Implementation of Principal's Digital Leadership in Communication and Teacher Professional Development at School
Implementation of Principal's Digital Leadership in Communication and Teacher Professional Development at School
Implementation of Principal's Digital Leadership in Communication and Teacher Professional Development at School
Abstract—This research aims to examine the implementation the school management system from conventional to digital or
of digital leadership in terms of communication and teacher called a digitalization process depends on the principal’s digital
professional development. The descriptive-analytic method with leadership abilities as a strategic leader in the school. The
a qualitative approach was performed. The primary data was principal needs to understand and make digitization to be
collected from respondents through interviews with principals in implemented in schools [3].
the elementary school, junior high school, and senior high schools
of El Fitra. The additional data was gathered through Leadership and technology are intertwined in carrying a
observation and documentation. Furthermore, the secondary new management paradigm. It ensures the sustainability of
data was obtained from a questionnaire administered to 93 learning based on the correct pedagogical foundation. Thus,
Elfitra’s teachers. The results revealed that effective principals must be able to innovate by using technology in all
communication had been established between principles and school management systems and develop relationships among
school members. The effective communication provided the stakeholders [4].
relevant information to stakeholders in real-time. Additionally,
through various social media and technological devices, the more Mourshed et al. [5] argued that leadership is the most
accessible socialization of school programs (parent’s meetings, essential factor. The presence of a leader could initiate to
flyers, and viral content). Finally, teacher professional creates the school management system reformation program.
development was also carried out. Principals initiated Additionally, Håkansson Lindqvist & Pettersson’s [3] reported
encouraging teachers in professional development and supported that school leaders understand digitization and the digital
teachers through various training and workshops to develop competencies by setting the direction, developing human
their teaching and leadership skills. resources, developing organizations, and developing teaching-
learning. The research of T. Boronenko et al. [6] and Liisa
Keywords—communication, digital leadership, professional Ilomäki et al. [7] stated that school digitization includes (a)
development creating an electronic digital school management system, (b)
creating innovative electronic information files and educational
I. INTRODUCTION environments; (c) implementing the education network
Education goals are to ensure that all students experience program; (d) developing the digital competence of teachers and
the learning process that can fully develop the self-potential. students.
Policymakers and educators are looking for best practices to The research on school leaders’ ability in digital
increase student engagement by integrating learning communication has been conducted by Yopi and Wahid [8],
technologies into the curriculum. Particularly, it prepares which was the systematic use of social media platforms in the
learners to be ready to learn in every situation [1]. The Covid- form of Standard Operating Procedures for Digital Content. In
19 Pandemic has hit and appalled the whole world, which addition, Yusof et al. [9] showed the relationship between
consequently affected on school system by changing the principals and community collaboratives could be improved by
learning process into online classrooms. The Covid-19 using digital communication media such as WhatsApp,
pandemic has exacerbated the pre-existing reality regarding Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and WeChat.
social and educational inequalities [2].
The research on the ability of school leaders in teacher
During the pandemic, the presence of technology assists the professional development by William Sterrett and Richardson
learning process. The presence of technology has changed the [10] reported that leaders with digital leadership could help
conventional method to the more digital ones. The change in shape the school’s professional ethos, embrace and support
innovation as well as the learning and development of others. Facebook, and WeChat [9]. One of the critical factors to
Digital leadership in schools ensures that they stay engaged in achieve goals is the digital communication factor because it
learning and innovation, as well. England [11] stated that helps achieve the school organization’s activities, goals, and
school principals’ role in this digital era is crucial in workflows. Recently, it is believed that digital communication
encouraging teachers’ professional development. Thus, is a comfortable communication. Additionally, it affects the
teachers as educators could have leadership skills to conduct convenience of school information flow processes and more
online classrooms. efficient leadership communication [17].
