thought to be which are as aged due to over watering and a lack of oxygen, this combined with the
a combination of both yet unidentified. die back of Trichoderma and other beneficial microbes create the ideal
situation for opportunist root pathogens such as Pythium to take hold.
High levels of oxygenation in the hydroponic root system are rela-
tively easy to maintain with selection of the correct type of growing
media for the conditions (coarser and freer draining when it’s cooler

Introducing a Revolution in Creating Living Compost Tea

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• Much higher air infusion & dissolved oxygen
• Works as a nutrient mixer & living water machine too
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6 weeks of growth: Jalapeno on Left is control, jalapeno on Right
got 1 cup per gallon of compost tea from the Vortex Brewer The root system on the right was fed with the Vortex Brewer!


nhanced sea water

e land and sea.
use of subtle forces found
BD500-508) to increase DIRECTIONS FOR USE:
situation. Inspired by the
tor Schauberger, and • LifeSoil/Soilless
1 tspn
media: Use as an amendment @ ¼ -
(1-5ml) perfor
gallon every plant
tool kit for any garden
eaning it reinforces the • Give plants everything they need and want
Hydroponics: Use as an amendment @ ¼ -
1 tspn (1-5ml)/gallon
NIC is formulated with
natural systems and
d. Use in every growing
• A total
Compost sea1-3mineral
Tea: Use solution
tspn (5-15ml) per 5 gallons
Best if used with Vortex Brewer system,
of water.

be healed.
GARDEN • Contains ALL earth bound elements (90+)
S: Foliar: Use 1-4 tspn (5-20ml) per gallon 1-2x’s per week
ents: plusSprouts:
biodynamic preparations
Use as a seed soak and for watering at 4 tspn BD500-508
..................70% (20ml)/gallon
..................30% • UseFarmers:
in EVERY growing situation
Call for consultation…910.794.7887
d promote plant growth Volume = 1tspn = 5ml = 0.33tbsp = 0.17oz
Life Force for Every Plant Compost
Distributed by tea setups are identical. Left bucket got 1 tbsp
ral purposes.
of GARDEN TONIC, pictures taken after 4 hours, increased
Foam is an indication of biological activity You can see it with your eyes!
6005 Oleander Drive , Wilmington , NC 28403
nd levels of metals in this 118.3 ML = 4 OZ = 8 TBSP
Net weight = 0.5 lbs biomass visible with the naked eye
910.794.7887 • In cooperation, peace, & the earth may be healed

BD THUNDER BD THUNDER is a uniquely formulated humus offering born on a certified

organic farm using only the finest ingredients. BD THUNDER is a genuine
biodynamic creation. Developed by Rudolph Steiner in the 1920’s as the first
reaction to artificial farming, biodynamics is rooted in the use of subtle forces found
in specific plants & herbs called biodynamic ‘preps’, numbered BD500-508. Many have
used the word biodynamic, but few have actually experienced it…until now. You’ve never

• Real food for your soil or growing media

used anything like this in your garden before, guaranteed!
Biodynamically prepared humus. Derived from: cow manure, kelp, rock dusts, biodynamic
Total Nitrogen (N)................0.38% preparations BD500-508 (fermentations of: cow manure, silica,

• Microsoil – Get the benefits of soil in hydro!

<0.01% Water Soluble Nitrogen yarrow, chamomile, stinging nettle, oak bark, dandelion, valerian,
0.38% water insoluble Nitrogen horsetail). Ingredients are sprayed with various living solutions
from the Vortex Brewer. BD THUNDER is screened by hand and

Available Phosphate (P2)5).........0.19% crafted in small batches. It is not sterilized, meaning it comes from

• Contains ALL microbes and micronutrients

Soluble Potash (K2O)......................0.05% nature and may potentially contain small rocks or seeds that
germinate in the bag or after planting. This is no cause for alarm, it is
the life force at work. Simply pluck, or turn under into the living soil.

• Produces the healthiest roots, leaves, flowers,

Be creative! Uses limited only to the imagination…

Top Dressing / Root Drench: Use 1 tbsp/gallon, stir vigorously clockwise & counterclockwise,
water into roots, repeat weekly.

Life, Energ
Soil (Soilless - Hydroponic) mix: Use @ 1-20% by volume when preparing soil or growing media, add more as
needed in all stages of growth.

and fruit you’ve ever seen!

Compost Inoculant: Use 1 cup once per month in compost pile for higher quality compost.
Compost Tea: Use with TONIC and the VORTEX BREWER for maximum results. Use 1-2 tbsp per 5
gallons of water as a biological inoculant; see
Transplanting: Sprinkle compost over the entire surface of hole before planting.

Left picture shows side-by-side against “compost” competitor.

Grass Application: Use 1 gallon per 1000-5000sqft in Spring and Fall.
Pond Treatment: Use 1 gallon for every 1000sq ft of surface area 2-4x’s per year.
Tree & Shrub Food: Use liberally around roots 2-4x’s per year.

Right picture shows a zinnia flowering in Pro-mix, a soilless

Propagation: Sprinkle and water into plugs or starts ASAP
3.5 cups = .19 gallon = .83 liter Information on the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at

18.6 cups = 1 gallon = 4.4 liter In cooperation, peace, & light…so the earth may be healed
t6005 Oleander Dr., Wilmington, NC 28403
93.1 cups = 5 gallon = 22.0 liter

growing media. BD THUNDER used at 1 tbsp per gallon in both.


Cheap “compost” (Right) can actually A plant can’t flower in Pro-mix,

hinder plants. BD THUNDER plant on Left. but with BD THUNDER it can!



Genesis Compound is born on a certified organic
farm using only the finest ingredients and is a genuine
representation of biodynamic (BD) compost. Developed by Rudolph
Steiner in the 1920’s as the first reaction to artificial farming, biodynamics
is rooted in the utilization of subtle forces found in specific plants & herbs. The
BD ‘preps’, numbered BD500-508, help regulate and enhance the life and process
within soil & compost, and in the interrelationship of plant life to its near and distant
environment…so the earth may be healed.
Biodynamically prepared humus Derived from: cow manure, kelp, rock dusts, biodynamic
Total Nitrogen (N).............0.41% preparations BD500-508 (fermentations of: cow manure,
0.03% Water Soluble Nitrogen silica, yarrow, chamomile, stinging nettle, oak bark,
0.38% water insoluble Nitrogen dandelion, valerian, horsetail). Ingredients are incubated
in whiskey barrels planted in the earth for up to a year,
Available Phosphate (P2)5)..0.23% thus utilizing the digestive factors of the earths telluric

• The finest compost tea inoculant on the planet

Soluble Potash (K2O)...........0.04% forces as it breathes IN & OUT throughout the seasons.
Genesis Compound can be used by itself in hydroponics or soil, as a field spray, or with any

• Genuine Biodynamic compost

custom or commercial brewing system on the market. When utilizing Genesis Compound as a
compost tea inoculant we recommend the mineral catalyst TONIC and the Vortex Brewer system
to maximize energetic and biological potentization & productivity.
Compost tea: Use 1 tbsp per 5 gallons of good water; for larger systems use 1 cup per 100 gallons.

• Handcrafted using only the finest ingredients

Propagation: Sprinkle or water into plugs or starts ASAP.
Pre-mix: Utilize at least 1 cup per 2 cuft (1 tsp per gal), mix evenly or water into growing media.
Soil / Hydroponics: Use 1-3 tspn for every 5 gallons of solution, stir clockwise &

GENESIS COMPOUND counterclockwise for up to 20 minutes and apply as a soil/media drench.

• Use for compost tea, stand alone in hydroponics

Field / Garden Spray: Find a proper bucket and use 1/3rd cup in 3-5 gallons of
water, find a comfortable stick and stirring from the periphery create a vortex
PREMIUM BIODYNAMIC stirring clockwise & counterclockwise. Repeat for one hour. This concoction is
COMPOST TEA INOCULANT energetically sufficient for an entire acre of land!

and soil, or field spray

Information on the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the
Use the Force! internet at

1 cup = 0.24 liter Distributed byt6005 Oleander Dr.

8JMNJOHUPO /$twww.ProgressEarth.comt
3 cups = 0.71 liter
1 gallon = 4.4 liter

Side-by-side: pepper on Left is control, pepper on Right was

Use t
he Force!

watered with compost tea created with Genesis Compound, Note fruit forming and stem size on the Vortex Brewer plant! (Right)
TONIC, and KELP+ from the Vortex Brewer

• Sea Kelp harvested from pristine Icelandic waters
• Extracted using ZERO harsh chemicals or heat
• TWICE the concentration of industry kelps
• Out performs other kelps for less money
• Sea minerals and other goodies added…that’s the +!
Side-by-side versus leading liquid kelp using 1 tsp per gallon Bok Choy: After 20 days of growth After 33 days
of each. Left got leading kelp, Right got KELP+

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Trichoderma Q&A
Q. How can Trichoderma products be reactivated and are and growth slower is always advisable to help prevent
there any compounds that can be used to help feed or over watering). Careful control over nutrient application
promote Trichoderma. to allow thorough drainage between irrigations which
helps draw fresh air through the substrate and replenish
A. Generally the composted bark fines, oxygen and a nutrient which as some opportunity to re-
manufacturer’s coconut fiber or small oxygenate in recirculating systems.
instructions should always volumes of compost/
be carefully followed vermicast additions gives “While Trichoderma has proven to be effective for
when reactivating the faster establishment as
pathogen control in a wide range of applications,
spores contained in a it provides a cellulose
commercial Trichoderma food source for the
results can sometimes be variable when dealing with
product as there are Trichoderma in the early biological control systems.”
a number of different stages when the plant
preparations and additives root system is still small.
or `carrier agents’ used. However, with hydroponics Studies have found
Some are granules or it’s essential to not application of Trichoderma
powers designed to be overload the nutrient to greenhouse strawberries
incorporated directly into solution and system with controlled post harvest
growing media, some as a large volumes of organic rotting.
liquid drench. Trichoderma matter or additives –
prefers warmth, in doing so the rapid
moisture and oxygen for explosion in many forms of
reactivation, once that microbial life can rob
occurs a readily available all oxygen from the
food source is also helpful root zone creating a
for rapid development. situation where roots are
There has been some suffocated and pathogens
evidence that using a flourish under anaerobic
growing medium such as conditions.

Q. Are there upper limits of nutrient solution

concentration that Trichoderma can tolerate? Will they
survive in high EC solutions and/or do better in low EC Trichoderma Variability & Limitations
While Trichoderma has proven to be effective for pathogen control in a
A. The range of EC typically have no real influence wide range of applications, results can sometimes be variable when deal-
used in hydroponics, is on the Trichoderma ing with biological control systems. Control is dependant on the Tricho-
actually quite narrow itself. Trichoderma is derma being applied at the correct time (i.e. before levels of pathogens
compared to the salinity known to survive and have built to high levels), under the correct conditions of moisture and
levels in some soils and the thrive in a diverse range temperature and of an effective species and strain. Poor control by bio
rise in osmotic potential of environments in the control agents is also attributed inadequate distribution in the root zone,
that occurs as soil dries presence of toxins, growing media and location – Trichoderma introduced at a different lo-
cation to where the pathogen is residing. Initial introductions of Tricho-
out, so Trichoderma is heavy metals and
derma can be beneficial if applied directly to or under the root system of
unlikely to be affected certain chemicals, so EC
new transplants as it is likely that any pathogens, such as Pythium, will
by hydroponic EC levels. is unlikely to have any
be introduced to a clean system via infected seedlings. Another limitation
Trichoderma `eat’ organic significant effects. Even
is that Trichoderma is more specific to fungal pathogen control and may
matter cellulose and EC levels high enough
have limited applications for bio control of pathogenic bacteria (4) , some
chitin from fungi cells, so to stunt and damage
of which can cause serious disease outbreaks.
unless for some reason plant growth should While Trichoderma is a popular fungal bio control agent, there are also
the EC is affecting these have no influence on a number of bacterial `effective microbe (EM)’ species (bacteria in the
sources of food, it should Trichoderma. genera Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Streptomyces) which can also be in-
troduced to the root zone of plants. Often, for unknown reasons, Trich-
oderma may not persist in the root zone long term, thus protection can
decline as the crop develops. Re-application of Trichoderma products on a
regular basis is always recommended to ensure population levels don’t die
out resulting in a lack of pathogen protection in the root zone.

