Principles of Epidemiology - Lesson 1 - Section 6

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2/14/2021 Principles of Epidemiology | Lesson 1 - Section 6

Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, Third Edition

An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Lesson 1: Introduction to Epidemiology

Section 6: Descriptive Epidemiology

As noted earlier, every novice newspaper reporter is taught that a story is
incomplete if it does not describe the what, who, where, when, and why/how of The 5W’s of descriptive epidemiology:
a situation, whether it be a space shuttle launch or a house re. What = health issue of concern
Epidemiologists strive for similar comprehensiveness in characterizing an Who = person
epidemiologic event, whether it be a pandemic of in uenza or a local increase Where = place
in all-terrain vehicle crashes. However, epidemiologists tend to use synonyms When = time
for the ve W’s listed above: case de nition, person, place, time, and Why/how = causes, risk factors, modes
causes/risk factors/modes of transmission. Descriptive epidemiology covers of transmission
time, place, and person.

Compiling and analyzing data by time, place, and person is desirable for several reasons.

First, by looking at the data carefully, the epidemiologist becomes very familiar with the data. He or she can see what the
data can or cannot reveal based on the variables available, its limitations (for example, the number of records with
missing information for each important variable), and its eccentricities (for example, all cases range in age from 2
months to 6 years, plus one 17-year-old.).
Second, the epidemiologist learns the extent and pattern of the public health problem being investigated — which
months, which neighborhoods, and which groups of people have the most and least cases.
Third, the epidemiologist creates a detailed description of the health of a population that can be easily communicated
with tables, graphs, and maps.
Fourth, the epidemiologist can identify areas or groups within the population that have high rates of disease. This
information in turn provides important clues to the causes of the disease, and these clues can be turned into testable

The occurrence of disease changes over time. Some of these changes occur regularly, while others are unpredictable. Two
diseases that occur during the same season each year include in uenza (winter) and West Nile virus infection (August–
September). In contrast, diseases such as hepatitis B and salmonellosis can occur at any time. For diseases that occur
seasonally, health o cials can anticipate their occurrence and implement control and prevention measures, such as an
in uenza vaccination campaign or mosquito spraying. For diseases that occur sporadically, investigators can conduct studies
to identify the causes and modes of spread, and then develop appropriately targeted actions to control or prevent further
occurrence of the disease.

In either situation, displaying the patterns of disease occurrence by time is critical for monitoring disease occurrence in the
community and for assessing whether the public health interventions made a di erence.

Time data are usually displayed with a two-dimensional graph. The vertical or y-axis usually shows the number or rate of
cases; the horizontal or x-axis shows the time periods such as years, months, or days. The number or rate of cases is plotted
over time. Graphs of disease occurrence over time are usually plotted as line graphs (Figure 1.4) or histograms (Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.4 Reported Cases of Salmonellosis per 100,000

Population, by Year — United States, 1972–2002 1/12
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Image Description
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summary of noti able diseases–United
States, 2002. Published April 30, 2004, for MMWR 2002;51(No. 53): p. 59.

Figure 1.5 Number of Intussusception Reports After the

Rhesus Rotavirus Vaccine-tetravalent (RRV-TV) by Vaccination
Date — United States, September 1998–December 1999

Image Description
Source: Zhou W, Pool V, Iskander JK, English-Bullard R, Ball R, Wise RP, et al. In: Surveillance Summaries,
January 24, 2003. MMWR 2003;52(No. SS-1):1–26.

Sometimes a graph shows the timing of events that are related to disease trends being displayed. For example, the graph
may indicate the period of exposure or the date control measures were implemented. Studying a graph that notes the period
of exposure may lead to insights into what may have caused illness. Studying a graph that notes the timing of control
measures shows what impact, if any, the measures may have had on disease occurrence.

As noted above, time is plotted along the x-axis. Depending on the disease, the time scale may be as broad as years or
decades, or as brief as days or even hours of the day. For some conditions — many chronic diseases, for example —
epidemiologists tend to be interested in long-term trends or patterns in the number of cases or the rate. For other conditions,
such as foodborne outbreaks, the relevant time scale is likely to be days or hours. Some of the common types of time-related
graphs are further described below. These and other graphs are described in more detail in Lesson 4.

Secular (long-term) trends. Graphing the annual cases or rate of a disease over a period of years shows long-term or secular
trends in the occurrence of the disease (Figure 1.4). Health o cials use these graphs to assess the prevailing direction of
disease occurrence (increasing, decreasing, or essentially at), help them evaluate programs or make policy decisions, infer
what caused an increase or decrease in the occurrence of a disease (particularly if the graph indicates when related events
took place), and use past trends as a predictor of future incidence of disease.

