Grammar 19 Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Grammar 19 Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Grammar 19 Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Department of English
a. Uncountable nouns are, for example: gold, music, blood, excitement
Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. They have no plural. You cannot say
“musics,” “bloods”, or “excitements.”
b. Before uncountable nouns you can say the/ some/ any/ much/ this/ his, etc.:
the music some gold much excitement his blood
But you cannot use a/an before an uncountable noun. So you cannot say “a music,” “an
excitement,” or “a blood.”
You can also use uncountable nouns alone, with no article
This ring is made of gold. Blood is red.
c. Many nouns can be used as countable or as uncountable nouns. Usually there is a difference
in meaning. For example:
paper I bought a paper. ( = a newspaper – countable)
I bought some paper. ( = material for writing on )
hair There’s a hair in my soup! ( one single hair – countable)
She has a beautiful hair. (hair on her head – uncountable)
experience We had many interesting experiences on our vacation. (= things
that happened to us – countable)
You need experience for this job. ( = knowledge of something
because you have done it before – uncountable)
d. Some nouns are usually uncountable in English but often countable in other languages. Here
are the most important of these:
advice bread informatio permission traffic weather
baggage chaos luggage progress travel work
behavior furniture news scenery trouble
These nouns are uncountable, so (i) you cannot use a/an before them; and (ii) they cannot
be plural:
Tom gave me some good advice. (not some good advices)
Where are you going to put all your furniture? (not furnitures)
We don't have much luggage to carry. (not many luggages)
I'm afraid I have some bad news. (not a bad news)
Remember that news is not plural:
The news is very depressing today. (not The news are...)
Do not use travel to mean trip/ journey:
We had a good trip. (not a good travel)
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
Note these pairs of countable (C) and uncountable (UNC) nouns:
I'm looking for a job. (C) but I'm looking for work. (UNC)
What a beautiful view! (C) but What beautiful scenery! (UNC)
Example: The room was very crowded. We had to open the windows for some air
1. I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got
2. They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of
3. You'll recognize Alan easily. He's got green
4. Carla's English has improved. She has made
5. I want to write down your address. Do you have
6. If you want to leave early, you have to ask for
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
7. George is unemployed at the moment. He is looking for
8. I didn't know what to do. So I asked Jack for
Practice 3: Write what you would say in these situations. Each time begin in the way shown
and use one of the words in section D of this unit.
Example: Your friends have just arrived at the station. You can't see any suitcases or bags.
You say: Do you have any luggage?
1. You go into the tourist office. You want to know about places to see in the town. You say: I'd
like _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. The weather is beautiful. You say: What ____________________________________________________
3. You are a student. You want your teacher to advise you about which exams to take. You say:
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
I wouldn't like to be an English teacher.
In sentences like these, we use plural countable nouns alone (not with some):
Tom's parents are very nice people. What awful shoes!
(not some very nice people)
Ann has blue eyes. Dogs are animals.
Are most of your friends students?
d. We also use some with plural countable nouns. Some = a number of / a few of (but we don't
know or say exactly how many):
I've seen some good movies lately.
Some friends of mine are coming to stay for the weekend.
Do not use some when you are talking about things in general:
I love bananas. (not some bananas)
Sometimes you can use some or leave it out:
There are (some) eggs in the refrigerator if you're hungry
e. You have to use some when you mean some, but not all / not many, etc.
Some children learn very quickly (but not all children)
Some police officers in Britain carry guns, but most of them don’t.
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
Practice 1: What are these things? Try and find out if you don’t know.
Example: an ant? => It’s an insect. ants? bees? They are insects.
1. an onion? It’s _______________________ 5. Earth? Mars? Venus? Jupiter? They ____________
2. a pigeon? It _________________________ _____________________________________________________
3. a dandelion? _______________________ 6. the Rhine? the Nile? the Mississippi? __________
4. a skyscraper? _______________________ _____________________________________________________
And who were these people?
Example: Beethoven? He was a composer. Beethoven? Bach? They were composers.
7. Picasso? He was _________________________ 11. Kenedy? Johnson? Nixon? They __________________
8. Shakespeare? He ________________________ ______________________________________________________
9. Einstein? _________________________________ 12. Elvis Presley? John Lennon? _________________
10. Marilyn Monroe? _______________________ __________________________________________________
Practice 2: Read about someone’s job and then write what his or her job is.
Example: Ron flies airplanes. => He’s a pilot.
1. Sue types letters and answers the phone in an office. She is ______________________________
2. Tim plans people's vacations for them. He _________________________________________________
3. Carol takes care of patients in a hospital. She _____________________________________________
4. Mary teaches math. __________________________________________________________________________
5. Martha directs movies. ______________________________________________________________________
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
14. When we got downtown, _____________ stores were still open, but most of them were already
15. Do you enjoy going to _____________ concerts?
Board Race
International University – HCMC IE1 Listening & Speaking
Department of English
T prepares a list of several countable and uncountable nouns, then write all of them in the
Ss are divided into two or three groups. Each group has three minutes to decide whether
each noun is countable or uncountable. They can use the dictionary if they want.
When three minutes is up, they stand in three lines and each member of each group takes
turn to run to the board and write ONE noun in either the column COUNTABLE or
UNCOUNTABLE. They have to race against each other because there is a time limit (e.g. 2
minutes or 4 minutes).
When the time is up, the group with the most correct answers wins.