The continuous improvement of color


HPS 1000w

Trichoderma Q&A
Q. Does coir naturally contain Trichoderma, even after the Trichoderma Compatibility With Other Beneficial
coir treatment process?
Fungi Species
A. This depends largely on break down some of
Trichoderma are not the only fungi with beneficial effects on plant
the processes used in the the cellulose, however
growth and disease suppression. While there are a vast number of fun-
different brands of coir. that would depend on a
gal species which may have benefits for crop production, only a small
Some coir is heat treated number of factors such
number have been identified and studied. Of these the arbuscular
to kill seeds, insects and as the location, if the
mycorrhizal fungi, Gliocladium virens, non pathogenic F. oxysporum,
pathogen spores, and in coir piles are covered
Paecilomyces lilacinus, Penicillium chrysogenum, and a number of oth-
this case any naturally or in contact with the ers have been identified in studies as having an antagonistic effect on
occurring Trichoderma will soil, the populations of pathogenic fungi. In many of these studies it has been discovered that
also have been destroyed. other microbes in the combinations of synergistic fungi species often have a greater effect on
Some coir products and surrounding environment disease control than when used singly (9).
other growing mixes and other factors. Many
on the market are studies have found Trichoderma Compatibility With Mycorrhizal Fungi
deliberately inoculated naturally occurring
with Trichoderma before Trichoderma (and other Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AMF) fungi are another wide spread, naturally
sale. Coir is typically retted beneficial fungi species occurring soil micro-organism which forms a beneficial relationship
and then composted as well) in a range of with the roots of many plant species. Just as with Trichoderma species,
during its manufacture as coir substrates and it enhanced growth and disease suppression has been well documented
a plant growth medium, has also been found in with the use of mycorrhizal fungi inoculated in the root zone of crop-
so during this process it’s some studies that these ping plants (15) . Given that Trichoderma is such a strong predator and
likely that Trichoderma microbes had disease competitor with other species of fungi in the root zone, there has been
colonise the fibres and suppressive qualities (21). concern in the past that negative interactions between Trichoderma and
mycorrhizal inoculants could occur, thus making one or both
fungi inactive and therefore incompatible. While numerous
scientific studies have been carried out to determine if Trich-
oderma verses mycorrhizal antagonism does exist when
both are introduced to the root zone of certain plant species,
conflicting results have been reported.
The problem identifying if this sort of interaction does oc-
cur is that in biological systems there are multiple factors af-
fecting the result. Not only are there many species of Tricho-
derma with different characteristics and abilities to predate
other fungi, but mycorrhizal fungi also contain a number of
species including Glomus claroideum, Glomus mosseae, Glo-
mus intraradices and Glomus geosporum. Furthermore the
conditions in which the fungi are introduced, the crop species
tested, growing media, presence of other microbial life and a
host of other factors affect the result of fungal interactions.
While one study (Green et al, 1999) found that the Mycor-
rhizal fungi G. intraradices had an adverse effect on Tricho-
derma harzianum, yet another study (Martinez-Medina et
al, 2009) reported that combined inoculation with these two
species provided better disease control results and a general
synergistic effect than other Mycorrhizal species tested.
Many other studies have found a synergist effect when
Trichoderma was used in combination with certain species of
Mycorrhizal fungi. It has been reported that dual inoculation
of peat substrate with a mixture of four species of Mycorrhi-
zal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum showed a significant
effect on the growth and flowering of cyclamen plants (12),
while another study found that more plant biomass was
produced in a peat-perlite mixture when the mycorrhizal
fungus Glomus mosseae was combined with Trichoderma
aureoviridae (13) . Other researchers have also reported that
various microbial inoculants such as Trichoderma and oth-
ers showed no negative effects on Mycorrhizal establishment
(14), while others have reported that combinations of Mycor-
rhizal fungi species with Trichoderma harzianum and other
beneficial fungi have a synergistic effect and give greater in-
creases in growth and disease resistance when combined (15,
16, 17) . It has been suggested that the differing results report-
ing the influence of Mycorrhizal fungi on other micro organ-
isms is probably not only due to the combination and species
of Mycorrhizal fungi evaluated but also the conditions such
as nutrient availability when the studies were carried out (20) .
The bulk of the scientific evidence suggests however that
the species of Trichoderma and Mycorrhiza commonly used
as inoculants in soil and hydroponics are compatible and po-
tentially synergistic when used in combination. Trichoderma
and Mycorrhiza carry out different but potentially very
beneficial roles in the root zone of plants, involving not only
protection from many pathogens, but also nutritional and
growth benefits.
Breeding Microbes
with Compost Tea:
Unveiling the
Microscopic Secrets
of Connoisseur
Organic Growers

ommercial grape growers
in Sonoma and Napa pay
big bucks for beneficial
biology consultants to
come to their vineyards.
And for good reason—the right blend
of microbiology in their soils can
significantly increase the market
Organic waste decomposing at a composting facility in Sacramento, California
value of their wine by promoting
more sophisticated flavors and
bouquets in their grapes. When it about them, because you wouldn’t Give it up for microorganisms! They
perform relatively Herculean acts for
comes to actually selling the end be around either! While you ponder
their size. Microbes are responsible for
product, it can be the difference that fact, consider one more. There aiding limitless plant processes, including
between producing a bottle that sells are more microbial cells in and on helping plants feed and protecting
for, say, ten bucks and one that sets a human (or at least one not taking them from disease. They even help
to create the very soil that serves to
you back fifty or more. Just think antibiotics) than there are human support the entirety of life on Earth.
what an understanding of beneficial cells in your body! Meanwhile, many of us have become
biology could do for the fruit and We’re going to find out how to conditioned by modern marketing
veggies in your garden? breed microbes (it’s easy!) and to foster a disdain and disrespect
for microbial creatures (think hand
So what exactly is this beneficial deploy them in our gardens. To sanitizers and antibiotics). Healthy soil is
biology? How do we ‘capture it’ this end we’ve pulled in beneficial alive with microbes. They form incredibly
and put it to work in our gardens? biology expert, Evan Folds from important mutualistic relationships with
the plants we depend on for food. They
It turns out that the answer’s been Progress Earth, to give us a practical
break down organic matter (which is
right beneath our noses all this introduction to brewing your own inaccessible to plants) into a form that
time. Literally! Microbes form an compost tea–and using it to grow plants can use. Think of them as little
integral component of all living the most delicious, chi-filled ‘compost conversion’ factories. Now start
to imagine the potential for increasing
systems. In fact, if microbes didn’t produce imaginable! Salivating? the life force in your garden by learning
exist then you wouldn’t be worrying Then you’d best read on! how to breed these microbes at home!
We’re talking about something called
‘actively aerated compost tea’ or AACT
“We know more about the movement of celestial bodies for short. It’s ‘life juice’ for your plants—a
than we do about the soil underfoot.” brown soup that’s full of beneficial
microbiology, the essential components
Leonardo da Vinci
of any organic growing situation.

Our current understanding of how to best take
advantage of compost tea when growing plants
can be called ‘rule of thumb,’ at best. We know
a lot about microbes, but relatively little about
what they do or how to use them while growing

Microbes can react and Bubbling air through compost tea is essential
in creating a healthy, earthy-smelling brew
adapt…by design. Did
you hear about the ‘new’
proteobacteria discovered by
scientists in the wake of the
recent oil spill? Look it up.
BP must have been stoked!

Compost Tea and Soil Food Web

Brewing compost tea is easy and can be
done in many different ways. You take some
compost and other humus sources as an
input for microorganisms and grow them to
extremely high concentrations in an aerated
Adding compost tea to rain water Watering compost into a raised bed
water solution comprised of food sources
and catalysts. The result? The soil food web
unleashed in all its glory! Microbes and plants It’s easy to get bamboozled with all the
are natural teammates, so compost tea is The number hype surrounding compost and compost
simply the best way to replenish and enhance tea. Consider this: microbes are so small
this wonderful relationship. of microbes that up to 500,000 bacteria can fit in the
However, our current understanding of present in a period at the end of this sentence. When
how to best take advantage of compost tea it comes to brewing your own microbes,
when growing plants can be called ‘rule of biological sample high numbers are the easy part, but
thumb,’ at best. We know a lot about microbes, is nowhere near the number of microbes present in a
but relatively little about what they do or biological sample is nowhere near as
how to use them while growing plants.
as important important as the diversity and strength
There are potentially billions of as the diversity of those organisms. Total numbers can be
microorganisms and thousands of feet relevant when evaluating the balance of
of fungal hyphae in a mere teaspoon of
and strength biological products or whether a humus
quality compost. The fact is, microbes are so of those product is stable, but it does not address
abundant, so pervasive in everything we do, the most important aspect of all—how
that it’s no issue to promote astronomical well the product works in a real-life
numbers when discussing and marketing growing scenario.
them in compost, or compost tea products.
Biological Diversity Making & Using Actively Aerated Compost Tea
and Microbe Strength
So, you want to brew your own compost tea. Where do you start?
The answer is humus! Microorganisms are found dormant in quality
Many biological products man cannot dunk without humus sources like compost or worm castings, but can be awakened
available at your local the assistance from the and stimulated to grow under the right conditions. There are several
grow store are created point guard. When 52 different methods for creating compost tea (AACT). It’s simply a
by microbes raised by different organisms (ones matter of adding your humus source to water and using air pumps
humans in a laboratory. that were individually grown to increase the amount of air in the water solution in order to grow
This biosynthetic approach by a human in a Petri dish) microbes. The final part of the jigsaw is to add some sort of food and
is necessary for the cost are brought together as an catalysts for the microbes to grow, such as molasses, kelp, rock dust,
fish, humate, sea minerals, etc.
effective distribution of end product intended for
Brewing your own AACT is similar to running an aquarium. You
certain microbes and has use in a gardening situation,
aerate water for fish the same way you do for microbes, or for roots
its merits, especially with the optimal result is surely
in a deep-water-culture hydroponics system.
mycorrhizae fungi, which compromised.Remaining
cannot express their with our basketball analogy
abilities without a plant for a moment longer, the 1. Bucket
and are not benefitted by team’s overall ability is 2. High Output Air-pump
brewing in compost teas. hindered if all the players
3. Tubing
However, many believe that are not on the court and,
a biosynthetic approach even if they’re all present, 4. Porous Bag
cannot represent the what happens if the coach 5. Compost
full potential of an intact puts the players in the 6. Gang Valve
biological network. There’s wrong positions? (Adjustable T-Piece)
no synergy amongst the Sure, microbes don’t
different microbes as they play basketball (as far as
didn’t grow up together. we know) so you may be
Remember, microbes aren’t forgiven for thinking that
robots, they’re unique, it’s not feasible to identify
dynamic, living, breathing ability in microbes. But
life forms with varying first, check out some Bt
abilities, even within a given products. Bt is a bacterium
species. called Bacillus thuringiensis. 6
A key concept to grasp It’s commonly used in
is that no living organism gardening because it’s
operates autonomously. gentle with plants, but very
In other words, there is capable of parasitizing the
a symbiosis, or “give and larval stage of common The porous bag allows microbes to escape
take,” found in the natural pest insects. The Bt and enter the solution while keeping the tea
world that we humans take organisms geared towards free from debris.
for granted, and therefore fighting larvae such as
restrict. Think you grow caterpillars are called the
your plants? Sorry but it’s kurstaki strain and the Bt DIY Compost Tea Shopping List
far more likely that you aimed at fighting mosquito
You can purchase ready-to-go brewers if you want to make your life nice
merely get in the way and larvae in water is named
and easy. Alternatively you can make one yourself. To brew compost tea,
mess with the magic! All the israelensis strain.
you’ll need a pump, some air tubing, a gang valve, and bubblers.
microbes operate by way These organisms are of the
of teammates. They play same species and illustrate One high powered air pump Porous bag for the compost,
off of each other, with one differing abilities depending Several feet of air line tubing like a nylon stocking
teammate unlocking the on the application. OR
One or two tee-pieces or
ability of the next. The big gang valves
Something to strain the final tea,
Two or four air stones like an old pillowcase or tea towel.
Some foods sources such as bat guano The food source utilized when brew-
create more of it, but a good fish oil (or ing compost tea can determine the
the active ingredient in comfrey called microbe grown. This idea follows the
allantoin) will keep things in motion and concept of succession. An acre of land
keep the foam down if need be. Foam is left fallow will begin to regenerate
generally not a concern, using annual plants
especially when using (weeds), and then
suggested recipes from progress into more
reputable compost tea perennial species
companies. A sugar source (grass, vegetables)
When brewing AACT like molasses until it culminates
keep in mind that the into a forest (peren-
higher the water tem-
fed to a balanced nial hardwoods).
perature the greater the stable compost Over the course of
biological growth, but this natural process,
the lower the dissolved
inoculant will fungi become gradu-
oxygen. It’s a matter of encourage more ally more dominant
physics that the warm- than bacteria. This is
bacterial growth,
er the water tempera- not black and white,
ture, the less oxygen whereas kelp or but is evident in the
can be dissolved. It is fish fed to the fungal dominance of
also true that the colder old growth forests.
the water temperature same inoculant will So what does this
the slower the biologi- encourage more knowledge mean?
cal growth. Dissolved Well, you can use Deliberate overuse of bat guano
oxygen levels above 6 fungal growth. it to brew compost
parts per million (ppm) teas that make more
will provide sufficient sense to what you tail), which encourages the growth of
biological growth, and are growing. For beneficial nematodes. To be clear, mo-
levels around 8 ppm are instance, a sugar lasses does not discourage fungi from
attainable at room tem- source like molasses growing, it simply encourages bac-
perature. An accepted approach among fed to a balanced stable compost in- teria more. Similarly, using a fungal
compost tea enthusiasts is to brew AACT oculant will encourage more bacterial dominant tea on an annual plant will
at a similar temperature to where it’s be- growth, whereas kelp or fish fed to the not harm it in any way; it’s a better/
ing used, for example; if your root zone same inoculant will encourage more best scenario. There is so much more
temperature is 68°F (20°C), brew the AACT fungal growth. The same is true for to be discovered as da Vinci reminds
around this temperature. other inputs, like Equisetum (horse- us—we know more about the stars.

