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International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No.

7, July 2019

Leveraging Digital Technology for Better Learning and

Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Md Nazirul Islam Sarker, Min Wu, Qian Cao, GM Monirul Alam, and Dan Li

 education. It is actually an effect on individual or combination

Abstract—Technological integration in learning and of various digital devices for better education. The major
education is an inevitable part of the ever-changing indicator of leveraging digital technology in education are a
technological world. Leveraging technology is an essential part political commitment, curriculum, infrastructure, teaching
of every learning mode. While digital technology is increasing
common in schools and classrooms, finding ways to improve its
staff and development, public participation, skills, outcome
impact on student learning remains a challenge for researchers and impact [4]-[6].
and practitioners. The purpose of the study is to explore and In the traditional learning and education system, there is a
highlight recent key literature addressing the problem of how to restriction of time and place which burden the learner to
most effectively integrate digital technology into educational satisfy the learning environment. The digital technology
setting. Because of our inclusion criteria, forty-three key studies provides an opportunity to meet the requirements of the
were identified with focus on four types of integrated digital learning environment and solve the barriers of learning [7],
learning such as electronic learning, mobile learning, digital
[8]. Nowadays, it is an effective tool to acquire knowledge
learning and ubiquitous learning. The study further explores
that the major technology associated delivery modes are lectures, and enhancing the capacity of learning. Leveraging digital
tutorials and laboratory work. Incorporating technology in the technology helps to enhance e-learning, d-learning,
teaching-learning process can be an effective way to develop the m-learning and u-learning through establishing the
learners and educators for better learning and education connection among technologies related to computer, network,
outcomes. Our review of these studies reveals a consensus that ICT, multi-media, and artificial intelligence [9].
particular strategies can promote significant improvement in On the other hand, in a digital learning environment
student learning. We examine these arguments in hopes of remove the barriers of time and place of learning where
offering educators and policy makers a new lens for educational learners can get an access to digital resources like a computer,
mobile devices, internet, reader devices, various facilities,
video tutorials, mock exam facilities, and various analytical
Index Terms—Leverage, electronic learning, digital learning,
mobile learning, ubiquitous learning. software. Leaners and educators can get a benefit from the
learning aids in almost all stages of learning. It stimulates the
motivation of learning. According to McKnight et al. [10],
I. INTRODUCTION there is a potential for the digital learning environment to
enhances capacity, creativity, collaboration, autonomy and
Education is the most important sector for attaining personalization. Digital learning environment also improves
sustainable development goals (SDGs) where digital the learning-focused interaction and creative thinking ability.
technology can play a crucial role. Nowadays digital Fernandes et al. [11] argued that traditional lecture-based
technology has become an essential part of the learning pedagogy can easily be transformed into a modern digital
environment. The integration of digital technology into learning environment through technology.
education is necessary for leveraging better education for all However, some scholars have argued that technology has
by 2030 [1]. Leveraging digital technology is the access to almost no effect or negative effect on learning and education
technology for the transformation of the traditional learning while others have a different opinion on leveraging
system to modern and digitalized learning system [2]. Digital technology in learning and education. This study intends to
technology provides an opportunity to reduce the gap between address the research question “how digital technology helps
traditional manner to modern learning approach as an learners to learn in an effective way?”. In era of technology it
inclusive factor with underpinning human rights and dignity is necessary to explore an in-depth understanding of the
[3]. Digital technology in education generally means to model technological impacts on learning. So, the above research
which engage in information and communication technology question leads to explore the effective way of integrating
(ICT) for supporting, enhancing and enabling the delivery of digital technology for better learning and education.
The remainder of the article is organized as the next section
deals with the theoretical framework. The third section
Manuscript received February 23, 2019; revised April 30, 2019. describes the methodology. The fourth and fifth section deal
Md Nazirul Islam Sarker, Min Wu, and Dan Li are with School of Public
Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Peoples Republic of with results and discussion. The final section conclude the
China (e-mail: sarker.scu@yahoo.com, wuminhelen@163.com). article with recommendations.
Qian Cao is with School of Public Administration, Sichuan University,
Chengdu, China and Intermediate lecturer of College of Economics and
Management, Hubei MinZu University, Enshi, China (e-mail:
caoqiansky@163.com). II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
GM Monirul Alam is with Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural A number of theories have been already developed with
Development, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural
University, Gazipur, Bangladesh (e-mail: gmmonirul79@gmail.com). digitalizing the learning system and education. The study

doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.7.1246 453

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2019

mainly focuses on leveraging digital technology for ensuring learning gained from inherent characters [21], [23].
better learning. According to Burbules & Callister [12],
“Technological change is a constellation of what is chosen
and what is not chosen; what is foreseen and what cannot III. METHODOLOGY
possibly be foreseen; what is desired and what is not”. The
learning environment is necessary for easy learning which A. Research Design
mainly depend on learner and learning techniques. An The research is based on a systematic literature review on
interaction between teacher and learner is crucial for better the last twenty years. The latest information has been included
learning which promotes learning through learner-centered for contributing the ongoing debate about the potential of
model. This study is mainly guided by technology-focused technology in the changing paradigm of education. The study
learner-centered system framework. Learning power theory is mainly focuses on the technology leveraged teaching-learning
also consulted to shape the study. Technology focused approach which is convenient for the learner to gain a better
learner-centered method focuses on the procedure of adapting education.
technology for enhancing human-learning processes. While
B. Search Strategy
system framework emphasizes various related factors like the
context of community or school, norms, values, cultures, Literature reviews are a significant part of the development
interaction, available technology initiatives. Some other of a field [24]. It offers the opportunity to synthesize and
factors like the scope of using technology, availability of reflect on previous research, and thus providing secure
technology, supporting of leadership, and institutional grounding for the advancement of knowledge [25]. Therefore,
models. literatures have been extensively searched from some
Basak et al. [13] conducted a systematic review on renowned databases such as Web of Science, Scopus,
e-learning, m-learning, and d-learning and revealed that Engineering village, Springer and Science direct using
electric learning (e-learning) and mobile learning (m-learning) important keywords like “leverage, electronic, digital, mobile,
are generally sub-set of digital learning (d-learning). They ubiquitous, learning, technology, education and teaching. The
also mentioned that technology-focused learning systems are data collection and analysis for this study have been done
electric learning, mobile learning, and digital learning which from April to June 2018.
played important role in the teaching-learning process. C. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Kanmani & Babu [14] conducted a study on leveraging The systematic review has been guided by two inclusions
technology in education and especially focused on the criteria viz. a) Is this study dealt with technology-focused
delivery method of education. They reveal that technology is learning method? And b) Is this study dealt with technology
an essential element of transformation of input-based integrated delivery method? The primary data related studies
education system into outcome-based education. McKnight et have been considered for criteria a) and all kinds of studies
al. [10] conducted a study on technology use for improving related to the delivery method have been considered for
learning and revealed the potential of technology-enhanced criteria b). Related systematic review studies also considered
learning for what? improving the learning process. to substantiate the argument for the present study.
Cárdenas-Robledo & Peña- Ayala [15] conducted a
systematic review of ubiquitous learning and concluded that it
is very much effective for learning as an emergent paradigm. IV. RESULTS OF THE STUDY
McCutcheon et al. [16] analyzed technology implemented
This study has been done by following the Systematic
practices of student learning and mentioned that technology
Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines [26]. At
integrated learning was good for students but software
first 798 documents have been found out with 17 other
implementation was a challenge for technology integrated
documents from references. Then 167 documents have been
approach. Gökalp [17] mentioned that there was a positive
sorted after removal of duplicate and unrelated items through
view of university students on information technologies.
abstract screening. However, again 124 documents have been
Schüler [18] conducted a study on the integration of
excluded from 167 documents for several reasons like no full
information in a digital learning environment and mentioned
text, no study focusing on leveraging technology in learning
that a multi-model digital learning had a positive impact on
and education. Finally, forty-three documents consisting
student’s learning but varied between subjects. Since the
journal articles, working papers, book chapter, magazine
internet is a main source of information so it is helpful for
article, and books have been reviewed to explore the potential
technology-focused learning.
and effective ways of leveraging technology-based learning
Learning power can be developed through the experiences
approach for ensuring better learning and education (Fig. 1).
of learning organization’s vision, mental model, and system
This qualitative document selection has been done by
thinking [19]. Basically, there are four opinions related to
following the checklist of the Reporting of Observational
learning power. First one is, learning power is an ability of
Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) [27].
learning gained from the willingness of learner [20]. Second
opinion is learning power is a psychological quality of learner A. Analysis of Technology-Based Learning
comprising psychological structure and mental and physical The traditional system of teaching approaches is
ability [21]. According to the third opinion, learning power is transformed into modern technology-based approaches. It
a basic cultural quality of modern learner [22]. Fourth group helps educators and learners in the teaching-learning process.
scholars opinioned that learning power is an ability of

