Modul Praktek THP1 TAHUN 2013
Modul Praktek THP1 TAHUN 2013
Modul Praktek THP1 TAHUN 2013
1.1. Background
Before we get into the techniques of effective listening, let’s define what we mean by the word
“listening.” Listening - the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken
and/or nonverbal messages.
Without a doubt, listening is an activity that most of us are not really taught how to do effectively. We
tend to be overly concerned with the outgoing sounds, rather than the incoming signals -- for that’s
what they are. Listening is as important, maybe even more important, than speaking. Without proper
listening skills it is difficult to communicate effectively with others.
We’ve all met the person who talks a mile a minute and doesn’t really want to hear what others have to
say. Is this person actually communicating? The answer is NO. If you do all of the talking and never
listen, you will never really communicate very well with others. In this unit we will investigate effective
listening skills, barriers to effective listening, and methods of improving our own listening skills.
Many people daydream when they are supposed to be listening. Instead of focusing on the speaker and
attempting to learn something -- or even mentally composing a response to what is being said -- they
will think about a party from last weekend or an upcoming camping trip.
Daydreaming effectively closes down the possibility of retaining information. If the speaker is being paid
to present information to you, time and money is being wasted.
Mentally Arguing with the Speaker Instead of listening to what someone is saying, a poor listener will
disagree mentally and think about a rebuttal. People will actually play out a complete argument in their
own mind at the same time they should be paying attention to what the other person is really trying to
say. This kind of mental arguing is very damaging to the communication process and will often lead to
misunderstanding and conflicts between people. The effective listener will wait until the speaker is
totally finished with hir or her statement before making an evaluation or judgement prior to responding.
Desire to Talk
The most common barrier to effective listening is jumping into a conversation before the other person
has finished. This includes talking loudly to others in the audience. This is conversational bad manners. It
is intrusive and disruptive. Granted, most of us feel more involved and active when we are talking. Even
so, it’s always good manners to remember that listening is just as important as talking.
Lack of Interest
Lack of interest in the speaker’s topic does create a difficult situation. How does the saying go? Deal with
it. Good listeners try to find useful information in any presentation or message. A listener with a
negative attitude about the message or the speaker will have a tough time being effective as a listener. A
good way to increase listening effectiveness is to maintain a positive attitude about the speaker and
really work at listening for useful information.
The Listening practice will be held 4 (four) times, on the second and fourth week of November,
and Januari 2014. Located at the ITC Laboratory of SMA Negeri 1 Tual.
The materials and equipment requires for this practice sessions are:
1. Audio CD
2. CD Media player/ tape
3. Students’ Listening worksheet
4. Etc.
The overall practice session will be held by preliminary introduction to effective listening techniques and
principles followed by hands-on listening practice using prepared guided-Listening CD.
3.1. Time
The Listening practice will be held 4 (four) times, on the second and fourth week of November, and
Januari 2014. Located at the ITC Laboratory of SMA Negeri 1 Tual.
3.2. Location
The practice sessions will be held at the ITC Laboratory of SMA Negeri 1 Tual.
3.3. Participants
All the participants attending this listening practice session will be the semester 1 students of
Fishing Product Technology Study program (25 Students)