PALS & Complaints Leaflet

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How will we deal with your complaint?

We aim to acknowledge your complaint Telford and Wrekin Telford and Wrekin


within three working days

l We will discuss with you how your complaint
How to contact PALS and complaints
will be handled and what outcome you PALS
expect. We will also agree a timescale
for the completion of the investigation Tel: 01952 580478
l After your complaint has been thoroughly
investigated, we will send a full written Patient Advice & Liaison Service
Complaints and Complaints
response from the Chief Executive
Tel: 01952 580471
PALS and Complaints
NHS Telford and Wrekin
Halesfield 6

What if I remain unhappy with the way

the NHS has handled my complaint?
If you are unhappy with the formal response to
your complaint you can request consideration Speaking to PALS and Complaints will not negatively affect
the care you recieve. We treat all the information you supply
by the Parliamentary and Health Service
as confidential. We may need to collect personal information
Ombudsman. from you in order to provide the best possible service.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman However we will not disclose personal details to anyone
Millbank Tower without your permission.
London SW1P 4QP If English is not your preferred language you can choose to
Helpline: 0345 015 4033 We want to hear from you, whether you want
use a confidential interpretation service.
Email: confidential help and advice, have a comment,
Website: concern, complaint or compliment.

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Patient Advice & Liason Service What can PALS do for you? Complaints
PALS provides free, informal, confidential l Provide advice and support to patients, Healthcare staff strive to get things right, but
help and advice for patients, carers and their families and carers with busy services, mistakes can happen.
families. l Help you get the information you need about When they do, we want to put things right
NHS services quickly and to use the experience to improve
PALS may be able to help if your query or
l Listen and respond to concerns, suggestions
services and prevent future problems.
concern is about primary care services
provided by: or queries You can choose to complain either to the
l Sort out problems quickly on your behalf in service you are unhappy with e.g. Dental, GP
l GPs
an informal, friendly manner practice, hospital etc or to NHS Telford and
l Dentists
l Provide advice if you wish to make a formal
l Opticians
complaint If you would like further information about this
l Pharmacies
l Use your feedback to help improve the or wish to make a complaint, please contact
l Health visitors our Complaints Manager.
quality of primary care services in the future
l District nurses and school nurses

l Community services, such as

You can get help when making
physiotherapy, podiatry and
your complaint
occupational therapy
The Independent Complaints Advocacy
Service (ICAS) provides free independent
advice to people about the NHS complaints
procedure and can help you make a complaint.
ICAS can be contacted at:
Unit 25 & 32
Stafford Business Village
Dyson Way
Staffordshire Technology Park
ST18 0TW
Helpline: 0845 337 3054
Compliments Fax: 0845 337 3055

It’s also helpful to know when we’re getting

things right and you are pleased with the care
you have received. We’d like to hear from you
- please do tell staff who are involved in your
care or speak to our Communications and
Engagement Team.

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