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2019

With the advancement of technology, the teaching-learning

tools are increasing day by day. Modern technology helps
educators and learners equipped with emerging modern
technology. Some learning approaches are recommended by
the scholars which support the traditional approaches to
transform modern approaches by integrating technology. The
study has identified nine types of approaches as input of
learning such as problem-solving approach, student created
content, collaborative learning, competency-based learning,
active learning, blended learning, flipped learning, integrated
subject matters, and distance learning (Table I).
Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of document selection.


Study sample Research Design Major findings Comments Sources
(year) size
Chanlin et al. 8 Teachers Quantitative approach There are four factors of technology Leveraging technology can Innovations in
(2006) [28] on primary data from leveraging learning viz. remove the barriers to Education and
users. environmental, personal, social and learning. Teaching
curricular issues. International
McLaren (2008) 212 users Quantitative approach Learners had a positive perception Technology can solve International
[29] on primary data from of technology-enabled teaching problem-based learning. Journal of
users. and learning. Technology and
Design Education
Gökalp (2010) [17] 395 Quantitative approach University students had quite a Students had a good Procedia Social
on primary data from positive view of information perception of digital and Behavioral
students technologies. learning. Sciences
Chatarajupalli et 20 Indian Quantitative approach The desired outcome can be ICT enabled learning may act 2010 International
al. (2010) [30] states on primary data from achieved through ICT integrated as active learning. Conference on
covering students. learning. Technology for
474 colleges Education
Aloraini (2012) 40 female Quantitative approach There is a positive significant Collaborative learning has a Journal of King
[31] students on primary data from relationship between the use of good impact on academic Saud University
students. technologies and academic performance. Languages and
learning. Translation
Zuiker (2012) [32] 75 students Quantitative approach Educational Virtual Environments EVEs can be a potential tool British Journal of
on primary data from (EVEs) as a potential key for for Educational
students. understanding and leveraging learners and teachers. Technology
technology in education.
Wentworth & 483 students, Quantitative approach There is a positive significant Competency-based Computers &
Middleton (2014) USA on primary data from relationship between the use of education can bring a good Education
[33] students. technologies and academic impact.
Khan & Chiang 86 students Quantitative approach Mobile devices engagement is Smartphones are effective 2014 IEEE Global
(2014) [34] on primary data from positively related to effective devices for learning. Engineering
students. learning over traditional means. Education
Christmann (2015) 47 graduate Quantitative approach There was a significant difference Blended learning is good for E-Learning and
[35] students on primary data from between online instruction based learners. Digital Media
students. learning and traditional
face-to-face learning.
Daud et al. (2015) 81 students Quantitative approach Digital learning Perceptions was a Digital learning approach Procedia - Social
[36] on primary data from good and appropriate College can improve the quality of and Behavioral
students. student. learning. Sciences
Sevillano-Garcí & 419 students Quantitative approach The use of digital mobile devices Student created content by Educational
Vázquez-Cano on primary data from helps the student to learn at the mobile devices help them to Technology &
(2015) [37] students. university level. learn easily. Society
Paek, Hoffman, & 173 students Quantitative approach technology has a ‘‘bottom up’’ The study focuses on Educational
Black (2016) [38] on primary data from impact on learners’ ability to learn design-related issues in Technology
students. new lesson. education. Research and
Tang & Chaw 176 Quantitative approach The digital literacy had a Integration of subject matter The Electronic
(2016) [39] respondents on primary data from significant relationship with the can influence the learning. Journal of
participants. learning approach. e‐Learning
McKnight et al., 44 teachers Quantitative approach Technology can enhance teaching Technology integrated Journal of
(2016) [10] on primary data from and learning. strategies are good for Research on
teachers. teachers and learners. Technology in
Camilleri & 241 Quantitative approach The younger teachers had a good The roblem-solving Technology,
Camilleri (2017) educators on primary data from confidence in approach has an impact on Knowledge and
[40] educators. digital learning resources. educational outcomes. Learning
Ball et al. (2017) 77 Quantitative approach ICTs help the learner to contact Technology enabled learning Journal of Applied