F:B = Fungal : Bacteria ratio

Source: Biologic Systems
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Using AACT

Microbes given a proper environment based hydroponic situation growing

can grow to extraordinarily high jalapenos.
concentrations. The book Secrets of Again, it’s a better/best scenario;
the Soil states that a single microbe you’re better off using compost tea and
reaching maturity and dividing mitigating the potential harshness of
within less than half an hour can, in your mineral-based nutrients than
the course of a single day, grow into worrying about the microbes dying.
300 million more, and in another day It is always advisable to check nutrient
to more than the number of human concentrations with a meter before
beings that have ever using a tea on sensitive
lived. Further, according or special plants, but by
to the book Microcosmos, keeping inputs at or near
bacteria, in four days recommended amounts
of unlimited growth, tea there should be no fear
could outnumber all the of burning. “Burning”
protons and even all the
can be used a plant is actually a
quarks estimated to exist in unlimited water stress based on
within the universe. This total ion concentration.
reality allows growers
ways and Having too many ions
to use as little as five really cannot around a root system
gallons on an entire sucks water out of
acre of land, roughly be used the plant via osmosis,

No compost tea added to reservoir

equivalent to about a one incorrectly causing the plant to
cup per gallon dilution. respond by sending its
Compost tea can be unless you are available water into the
used in unlimited ways overwatering middle of the leaf and
and really cannot be leaving the edge to burn.
used incorrectly unless your plants. Because compost tea
you are overwatering is created at relatively
your plants. Some low concentrations (600-
growers choose to use 800 ppm) burning is a
compost tea on every non-issue when used at
watering, but weekly applications recommended levels.
or on reservoir changes would be As if to underline the previous point,
sufficient. It is even possible to compost tea can be used with seedlings
experience benefits from compost and cuttings with great success.
tea with just one application. The sooner and more microbes used
After all, you’re dealing with living the better, even in hydroponics.
organisms that can populate and Use a gallon of compost tea to 20-50
reproduce by themselves if given gallons of water in hydro reservoirs;
proper conditions. some growers even use compost tea
It is a common supposition that concentrate as their primary reservoir
synthetic products (i.e. mineral based solutions. Consider using organic
nutrients) kill microbes. While this is and organic-based nutrients as food
certainly true on some level, using sources for biological inoculants. It is
compost tea with synthetic nutrient not necessary to feed microbes after
regiments can produce good results. you have implemented them into a
The image inset illustrates the use garden, but it can certainly have a
Compost tea added weekly to mineral-based solution of a leading compost tea brew used positive influence. After all, natural
at one cup per gallon on weekly farming is about feeding microbes, not
reservoir changes in a mineral- the plant.

Composts, Inoculants
Compost Tea as a
AACT Brewers and Food Sources for
Foliar Application
Compost Tea
It is possible to use compost tea as a There are varied compost tea units When brewing compost tea, starting with
foliar spray. Some growers spray their available on the market, everything from a quality microbial product is essential.
plants every day, but once a week will a five gallon bucket to large commercial This is a major problem with people who
do the trick for measureable results. units. For the most part, the unit you compost in their back yards. Organic mat-
When using compost tea you are choose will be based on volume size and ter doesn’t melt; it’s biologically digested.
harnessing a synergy of living microbes convenience, not biological performance. It’s not advisable to use manure to make
for general benefit, however, this is There is a healthy debate regarding the compost tea because manure is not yet
one of the occasions when a targeted importance of the size of the air bubble plant food. This is why black cow “com-
biological product can be effective. produced by air diffusers and another on post” at the hardware store costs $1 a bag.
Many times the microbes used in whether they need to be used at all. It is It’s aged manure. It’s mulch, not plant
human designed microbial products certainly true that the smaller the bubble food. Remember, trees in a forest don’t eat
are found naturally in compost, but the more surface area exposed to the leaves; they eat what the microbes make
not in high enough concentrations solution. However, it is unclear whether of them.
to make them applicable once pests this really makes a difference based Some growers use worm casings as the
or disease have struck. In the end, a on maximum dissolved oxygen levels sole basis for their compost teas. While
pest or disease is simply a biological considering water holds a finite amount this is certainly a viable option to brew
imbalance of some sort, so when one of oxygen relative to its temperature. tea, worms are predominately a bacte-
trophic level gets out of whack a higher Filter bags to hold compost are also a rial organism, and do not contain some
concentration of a certain microbe can point of difference between respective of the trophic levels of beneficial organ-
work effectively. models. They are used strictly for isms, such as fungi, nematodes, protozoa,
The active ingredient in many convenience so that the compost tea ciliates, etc. that provide vital benefits
biological fungicides is the brew does not clog up sprayers after to plants and gardens. Worms sequester
bacterium Bacillus subtilis, which creation. This can save time, but must be bacteria in their gut in order to work their
is found naturally in compost. This balanced with what is not extracted from magic, like termites use fungi to digest the
concentrated organism will work the physical compost when brewing. As wood they eat. To brew a better tea, con-
better on a disease outbreak, but if mentioned above, microbes hold on really sider using worm castings along with a
used consistently, compost tea can tight. A quality humus is colloidal and balanced humus product.
work preventatively to allow the most inputs used are soluble, so a filter
disease to express itself in the first bag is not absolutely necessary. You can
place. The more consistent you are in always filter it after you are done brewing.
delivering microbes to the leaves and It is vital to use quality water when
root zone of your plants, the more brewing compost tea, and in your garden
benefits you will receive. in general. If you are unsure of your water
Compost tea can even help control source, use a filter. There are quality
pests if used consistently, many reverse osmosis (RO) filters and de-
bacteria found in compost seek chlorinators on the market for reasonable
protein, which is what comprises prices. Most nutrient solutions are not
the exoskeleton of many target pest designed to account for what comes
species. As with any new endeavor through the tap, so if possible start from
in the garden, isolate a test plot and zero ppm. Remember, chlorine kills
experiment before implementing it microbes and it’s added to just about
into the entire growing situation. every public water supply in some form
There is no real precedent for using for this very reason. Bubbling your water The more consistent
Actively Aerated Microbial Extracts will remove chlorine in a couple of hours, you are in delivering
(AAME) in compost tea brews, but not chloramines, its more persistent
but it’s certainly a good idea for cousins—also used in many municipal
microbes to the leaves
experimentation. Some grow stores water supplies. At the very least, let your and root zone of your
set up multiple compost tea units water sit out for 24 hours before using it
for grow/bloom or bacterial/fungal to brew tea. Ideally, invest in a reverse
plants, the more benefits
purposes. It’s widely anticipated that osmosis water purification system. you will receive
we will start seeing them for pest and
disease control too in the near future.
Food sources for compost tea include molasses, kelp, fish,
bat guano, and generally anything that was once alive
that is soluble enough to be put into solution, even fruit
pulp. It is important to note that recipes and preferences
vary widely, for instance, some may recommend up to 16
tablespoons of molasses per 5 gallons of water, others only
1 tablespoon. Be sure to experiment based on these general
recommendations, but below are a couple of simple recipes.
Use the formulating company’s recommendations
for humus and catalyst per gallon, then for a bacterial
dominant tea, use 4-6 tablespoons of molasses and 2-4
tablespoons of kelp to five gallons of aerated water.
Reverse the ratio for a more fungal dominant tea.

Three Simple AACT Recipes

All for 5 gallon (19L) brewers

Bacterial Dominant Tea

1.5 pounds (700g) bacterial compost or vermicompost
3-4 tablespoons (45-60ml) liquid black strap molasses
4 teaspoons (23g) dry soluble kelp or 2 tablespoons
of liquid kelp
3-4 teaspoons (15-20ml) fish emulsion

Equal Ratio - Fungi : Bacteria Tea

1.5 pounds (700g) 1:1 fungi to bacteria compost
3-4 tablespoons (45-60ml) humic acids
4 teaspoons (23g) dry soluble kelp or 2 tablespoons
of liquid kelp
3-4 teaspoons (15-20ml) fish hydrolysate

Fungal Dominant Tea

2 pounds (900g) fungal compost
3-4 tablespoons (50ml) humic acids
2 teaspoons (10ml) yucca extract
4 teaspoons (23g) dry soluble kelp or 2 tablespoons
of liquid kelp
4-5 teaspoons (20-25ml) fish hydrolysate

Recipes from ‘The Compost Tea Brewing Manual’,

5th Edition by Dr Elaine Ingham.