Research on digital leadership is limited. Previous research Principals can provide “real-time” information to
has focused on only one aspect of teacher communication or stakeholders through active communication by utilizing various
professional development. This study aims to examine the technological tools [12]. Principals can take advantage of
implementation of digital leadership by integrating the aspect technology to increase parental involvement because they can
of teachers’ communication and professional development and stay connected with the school to get the latest information,
maximizing digital technology. such as test scores. One study found that increased parental
involvement led to lower student absenteeism and dropout
II. LITERATURE REVIEW rates. Ray et al.[13] conducted a study to determine whether
emerging technologies facilitate better parent-teacher
A. Digital Leadership communication and increase parental involvement. In addition,
this case makes parents do not have to be in school physically
A digital leader must be able to set direction, influence to be proactively involved. “Most types of proactive
others and initiate sustainable change through various access to engagement can be fostered through the use of technology”.
information. Additionally, the digital leader should be able to The skills that digital leaders must possess in carrying out
build relationships to anticipate changes which are crucial for digital communication are skills using multimedia, real-time
the school success in the future [12]. This is because the transmission skills, producing information, skills in social
students faced are those who grow up in a world that is driven networking, skills in using cellular technology [18].
by fast-moving technology. They need to accustom to
receiving information quickly and have a better understanding 2) Professional development:Technological advancement,
of something through interaction with digital technology from such as social media invention, makes the school no longer an
an early age, called “digital native” [13]. institution closed for information sharing or remote islands
The main emphasis on digital leadership in schools: (1) that lack support and feedback. Schools can provide
effective implementation of digital technology; (2) critical instructional needs such as accessing various learning
reflection on technology; (3) the ability to take into account the materials, receiving feedback, connecting with education
actions related to the use of digital technology, that can inherently experts and practitioners, and discussing proven strategies to
influence the school transformation process [14].
improve learning and leadership [12].
Digital leadership must consider recent changes such as The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the school system.
ubiquitous connectivity, open-source technology, mobile devices, Consequently, the internet becomes a fundamental role in the
and personalization. This requires a dynamic combination of learning process, particularly from home or online learning,
thought patterns, behaviours, and skills to change or enhance the streaming videos, and other sudden changes. The strengthening
school culture through technological assistance. Digital leaders of internet connectivity will result in better interaction between
need to control but trust the students and teachers to use digital students and teachers. The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing
technology to explore their learning needs. Thus, all students teachers to change conventional teaching methods to digital
acquire the skills for their future success. teaching-centred ones. Teachers must prepare a new journey to
1) Communication: Communication is an element of meet students’ demands in the digital world in the future.
interaction in which there is an exchange of information, values, Teachers must motivate students to learn in an isolated
atmosphere, switch to teamwork in a digital space, and assess
assessment, and meanings. There are three components in
students’ abilities not only through tests or assignments.
communication, namely information exchange, perception, and Teachers must integrate technology and select digital pedagogy
interaction [15]. A previous study reported that good that is ethical and provides benefits to the learning process.
communication between fellow employees and between Therefore, training on mastery of digital technology is crucial
employees and leaders was significantly reduced stress levels to do in schools to ensure that all teachers are ready to perform
[16]. digital technology in the learning process. Furthermore, the
The impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0 can be significantly results of the training are directly practiced in their online
observed in the communication dimension. Currently, classes. Most of the current activity is about training digital
communication between the principal and the collaborative technology because integrating digital technology into learning
community at the school is conducted through virtual media. It is urgently needed to keep the instructional implementation’s
was reported that the relationship between the principal and continuity in the recent day [19].
community collaborative could be improved by using digital
communication media such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter,
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 526
The presence of digital leader is necessary to build a professional development for teachers. The explanation of each
supportive environment for teachers to apply technology in dimension will be discussed as follows:
their online classrooms. Successful school principals’
characteristics focus on teacher professional development A. Question 1
through ongoing support to increase teacher involvement.
1) As a principal, how do you manage a lot of day-to-day
Principals must be able to develop a technology vision and plan
for their school, encourage technology development and communications in the digital age?: The elementary school
teacher training, support teachers’ understanding of technology principal argued that developing active communication in the
use, support technology integration through collaboration, digital era can be conducted through social media or other
provide adequate technology infrastructure support, and online media such as WhatsApp and Zoom. He added that
develop effective school plans by developing a culture of schools have clear directions and goals for their development
technology [13]. in accordance with the recent situation by following digital-
based technology. School also applies social media-based
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY communication for sharing or conducting workshops
The descriptive-analytic method, with a qualitative regarding school programs and community relations activities
approach was performed in this study. Primary data were in the form of POMG virtual. The formation of a positive
obtained by conducting interviews with the school principals in image “branding” that promoted school programs, teacher
elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school performance, and student achievement, was conducted by
of El Fitra. The primary respondents were selected through creating viral content and were shared through WhatsApp,
purposive sampling. In addition, researchers also conducted Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Furthermore, by utilizing
observations and documentary studies in collecting data. digital technology, the principal created a class group network
Meanwhile, secondary data or supporting data were collected (WhatsApp Group) to monitor the progress of the learning
through questionnaires administered to supporting participants,
process, teacher upgrading groups to communicate with
93 teachers of El Fitra.