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2019

[41] participants on primary data from with geographically distant social can help learners though Gerontology
students. nine focus ties. Older people had a negative older people had a different
groups perception of technology integrated perception on it.
Schüler (2017) 97 Quantitative approach Learners can detect the Collaborative learning Learning and
[18] participants on primary data from inconsistencies by using approach can enable the Instruction
participants. technology in learning. learner to detect
inconsistencies in education.
Stork (2017) [42] 34 Primary data from Digital learning approach is good Digital learning approach is Journal of
respondents teachers and for learning. good for teacher and student. Formative Design
administrators in Learning
Saxena et al. 260 Quantitative approach Majority (89.23%) students had a It reflects the willingness of Journal of Oral
(2018) [43] on primary data from keen interest for implementation of students to adopt digital Biology and
students e-learning in their curriculum. technology in education. Craniofacial
Wiklund & 650 students Quantitative oriented Student-initiated technology had a Student created content can E-Learning and
Andersson (2018) qualitative mixed positive impact on learning. help the student to learn Digital Media
[44] approach on primary quickly.
data from students.
Li et al. (2018) [45] 11 students Quantitative approach Technology empowered Integration of technology E-Learning and
on primary data from student for learning. help student to learn easily. Digital Media

studies which are based on systematic review. This study

B. Analysis of the Framework of Learning
analyzes the studies and summarizes the results in Table II.
This section deals with the result of content analysis of the


Researcher and Time Major findings Source
Basak et al. (2018) [13] The form of technology-focused learning is electronic learning, mobile E-Learning and Digital Media
learning and digital learning.
Means (2010) [46] Instructional coherence and competition are major challenges of software Journal of Research on Technolog
implementation. y in Education
McCutcheon et al. (2017) The success of learning is varied on the distance-based instructional model. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching
[16] and Learning
Kanmani & Babu (2015) Traditional teaching methods can be modified by leveraging technology. ICTIEE 2014
Cárdenas-Robledo & Ubiquitous learning focuses emergent paradigm of learning which can Telematics and Informatics
Peña-Ayala (2018) [15] disseminate education in various setting.
Sung et al. (2016) [47] Mobile devices have great potential in both classrooms and outdoor learning. Computers and Education
Görke et al. (2017) [48] Mobile devices are making digital learning environment as a cost-effective Procedia Manufacturing
Ronchetti et al. (2015) Digital competence is grown through leveraging technology (e-schooling) Encyclopedia
Fernandes et al. (2018) Restructure is necessary to make new professional development learning plan Research in Science Education
[11] with leveraging technology.
Geiger et al. (2011) [50] Digital technologies have a positive impact on teaching and learning. International Group for the
Psychology of Mathematics


Electronic learning Mobile learning Digital learning Ubiquitous learning References
(e-learning) (M-learning) (D-learning) (U-learning)
Computer Mobile Adaptive learning 24x7 hrs of learning [51], [52]
Bandwidth Bluetooth, GPRS, 3G Badging and gamification Bandwidth [53]
Multimedia Objects Blended learning Digitalized [54]
Interactive Networked Classroom technologies Networked [13]
Hyperlinked Situated learning E-textbooks Interconnected [55]
Collaborative Realistic situation Learning analytics Holistic [56]
Distance learning Constructivism Learning objects Any time & place [57]
Simulated situation Social interaction Mobile learning Friendly approach [58]
Hyperlearning Collaborative Personalized learning Collaboration [59]
Media-rich Spontaneous Online learning Online [60]
More Formal Connected Open educational resources Informal and connected [61]
Structured Lightweight Technology-enhanced teaching Unstructured and always [9]
and learning available
Broadband Informal Virtual reality Informal and virtual [62]
Intelligent Situationism Game-based learning Intelligent [63]
Usable Personal Accessing digital content Accessing digital content [64]

The study reveals that there are many forms of technology for the teaching-learning process through using modern
leveraged learning framework. The major learning technology for ensuring a better education.
frameworks are electronic learning, mobile learning, digital
C. Analysis of Technology Focused Delivery Methods
learning and ubiquitous learning. Transformation is necessary