Fish-based natural fertilizers are generally obtained in one

of two forms, condensed fish solubles known as emulsions,
or enzymatic digested fish known as hydrolysates. Fish
hydrolysate is cold processed (minced, enzymatically
digested and liquefied) to preserve proteins for quick
turnover by microbes into nutrients for plants. Emulsions
are created using extreme heat, and while they may be
easier to work with because they are further refined, the
processing removes valuable ingredients and denaturing
nutrients. While both fertilizer forms can benefit a compost
tea, hydrolysates retain the natural oils from the fish that
are a very potent fungal food.
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Demand the Best

Accept No Imitations
Make sure to ask your retailer about the components of the
compost tea being brewed, including the biological source
and whether mineral catalysts are being used.

Mineral Catalysts Brew Times

One thing that is not discussed enough in cific trophic levels (imagine the balance of The most commonly heard figure for brew
the compost tea community is the use of the big fish and the little fish in the ocean) times is 12-24 hours. If pressed for why, a
mineral catalysts. Catalysts, as we know, of microbes by preparing food from its common answer is because bacteria are
change the speed of a reaction. It’s impor- surrounding environment that attracts most active in these stages. While bacteria
tant to understand that microbes work those capable of generating what is de- are beneficial to plants, so are many
indirectly via chemical decomposition. In ficient in the plant. This biological/plant other microorganisms. Take protozoa for
other words, bacteria don’t chew on a ba- network, or intelligence, if you will, can- example. It is well known that compost
nana peel in a compost pile, they offer up not be established overnight, but it can tea brewed for over 24 hours begins to
an enzyme (biological catalyst) that works be tapped into if we are aware of it. This develop protozoa and ciliate dominance.
to chemically break it down. Enzymes are is especially true when growing indoors in (The brew “matures.”) Protozoa are
specialty proteins that work like keys to artificial environments. extremely efficient nitrogen (N) cyclers,
a lock for important biochemical reac- It’s important to provide everything for so why would a grower looking for more
tions within living organisms, plants and plants so they can be allowed to eat what nitrogen not brew their tea longer to
people included. All enzymes incorporate they desire, but it’s even more important populate more protozoa dominance?
a single molecule of a trace mineral—such to allow microbes a complete tool kit. Not Further, they are also the shredders in
as manganese, copper, iron or zinc—with- doing so is like hiring someone to build the soil; they eat bacteria and fungi like
out which an enzyme cannot function. We a house and only providing them half a shark eats fish in the ocean. Humus
all know the benefits of adding enzymes the tools. The pictures inset illustrates a is actually the guts of microbes. They
to our gardening systems, but not many side-by-side test conducted with a broad- have digested available organic matter
growers know that you get free enzymes spectrum mineral product. The tea sample to create stable dormant humus (plant
from microbes. on the left was brewed in the presence of food). The guts of microbes are actually
Microbes help plants eat and, in return, many more elements than the tea sample fertilizer bags. Why wouldn’t we want
plants feed microbes. In fact, over half of on the right. Note the enhanced foaming protozoa in there creating nature’s plant
the energy derived through photosyn- and darker color after only four hours. food shredding up bacteria?
thesis by plants is fed to the soil as exu- Other catalysts to consider are rock There is no “right” way to brew compost
dates. Think of an exudate as a meal for dusts, yucca extract, or any broad-spec- tea, only better and best. Before long we
microbes. Plants actually know what they trum natural mineral. Remember, these will have developed biological feeding
need, they just can’t tell us. This means materials are not “food” for microbes; they schedules that direct growers on how long
that plants have the ability to attract spe- help microbes eat their food. to brew their compost teas given humus,
foods, and catalysts to accomplish the
microbe spectrum that makes sense for
the plant and stage of growth, like we do
mineral products. If one wants bacteria
Buying AACT to use as a foliar, use molasses and brew
for 12 hours. For a higher fungal : bacteria
Your grow store might be one of the many ratio for hardwoods, brew 24 hours using
who offer up their own in-store brew from fish hydrolosate and humates. Feed hay
units operated inside the store. If you has shown promise in increasing protozoa
choose to purchase compost tea from a counts, so brewers can use it and brew
gardening store, be sure to use it as soon for 48 hours to sequester more for their
as possible. We have seen evidence of gardens. The possibilities are endless.
beneficial life for up to three days under
a microscope with some systems, but it
is always advisable to use it the day you get it from the shop. Make sure to ask your
Sample on left brewed with greater retailer about the components of the compost tea being brewed, including the biological
level of elements than sample on right
source and whether mineral catalysts are being used. If they have a microscope set up,
even better. Make a habit of reconciling the microbes you see under the scope before
you take it home with the results you are getting in your garden.
Some models found in stores involve refrigerating brews and coordinating pickups
on certain days, while others encourage running the units perpetually by adding food
source, catalysts, and microbes each day based on the amount of water added to the unit.

Nutrition as it is today does not
supply the strength necessary for
manifesting the spirit in physical

A bridge can no longer be built

from thinking to will and action.

Food plants no longer contain the

forces people need for this.

So long as one feeds on food from

unhealthy soil, the spirit will lack
the stamina to free itself from the
prison of the body.

Rudolf Steiner
Creator of Biodynamics

Some growers are experimenting with

aerating their microbes for a period of time
before adding food sources. The idea is that
some microbes wake up faster than others, so
brewing without food lets all of them get their
feet on the ground, so to speak. Makes sense,
but much more research needs to be conducted.
The new frontier in natural gardening will
develop around these ideas. One thing is for
sure, we’ve got a lot of work to do. But, hey, it
could be worse, we could be sitting in a cubicle.
If we approach the biological situation of
our soils and hydro systems humbly, we will
be in a far greater position to benefit. We can
get more out of our plants than we have come
to expect. Growing plants is about much more
than feeding a plant directly, it’s about taking
stock of their total environment, including
the biological (microbial) and energetic
(biodynamic) aspects of the growing situation.
Rather than listen to ourselves, let’s listen to
our plants for a change.

If you’ve never used compost tea with your

plants, you’re not maximizing the genetic
potential of your garden. Consider this your
clarion call. Stop by your local garden store
and get started today.

WORDS: Evan Folds

“The root aphid
feeding process

Root Aphid
can make the
roots more
vulnerable to
fungal and viral
Root Aphid factoids: diseases.”
Aphids and root aphids are related to the commercial grape vine pest Phylloxera. During the late 19th century a Chemical control can
‘Phylloxera plague’ destroyed an estimated two thirds of European vineyards! be achieved with products
containing Imidacloprid –
Root aphids in the genus Root aphids can vary Root aphids feed Affected roots a neonicotinoid systemic
Pemphigus (pictured) in color depending on by sucking the sap frequently split and start insecticide manufactured
secrete a white waxy species and life stage. from roots, which in to decay as a result by Bayer. Due to its
material as a protective They can be pale yellow, extreme cases can of root aphid feeding. systemic characteristics
measure against predator green, red or black. cause the plant to wilt. Decaying roots can often and ‘moderately
attack and desiccation. Some adult root aphids Problems often start with attract fungus gnats to toxic’ classification,
When colonies are spotted can develop wings and unhealthy colored foliage the party, which also feed Imidacloprid should
in a root zone, this white fly. At this stage they are and strange nutrient on roots. The root aphid be limited for use on
substance is often often black in color and deficiency symptoms, the feeding process can also ornamental plants or on
mistaken for saprophytic can easily be mistaken most common symptom make the roots more consumable plants during
or mycorrhizal fungal for Sciarid flies aka being interveinal chlorosis vulnerable to fungal and late propagation or the
growth. fungus gnats. of the mid to lower leaves. viral diseases. early vegetative growth

control is a more natural
approach and can
be achieved with the
entomopathogenic fungi
Beauveria bassianan,
found in the commercial
product ‘BotaniGuard.’
This fungus parasitizes
and kills the root aphids.

Other moderately
successful control
measures include
submerging the root
zone or pot in a solution
containing insecticidal
soap for 30 minutes to 2
hours. Anecdotal reports
suggest growers have
had some success using
neem products containing
azadirachtin when applied
as a root drench, and with
commercially available
predatory nematodes - but
‘ A lettuce root aphid Pemphigus bursarius
less is known about which
feeding on Salix roots.’ species of nematode are
most effective against root

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Las Vegas’ Hangover
Graham Foster compares the Las Vegas from
The Hangover with his first visit to Sin City.

Walking through the lobby of my central-

Strip hotel, The Imperial Palace (a mock
pagoda with a lazy Far-East theme), I’m
surrounded by paraphernalia from the
film The Hangover: t-shirts with the life-
sized image of a baby in a baby-carrier
(including sunglasses); the bearded Zach
Galifianakis plastered on posters and
t-shirts that declare the practice of card-
counting to be “frowned upon;” Bradley
Cooper dolls with over-sized plastic heads
that juggle violently when flicked; various
key rings, playing cards and other gift-
that it shows “average” guys who clearly a casino floor will reveal grey and
shop-junk. In short, Vegas has adopted a
have no problem affording the excesses unhealthy people basically undergoing
film that mocks its own excesses to help
that Vegas offers: drinking, gambling and the gradual transition from existence
its self-created myth soar even higher.
eating (hotel rooms are really cheap for a to deceased while pumping dollar coins
The gamblers, of course, love it. Armies of
reason!). On The Strip, it can cost up to $8 into machines (it’s not quarters anymore),
men wearing the baby-in-carrier t-shirt
for a regular brand of domestic beer (one or tossing dice at the craps table. An
roam the streets; snatches of overheard
bottle, not counting the tip); the gaming after-dinner stroll down The Strip will
conversations contain film quotes and
tables are designed to be as seductive be constantly interrupted by men and
let’s-pretend role-playing (honestly, you’ll
as possible, and food is very expensive women, fluorescent-clad in t-shirts
hear the term “wolfpack” every second
(even recognized fast food brands, which declaring “GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS: Straight
seem to incorporate some kind of Vegas to your hotel room,” shoving leaflets
So why has Vegas jumped on The
surcharge in their standard prices). Phil, advertising these services into your
Hangover, using it as a kind of freelance
Alan et al., far from being average, must be hands. An interesting side note: far from
piece of marketing for the town’s wild
extremely well off to survive their night being embarrassed about these low-level
side? Well, people being wild and reveling
of a booze-filled, all-out, spending spree on street pimps, Vegas has adopted them as
in excess spend money, and money is the
The Strip. a cultural feature. Replicas of this twisted
real reason why there’s a city in the middle
The glitz and glamour are laid on so fluorescent mural in the form of “GIRLS
of the Nevada desert. People influenced
thick in Vegas for a very good reason: to GIRLS GIRLS” shirts are on sale in myriad
by The Hangover (the surprise hit of
hide the very evident squalor that the hotel gift shops, although the specific
2009, grossing $201,642,000 worldwide—
town subsists on. A quick walk around target market remains vague.
according to IMDb), will be drawn to
Vegas to experience what the characters
of the film quite clearly suffered, and “Vegas has adopted a film that mocks its own excesses
they’ll bring their wallets with them.
Another reason Vegas may have jumped to help its self-created myth soar even higher.”
on this film and its commercial appeal is

“Another reason Vegas may have jumped on this film and its
commercial appeal is that it shows “average” guys who clearly
have no problem affording the excesses that Vegas offers:
drinking, gambling and eating.”

