Test Modal Verbs Clasa A Viiia
Test Modal Verbs Clasa A Viiia
Test Modal Verbs Clasa A Viiia
8th Grade
I. Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow:
I borrowed a video game from a friend last week. He told me I needn’t give it back
right away. I started playing it immediately, and I just couldn’t stop! I’m still playing it
now, although I really should be doing other things. I can’t stop playing. My friends tell me
that I must stop and study for a chemistry exam. I’m not so good at chemistry and I might
fail the exam if I don’t study. Would somebody please give me some advice? I mustn’t fail
my exam, or I will fail the course entirely, but I don’t know how to control myself!
III. Fill in the correct form of the modals from the list below. There may be more than one
correct answer.
Cooking healthy, flavorful meals can be a fun and delicious experience. First you houl____d
start with fresh foods. Older foods can______ be used, but they don’t have the same flavor,
or theym_____ight be past the “use by” date and possibly dangerous. When cooking meats,
especially pork and chicken you mus_____t cook them completely. Vegetables may_____ be
cooked until they have a texture you like, or they may_____ be eaten raw. While cooking,
you mustn_____’t leave the stove or oven unsupervised, as a fire coul______ start, or food
burned. Find a recipe that you want to try, and have fun. With practice you can create some
fantastic food!
IV. Use permit, allow, let and can once only to complete these sentences. You may need to
add other words.
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