especially when I see women's struggles firsthand. Human rights are very important to
global justice and fairness. However, I have realized that while gender equality has
improved, more work remains to ensure women's rights are respected worldwide. This
issue has deepened my understanding of gender-based discrimination and violence and
inspired me to make a difference in my neighborhood and beyond.
One of the biggest takeaways for me is how important human rights are to a just
and fair society. The UDHR guarantees basic freedoms to all, regardless of gender,
ethnicity, or origin. Despite the groundbreaking approach UDHR took in treating all people
equally, gender disparity still exists in many areas, especially for women. Women have
been discriminated against at work, at home, and outside. Women often lose their basic
rights due to gender-based discrimination, unequal wages, insufficient education, and
social expectations. This realization made me understand that while some progress has
been made, much work remains.
I was surprised by the depth to which these challenges are entrenched in society
norms and attitudes. Stereotypes and patriarchal structures that sustain power
imbalances perpetuate gender-based violence and discrimination. Some cultures
normalize sexual harassment or disregard women's experiences, creating an
environment where abuse is normalized. This made me realize the importance of resisting
such standards and fighting for justice. Education, whether formal or informal, is one of
the best ways to break negative stereotypes and minimize violence against women.
My biggest take away from this topic is that education can alter things. Most women
do not know their rights or how to defend themselves from abuse and discrimination. This
information gap needs to be addressed. Educating young girls and women about their
rights, helping victims of abuse, and fostering a culture of respect and equality can help
achieve gender equality. Understanding these challenges will help us push for change
better. Creating a society where individuals understand and respect each other's rights
regardless of gender is more than just legal frameworks. I learn that simple actions can
make a great effect when I apply these teachings to my life. This is through opposition of
gender-based violence, for instance; opposing sexist remarks or showing support to
harassed people. I can create a friendly and respectful workplace in combating gender
discriminating attitudes. In fighting for equality, we advocate for women, men, and other
marginalized groups. We can fix inequality systemically by working together. I wish to
contribute to my skill and passion towards furthering gender equality and human rights.
Whether it be through volunteering, awareness campaigns, or a human rights job, I want
to help bring an end to gender-based violence and discrimination. As a young lady, I have
a voice, and I will use it for justice and equality. Gender equality has to be achieved, but
it may take years. With continuous effort, awareness, and solidarity, we can build a future
where people can live with dignity and respect.
Gender and human rights studies have taught me that to make real changes,
people need to be aware of them and do something about them. There are a lot of abuses
of women's rights, like violence, discrimination, and not having enough opportunities. To
help make the world more fair, I want to learn more, fight harmful stereotypes, and support
women's freedom. Gender equality and other human rights issues touch everyone. I want
to help make the world a better place for everyone, no matter what gender they are.