My point in detailing this horror is that and good-looking people (rather than old
The Hangover largely ignores it, preferring ladies with hair set by gallons of spray,
to focus on the glossiness of Caesar’s and old men dwarfed by their Stetsons).
Palace and other Strip locations (which, In short, the film constructs a myth that
of course, is probably a wise directorial shrouds real-world Vegas in exactly the
decision as the film is an enjoyable, light same way as Vegas casinos shadow their
comedy). It’s another reason why Vegas neighbors, each having been constructed
loves the film, and has taken it to it to its higher and brighter than the last. The
rhinestone-studded breasts—the fictional casinos are hyper-real monuments to
Vegas of the film is much more attractive the myth of Vegas: a scale model of
than the real town, a town that has based the Eiffel Tower, a Manhattan skyline
its internal economy on human weakness. (complete with yellow cab rollercoaster),
In The Hangover, the hotel room is an indoor Venetian canal with simulated
a tremendous suite with flat-screen sky and opera-singing gondoliers, and
televisions, white sofas and the space to a glass pyramid stocked to the gills
swing a tiger (rather than the cheap box- with Egyptian reproductions. The awe-
like offering you’ll probably get); the hotel inspiring construction of these casinos
pool and terrace are glamorous—actually almost distracts you from the “nearly-
somewhere you would want to eat dead” spending hours literally tied to the
breakfast (rather than the morning refuge machines (gambling cards on a string used
for extremely large people revealing yards instead of cash), and the shit-splattered
of dimpled and sun-greased flesh), and the public toilets in the bowels of even the
gaming tables are surrounded by young most upscale casinos (don’t ask).

Favorite Vegas Casino Tricks:


Everyone knows about this If you are sitting at a The toilets are usually The casinos are known to The designs and colors of
one, and it’s perhaps the gaming table with a stack located at the very deepest pump pure oxygen into the the carpets are used both
most obvious. I even asked of chips in front of you, the part of the casino so you air supply in order to keep to confuse the eye (so it’s
a waiter in a casino what casinos are more likely to have to walk through all of the gamblers awake and easier to forget where the
time it was and he informed wave the astronomical cost the temptations on offer playing. exit is) and to mesmerize.
me that he was not allowed of the beer/wine/spirits. in order to answer nature’s
to tell. Being isolated from call. Apparently this also helps The colors are used to make
the temporal signifiers of There are no bouncers to with speedy inebriation the gamesters feel they
the day’s passage is very throw you out when you’ve This fact combined with when used in combination are in a safe environment.
effectively disarming and had enough … the discombobulating with the free drinks. The lights are also mellow
it makes Vegas a timeless architecture means it’s instead of harsh neon, and
bubble, especially when very easy to get trapped in there is Muzak playing at a
your attention is diverted by a casino. low level in order to lull the
the various games. gamblers.
Most importantly, The Hangover Walking around Vegas That away from The That “genuine” French
paints Las Vegas as the ultimate place to and experiencing it Strip, on Fremont Street, cuisine (steak-frites) in the
party, the place where sins are rewarded without cinematic Las Vegas gets really Paris-themed casino is far
(drunken excesses free you from a rose-colored glasses weird: terrible magic shows from genuine, right down to
failing personal life; gambling results makes disappointment (obvious plants in the the overly cheerful waiter.
in massive winnings, etc.). The problem the only rational audience as volunteers, The Las Vegans really don’t
with Vegas’ self-promoted reputation as reaction. fake arms very visible etc.); do “studied ennui” even to
the party capital of the world is that fun a terrible Alice Cooper enhance a simulation.
can never go hand-in-hand with naked In my own let-down state, impersonator who also does
and cynical commercialism. Scantily- this is what I have learned a terrible Ozzy Ozbourne; That the depths of
clad waitresses wander the casino floors about Las Vegas: dancing girls everywhere Western civilization have
offering gamblers the chance to order (on podiums in the street been reached, not in the
a drink, not because they want to help That “Europe” is used as a for example); a small rampant greed of the
someone have a happy and fun time, but general signifier of “classy,” person dressed as Mr. T. and casinos, but with the creation
because they want to keep that person’s but the intended target is grinding against a clearly of M&M World—a four-storey
natural willpower and self-awareness at missed by a mile. inebriated regular-size girl; shop that only stocks M&M-
an all-time low. It’s tantamount to a sleazy dogs wearing leather chaps, inspired products.
guy feeding a girl alcohol to increase his That everybody who works and the list goes on . . .
chances of receiving a clumsy, back-seat in Las Vegas makes money, That The Strip looks small
blowjob before the night is through. It’s either legally or otherwise. That the Venetian Casino on a map, but will dissolve
a widely reported fact that the casinos (with indoor canal and shoe leather like nothing else.
have no clocks, or overt exit signs on the That all casinos have Italian shopping street) will
gaming floor. Yet it’s not until you walk the cigarettes-and- reduce a group of Italian That most nations/
around inside that it becomes startlingly carpet-cleaner scent of old tourists to wild hysterics in ethnicities have been given
clear that the buildings are designed to institutional waiting rooms. the central piazza. the L.V. treatment. Germany,
disorientate: curved walls, no landmarks, however, seems to have
uniform decoration, lots of noise and That even the shows That Las Vegas seems been ignored. Oh, for a plastic
mellow lighting are about as far from that seem skewed towards to be the refuge of the Neuschwanstein Castle!
natural as you can get. The Hangover a younger crowd are extremely large, unhealthy
doesn’t so much as mention any of these desperately inappropriate, and greasy-looking person, And that Las Vegas’ down-
dirty tricks, which makes it easy for the especially the pirate one who sits at slot, and bar- and-out population suggests
casinos to market the film (although, one that recasts the pirates as mounted poker machines that the city has an efficient
suspects that they would have used The shirtless dancers who have for more straight hours than way of breaking people. The
Hangover as a marketing tool even if it to fight a ship full of strippers a workaholic would sit at his constructed glamour cannot
had said that Vegas slot machines were ... Okay, “sirens” (sample office desk. disguise the desperate people
constructed out of the bones of small dialogue line: “All the salty panhandling on the raised
children). seamen who sail into my cove That the Bellagio walkways, scrubbing for
All of this hype increases the chances of will drown in inhospitable fountain is genuinely (and cigarette butts and generally
Las Vegas being a huge disappointment— waters”). surprisingly) breathtaking. roaming around in a daze.
the equivalent of a Christmas morning
with an empty stocking. Throughout its
relatively short history, films like The
Hangover have been ignoring the seedier
side of Sin City and concentrating on “Try not to build up your hopes before you arrive, and for
the neon, the extravagant pleasures
and Vegas’ self-propagated myth. Films
heaven’s sake don’t construct your itinerary by copying the
such as Swingers (1996), Ocean’s Eleven events depicted in myriad Hollywood films...”
(1960/2001), Viva Las Vegas (1964), What
Happens in Vegas (2008) and even So the advice of your weary correspondent after an assignment to compare
Showgirls (1995) all help Vegas perpetuate the real Vegas and the Hangover Vegas is: Try not to build up your hopes
the myth of glamour and the fiction of before you arrive, and for heaven’s sake don’t construct your itinerary by
“The Party” and this is how the majority copying the events depicted in myriad Hollywood films (especially all the
of the world’s population is conditioned card-counting stuff. It’s not just ‘frowned upon’; you will get your thumbs
to view the city. But then what can you broken by rent-a-thugs and be left to bleed among the other broken people
expect from Hollywood, another entity on the sidewalk).
that has created its own myth in order to
better sell itself to the public. Words: Graham Foster

The most
music videos
of all time! M.I.A. Born Free Erykah Badu Window Seat
Ever since the 1981 launch of
MTV heralded the age of 24- This short film from the London-born, Sri
Lankan-raised, politically active electro-
Essentially a striptease set to the soulful
sounds of the song; the video features
hour music television, bands dance artist features the rounding up of a singer Badu walking the streets of her
and artists have recognized gaggle of ginger-haired youth by a platoon
of particularly shady—and identifiably
hometown Dallas, shedding items of
clothing as she goes. Filmed completely
what a potent marketing tool American—armed forces. The carrot- guerrilla style and in just one take, the
the music video is. topped kids are shipped out to a desert bystanders she passes, clearly shocked
in the back of a bus, before being forced at what they are seeing, are all real. As
With the medium firmly in the to disembark. The youngest of their the final layer of clothing is whipped off
mainstream, musicians and directors number is shot through the head before just as she is walking past Dealey Plaza,
use promo clips to make themselves several others are forced to run through the infamous spot of JFK’s assassination,
more appealing to fans by seizing the a live minefield. As various severed limbs Badu’s head whips back violently as she
opportunity to present themselves in and appendages fly through the air, too takes a shot to the back of the head. She
their own chosen artistic light. However, several more kids are beaten to death collapses apparently dead in the street. A
for some, the music video has been an by the psychopathic troopers. The video spoken word passage closes out the video
invitation to explore the boundaries of caused outrage on its release and was urging the viewer to be individual and to
taste and decency— whether for artistic initially pulled from YouTube. A graphic not be afraid to be liberated. Badu escaped
statement, political intent, shock value or and shocking video, no doubt, but the police attention regarding the video
for a good old-fashioned cynical attempt political allegory at work here is clearly shoot, but was subsequently warned
to get column inches. highlighting the obscenity of genocide. the combination of indecent exposure
Sex, debauchery, violence and religious and the presence of children could have
imagery are the most common ways landed her a maximum fine of $4,000 and
directors have created controversy, which up to one year in prison. As it was, it just
has led to many videos being banned from generated a great deal of free PR. Bonus!
TV, cut, or in the most extreme cases,
campaigned against.
Like movies, there’s nothing quite like
music videos to get the more puritanical
among us up in arms.
Chris Hidden investigates some of the
most controversial clips out there.
t.A.T.u All the Things She Said
Grammy Award-winner Kanye This 2002 clip from Russian ‘lesbian’ pop duo t.A.T.u featured its two members, Lena
Katina and Yulia Volkova, dressed as Catholic schoolgirls in short skirts and revealing
West holds the record for
tops. The pair dance suggestively together in the rain and snow behind a chain fence
the longest music video at before sharing a steamy kiss. The suggestive nature of the video, the overt lesbian
a whopping 40 minutes for connotations and the seemingly young ages of the girls caused widespread outrage. Well-
his single, ‘Runaway’. It beats known bastions of the UK’s morals, Richard and Judy, campaigned to have the video
banned claiming it pandered to paedophiles. They failed and t.A.T.u’s response was to
Michael Jackson’s Ghosts, the incorporate the uniforms and steamy clinch into their live performances of the song. In
former title-holder by just 29 your face Richard and Judy!

The industry’s biggest reflectors have just been discovered. they are so ahead of their time – it’s a scientific mystery.


