Recruitmentoffaculty 111016

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KARNATAKA STATE LAW UNIVERSITY os ¢ ie y Navanagar, Hubballi-580025 = Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC Phone:”0836-2220392 Website www. kslu Fax : 0836-2223392 Email: kslucesistrar@ No. KSLU/DPAR/2024-25/ }4¢&3 ® Date: Q5-CQ- RORY. NOTIFICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY FULL TIME ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JEST FACULTY AND TEMPORARY LIBRARIA’ Applications are invited for appointment of Temporary Full Time Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty and Temporary Librarian for the Academic year 2024-25 for the Law School of Karnataka State Law University, Navanagar, Hubballi 1. Temporary Full Time Assistant Professors: ST] Subjects | Faculty Required No. ification & Experience Salary ‘A good Academic record with at Teast aw . ressor | 55% Marks at Masters Degree LLM. rf} ib Assistant frofessor | ‘Ieyel with NET/SLET/SET/Ph.D. (in accordance with the UGC Regulations 2018) 3 | History | Assistant Professor (Consolidated pay - ett ‘A good Academic record with at least | RS: sete per . 55% Marks at Masters Degree level 3. | Management | Assistant rofessor | en NETISLETISET/Ph.D. (in accordance with the UGC Regulations 2018) & | Secatoay | SRP 2. Guest Faculty: si - Faculty Salary No. | Sublects | Required Experience 1 | English 02 A good Academic | *) UGC Qualified Guest Faculiy record with atleast 559% | (NETSLET/SET/Ph.D.) - Rs. $25/- per 2 | Kanoona o Marks at respective | hour. Kannada Masters Degree level preferably with | *) Non-UGC Qualified Guest Faculty 3 | Management | OF NET/SLETISET/PHD. | (Only Masters Degree with 55%) ~ Rs (inaccordance with the | 450/- per hour. UGC Regulations 2018) *) Retired Teacher/Practicing Advocates Rs. 325/- per hour. +) Local conveyance per day - Rs. 150/-__| 3. Library Staff: ST] Name of | No. of Post 5 Salary : Experience No. | thePost_| required Qualification & Experien 1 | Librarian or Master's Degree in Library Science/Information Science’ Documentation Science with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed. At least ten years as a Librarian at any level in University Library or ten years of teaching as AssistanUAssociate Professor in Library Science fr ten years’ experience as a College Librarian. «Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in library A PhD Degree in Library Science/information Science/documentation/archives and manuscripts- keeping. (Consolidated pay Rs. 65,000/- per month) Interested Candidates may send their application along with Proforma provided and the Marks Cards & Degree Certificates to the undersigned on or before 03.10.2024. They have to submit attested copies of their documents and produce the originals for verification before the interview which will be communicated in due course. These appointments will be inforce till the appointment of Permanent Staff or till the end of Academic year 2024-25, whichever is earlier. Application can be sent through email or hard copy to: Email : The Registrar, Karnataka State Law University avanagar, Hubballi-S80025 nc(palr REGISTRAR os @“nn STATE LAW UNIVERSITY ae Navanagar, Hubballi-580025 Affix an Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC. Passport size (To be filled and submitted along with the application) Photo Application for the post of Discipline PROFORMA ion for the post of Temporary Full Time Assistant Professor / Guest Faculty/ Temporary Librarian 1. | Name of the Candidate: Applica 2. | Date of Birth: 3._ | Caste: 4. | Qualification: 5, | Percentage of Qualifying Examination in the Respective Subject: 6. | Whether Completed NET/SLET/Ph.D./M.Phil: 7, | Teaching Experience: 8, | Additional Qualification (if any): 9, | Awards received (if any): 10. | Personal Address for Communication: 11, | E-mail Address: 12. | Mobile No: Signature of the Candidate Date: Place:

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