educators in their professional development, POMG groups to
The descriptive method with a qualitative approach was communicate with parents, and groups of principals to
performed to explore an in-depth analysis of the Principal’s communicate with fellow principals as a forum for sharing
Digital Leadership in communication and teacher professional experiences in school management strategies.
development. The data was presented using descriptions, and in The junior high school principal stated that active
this case, an analytical study was also required to discuss communication with school members could be carried out
whether digital leadership competence can be applied in school through WhatsApp and Zoom meetings. The school policies
management or not. are implemented through top-down, while technical policies
To better understand how the school principal promote are carried out through bottom-up. Online communication was
professional learning in the digital age, we use a qualitative also applied by school committees for community relations
case study approach. We attempt to investigate how principals programs to involve parents in school activities. In addition, the
as leaders conduct digital communication and embrace guest teacher program was conducted to motivate students
technology to develop teacher professionals to create through WhatsApp, zoom meetings, and official school
professional learning. Instagram which specifically shared information regarding
school activities.
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION With respect to senior high school principal statements,
The principal’s understanding of managing communication communication plays an essential role in the educational and
and professional development is essential to be analysed to organizational process. Through the WhatsApp media, the
obtain an overview of digital leadership implementation in process of sharing information and communication was
schools. This section presents interviews with El Fitra conducted by educators and educational staff. In particular, the
principles who are responsible for leading elementary school, discussion of obstacles was carried out online via WhatsApp,
junior high school, and senior high school. The interview result and further, the zoom meetings and google meet were
discussed the communication activities and teacher employed to look for the solutions. Weekend evaluation and
professional development activities managed by the school morning briefing activities were conducted using zoom
principal. In addition, this section also presents the meetings. Accommodating the aspirations and feedback can be
questionnaire results that were administered to 93 El Fitra performed via WhatsApp media. Students also have
teachers. The result is related to teacher perception regarding consultation services via WhatsApp. Furthermore,
teacher professional development. It supports primary data on collaborating with related parties regarding education, health,
digital leadership in terms of teacher professional development. religion with the surrounding community was conducted
through digital communication using online social media.
Two open questions explored to what extent the digital
leadership dimensions provided by Elfitra school principals According to the interview data, the authors concluded that
have been implemented digital leadership communication and managing communication for digital leadership is fundamental
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 526
to be developed. School digital communication through online technology for learning, such as email management, Google
media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Zoom Drive, Google Forms, and YouTube.
meeting, and google meet was employed by school principals The junior high school principal revealed that the school
to communicate with school members. Creating viral content to management always upgraded to the latest one. Teachers were
share the school programs to the community was expected to also encouraged to keep pace with technological developments
build a positive image of the school. See Figure 1. by participating in or holding training, especially developing
learning methodology. The standardization of educators and
education staff and knowledge development strategies was also
A workshop on the use of digital technology has been
conducted for teacher professional development to improve
learning quality.
The senior high school principal argued that developing
teacher professionalism can be performed by holding training,
in-house training, seminars, and upgrading. It was aimed to
improve the quality and as well as the competence of teachers
and education staff. The evaluation and sharing of the teaching
program or education staff programs conducted weekly. For
teacher professional development to improve the quality of
learning, workshops on digital technology for the learning
process were conducted.
Training or workshops on digital technology use to
improve learning quality have been carried out simultaneously
between elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. It
was conducted online and offline by implementing health
Fig. 1. The example of viral content. protocols before starting the new academic year of the
2020/2021. Training or workshops’ goals are to prepare
Finally, communication with parents was conducted educators’ competencies in managing online classes during a
through the virtual program of parent-student association pandemic where learning switches from face-to-face to virtual.
(POMG). The training was provided to support teacher and educational
staff performance in carrying out their duties. Teacher training
The results revealed that effective communication using was provided to improve teacher skills in teaching, such as
digital technology assistance had been built between leaders training on digital technology-based learning media. In
and school members to organize a school. In addition, addition, there was also additional training to develop teacher
communication provides relevant information to educational creativity in making learning media. The training includes
stakeholders in real-time. Besides, social networks through email usage, google drive management, video conferencing,
various forms of program socialization, such as virtual parent quizizz, google forms, making learning videos, google
meetings, flyers, and viral content, have also been built using classrooms, and YouTube channel management.
various technological tools.
