Adjectives Lesson Plan
Adjectives Lesson Plan
Adjectives Lesson Plan
Grade: 2
Term: 2 Unit: 2
Focus Question: Why do I need recreation and how can I spend my leisure time?
Date: March 26, 2021
Duration: 1 hour
Strand: Grammar and Conventions
Topic: Adjectives
Specific objectives:
1. After describing objects in their environments and discussing a PowerPoint presentation
about adjectives, students should be able to define the term ‘adjectives’.
2. At the end of watching a video about adjectives and engaging in a discussion about the
video, students should be able to list at least three (3) adjectives.
3. After watching and describing a catwalk done by their classmates, and discussing the
fashion show, students should be able to understand the importance of using
appropriate/relevant adjectives to make descriptions.
4. At the end of playing a game where they choose suitable adjectives to complete sentences
and describe pictures, along with discussing the activity, students should be able to:
These descriptive words can help give information about size, shape, age, color, origin, material,
purpose, feelings, condition, and personality, or texture. Think about how you would describe
your mother, teacher, best friend, cat, dog, bedroom, or favorite piece of clothing.
That mother is nice.
The cat is black and white.
This bedroom is big.
Joan’s favourite shirt is red.
The adjectives can also be placed before the noun, or word, they describe.
For example:
Adjectives can also describe how much or how many by using numbers with people, places, or
things. There can be five dogs at the park or several people on the playground. You check
out fifteen books at the library, or there may be only a few people in your class. .
Make sure that if you use coordinate adjectives, or two or more adjectives paired together, make
sure you use commas when you need them. You can find coordinate adjectives by placing the
word “and” between them, and if the sentence makes sense with the term “and,” then the
adjectives need a comma between them. Look at the following example for help:
The teacher will: Students will:
Ask students what they think an adjective Express what they think an adjective is.
Display definition for adjectives and ask Read the slide about adjectives.
students to read the definition from the Share different nouns that they have
slide. encountered (whether a place, a person, a
Ask students to volunteer to share either a thing, or animal) and describe it.
place, a person, a thing, or an animal and
describe it. Identify the adjective that each of their
As each child describes a noun, ask the classmates used to describe the noun.
rest of the class to identify the adjective
that he/she used. Watch the video about adjectives.
Make clarifications where necessary. Participate in the discussion about the
Display a video about adjectives. video.
Initiate a discussion about the video. Ask questions so clarifications can be made.
Make clarifications where necessary.
The teacher will: Students will:
Explain to students that adjectives are Participate/watch the catwalk.
used to describe nouns or pronouns, not
Tell students that they are going to be Describe the catwalkers, the clothes and
watching a catwalk with some of their other nouns that they saw during the
classmates. catwalk..
Introduce catwalkers so they can begin.
After the catwalkers have finished, ask
students to describe the different things
that they saw.
Record adjectives and make clarifications. Share whether they think we would use
Ask students if we would use ‘handsome’ ‘handsome’ to describe a girl.
to describe a girl or ‘pretty’ to describe a
Explain to students that we use adjectives
based on their appropriateness. Give
Make clarifications where necessary. Ask questions so clarifications can be made.
The teacher will: Students will:
Complete the worksheet below.
The lesson was very intriguing to the students. The lesson began with a captivating introductory
activity and as the lesson went by, the activities were differentiated and fun. Each activity was
meaningful and connected to the other. All the objectives were met and even though it’s virtual
learning, the teacher did a good job a utilizing different materials and resources to cater to the
sometimes students seemed to forget the importance of muting their mics. Otherwise, it was a