Rift Valley University Department of Accounting and Finance
Rift Valley University Department of Accounting and Finance
Rift Valley University Department of Accounting and Finance
MARCH 2020
Title Page
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................i
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................2
1.3 Research Questions…................................................................................................3
1.4.Objectives of the Study…………………………………………………………...3
1.4.1 General Objectives of the Study……………………………………………….3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study.........................................................................3
1.5 Research Design and Methodology...........................................................................4
1.5.1 Research Design...............................................................................................4
1.5.2 Sampling Design...............................................................................................4
1.5.3 Sources of Data.................................................................................................4
1.5.4 Method of data collection.................................................................................4
1.5.5 Methods of data analysis..................................................................................5
1.6 Significancy of the study..............................................................................................5
1.7 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................5
1.8 Organization of the Paper..............................................................................................6
1.9 Time And Cost Budget..................................................................................................6
1.9.1 Time budget............................................................................................................6
1.9.2 Cost budget............................................................................................................7
Accounting information system combine the study and practice of accounting with the design,
implementation and monitoring of information system. Such systems use of modern information
technology resources together with traditional accounting controls and methods to provide users
of the financial information necessary to manage their organizations. Each user groups has
unique information requirements and this depends up on the level of the organization from which
the information is needed .The higher the level of the organization , the greater the need for more
aggregated information and less need for detail(www.enotes.com ).The Dashen bank, which is
involved in the provision of development credit to viable priority projects along with technical
support and advice by mobilizing resources from domestic and foreign sources, has its own
accounting information system. Dashen bank is one of the banks required to use Accounting
information system (AIS) in order to make advanced decision, but the bank have different
drawbacks like: Low level awareness of AIS by employees as well as management staffs of
Dashen bank, failing of network connection /network Interrupt, lack of Human resource in AIS
department, delays in communication or networking of all the activities. The above problems
affect both the bank and the customer of Dashen bank.
1.3. Research question
The study will answer the next basic research questions about the accounting information system
of the organization:
Is the application of accounting information system of the bank efficient and effective on
correcting the above problems?
How does Dashen bank applied its accounting information system for decision making?
How Dashen bank’s accounting information system is applied in internal control system?
What is the nature of the existing accounting information system use of Dashen bank
(manual, computer based or the mix of both)?
The general objective of this study is to generally assess the accounting information system of
Dashen bank and its application for decision making.
To assess the application of accounting information system of the bank efficiency and
To know how Dashen bank applies its accounting information system.
To know how Dashen bank’s accounting information system is applied in the internal
control system.
To assess the nature and use of the existing accounting information system of Dashen
1.5 Research design and methodology
For this research the researcher will use descriptive design survey method because the research
will be conducted in order to describe the existing accounting information system of Dashen
bank Mickyleland branch. Descriptive research is one which information is collected without
changing the environment. Therefore, it is the best method for collecting information that would
demonstrate relationships and describe the population as it exists.
The study will be conducted at Dashen bank Mickyleland branch to assess accounting
information system. The source of data will be all employees and guards of the organization and
will be used census sampling method because they are few in number.
The data which has use for this study will be gathered from two sources. These are primary and
secondary sources.
Primary source: This source includes the actual (primary) information which is
gathered from concerned individuals that is from the owner of small enterprise.
Secondary source: these include all type of published and unpublished materials about
small scale enterprise. The data which is gathered from this source is secondary data
and includes data from reports, economic journals, internet and data from previously
done research.
As mentioned above, there would be two sources of data i.e. primary and secondary sources. The
primary source is more relevant than the secondary source in that it gives relatively more reliable
data than secondary source. The primary data is collected by using interview and questionnaire.
Interview and questionnaire are needed because some individuals who will be used as a sample
may not be able to read and write and it is also needed relatively to avoid false information and
carelessness that may arise during filling the questionnaire. The use of secondary source is in
order to strengthen the information required and propose necessary suggestions for the problem.
This study tries to provide important information concerning the accounting information system
of Dashen bank. It will help the organization to achieve its task efficiently and effectively. The
organization would eliminate or at least minimize problems which are related with accounting
information system. This study tries to give recommendations with regard to the ways of solving
the problems being faced by the organization. It will use as a reference to those who need to
conduct research on this topic and identifying what is not studied. It also help the
student/researcher/ in the partial fulfillment of getting Bachelor of Arts degree (BA degree) and
acquire the knowledge’s to research work.
The scope of the study is limited to the Dashen bank Mickyleland branch and the finance and
accounts management process division of the organization will be studied. The reason for
limitation to the finance and accounts management process division is because more of
accounting related information passes through it and the information can be easily obtained from
there. Furthermore the study is only focus on the assessment of the accounting information
system of the organization from 2015 up to 2019 G.C because of voluminous of information that
is difficult to manage.
The paper will have four main chapters. The first chapter would be an introductory part
containing the back ground of the study, problem of the statement, objectives of the study,
significance of the study, and scope of the study. The second chapter will be the review of
related literature. Presentation, analysis and interpretation of the gathered data will be included in
the third chapter. The last chapter will be conclusion and recommendations.
SN Month February
March April May
January June
1 Title selection
2 Research
3 Preparation of
4 Data collection
5 Data analysis
6 Writing the
7 Editing and
8 Submission
Dear respondents
This questionnaire is being conducted by Forth year accounting and finance under graduate
students of Rift Valley University with the aim to collect data on the assessment of Accounting
Information System in the case of Dashen bank. You are not obligated to write your name. The
response in the questionnaire will be used only for research purpose. Confidentiality and privacy
will be maintained by keeping the respondents response on a separate place where no one can see
them both during the research process and in the compiled reports. The purpose of the study will
be for in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Accounting
and fiancé. The reliability of the study will be based on the accuracy of the information you
provide. Therefore, we highly appreciate your honest and genuine response in an effort to attain
the stated objectives of the assessment. The result of the study will hopefully serve as an
important input to improve the existing ways of grievance handling procedure.
1. Sex
A. Male C. Female
2. Age
A. Below 23
B. 23 – 32 D. 43 - 52
C. 33 - 42 E. Above 52
8. How do you rate the quality of transaction processing provided by the AIS of your bank?
9. What problem is the organization being experiencing with its management reporting?
10. Do you believe that information is being provided to outside users in a timely manner?
A. Yes B. No
11. What did observe in the improvements of the AIS of your bank in helping customer
12. What problems you observe with your current AIS practice?
A. Lack of Good Communication B. Delay in Reporting
13. How did the development of computerized AIS help the organization’s operation?
14. Do the decision makers of the Dashen bank give emphasis towards efficient AIS with good
transaction processing, management reporting and provision of information to outside users?