Air-cooled Reflector Air-cooled Reflector Air-cooled Reflector
32” L x 26” W x 7 ¾” H 32½” L x 26¼” W x 7¾ ” H 38½” L x 29½” W x 9½ ” H

The Prodigy Justice Stress
Smack My Bitch Up
The second video on this list directed by members of the public and the police. In
Recently voted the most controversial Romain Gavras—the other being M.I.A.’s the climax to the video, the gang steal a
song of all time in a survey conducted “Born Free”— is the clip for “Stress” by car, which they set on fire and then, in a
by PRS for Music, the Jonas Akerlund- acclaimed French dance act, Justice, final clever twist that breaks the fourth
directed video to this seminal Prodigy which received widespread criticism both wall, turn their violent attention on
track—taken from their ‘97 album The for its extreme violence and for what the camera filming their rampage, and
Fat of the Land—wasn’t short of a some perceived as racist undertones. In by extension on us, the audience. The
shock or two either. A veritable feast of the clip a marauding gang of youths of band strongly denied any accusations of
controversial imagery, the video follows African descent run riot on the streets racism— actually, the video was felt by
a chaotic night on the tiles filmed from of Paris. The gang, all dressed in jackets many as being a critique of the French
the first-person perspective of the adorned with Justice’s cross logo, commit media’s portrayal of socially deprived
main protagonist. Its 4 mins, 33 secs are numerous acts of vandalism and mount a youths from Paris’ outskirts.
full to brim with sex, violence, alcohol series of unprovoked attacks on innocent
abuse and other nocturnal debauchery.
The classic twist comes at the end of
the clip when the main character is
revealed to be a woman. The video
received major criticism particularly Nine Inch Nails Closer
from feminist groups who believed
it to be misogynistic. The video was No strangers to courting controversy,
widely banned from daytime TV and Nine Inch Nails knocked it out of the
went on to be named as MTV’s most park with this ‘94 clip for the song “Closer”
controversial video ever. The Prodigy from their seminal album The Downward
went on to become one of the UK’s most Spiral. Taking place in a hellish laboratory,
successful dance acts; never strangers to the video features imagery pertaining to
a controversial moment or two. religion, sexuality and politics and also
contains images of animal cruelty.
Classic scenes involve a naked woman
wearing a crucifix mask, a monkey tied
to a cross, a pig’s head spinning on a machine and singer Trent Reznor wearing an S &
M mask whilst swinging in shackles. The imagery, inspired by the macabre art of Joel-
Peter Witkin and the 1986 short film Street of Crocodiles, shocked and appalled viewers
on the video’s debut but has since been widely recognized as being one of the greatest
music videos ever; in fact it has been added to the permanent collection of the Museum
of Modern Art in New York.

Madonna Like a Prayer

Probably the most famous video on this to a statue of Saint Martin de Porres, he comes to life, crying, and shares a tender kiss
list, the heavy use of religious iconography with the singer. This mixture of the sacred with the profane outraged the Vatican and
in “Like a Prayer” —including Madonna had many other people assuming director Mary Lambert was depicting a black version
showing signs of stigmata and dancing by of Christ, which only added fuel to the fire of religious outrage. Even more publicity
several burning crosses—created a great was created after Pepsi, seeking to distance themselves from the controversy, pulled
deal of controversy when it was released a TV commercial featuring Madonna singing the same song for which they had paid
in 1989. In the clip, Madonna witnesses the her $5m. Throughout her career the singer has utilized music videos to further cement
murder of a woman by three white men her popularity but has often been criticized for their transgressive nature. 300m record
but sees a black man wrongly arrested for sales later and officially recognized as the world’s top-selling female recording artist of
the crime. She flees to a church to pray all time, you could say she probably knows what she’s doing!

Britney Spears Baby One More Time
On the surface of it and when compared resplendent in pigtails and the most
to some of the other videos on this list, the revealing of school uniforms, Spears
1998 video for Britney Spears’ debut single is seen, midriff on full display, dancing
is not amongst the most shocking, nor through the corridors and hallways of
did it create the greatest of controversies her high school. That the video found its
when released. What it did do was help way onto extreme rotation on daytime
thrust the then unknown teenager into TV is either a sign of more liberal times or
superstardom by the sheer power of its that the video out is actually a subversive
iconic and highly sexualized imagery. work of genius. We know which we’d
Portrayed as a Catholic schoolgirl, prefer to believe.

Hate Me Now
No surprize to see a hip hop video make this list given the
genre’s propensity for courting controversy. This 1999 clip
featured New York gangster rapper, Nas, wearing a crown
of thorns and dragging a cross on which he is subsequently
crucified. The controversy created as a result of a black man
portraying Jesus was oddly enough matched by the most
unlikely of sources: the song’s guest vocalist Sean ‘Puff
Pearl Jam
Daddy’ Combs. Featured in an earlier version of the video
being crucified alongside Nas, Puff Daddy had requested the
Pretty much the reason Seattle grungers,
scenes be pulled after suffering an attack of guilt as a result
Pearl Jam, stopped making music
of his religious beliefs. The request was granted but somehow
videos for well over ten years was the
the original cut made its way to several TV stations that
controversy surrounding this clip of
subsequently broadcast it. Outraged, Puff Daddy allegedly
arguably the band’s most recognisable
retaliated by attacking Nas’ manager, presumably after
song. The uproar rumbled on for several
misplacing those religious values of his. A disclaimer was
years after its release. Inspired by 16
added to the start of the video saying it in no way depicted
year-old Texan, Jeremy Wade Delle, who
or portrayed the life or death of Jesus Christ. We think that
committed suicide by shooting himself in
much is pretty obvious.
front of his class at school, the song and
video tell the story of a young man bullied
at school, ignored by his parents and
generally disillusioned with life. At the
end of the video he is seen putting a gun
to his mouth before pulling the trigger—
his blood-spattered classmates are shown
next, frozen in horror. To get the clip
Aphex Twin
played on TV, the gun scene was cut; a
Come To Daddy / Windowlicker move, which led to many people wrongly
Okay, technically two different music videos for two separate songs but stick a pin in assuming that the video’s climax depicted
the video output of seminal electronica musician Aphex Twin, aka Richard D James, the boy killing his classmates. After the
and you’re going to come up with something shocking. Both directed by acclaimed video was blamed for a school shooting in
video maker, Chris Cunningham, these videos blend disturbing imagery with macabre 1996 and, after the Columbine shootings
and nightmarish elements. A classic scene in “Come To Daddy” finds a grotesque demon in 1999, the video was rarely seen again on
screaming in the face of an old woman, and in “Windowlicker”—a ten minute parody TV; a fact that continues to this day.
of contemporary hip hop videos—beautiful bikini clad women appear with twisted
versions of the real face of Richard D James. That particular video also features 127
uses of profanity including 44 uses of the ‘F’ word. Rarely seen on TV, and thankfully
largely unknown by those who would most likely be outraged, Aphex Twin’s videos
consistently shock, yet always retain major artistic merit.

Limited Edition
15 Year Anniversary Poster
“Spring” by Local Phoenix Artist
Jason Hill

In Celebration of Botanicare’s® 15 year

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receive seasonal limited edition prints
by local Phoenix artist, Jason Hill.

We commissioned Jason to create a

series of four poster designs, one for
each season- Winter, Spring, Summer,
and Fall. At right, you’ll see a sneak
preview of his creation “Spring”.
Only 2500 of each poster will be
given away.

Want one? Use your smartphone to

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the code below to get yours.

Our Technical Editor, Gareth Hopcroft, puts this premium pH meter through its paces over a three-month test period, using it regularly,
several times a day, in a real-world growing situation. Here are his results and feedback.

The Bluelab pH Meter
At 200 bucks a pop Bluelab’s pH meter is two to
three times the cost of many handheld models. PROBE
So is it worth the extra investment? The product comes complete with a pH probe. It attaches easily to the
unit via a screw down BNC fitting. It has proven to be extremely robust
UNIT and very reliable. The connection between the probe and the cable is
Although the display component is not waterproof, so I don’t worry about plunging the probe deep into my res.
waterproof, I can’t see why it needs to be. The probe has a six-month guarantee, which is quite generous; most
After all, the idea is that you don’t put it near of the other pH meters I know of only offer three months. The unit itself
any water or nutrient solution. Instead you has a five year guarantee. Another nice touch is the laminated probe
position it for convenience—i.e. where it’s easy maintenance card that details cleaning and storage instructions.
for you to read. The long probe cable—6.5ft
(2m)—spares your back the stress and strain
of reaching into reservoirs with handheld units
and trying to take a reading at the same time.
The measurement resolution is 0.1 pH, which
is fine for my uses. However, I have used other
pH meters which provide readings of 0.01
pH – I know this isn’t necessary, but it appeals WETTING CAP
to the geek in me. The unit only has three A small cap attaches to the
buttons, so it’s suitable for all levels of grower. probe to keep it moist between
readings. In my experience,
allowing a pH probe to dry out
when not in use is one of the
main causes of inaccurate
readings and premature probe
failure. The cap design is good.
Instead of the usual slide-off
soft cap, Bluelab have opted
for rigid plastic with a screw
top. The probe slides through
a rubber grommet on the cap
and into the tube that contains
the storage solution. When the
cap is screwed down it’s firmly
attached to the probe, if you
try to pull it off when screwed
down it does allow some
movement but the vacuum
created inside the cap pulls the
probe back in.

Bluelab manufacture some of the industry’s best hand-held meters and control equipment for measuring & controlling parameters
such as nutrient pH, conductivity and temperature.
More info:

COMPLETE UNIT COST Ease of use 9/10
$200 Reliability 9/10
Accuracy 9/10
Maintenance 9/10
Information provided 10/10
32-113°F (0-45°C) Overall 90%

ACCURACY: +- 0.1 pH 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
RANGE: 0 –14 pH pH RANGE


Few things suck more when mixing up your The unit features auto-calibration, so you just The sucker pad is a great feature. The ability to
nutrients than discovering your pH meter’s put the probe in the buffer solution and hit the stick the probe to the reservoir makes it much
batteries have died. Most of my previous meters calibrate button! It’s that easy! For accuracy easier to stir in pH correction solutions than when
have used watch batteries. Sure, they are fairly and peace of mind the meter has three points of using handheld meters as I have both my hands
easy to find in many stores but they are very calibration at pH 4, 7 and 10. Because I’m only free!
rarely found when hunting around the house in taking readings between 5 and 7 I’ve only been
an emergency. Bluelab’s meter uses two AAA using pH 4 and 7 buffer solution for calibration. AUTO OFF
batteries so I can easily plunder a temporary If I wanted accuracy between 7 and 10 I would After 4 minutes the unit automatically switches
replacement from the TV remote control or the use the respective buffers. Bluelab recommends off. I have found this slightly annoying sometimes
computer mouse. The unit also indicates when calibrating after every 30 readings. I have used when measuring many different solutions but
battery levels are low. it many more times between checks and the perhaps I will appreciate this feature in the long
probe has only ever been out by 0.1 over the past run as it does save battery life.
three months. Only time will tell if more regular
“Bluelab’s meter uses two AAA calibration will be necessary but so far so good.
batteries so I can easily plunder a I’ll keep you posted online at “The meter’s probe has proven
temporary replacement...” to be extremely robust and very

Bluelab’s pH meter may not win any sexy design awards but it’s all about functionality over form. I don’t mind that this unit costs more either. In fact, using this
pH meter had been somewhat of a revelation for me. In my many years as a grower I have gone through so many handheld pH meters, I dread to think about the
total cost of all those cheap meters that ended up giving up the ghost after three months. You certainly get what you pay for, and I’m left in no doubt that it’s
worth the extra dollars.

The NFT Gro-Tank brings home the benefits and techniques of commercial hydroponics to hobby
growers. A long-standing favorite among European indoor gardeners, it’s super simple to use
and massively productive. Designed by Nutriculture, a pioneer of the European hydroponics
industry since 1976, these systems are now finally available in North America!


A Nutriculture NFT Gro-Tank is comprised of a low level tank, a
top tray, a top plate, and a pump with delivery system attached.
The nutrient solution is contained in the tank. The plants sit on the
tray, which is set at a very slight incline, above the tank. Nutrient
solution is pumped onto the tray to create a shallow, slow moving
film that constantly flows through the roots of the plants. Whatever
the plants don’t use is drained back into the tank, ready to be passed
over the roots again.

