Social Science Reviewer
Social Science Reviewer
Social Science Reviewer
and interests of the group as much as, iif participate in order to further important group interests,
not more than, their own self interest provide order, coordination & avenue for social change
(equates to rural communities) 3. MATERIAL PRODUCTS - From knowledge of how
● GESELLSCAFT: a group in which, for to produce and use a variety of material products like
the individual, the larger group never food, clothing, houses, tools, machines and works of art
takes precedence over the individual’s 4. LANGUAGE - Body of words and system for usage
self interest, and these groups lack the common to a people of the same
same level of shared mores (equated to community/nation/geographical location or cultural
urban communities) tradition
B. CULTURE 5. SOCIAL VALUES - The motivating power that
- Total Pattern of human behavior and its makes institutions function effectively
products embodied in thought, speech,
action and artifacts that are passed on
from generation to generation F. CULTURAL INTEGRATION
- The shared language, norms, values & - The degree to which a culture is internally
other ways of thinking and doing that is consistent & homogenous
passed on from adults to children; - Diverse versus unified culture
slowly accumulates over many - Cultural universals - Aspects/ Traits that are
generations similar among all cultures
- A product of human societies and of the - Cultural alternatives - cultural characteristics
individuals who compose them nor necessarily shared by other cultures
- Character & personality of all humans - Enculturation - people learn about their own
are in large part reflections of the society culture formally and informally
in which they live - Acculturation - learning about a host culture
- Cultures creates societies and societies which require these actions
depend on culture G. SOCIAL CHANGE
C. CULTURAL EVOLUTION - Gradual ● Needed in order to adjust to new situations
accumulative process of how culture is changed ● Rate of social change - started slow then gains
D. SOCIALIZATION - Process that shapes momentum through the course of human social
personality of individuals so that they can adjust development
to and become members of a society ● Factors that affect social changes
E. ELEMENTS OF CULTURE ○ Development of agriculture
1. Social norms ○ Invention of writing and printing
a. Conventions - simple everyday ○ Rise of modern science
customs of a group of people ○ Industrial Revolution (Started in
that represent usual ways of England, mid-1700s)
behaving; ○ Rapid transportation and
b. Mores - customs that need to be communication
observed by all society for the ● Current status of social change:
culture to survive; Violations are ○ Increasing rate of technological change
not legally sanctioned by incur ○ Increasing interaction among cultures
social punishment through peer (especially in developing countries)
disapproval ○ Accelerated pace of spreading of
c. Laws - more exact; generally Western science and technology
recorded, codified & enforced as ○ Although there are still a lot of cultural
a means of securing public differences across different cultures, on
obedience; violations are legally the whole, differences are diminishing at
sanctioned (fines, a more rapid rate than before
imprisonment) ● CHANGE (old situations are replaced with new
2. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS - An established complex ○ Is NOT equal to evolution
pattern of behavior in which a number of persons ○ Is NOT equal to progress
● A group consists of people who regularly and Family as significant Family as generalized
consciously interact with one another and other other
typically share similar values, norms, and
expectations. When we belong to a group we Major types of socialization:
give up to others at least some control over our ● Primary or childhood - or basic or early,
lives. much of the personality make-up of individuals
● The control depends on the relationship and is forged at this period of life
● Secondary or adulthood - individuals take
amount of interaction that we have with that up new roles, reorienting themselves according
group. to their changes, social statuses and roles, as in
starting marital life; socialization process at this
stage may sometimes be intense
● De-socialization - adoption of adults of
radically different norms and life ways that are
more or less completely dissimilar to the
SOCIALIZATION previous norms and values, signifies rapid or
more basic changes in the adult life
Socialization - process whereby individual persons ● Re-socialization - typically precedes re-
learn and are trained in the basic norms, values, beliefs, socialization, stripping individuals of their
skills, attitudes way of doing and acting as appropriate to former lifestyles, beliefs, values and attitudes so
a specific social group or society, way by which culture is that they may take up other partially or totally
transmitted and individuals are fitted into the society’s new lifestyles, attitudes and values
organized way of life Other types of socialization:
● Anticipatory - process of adjustment and
Two modes of Socialization (Broom and adaptation in which individuals try to learn and
Selznick, 1973) internalize the roles, values and attitudes and
skills of a social status or occupation for which
Repressive Participatory they are likely recruits in the future
Socialization Socialization ● Reverse - process of socialization whereby the
dominant socializing persons such as parents,
Punishing wrong Rewarding good behavior happen to be in need of being socialized
behavior themselves by those whom they socialize, such
as children.
Material rewards and Symbolic rewards and
punishment punishment
SOCIAL CONTROL Social processes: certain repetitive, continuous forms
of patterns in the social systems that occur as
individuals, groups, societies, or countries interact with
social disorganization theory - asserts that crime is each other.