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2019

The study has identified the following studies which 2) Student created content
focused the technology-based delivery methods. The major There are some studies done by some scholars on
delivery methods are electronic learning (e-learning), mobile student-initiated digital content. It shows that students are
learning (M-learning), digital learning (D-learning), and very much curious about the technology. They can easily
ubiquitous learning (U-learning) (Table III). develop the content according to their demand and way of
learning. Nowadays some institutions offer the student to
content creation competition which helps to increase the
V. DISCUSSIONS creativity of the student [66]. A student can create content
The section deals with the research results in four parts. with the help of technology baes approaches and share with
The first part deals with various approaches as input of friends, within the classroom, within the school as well as
learning through analyzing the studies which based on online platforms. There are some web-based tools which help
primary data (Table I), the second part describes the tools for the student to create learning content by using their idea. It
effective technology leveraging learning, the third part deals actually provides an opportunity to develop creativity,
with approaches for ensuring technology in learning based on explore intelligence and share with others.
the studies which use secondary data and systematic reviews 3) Collaborative learning
and fourth part explains the delivery method of learning (Fig.
Various collaborative technological tools provide an
opportunity to develop collaborative learning. It can be done
anywhere at any time. The learner can communicate easily
with peers, teachers, and learning community with the help of
some communication tools like Skype, Facebook, google doc,
and Dropbox and discuss the study matter with others [67]. It
helps to improve creativity and learn the matter quickly, share
the ideas, gain the knowledge and sharing the experiences. It
can help students, learners, teachers, educators, researchers
and trainers in one platform.
4) Competency-based education
Competency-based learning is developed with the help of
technology. It emphasizes effective learning rather than
time-based learning. Competency improvement is a major
goal of learning which can be easily developed through using
technology. This approach allows students and learners to
learn from e-learning platform, video tutorials and e-teachers
Fig. 2. Model of leveraging digital technology-based learning. [3]. It is a transformational approach to transform student and
teachers from traditional system to modern technology-based
The model of leveraging digital technology-based learning learning by removing the barriers of credit hours and teaching
is comprised four steps such as inputs, tools, approaches and place and time. It is actually an advance step of learning to
delivery which have been developed through this study (Fig. acquire knowledge by removing stress and time factor.
2). It deals with the whole process of the technology
leveraging education. The following sections describes in 5) Active learning
details. Active learning approach deals with the activation of all
stakeholders like students, learners, teachers, and educators.
A. Technology-Based Learning Approaches It mainly focuses to learn from experiences from each other
Technological advancement provides an opportunity to using various learning tools and allowing themselves to think
learn anywhere at any time. In the technological paradigm of and act accordingly [68]. Teachers and trainers can act as a
education, teachers and educators are using technological guide and teach the learners when needed and suggest them
approaches to teach learners. There are nine ways of the tools which are effective for learning.
technology-based approaches to learning which reveals from 6) Blended learning
the systematic literature search results (Table I).
Blended learning means a method of learning through a
1) Problem-solving based learning combination of traditional classroom and online digital media.
The learning should be problem-solving. If the stakeholder It requires the physical presence of educators and learners but
can find out the problem, he/she can easily solve the problem learning materials are presented by a digital method in a
by taking technological help. It requires conceptual computer, tablet, mobile, and other digital devices [69]. There
understanding and communication and provides an is a provision in blended learning to include multi-model
opportunity to think creatively [65]. Problem-based learning learning approaches which will be a complement to each other
helps to build competency rather than only memorizing some for effective learning. There is a significant relationship
texts. It also helps to prepare the learner to solve the complex between blended learning approach and effective learning
problem which may face in future. Technology helps to solve [39].
the problem and gain to learn about the way of how to solve 7) Flipped learning approach
the similar problem in future with the help of technology.

