Women Abuse Prevention

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The ultimate cause of violence against women is always clear- an offender who believes he
has a right to abuse. He may also believe, or know, that he can get away with it that no
police officer will arrest him, that no justice system will hold him accountable. This is why
effective legislative and justice response is the foundation stone of preventing violence

But even where good response systems are in places, many offenders continue to feel
justified or permitted abusing women. If we are to prevent violence against women, we need
to interrogate how this permission or justification is transmitted, across the different layers of
society. And this is where the complexity comes in.

The 1993 "Declaration on the elimination of violence against women recognized women as a
manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, both arising
from and reinforcing gender inequality and discrimination. But the development of prevention
programmes requires an unpacking of just how unequal power manifests in different
contexts and on different scales in reality.

There are several ways we can help to create a safer and more equitable world for women
and girls We need to hold government and humanitarians agencies accountable for their
commitments on gender equality. They need to be more transparent about how much aid is
being spent to support the safety, flexibility, and wellbeing of women and girls including
those also facing discrimination.

We can also reach out to local organizations that assist survivors of violence and work with
our communities to prevent violence in the first place Speak out-call the issue to the
attention of politicians and decision makers. Get involved- volunteer for crisis hotlines or
provide items to local women's shelter based on actual needs.

Give them what you can- donate to organizations such as the internet relay chat(IRC) that
work with

local women-led organizations to tackle the root cause of violence- gender inequality

Out of all these, the main solution is that respect women with your utmost integrity.
According to Ethics of Care, acting morally means more than the passive idea of "do no
harm". Doing the right thing means acting to make the world a better place for those who
have been made vulnerable.

When we witness an act of discrimination against women, we should ask ourselves whether
our own common practices could encourage such discriminatory actions. This is how we can
deconstruct and question our own privileges and biases. Adopting to ethics of care can help
us identify and challenge these biases, increase our awareness in all forms and understand
how we can alter our own life to become more inclusive and empathetic.

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