Letter 2023 11 20
Letter 2023 11 20
Letter 2023 11 20
20 November 2023
Dear Mrs Adelina Repede
A further appointment has been made for you to attend the Womens Hospital, Doncaster Royal
For the Obstetric (Antenatal Clinic) Outpatient Department please enter by Gate 1A (by car)
or Gate 1(by foot), Thorne Road.
You may not be seen by the Consultant, but by another Doctor (or in some circumstances,
another health professional) in the clinical team working under the Consultants supervision.
If you hold any paper notes please bring these with you, along with your blood group card (if
you have one).
You will be asked to provide a specimen of urine during your clinic visit.
Please be aware you may be at the Hospital for approximately 3 hours in order to complete
your appointment, your partner or person of choice is welcome to attend with you.
If you are unable to attend or if you change your name or address please let us know
immediately by telephoning (01302) 642815 between 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
Outside these times you can leave a message, you should quote your hospital number, full
name and address, appointment details, and the reason for your call.
If your Consultant feels that you need to be scanned you will receive a separate notification
from the Ultrasound Department.
Yours sincerely,
TrustsDigital Transformation
Digital Transformation-- Important
Important Information
Digital letters-
As part of theReceive your Transformation
Trusts Digital appointment letters
we needonyou
update DBTH Services,
your mobile phonedigital
number letters
if youare
have one,
now available for outpatient appointments. This means you can view and download our appointmentafter
and note that for those patients that opt in to receive Digital letters we will not be sending out paper copies
1st October
letters quicker2020
and easier than before on your mobile phone, tablet or computer. We have partnered
withTRAVEL and a
Dr Doctor, digital health company to deliver this service. Patients who prefer paper letters can
ospital Ttheir lettersPlease
ransport: by post as usual
consider how you will make your way to your appointment. Non-emergency
patient transport is provided for patients with a medical condition, physical and/or mental, that prevents them from
For further information please visit the following website dbth.nhs.uk/digital-letters/
using other transport to get to and from their hospital appointment. Wherever possible patients should make their
own way to and from hospital appointments including via family and friends and using public transport. If you think
you may beInformation
eligible pleaseStandard
call the appropriate transport booking office below, depending upon which county your
WeGP want to get better at communicating
surgery is based. Bookings can be made withbetween
our patients. We
one and want
four to make
weeks beforesure
youryou can readdate.
appointment and
understand the information we send you.
Nottinghamshire 0330 3800 570 – 24 hours a dayIf you find it hard to read our letters or if you need someone
to Derbyshire
support you at appointments,
0300 please
300 3434 - Between let us
07.00 andknow.
21.00 Monday to Saturday
Lincolnshire 0843 357 1556 - Between 07.00 and 21.00 Monday to Saturday
We want to know if you need information in braille, large print or easy read. We want to know if you
need an interpreter
Hospital Shuttles:or advocate.
For details of the hospital shuttle services provided, please go to
We want to know if we can support you to lip read or use a hearing aid or communication tool.
You will find
Travel linksYou
Costs: on may
the Trust website
be entitled about help
to receive this with
however if youtravel
healthcare needcosts,
any other reasonable
for information please view the
adjustments please contact us on 01302 642500
NHS website www.nhs.uk/nhsengland/healthcosts/pages/travelcosts.aspx
Smoking:Information forBassetlaw
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospital
Teaching patients
Hospitals is a only
smoke free site, so we want to help you to QUIT
smoking. We can provide free Nicotine Replacement Therapy for our Inpatients and access to the various Stop
Smoking Services https://yorkshiresmokefree.nhs.uk/pages/health-benefits-timeline
Hospital Transport: Please consider how you will make your way to your appointment.
Allow at least 2 patient
Non-emergency hours fortransport
your appointment, or longerfor
is only provided if tests are needed.
patients Pleasecondition,
with a medical read the instructions in
physical and/
your Appointment letter, bring the letter with you and anything that has been requested. You may also wish to
or mental, that prevents them from using other transport to get to and from their hospital appointment.
bring a list of questions for the doctor. Please bring money for prescriptions, or if applicable proof of exemption
Bookings can be made between one and four weeks before your appointment date.
from payment.
Nottinghamshire 0330 3800 570 – 24 hours a day
Derbyshire 0300 300 3434
NON ATTENDANCE - Between 07.00
OR CANCELLED and 21.00 Monday to Saturday
Please note0843that if357
fail to -attend
Between 07.00 appointment,
an agreed and 21.00 Mondayor if youto Saturday
cancel two or more agreed appointments,
you may not be offered further dates.
Hospital Shuttles: Hospital shuttle services timetable,
Under the NHS Constitution you have the right to start consultant led treatment within 18 weeks from
referral where Clinically appropriate and you wish to be treated within 18 weeks. Where this is not possible, the
Hospital Site Maps: https://www.dbth.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/how-to-get-here/hospital-map/
NHS must take all reasonable steps to offer a quicker appointment at a range of alternative providers.
If youCosts: You may
are concerned beyou
that entitled to receive
have been waitinghelp withthan
longer healthcare travel
you should costs,
for your for information
treatment please
at Doncaster and
view the NHS website www.nhs.uk/nhsengland/healthcosts/pages/travelcosts.aspx
Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust, please contact The Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 01302 642764.
Smoking: Doncaster Patients are entitled
and Bassetlaw to receive
Teaching a copy ofisall
Hospitals a communication between
smoke free site, the hospital
so we want to helpand
to GP.
If you would like to automatically receive copies of letters, please let the receptionist
QUIT smoking. We can provide free Nicotine Replacement Therapy for our Inpatients and access to theor the consultant’s
secretary know.
various Stop Smoking Services https://yorkshiresmokefree.nhs.uk/pages/health-benefits-timeline
Are you aware thatTO FREE NHS CARE
not everyone is entitled to receive free NHS treatment? Entitlement is based on whether
you aware
fully residethat notUK.
in the everyone is entitled
Please do to receive
not be offended free
if you areNHS treatment?
asked to provideEntitlement is based
evidence to prove this.on
Do you
have ayou fullyEHIC
non-UK resideto in the UK.
present Please
to us? If youdo not
are be offended
unsure and haveif any
are askedconcerns
to provide evidence
or would to
like advice,
prove this. Do you have a non-UK EHIC to present to us? If you are unsure and
please contact the team who are happy to help on 01302 642557. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THIS TEAM have any questions,
concerns or would like OR
FOR APPOINTMENT advice, please contact
TRANSPORT the team who are happy to help on 01302 642557.
wear a face covering. Whichever type of consultation, you will be notified by letter, text or telephone call. If you do
For hospitalpatient
the latest please visitor
wear a face covering at
information all times.
please visit https://dbth.nhs.uk/patients -visitors/