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2019

Flipped learning approach focuses the increasing of student Video recording and online lecture facility: It is necessary for
-teacher/student interaction with the help of technology in the maintaining technology-based environment. It should be
classroom. In this approach, the student is allowed to use easily accessible for learners from remote places. It also helps
digital devices for learning in the classroom and retrieved to take remote classes.
information and related content at home instead of the National e-learning grid: National e-learning grid is the
classroom [66]. This pedagogical approach helps the student central databases of a country which should be connected with
to prepare themselves at home before classes. The major four internet, TV and radio. It helps to conduct teaching, training,
pillars of flipped learning are the flexible environment, learning and education for teaching the learners. It is
learning culture, intentional content, and professional mandatory for an educational institution.
education. B. Approaches of Technology Integrated Learning
8) Integration of subject matter
1) Digital learning (d-learning)
Integration approach helps the learner to learn something
D-learning is a technology-based learning approach which
integrated, holistic and cross circular contents. It is actually a
facilitates learner to get learning with control over time, place
combination of related subject matters. One of the major
and path. It removes the barriers of time and place. In case of
characteristics of the integration of subject matter is
time, the learner is not limited to working day on holiday or
coherence which must be focused on the learning demand of
even different time in a day. In the case of place, the learner is
learners [70]. It is a suitable approach in ever-changing
not restricted to home, school or other institution, he/she can
technological world. It is actually student-centred curriculum
learn anywhere. In case of a path, the learner is not limited to
which includes learners and increasing interest.
learn the pedagogy fixed by teacher or trainer because various
9) Distance learning approach digital devices help themselves to learn their own style. In
Distance learning approach is considered as a means to case of pace, the learner is not limited to the pace of the whole
teach a mass people at a time. It is usually designed for classroom. It helps to utilize adaptive and interactive software
educating for the millions of deprived people. It is an effective to learn something. Actually, it is a combination of digital
method in the least developed countries. In this approach, the content, technology and instruction.
learner is physically separated from the teachers and the 2) Electronic learning (e-learning)
institution [54]. It is an old approach for educating people
E-learning is an abbreviated form of electronic learning
who seek knowledge. Now it is updated with technological
which has emerged in mid-1990s. It is actually a computer
integration. Nowadays distance learning uses technology for
and web-based learning. Any electronic form is under
its lecture delivery, stored learning materials, sharing study
e-learning. It provides a quick learning facility reducing cost
materials, video tutorials, and assessment paper submission.
and time. According to Behera [55], various forms of
Technology for Learning and Education
e-learning are blended learning, online learning, m-learning
10) Components of technology focused learning and distance learning. E-learning can happen in various
The modern technology-based learning uses some tools viz. situations like learner and teacher are not in same place,
computer-based training, internet, world wide web (www), teleconferencing, postal mail, a combination of face to face
video book, VoIP (voice over internet protocol), web-based and online learning, collaboration software, personal digital
training (WBT), learning management system (LMS), digital assessment (PDAs), web-based courses, mobile phones and
content, synchronous e-learning, asynchronous e-learning, laptops. It can provide a wide range of solutions for
electronic bulletin board, blog, ASP (Application service improving knowledge. It is a personalized method
provider), animation, page turner, courseware, Notional highlighting online learning, mentoring, assessment and
learning time (NLT), and personal digital assistant (PDAs). learning management system through a wide area network
The major components of technology integrated learning are (WAN) and the information highway.
digital content, internal and external networks, smart 3) M-learning
classroom setup, software application, video recording and
M-Learning (Mobile learning) is a learning approach
online lecture facility, and national e-learning grid.
which is based on mobile devices. It is initiated in the 1960s
Digital content: Various digital content like video recording,
by Alan Kay. Mobile devices are used to access information
video tutorials, 2-D, 3-D animation, and game are used by the
for learning. According to Lindquist et al. [71], there are five
Smart classroom setup: Smart classroom comprises a basic parameters of m-learning viz. portable, customize,
computer, digital display board, internet, desk, webcam, and social interaction, connectivity and context sensitive. It is
sound system which hep to learn the learner very smartly. very much convenient to carry like PDA and it can provide an
Internal and external networks: A technology-focused opportunity to contact with other learners, teachers,
learning environment must have Local Area Network (LAN), colleagues, and friends. It provides a way to collect
Wide Area Network (WAN), various internet-based information from current place, time and learning
application which should be connected to national e-Grid. environment as well as make strong network through mobile
Software application: various software is necessary to build devices. According to Chen & Kotz [72], mobile contexts are
technology engaged learning environment for knowledge of four forms like computing context, time context, physical
repository, laboratory experiment, interactive games and and user context. All the contexts describe network,
useful application for maintaining smart desk. communication, noise, temperature and time. Mohanna [73]
mention that m-learning has various formats like the message,