The result of the questionnaire illustrated an increase in the
B. Question 2 use of technology in the classroom after the professional
development workshop. See Figure 2.
1) What teacher have professional development activities
been undertaken to support teacher performance in the digital
age?: The elementary school principal stated that encouraging
and developing teacher professional development in the digital
era was conducted by making digital-based learning. Thus,
teachers can search various teaching materials, receive
feedback from students and parents, and connect with
educational experts worldwide to improve the teaching
process. In particular, teacher quality improvement was
carried out through the formation of KKG (Teacher Working Fig. 2. Increased use of technology in the classroom after professional
Groups). In addition, teachers’ professional development was teacher training.
conducted by providing workshop training on digital
The questionnaire was administered to 93 teachers who
participated in the training. It aimed to explore teacher
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 526
perception regarding the training of the use of technology for using Android phones application such as kine master and
school learning. The result revealed that teachers were canva.
interested in the new technological platforms of teaching.
Overall, 93 teachers reported the improvement of the use of Video Conference. Before the training activity, 37 of 93
digital technology for teaching improvement. The progress of teachers can manage video conference. Nonetheless,
the use of technological media for the teaching process is after training activity, 87 of 93 teachers can manage
described as follows. video conference.
Email. Before the training activity, 86 of 93 teachers Google Classroom. Before the training activity, 24 of
have used email. Nonetheless, after training activities, 93 teachers can manage google classroom. Nonetheless,
90 of 93 teachers use email for the learning process. after training activity, 80 of 93 teachers can manage
The teacher argued that email could be used as an google classroom. Several teachers stated that Google
alternative media for assignment submission. Classroom is an alternative for managing online classes
efficiently and practically. Thus, the assignments,
Google Drive. 51 of 93 teachers could manage google teaching materials, and video conferencing via Google
drive before the training was conducted. However, after Meet can be performed in Google Classroom. They
training was carried out, 86 of 93 teachers can organize argued that online courses could be well organized
google Drive. According to the teacher, Google Drive is using google classroom.
useful to send teaching materials with a large capacity
or file size. Notably, the teacher can upload the learning YouTube Channel. The results of the questionnaire
materials and share the link. revealed that before training, 33 teachers could manage
a YouTube channel. However, after training, 82 of 93
Learning Video. A total of 43 teachers made learning teachers can manage video conferencing. Based on
videos before the training was conducted. Nevertheless, observations, after the video had been edited, the video
87 out of 93 teachers can make learning videos after was uploaded on the YouTube channel that the teacher
training activity. See Figure 3. created. Therefore, the video can be accessed by
students and parents in supporting the learning process.
Quizizz. Before the raining activity, 29 of 93 teachers
can manage the quizizz. Nevertheless, after training
activity, 77 of 93 teachers can manage quizizz.
Teachers used Quizizz for providing quiz or giving
assignments. Teachers can use quizzes that are already
available or design their questions according to the
material taught in class. The report of quizizz can make
easier for the teacher to examine students’
comprehension by analysing each item.
Google Form. A total of 23 teachers could manage
google form. However, after training, 79 out of 93
teachers can handle google forms.
Teachers use Google Form to analyse student learning
environments outside of the classroom, analyse student
learning readiness, and parents’ willingness to assist
Fig. 3. The creation of learning video. their children’s learning. The responses or reflections
were conducted after the learning processes were
Based on the observation during and after training, teachers completed. In addition, at the beginning of the semester,
take turns making learning videos starting from the pre- teachers created Google Forms to learn about students’
production stage in which teachers design the concept of interests, learning styles, and experiences. See Figure 4.
learning content. The second stage of production, which is
making videos using handy came and cell phones. Finally, the
editing process used premiere editing software on computers or
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We would like to give a great appreciation to Prof. Dr. Hj. [19] Mukminan, “Tantangan Pendidikan di Abad 21,” Teknologi Pendidikan,
Aan Komariah, M.Pd. as the head of the Postgraduate School 2014.
of Education Administration Doctoral Study Program, Prof. Dr.
H. Mohammad Fakry Gaffar, M.Ed., for valuable and
constructive suggestions for this research.