Modes of Social Processes:
most likely to occur in communities with weak social ties
● Competition - process whereby individuals,
and the absence of social control groups, societies and countries make active
The three major sociological paradigms offer different efforts to win towards getting their share of the
explanations for the motivation behind deviance and limited resources, may result in stratification,
crime. physical separation in a given society, balanced
● Functionalists point out that deviance is a social by cooperation
necessity since it reinforces norms by reminding ● Cooperation - people join hands towards
achieving common goals
people of the consequences of violating them.
● Conflict - involves disagreement and
Violating norms can open society’s eyes to disharmony, which results due to differences in
injustice in the system. ideology, living standard and other social
● Conflict theorists argue that crime stems from a factors, involves clash of interest between
system of inequality that keeps those with power individuals in a social group
at the top and those without power at the ● Accomodation - people try to accept one
bottom. another, avoiding the sources of conflict to live
in peaceful coexistences, a conscious adjustment
● Symbolic interactionists focus attention on the
and compromise among conflicting groups so
socially constructed nature of the labels related that they can live with one another without overt
to deviance. Crime and deviance are learned conflict
from the environment and enforced or
discouraged by those around us.
Social stratification - one of the outcomes of the
continuous occurring of social processes, segmentation
SOCIAL CONTROL of society into different hierarchical arrangement or
Social control - all the mechanisms and processes Theories of Social Stratification:
employed by a society to ensure conformity ● Functionalist theory of social
● Conformists - members of a society or a group stratification - social stratification is
who abide by the rules and norms of the society functional and purposeful and also essential in
(or the group) any society
● Non-conformists - movement away from the ● Conflict theory of social stratification -
accepted social standards accept that social inequality exists in every
SOCIAL DEVIANCE - movement away from the society but do not believe that social
accepted social standards stratification is function, it is the way of
TYPES OF SOCIAL CONTROL: oppression one group of people by another
● Negative Social Control - involves Forms of Social Stratification:
punishment or regulating behavior of deviants Social class - groups of people who are stratified into
● Deviant - a person whose views and actions are different categories, an open and flexible system
different in moral or social standards from what Caste - based on religious and another strongly rooted
is considered normal or acceptable in the traditional belief that cannot be changed or are very
context of a certain social group difficult to change; some features include:
● Very rigid and closed system
● People belonging to same stratum practice Social inequality is characterized by the existence of
endogamy unequal opportunities and rewards for different social
● Intermarriage between strate is not permitted positions or statuses within a group or society. It
● There are occupational differences between
contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal
distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards,
and punishments.
GEOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY, ECOLOGY & There are two main ways to measure social inequality:
● Inequality of conditions - unequal
A. Geography - Focuses on spatial interaction of distribution of income, wealth, and material
human beings with each other with their goods.
physical environment ● Inequality of opportunities - refers to the
B. DEMOGRAPHY - study of the number and
characteristics of a population; concerned with unequal distribution of life chances across
factors that may be causing the population to individuals. (level of education, health status,
increase or decrease and treatment by the criminal justice system.)
C. MALTHUSIAN THEORY - 2 Main Theories
● Thomas Robert Malthus “An Essay on There are two main views of social inequality within
the Principle of Population as it Affects sociology. One view aligns with the functionalist theory,
the Future Improvement of Society”
and the other aligns with conflict theory.
● Belief that population tends to outrun
the means of subsistence ● Functionalist theorists believe that inequality is
○ If there are no obstacles, inevitable and desirable and plays an important
population will increase rapidly function in society.
and without limit ● Conflict theorists, on the other hand, view
○ Geometric increase in inequality as resulting from groups with power
population versus arithmetic dominating less powerful groups.
increase in means of subsistence
○ Population growth would
necessarily tend to outrun
means of subsistence based on SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS
Preventive checks may slow down population by Social institutions - practices based on similar
reducing birth rate but didn’t believe these principles that display some degree of regularity;
would be effective established pattern of behavior that is organized to
D. ECOLOGY perpetuate the welfare of society and to preserve its
● Environment - sum of all external form, each institution performs to types of social
influences that impinge on the human function
organism ● Primary function - includes family(nuclear and
○ Social environment extruded) economic institution, political
○ Natural environment institution, educational institution, religious
● Ecological balance - when each plant or institution
animal species has adjusted to ts ● Secondary functions
environment and survivE Note: A society is functionally integrated and held
together by social institutions
Major types of social institutions:
● Economic institutions - deal with economic and
SOCIAL INEQUALITIES property relations
● Policy and law - concerned with social control
and politics and law government, the police,
court, etc.