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2019

game, quizzes, multimedia through the integration of various usually found in many schools and it is known as the flipped
software and hardware technologies. It is useful for various classroom [74]. In this model, a video tutorial is given to the
level of learners which can be used by various mobile devices. learner to solve the problem at home. It is now a
4) U-learning well-accepted model in many countries. Another is found
behind this model that learners are not confident enough to
U-learning (Ubiquitous learning) is a relatively new
learn from a class lecture [63]. So, they are searching for extra
concept which is applicable for learning various disciplines. It
teaching care from external sources like tutorial home.
is initiated by Mark Weiser in 1980s. It is actually 24x7 hours
Leveraging technology is effective to modernize and effective
of learning. Various electronic devices are interconnected to a
tutorial home for learners.
communication network for effective and quick learning
U-learning approach. It is actually the advance version of 3) Laboratory
mobile learning which systematically progressed from A laboratory is a place where learners can gain the practical
e-learning to m-learning and m-learning to U-learning. It knowledge about the theory. It is started in 451 BC. It is a
provides an opportunity to create a ubiquitous learning process of learning by doing. According to science, the
environment (ULE). E-learning is a new paradigm of learning learner can learn 5% by listening, 10% by reading, 30% by
which has a philosophy of anywhere, anytime and anyway to demonstration and 75% by doing. The learner cannot get any
learn. It provides a way to access the learning content through practical knowledge without attending laboratory work.
a wireless network from anywhere and anytime. It helps to Various types of experiments may be done in the laboratory
earn knowledge from ubiquitous learning environment at the [14]. Some experiments may be done under the guidance of
right time, right places by the right way. the instructor and some are initiated by the learner themselves.
It is a place to learn state-of-art knowledge. Various scientific
C. Technology Focused Delivery Method
findings are explored in the laboratory. It increases the
Technology enables the delivery method as convenient, confidence of the young learner and facilitates senior learners
timely and right way approach. There are various forms of to innovate new research findings.
delivery method. The major acceptable three methods are
lecture, tutorials and laboratory which commonly used in the
learning environment and educational institutions. VI. CONCLUSION
1) Lecture Nowadays leveraging digital technology has become a
The lecture is an effective and traditional delivery method potential and key tool for ensuring better learning and
of learning. It is started from a few centuries ago. Chalk and education. In this research, a systematic literature review has
duster were the main materials of lecture in a classroom [14]. been done to explore how digital technology can be integrated
The teacher used chalk in the classroom and talk to the student in education effectively. The study reveals that there are
about lesson and student tried to gain knowledge from a mainly four types of technology integrated learning methods
lecture in the classroom. Students were a silent audience to such as electronic learning, mobile learning, digital learning,
hear the lecture and no right to say something during lecturing. and ubiquitous learning. The study further explores that the
It happened regular basis in the classroom. Now the major technology associated delivery modes are lectures,
classroom environment is changing with integrating tutorials and laboratory work. The study reveals that
technology. The major introduced technologies for the leveraging technology is an essential part of every learning
classroom are whiteboard, overhead projector, computer, mode. The findings suggest that technology should be
various digital devices, speaker, internet connection, and integrated at all levels of curriculum development, input of
other video display facilities. Though technology has learning process, procedure of learning process, and delivery
introduced in the classroom it cannot bring major changes in method for getting full benefits from technology leveraged
the teaching-learning process [67]. Actually, the approach of learning method. Continuous reform and transformation are
teaching is from teacher to student which exist from last few necessary for the teaching-learning process through using
centuries. Though the process of teaching-learning through modern technology for ensuring a better education.
lecturing is well accepted by all it needs some modifications
for getting the full benefit from it. A two-way communication ACKNOWLEDGMENT
is necessary between teacher and student for effective This article is funded by Sichuan University Innovation
learning rather than a top-down approach. It should be from Spark Project (No.2018hhs-21), Sichuan University Central
teacher to student and student to teacher. Technology may be University Basic Scientific Research Project (No.
a bridge in this two-way communication channel for ensuring skqx201501), Sichuan University New Century Higher
better learning and education. Education 8th Teaching Reform Project (No. SCU8302),
2) Tutorials Chengdu Radio & TV University Project (Learning City
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teaching-learning processes. It means a specific and regular
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