Pre Primary Notification 23 March 2021

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(Administrative Section)

Imphal, the ..~.~. March, 2021

No: A0/24/APPT/2020(11)-DE(S): In continuation of this Office Notification of even No.

dated 23rd December, 2020 pertaining to the recruitment of 120(one hundred and twenty)
posts of Pre -Primary Teachers on contract basis in Education(S) Department, Manipur it is
hereby notified that candidates whose online application status is stated as "Verified" has
been allotted Roll Numbers for recruitment of 120 pre-primary teachers and the same is
reflected in their respective Admit Cards. The candidates are informed to download their
admit cards from the website or from 26.03.2021 onwards.

2. For those candidates whose online application status are "Pending" or "Rejected" their
applications shall be subjected to further verification by a Committee and their status as
recommended by the Committee shall be notified later on and admit cards shall be issued

3. Further, they can submit their written claims and objections, if any at the office of the
undersigned on or before Saturday the 3rd April, 2021 failing which their claims shall not be

4. The date, timing, and centres of examination shall be notified in due course along with

(L. Nand~ r Singh)

Director of Education (S), Manipur
Copyto: " /
1. PPS to the Hon 1ble Education Minister. V
2. Commissioner, Education(S), Government of Manipur
3. Director, DIPR, Manipur
4. Additional Director of Education/Schools (Hills/Valley), Manipur
5. Additional Director, Directorate of Employment, Govt. of Manipur
6. Administrative Officer. For uploading in the Official website.
7. The News Editor, AIR/DDK/ISTV /Impact TV, with request to include the details of the
above Notification as news item in the local news bulletin in the public interest.
8. The Editor, Poknapham(M)/Imphal Free Press(E) with request to publish the above
Notification for one day only. Bill in duplicate may be submitted to the Directorate for early
9. Guard file.
Annexure to Notification No. A0/24/ APPT/2020(11)-DE(S) dt 23/12/202(

List of rejected Candidates for the reason given against their names

SI. No. Name of Candidate Phone No. Reason for rejection

1 ABIGAIL LALNUNMAWI 9366348397 Incomplete BEd
2 AJANLIU KAMEi 8794860543 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
3 AKIM SAKA MARING 8974523667 Incomplete DELEO docs
4 AKOIJAM SIROMANI DEVI 6009185365 Incomplete DELEO docs
5 ANTRANI MONGJAM 8787609651 Incomplete BEd
6 BIDHYARANI MOIRANGTHEM 7002073636 Incomplete DEIEd
7 BIJAYAKHUNDONGBAM 8837202659 Incomplete BEd
8 BINAUL NESHA 9862626775 No DEIEd/DETEd/BEd
9 BM NILU 8119074286 Incomplete DEIEd
10 BM SABANAM RAJ 9366495119 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
12 CHANDAM MEERANDA DEVI 6009961382 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
14 CHINGANGBAM GEETA DEVI 7005092177 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
15 CH I NG KHAN LU N 8413027944 Incomplete BEd
16 CHONGNEO HMANGTE 9615118859 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
17 CHUNGKHAM PRIYARIKA 9612415693 Incomplete DEIEd
18 D.KAGUIGAI 7005524542 Incomplete BEd
19 DIANA SOROKHAIBAM 8837264011 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
20 ELANGBAM LOIDANG DEVI 7627982707 Incomplete DEIEd
21 GANGMEI ROBERT 9402694088 Incomplete DEIEd
22 GIANGTHUILIU GONMEI 7085227938 Incomplete DELEO docs
23 HEIKRUJAM SARJUBALA DEVI 7005445107 Incomplete DEIEd
24 HEISNAM NIRJA . 8794277388 Incomplete DEIEd
25 HIJAM ANJALI DEVI 8413002148 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
26 HOCHING PHEIRIM 7483016971 lncompleted DELED docs
27 INDRALAXMI NGANGOM 7005866700 Incomplete DEIEd
28 JANGDAILIU GANGMEI 9205009484 Incomplete DEIEd
29 JENNIFER PASHEL 70056 34730 Incomplete BED docs
30 K YAOREIPHI 8119958704 Incomplete DELED docs
31 KAKCHINGTABAM GIRIJA DEVI 7005202223 Incomplete DEIEd
32 KAKCHINGTABAM LUMILA 7005172288 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
Incomplete docs from class xii to
34 KEISHAM DAYAPATI 6009676880 Incomplete DEIEd
35 KEISHAM DOLENDRO SINGH 8787719632 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
36 KEISHAM PUSPARANI 9615279753 incomplete DELED docs
37 KEISHANG SHINING ROSE 6909797422 Incomplete DEIEd
38 KHULAKPAM REJWANA 9366006250 Incomplete DEIEd
39 KHUMUKCHAM THOITHOI SINGH 7005032164 Incomplete DELED docs
40 KHWAIRAKPAM TENAOBI DEVI 9366537691 Incomplete DEIEd
41 KIMNEITING HAOKIP 8787590358 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
42 KOSHELNGAM TONTANG 7005964070 Incomplete DEIEd
43 LAIMAYUM KRISHNAPIYARI DEVI 9856256677 Incomplete BEd
44 LAISHRAM ALINA 8787349556 Incomplete DEIEd
45 LAISHRAM DIANA 8731065410 Incomplete DEIEd
46 LAISHRAM PURNIMA DEVI 9366492203 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed

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Annexure to Notification No. A0/24/APPT/2020(11)-DE(S) dt 23/12/2020

List of rejected Candidates for the reason given against their names

47 LALLENTHANG LHOUVUM 7005278369 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed

48 LALRINCHHANI 6009003721 Incomplete DEIEd
49 LAMNEIVAH 7630985956 Incomplete DEIEd
50 LAXMI ATHOKPAM 9366896101 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
51 LHINGKHONGAI 8413951565 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
52 LHINGNEINENG HAOKIP 8259963246 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
53 LIANNUNMAWI 8787579404 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
54 LONGJAM NARMADA DEVI 8974823112 Incomplete DEIEd
55 LUCY LHEINEIKIM 9366193237 Incomplete DEIEd
56 LUNMINTHANG SAMTE 9615945308 Incomplete BEd
57 LYDIA THINGSHUNG 9774280854 Incomplete DELEO docs
58 M LHUNKHOCHING HAOKIP 8118935489 Incomplete DELEO docs
59 M SHANGNGAMLA TONTANGA 7005028882 incomplete DELEO docs
60 MANGKHANPAO HAOKIP 8837291550 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
62 MARZINA BEGUM 8259017558 Incomplete DEIEd
63 MAYENGBAM RUSIYA DEVI 7005229053 Incomplete DEIEd
64 MENON NONGTHOMBAM 8794658566 Incomplete DEIEd
65 MICHAEL LIENHMINGTHANG 9862386269 No Class XII certificate
66 MOHAMMAD SAHARUL ISLAM 8256990641 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
67 MOIRANGTHEM NEELIMA 8618926382 incomplete BED docs
68 MOIRANGTHEM RITA DEVI 9612470278 No DEIEd/B.Ed (only rhymes)
69 N RUBY KHONGSAI 7005287554 Incomplete DEIEd
70 NAHAKPAM REESMA DEVI 8787600924 Incomplete DELEO docs
71 NAMEIRAKPAM ROSHNI DEVI 8847392208 Incomplete DEIEd/B.Ed
72 NAOREM ARTINA DEVI 8787554247 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
73 NAOREM PUSHPARANI DEVI 8073875188 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
74 NASIM BANU 7005407553 incomplete DELEO docs
75 NG WINSON MOYON 7005042923 Incomplete DEIEd
76 NGAHHOIKIM CHONGLOI 8974671873 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
77 NGAIJANENG TOUTHANG 7085666054 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
78 NGASHEPAM CHITRA DEVI 9774003155 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
79 NIANGGOUSIAM 8729906056 Incomplete BEd
80 NIANGMUANKIM 8794469051 Incomplete BEd
81 NIAN NGAI HM UANG 7085297909 Incomplete BEd
82 NIUU NINGTHOUJAM 9436206447 Incomplete DEIEd
83 NINGOMBAM DEBALA DEVI 9615408919 incomplete DELEO docs
84 NITAN LAISHRAM 8787600528 Incomplete DEIEd
85 NONGMAITHEM MONIKA 6909153654 Incomplete DEIEd
86 NONGSAIBAM AYASH KHAN 9863773389 Incomplete DEIEd
87 NONGTHOMBAM RANJITA CHANU 7085568784 Incomplete DEIEd
88 OINAM DEBLA DEVI 8730806788 incomplete DELEO docs
89 OINAM KOROUNGANBI CHANU 8258095455 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
90 OKRAM ANJALI DEVI 9862795686 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
91 OKRAM SHARIKA DEVI 8794466568 Incomplete DEIEd
92 P VAKNEIHTHIENG 7629978252 Incomplete DEIEd
93 PAOMINJOY KHONGSAI 9678958433 Incomplete DEIEd
94 PARMILA CHANU 7640844678 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed

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Annexure to Notification No. A0/24/APPT/2020(11)-DE(S) dt 23/12/2020

List of rejected Candidates for the reason given against their names


96 RAJIANLIU RIAMEI 8974707641 Incomplete DEIEd
97 RANJINA SULTAN 700561992 6 Incomplete DEIEd
98 RINGKI NS 9366561595 Incomplete DEIEd
99 RISHA NINGOMBAM 9366811775 Incomplete DEIEd
100 ROSIE TINNEICHIN HAOKIP 9612446133 Incomplete DEIEd
101 ROSY NIANGLIANKIM 9862158709 Incomplete DEIEd
102 SAGAPAM NILIMA CHANU 9862943735 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
103 SAGAPAM ROMITA DEVI 7085426305 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
104 SAGOLSEM PRAMOTA CHANU 8414911346 overaged
105 SALIMA SHAH NI 9366700783 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
106 SANGEETA THINGOM CHANU 9774576299 Incomplete DEIEd
107 SERTO CHUNGLENKHUP KOM 8974513768 incomplete DELED Docs
108 SHAHENASH 7005707436 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
109 SHAKSHILA NGORUW 8415034299 Incomplete DEIEd
110 SHANGNUNGRII CHARA 7085292400 Incomplete DEIEd
111 SILPA CHANU ABUJAM 6009773585 Incomplete DELED docs
112 SONIYA DEVI 8257041619 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
113 SONNY LAISHRAM 7005625363 Incomplete DEIEd
114 SOROKHAIBAM SOPHIYA DEVI 7042810119 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
115 SUBHANI 9862915333 Incomplete DEIEd
116 SUCHITRA CHINGAKHAM 9366242101 Incomplete DEIEd
118 THANG BIAK LUN 8132076825 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
119 THAODEM RAHUL MEITEI 7630074300 Incomplete DEIEd
120 THEMNEIHOI CHONGLOI 8118944139 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
121 THINGNAM MINAKSHI DEVI 9383237239 Incomplete DEIEd
122 THOKCHOM SHANTHALEMBI DEVI 9366390306 Incomplete DEIEd
123 THONGAM BIDYARANI DEVI 9666133104 Incom plete DEIEd
124 THOUNAOJAM CHAOBA DEVI 6909258842 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed

125 THOUNAOJAM LAKHIPYARI DEVI 8787467389 D.EI.Ed. or B.Ed. course not completed

126 THOUNAOJAM NGANTHOI CHANU 8787363039 Incomplete DEIEd

127 THOUNAOJAM NONIKA DEVI 7005237406 Incomplete BED docs
128 TONJAM MALEMNGANBA MEITEI 8731899564 Incomplete DEIEd
129 VARAM YAOMILA 8257058591 Only Nursery Teching Diploma
130 WAIROKPAM SURJIT SINGH 9366426043 Incomplete DEIEd
131 YAIKHOM NONITA DEVI 8413062850 No D.EI.Ed or B.Ed
133 YUMNAM BABYCHAND DEVI 7005180589 Pre Primary Training only

134 ZANEISANG THIEK 7005925281 DEIEd certificate of another person

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