Plants are started in a small amount of growing medium, usually a 3

or 4 inch rockwool cube and are placed onto the tray when fully root
bound. The only growing medium used is the medium that the plants
Post-harvest inspection: A dense network of
are started in: NFT is a “bare rooted” technique. roots forms on the spreader mat.

A thin layer of capillary matting called
Grow Store Testimonial “spreader mat” is first placed over the tray.
This helps to spread the flow of the nutrient
A consistently popular choice for both solution evenly over the entire surface of
novice and expert growers. the tray when plants are young. The tray is
Justin Henry, Chief Hydroponicist, Growell, UK
covered with the top plate to prevent light
from entering the root zone and the roots
develop, very rapidly, into a large mat that
completely fills the tray. The larger the root
mass, the greater the uptake of water and
Cucumber plant in
rockwool block ready nutrient and, ultimately, the greater the
to be transplanted into yield. More roots = more fruits!
an NFT Gro-Tank.
Note that the block is The pump is left on 24/7, so there are no
literally bursting with tricky irrigation cycles to work out. The
roots! Transplants roots always have access to water, nutrients,
need to be at this stage and a huge dose of oxygen. Whatever the
before being inserted plants do not use simply flows away; they
into an NFT system.
are never over-fed or under-fed.


Faster growth rate and bigger yields
Up to four times the yield of conventional soil growing.

No complicated delivery systems; no feeding schedules
to calculate; very little maintenance involved.

Quicker harvests
Get more crops per year.

Water efficient The Gro-Tank range is comprised of five different

No waste run-off in re-circulating hydroponics systems. size units suitable for 1 to 16 plants.

No chance of over- or under-watering System GT205 / GT424 / GT604

Plants take as much or as little as they need. GT901 / GT100

Clean and minimum waste produced
No heavy bags of medium to carry around: a major
benefit for indoor cultivation.
To see grow diary images, a full run down
No soil-borne pests of sizes and some very entertaining
Reduced chance of disease and reduced use of system assembly videos, visit:
Developed by real growers Interested in stocking
Realistic plant spacings, easy-access tanks, irrigation
tubing suitable for high mineral content solution and
Nutriculture hydroponic
sizes based on common grow room dimensions. systems?
Manufactured in the UK Contact Agrarian Distribution Group:
Complete control over quality components. Tel: 1-888-213-8016

Compost tea helps plants uptake nutrients by introducing
a diverse range of beneficial biology into the root zone.
Nature’s Solution Compost Tea comes in a breathable
(patented) bag so there’s no need to brew your own and
rush it to your reservoir. Amazingly, it will last for one
year as an active and live compost tea.

Nature’s Solution Compost Tea contains worm castings
and compost with several nutrients. Several large bins
are prepared months ahead of time with the perfect
blend of raw materials for culturing and increasing the
amount of diversity in the base material.


Compost tea needs oxygen in order to stay alive. The ORGANICS AND
breathable bag technology was discovered in 2004 and HYDROPONICS
tested for over a year. But it took a further five years
to find a manufacturer who could produce a durable
breathable bag that did not break in transit.

The Breathable Bag

The breathable bag has two layers. The first
Apply once a week for best results. You can use it as a soil layer has tiny holes that are smaller than a water
drench or in reservoirs throughout the growth cycle. In molecule, so air can come in, but the water
addition you can also apply tea as a foliar spray up until cannot come out. The second layer has larger
holes in it and is made of stronger material to
early flowering. give the bag stability and enable a fitment and
cap to be attached.

Tech support: 415-898-5895
GROWERS More info:
Use only what you need, when you need it and
Stays active and alive for a year
pH is Not Lowered Contact: Dr. Carole Ann Rollins t. 415-898-
No refrigeration required 5895
No chemicals added
No brewing Interested retailers call: 707-225-5762
Ready-to-use with soil or hydroponics Or email:
2 Quarts Makes 2-1/2 Gallons
Fax: 707-940-0444
1 Gallon Makes 5 Gallons
2 Quarts for every 25 Gallons in Reservoirs
Dilute 4:1 for Foliar Spray or Soil Drench Hydrofarm
R & M Supply
HOW MUCH DOES IT Excel Garden Products
L & L Nursery Supply
COST? Arett Sales
2 quarts - $17.95 - $24.95 Sparetime Distributors
1 gallon - $34.95 - $39.95

Without Biology With Biology

tuned for growing



W W W. G R O W O N I X . C O M

built in the U.S.A GrowoniX, Los Angeles, CA

Are you looking to give your garden the edge?
Then check out our definitive guide to new
and interesting products compiled from
retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers
across the USA and Canada.



GrowoniX is proud to announce their new 200+ GPD High Flow Cold Water Membranes. Increasing your FROM PURE FOOD GARDENING
flow rate by over 30%, these membranes work with as little as 20 PSI of incoming water pressure. Specially The Microclone Rack Tray fits into the standard
developed to help growers combat the flow-inhibiting effects of cold water during the wintery season, these chrome and steel racks chosen by clone growers
membranes allow the GX150 to flow an unprecedented 200+ gallons per day and the GX300 over 400+ for its efficient use of space and light. Many retail
gallons per day. Finally, an RO that flows all year round. Visit for more information. stores, plant shops, web postings, and magazine
articles reveal how popular racks are for cloning.

The prop trays line up neatly in rows of as many

as four per shelf and such rack systems have
Zero Tolerance Pesticide is now available as a concentrate in a convenient pint-size bottle. This eco-friendly five or six shelves for prop trays and low profile
choice means that controlling infestation just became more economical. Plus fewer plastic containers lighting. Fluorescent fixtures , especially T-5s,
head towards landfills. The herbal pesticide safely eliminates spider mites and other pests. Gardeners like it fit naturally in the plant shelves. Clone growers
because it fully evaporates, leaving no sticky residue so it is safe to use up to 5 days before harvest. Made of put their propagation trays under the lights like a
essential plant oils, it even smells good! baker cooling trays of cookies. Until now, growers
watered and drained trays by hand.
Look for Ed Rosenthal’s Zero Tolerance products. They are:
The Microclone Rack Tray is 45” by 25 ½” to fit all
common rack units and is no taller than the prop
Safe to use up to 5 days Environmentally safe,
trays it is designed to hold. The Rack Tray has a flat
before harvest biodegradable,
bottom and thin raised ridges for plenty of drainage
100% vegan
and easy cleaning, important for healthy clones.
Approved for edible plants
Family and pet friendly
Distributors wanted in all countries.
Made with pure food grade
ingredients and essential oils
Microclone Rack Trays are available from your
favorite retailer. Pure Food Gardening has a new
Visit for more information about how to develop your Zero Tolerance policy for pests. location at 830-H Bransten Rd., San Carlos, CA
Now available through Tradewinds Wholesale Garden Supplies, Sacramento, CA. Tradewinds offer a complete 94070-3339. 650-596-9700
range of indoor and outdoor gardening products and accessories. For more about Tradewinds Wholesale
Garden Supplies, visit or call (888) 557-8896.
GROW GEAR We’d love to hear from any of you who care to share your experiences with any products we mention –
whether positive or negative. Get in touch by emailing us at:




Sunlight Supply,® Inc. is proud to announce the Sunlight Supply,® Inc. is pleased to announce the RELEASES NEW 400W MODEL
release of the Flo-N-Gro™ growing system from arrival of “That Stuff” Mighty Wash, PM Wash and Built on the same platform as their bulletproof
Titan Controls®. This innovative hydroponic Power Wash! Many years of research have lead 1000w and 600w, Quantum is proud to introduce
system includes a 55 gallon reservoir, twelve x 4 to the creation of these amazing plant cleaning the NEW 400w model.
gallon grow sites and twelve x 3 gallon 360° mesh products. These ready to use washes may be
aeration inserts that promote lateral root growth used throughout your plants’ entire growing and Runs both HPS and MH bulbs, 120/240v (includes
and oxygen exchange for your plants. flowering cycle, up to and including the day of both cords), and comes equipped with a two-
harvest. “That Stuff” is truly “the cleanest solution position dimmer capable of 100% and 75%
This complete system also includes the Titan to your problems.” Use Power Wash as your final operation. Big things do come in small packages!
Controls® Oceanus 1 Flo-N-Gro Controller, two x spray to remove residue left behind from other
Maxi-Jet 1000 pumps and all the necessary ¾” plant sprays.
tubing and fittings to build your system. Simply add
your favorite growing media and start growing. Available NOW at Sunlight Supply,® Inc.
Visit now for more
Visit for more information. information.


Sunlight Supply®, Inc. announces the release of the new Sun Blaze T5 Very High Output (VHO) Fluorescent Lighting
Fixtures. These 4 foot fixtures come in 4 lamp and 8 lamp configurations. Each fixture includes wire hangers,
twelve foot power cords, on/off switches and can be installed for vertical or horizontal operation. The 8 lamp model
can run 4 or 8 lamps at one time. FREE pre-installed Spectralux 6500° K VHO Lamps are included. VHO lamps
offer 7,200 lumens - 95 watts each.

Visit for more information.


Up to 5 Days Before Harvest

Non-toxic. Safe for family and pets.


Flora Duo is an easy to use two-part fertilizer. With only two bottles, it is
possible to obtain a large range of different nutrient blends to meet the HERBAL FUNGICIDE
needs of all plants through every phase, from seedling through harvest. kill/repel spider mites kill/repel powdery mildew
The ratios of primary, secondary and micronutrients adjust as you blend
in different amounts of A and B, thus tailoring your nutrient mixes to meet
your plants needs. FloraDuo can be used for all plants in prepared soil
mixes, coco blends and garden soils.
Flora Duo A can be used alone as a growth booster for garden plants, foliar
feeding and hydroponic reservoir top-up for the Grow phase by adding
1 - 3 tsp of A per gallon of water. Flora Duo B can be used alone as a bloom
booster for garden plants, foliar feeding and hydroponic reservoir top-up
for the Bloom phase by adding 1 - 3 tsp of B per gallon of water. Green
Herbal Pesticide Concentrate
New! Pint Size ( = 2.5 gallons)
9 RAPIDSTART® ROOTING ENHANCER BY Quart Size ( = 5 gallons)
Rapidstart enhances your growing experience by delivering a powerful
blend of premium plant extracts, amino acids, and nutrients generating
explosive root growth. Rapidstart stimulates prolific root branching and
development of fine root hairs that increase nutrient uptake and grow
healthier, whiter roots. Use during the entire growing cycle in all types
of growing media, including coco. Rapidstart, strong finish; bigger is
always better!
GROW GEAR We’d love to hear from any of you who care to share your experiences with any products we mention –
whether positive or negative. Get in touch by emailing us at:




Your Grodan Starter plugs, Mini-Blocks™ and Hydrofarm’s measuring cups have reinforced handles Tired of spillages when trying to measure
Gro-Blocks™ have finally found a home. This that allow you to easily measure powder, dust, liquid, out small amounts of liquid nutrient with
durable Dutch tray has double-sided features. seed or pellets for your home, lawn or garden. They are cumbersome spoons?
Use the 78-cell side to perfectly fit 1.5” A-OK Starter sturdy, food grade plastic and virtually non-breakable.
plugs or round Macroplugs. Use the mesh side for These measuring cups are perfect for grasping to dig With Hydrofarm’s new 30ml nutrient hand pump,
sheets of A-OKs, Mini-Blocks, or Gro-Blocks. The tray deep into bags of fertilizer or other growing media and dosing nutrients is easy and spill-free!
fits in a standard 10x20 flat and keeps the Grodan have an angled spout for mess-free pouring.
elevated from the bottom of the flat. Easily sanitized Hydrofarm’s nutrient hand pump screws on to
as any hard-plastic product; even dishwasher safe! Hydrofarm’s measuring cups feature US and metric the lid of 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon nutrient
markings and are available in 250, 500, 1000, 2000 containers and one full pump delivers 30 ml of and 3000 milliliters. nutrients.
GROW GEAR We’d love to hear from any of you who care to share your experiences with any products we mention –
whether positive or negative. Get in touch by emailing us at:

Organic Laboratories is one of the country’s leading producers and marketers of earth
friendly pesticides and fertilizers. Visit for more information.



16 15


Tomato Maker is a revolutionary fertilizer and Exel LG (Lawn & Garden) is a broad spectrum WITH BUILT-IN SOCKET
soil conditioner that produces a robust crop of systemic fungicide for turf, fruit trees, ornamentals The new and improved Xtrasun II Aluminum Wing
firm, tasty tomatoes. A natural-based product, and flowers. An earth-friendly product, Exel LG Reflector now comes pre-wired with a socket, so
it provides comprehensive (major and micro) is an environmentally responsible alternative to it’s ready to plug in and go! This reflector is solidly
nutrition including Calcium, Magnesium and traditional chemical fungicides. A systemic product, built, compatible with all Hydrofarm or Xtrasun
Iron. Tomato Maker has shown to correct plant it has a foliar or root application that will work its ballasts, and priced to fit any budget. This series
nutritional deficiencies and prevent Blossom End way throughout the entire plant to prevent disease has a low profile design but is bright and offers a
Rot, a common tomato problem. Can be used on and attack existing disease above and below broad spread of light.
most other fruits and vegetables too! ground.
The Xtrasun units are made with European high-
performance specular aluminum for maximum
light reflection, and carry a 5-year warranty on
15 ORGANOCIDE 16 MYCOSTIM reflective materials.
Organocide is an OMRI listed, nature-safe MycoStim is a natural-based biological soil and
insecticide and fungicide for organic production. root inoculant with beneficial root colonizing fungi To find a Hydrofarm Authorized Retailer near you
Derived from a unique blend of soybean extract adaptable to a wide range of soils and environmental visit
and sesame and fish oils, Organocide is heavier conditions. These fungi increase the root’s ability
and more effective than other oils, but safer to the to take up nutrients and water resulting in a more
plant. It will not cause plant burn even when used vigorous and stress resistant plant - especially when
on hot sunny days! establishing a new plant to the landscape.
Via Facebook
I love your magazine and the thought provoking political rants add to it! Disregard those who stay with their head in a hole and keep up the good work to
educate on sustainability and the future of our livelihood!
Janet Jacobs

Rant! Your Letters Letters, Emails, Web, Facebook, Twitter and

Twatter. What a lot of thought there is to think
about these days! Here’s a selection of the
cerebral offal you flung in our general direction…
JB on Expert Eye: Carbohydrates BigD on Super Feeding: Do Mycorr- Tim
and Amino Acid Products hizae Have a Role in Hydroponics? Shableys on
This is a great article and lends some I have to say, research aside…and
We The Sheeple
insight to HOW things work in the real personal experience behind me. Fungal
world. My opinion is that a simple Actively inoculation definitely has a place in
in the form of
Aerated Compost Tea can replace all of hydroponics! I have seen huge increases in
insulting people
the OTC amino acid/carb products in any root mass, as well as overall health of root
and calling them
given line of nutrients. development post inoculation.
“sheeple” is pretty

Frank Feiller on Aquaponics Bryson on How to Spot the Early Signs

Explained – Part 2 of Over-Fertilization
Your articles cover the basics concisely I read this article right in time. It allowed
Josh on
and are easy to follow. Would like to me to spot the damage before it got too bad!
Human Farming:
see a continuation of this series to Thank you Urban Garden. You have been
The Story of Our Enslavement
include possible nutrient deficiencies the most resourceful gardening magazine I
Great article! Keep em coming I love
to supplement the nitrates and aquatic have found to this day. Thank you!
that you guys are taking on some really
poop nutrients. Thanks for the articles.
great concepts especially something
Everest – We are now working with as thought provoking as a truly free
Sylvia Bernstein, aquapoinc expert, on David Epstein on My Quest for society.
a series of aquaponic articles published Bioponics
monthly on our website! Visit www. We’re also doing bioponics. This is really for your the way to farm sustainably. Our method
regular dose of all things aquaponic!
Brian on Human Farming:
at Bioponica is to convert all waste into
The Story of Our Enslavement
a leachate fertilizer through anaerobic
I really wish that that space in the
biodigestion, including human urine, hair
magazine had been used for an article
grasses, paper, worm teas and all plant
that had been relevant to growing.
This Issue’s matter. It’s really astounding how easy it is
to create food from trash, even so much as
While entertaining, the article is

Gold Prize Winner to isolate and specifically enhance nitrogen,

bull$4JT. What cave does this guy live
in? He doesn’t have a job or any need for
phosphorus and potassium. There’s really
Ex-Marine Goes no reason to buy petro chemical fertilizers
money? I happen to think life is pretty
damn awesome. But maybe I am a slave
Nuts For Hydro! when waste does it all.

I did 30 months in the sandbox (Iraq). And I learned that Presidents lie. Upon my return to state side I hooked up with a friend of
mine that was into hydro. I checked out his set up, a deep water culture using 5 gal. buckets. I wanted to start growing too. I had so
many questions for the dudes at my local hydro store. Eventually they pointed to your magazine. They even hooked me up with some
spare back issues. I read each 2-3 times! I decided to build my own flood and drain system. I went down to the dollar store, due to
hardly no money in my wallet from government pay scale, purchased 12 x 4gal. buckets, got some lids fabricated to fit a 6” mesh pot,
and some fittings and black flexi hose from my hydro store plus a large bag of hydroton. Water pumps, air pumps, and hey presto I
have a 12 bucket ebb and flow system. I even ended up rigging my pump that fills the service bucket to the over limit switch using a
relay to shut off the water level with a timer. All in all I spent 250 bucks! Now I am growing tomatoes like you would never believe. This
system works all by itself, I just have to monitor the pH and nutrient concentration as always. I could use one of those meters that
monitor temp. pH and TDS. When’s your next show because I would like to meet your staff, and just share my heart with you guys!

Everest: Thanks so much for your heart warming letter David. Your DIY hydro system sounds the business! Would love to see some
pics of it in action. Especially now you’re the lucky winner of a Bluelab Guardian Meter and pH Cleaning and Calibration kit! Good luck
with your new hobby – so glad we were able to help!

Via Facebook
I have caught the “revolution” bug...thanks for putting together
such a thoughtful magazine...truly an inspiration!...and a
motivator. Sanda Nead

This Issue’s
Silver Prize Winner
Via Email

Hello Everest,
Well as I sit here contemplating a new year I realized
how much I am looking forward to GROW 2011. I was
also personally touched by the article WE THE SHEEPLE
by Bruce-Ray Riggs. Add 2009 and 2010 onto the levy
from the state, I also owe the federal people for the
same years and after reading the article it made me
feel somewhat free. I love my life, I love my dogs, and I
love your magazine so I just take it easy and live one day
at a time because I only have one life to be truly free.
Thanks Everest. Lifelong subscriber, David M. Roberts
Everest: You rock David! Thanks so much for sharing the
love. We have plenty coming your way! In the form of a
Bluelab truncheon, pH meter and conductivity cleaning
kit – all yours! Woohoo!

This Issue’s
Bronze Prize Winner
Battle of the Mites
I read your magazine faithfully and thought I would
share the tale of my initial grows with you. With high
hopes, I set up my first indoor grow area, and obtained
cuttings from a friend. Then, disaster struck in the form
of spider mites. I tried everything I could imagine to
destroy them, to no avail. I finally harvested my toms,
sterilized the room, and started again. Problem was
- my clones for the second grow came from the first,
infested plants!
After reading everything I could find, I decided to try
Neem Oil. As soon as the clones were transplanted into
small pots, I began to spray faithfully, a teaspoon of
Neem Oil and a quarter teaspoon of Dawn dish soap to a
liter of water. After a couple of weeks, I moved them into
the sterilized room. Incredible results! No sign of mites,
and the plants are healthy and shiny! I took clones from
these once they were of suitable size, and this third
grow, which was never infested, has caught up to the
second in size and maturity. The information from your
magazine proved a lifesaver for these little plants. Keep
up the good work! Phil

Everest: Thanks for your letter Phil. Relieved to hear

you got on top of your mite problem! A Bluelab Combo
Meter, Soil pH Probe and pH Cleaning and Calibration
Kit now have your name on them!
Win Stuff!
Okay you highly molestable,
syrupy globules of joyspunk,
it’s over to you! On the
offerings table this time are
a pair of 1000W Quantum
Dimmable E-Ballasts! These
orange cuboids of joy are perfect
for powering your garden!

Check out all these highly

arousing features!
Runs at 100%, 75% or 50% power
Strikes both Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium Bulbs
Accepts 120v or 240v (both cords included)
Allows 50 Hertz to 60 Hertz
Runs super cool
Lightweight, shiny and ORANGE!

winner will
an extremely
covetable Quantum
Media Station!
That’s right – it looks just like a ballast but you can plug
your iPod or iPhone in and it will rock out tunes in your
garden! These babies are so limited edition it’s untrue –
your buddies will be oh-so green with envy!

Winning Is So Easy!
When you post a comment on our website or
Facebook page, or if you write us a letter or
send an email, you stand a chance of winning an
amazing prize!

If we judge your communication to be the best we

have received (perhaps a really useful grow tip, a
funny joke, photo or story) then you will win free
grow stuff! Competition open to readers living in
the U.S. and Canada only.

Entry via:
Posting a comment on Urban Garden’s
Facebook Group.

Posting a comment on Urban Garden’s website:

Emailing us at:

Or sending us a letter to: Urban Garden, PO Box

88097, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6A 4A4


Greatest Guarantee-Offer PROOFS Ever
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buyer-user regrets buying first gallon. A broad spectrum preventative biofungicide for flowers,
ADDED TO 21 FERTILIZERS, by 21 Growers fruits, and vegetables

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Available through:
UGM Support Starving Artist:

English artist, Rocket01, started painting
graffiti in 1994. “I was no vandal,” he
insists, “I used to find old places to paint,
places of decay and neglect...”

“ These places provided shelter from the British weather

and often provided smooth walls on which to paint as well
as peace and quiet. Working like this allowed me to take my
time and work over a few days, giving me more freedom to
paint what I liked. My work didn’t need to be pretty to please
the public, nor did it have to be rushed.”
After leaving school Rocket01 studied a degree in fine art.
His tutors didn’t care for his graffiti art and tried to push
him in other direction. “It was good in some ways but not
in others. Either way I never forgot my graffiti roots and it
continued to influence me throughout my time at college.
After my degree I worked freelance, mainly teaching graffiti
art to young people in schools and youth clubs. This work
really helped to keep me going and afforded me the time
to develop as an artist without having to worry about how I
was going to pay the bills.”

Today Rocket01 continues to paint, but he is now more

focused on travelling and getting his work exhibited further
afield. He spends a lot of time in his studio painting canvas
work and selling it through his website. Rocket01 also
enjoys commission work on canvas and interior murals.
“I mostly enjoy painting things from nature. I like to
portray an organic feel to the things i paint. Science
technology and plants also feature strongly in my work. I try
to help people imagine a world where we are one organism,
where technology and nature are combined sustainably to
benefit everybody.”

WIN! We have one signed print to give away!

Send us a photo of where you want to hang
it and, if we deem it a good fit, you’ll be the


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