Seasonality. Disease occurrence can be graphed by week or month over the course of a year or more to show its seasonal
pattern, if any. Some diseases such as in uenza and West Nile infection are known to have characteristic seasonal
distributions. Seasonal patterns may suggest hypotheses about how the infection is transmitted, what behavioral factors
increase risk, and other possible contributors to the disease or condition. Figure 1.6 shows the seasonal patterns of rubella,
in uenza, and rotavirus. All three diseases display consistent seasonal distributions, but each disease peaks in di erent
months — rubella in March to June, in uenza in November to March, and rotavirus in February to April. The rubella graph is
striking for the epidemic that occurred in 1963 (rubella vaccine was not available until 1969), but this epidemic nonetheless
followed the seasonal pattern. 2/12
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Figure 1.6 Seasonal Pattern of Rubella, In uenza

and Rotavirus

Image Description
Source: Dowell SF. Seasonal Variation in Host Susceptibility and Cycles of Certain
Infectious Diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. 2001;5:369–74.

Day of week and time of day. For some conditions, displaying data by day of the week or time of day may be informative.
Analysis at these shorter time periods is particularly appropriate for conditions related to occupational or environmental
exposures that tend to occur at regularly scheduled intervals. In Figure 1.7, farm tractor fatalities are displayed by days of the
week.(32) Note that the number of farm tractor fatalities on Sundays was about half the number on the other days. The
pattern of farm tractor injuries by hour, as displayed in Figure 1.8 peaked at 11:00 a.m., dipped at noon, and peaked again at
4:00 p.m. These patterns may suggest hypotheses and possible explanations that could be evaluated with further study.
Figure 1.9 shows the hourly number of survivors and rescuers presenting to local hospitals in New York following the attack
on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Figure 1.7 Farm Tractor Deaths by

Day of Week

Image Description

Figure 1.8 Farm Tractor Deaths by

Hour of Day

Image Description
Source: Goodman RA, Smith JD, Sikes RK, Rogers DL, Mickey JL.
Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries: an
epidemiologic study. Public Health Rep 1985;100:329–33. 3/12
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p g y p

Figure 1.9 World Trade Center Survivors and Rescuers

Image Description
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rapid Assessment of Injuries Among
Survivors of the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center — New York City, September 2001.
MMWR 2002;51:1–5.

Epidemic period. To show the time course of a disease outbreak or epidemic, epidemiologists use a graph called an epidemic
curve. As with the other graphs presented so far, an epidemic curve’s y-axis shows the number of cases, while the x-axis
shows time as either date of symptom onset or date of diagnosis. Depending on the incubation period (the length of time
between exposure and onset of symptoms) and routes of transmission, the scale on the x-axis can be as broad as weeks (for
a very prolonged epidemic) or as narrow as minutes (e.g., for food poisoning by chemicals that cause symptoms within
minutes). Conventionally, the data are displayed as a histogram (which is similar to a bar chart but has no gaps between
adjacent columns). Sometimes each case is displayed as a square, as in Figure 1.10. The shape and other features of an
epidemic curve can suggest hypotheses about the time and source of exposure, the mode of transmission, and the causative
agent. Epidemic curves are discussed in more detail in Lessons 4 and 6.

Figure 1.10 Cases of Salmonella Enteriditis — Chicago,

February 13–21, by Date and Time of Symptom Onset

Image Description
Source: Cortese M, Gerber S, Jones E, Fernandez J. A Salmonella Enteriditis outbreak in
Chicago. Presented at the Eastern Regional Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference, March
23, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts.

Describing the occurrence of disease by place provides insight into the geographic extent of the problem and its geographic
variation. Characterization by place refers not only to place of residence but to any geographic location relevant to disease
occurrence. Such locations include place of diagnosis or report, birthplace, site of employment, school district, hospital unit,
or recent travel destinations. The unit may be as large as a continent or country or as small as a street address, hospital wing,
or operating room. Sometimes place refers not to a speci c location at all but to a place category such as urban or rural,
domestic or foreign, and institutional or noninstitutional.

Consider the data in Tables 1.3 and 1.4. Table 1.3 displays SARS data by source of report, and re ects where a person with
possible SARS is likely to be quarantined and treated.(33) In contrast, Table 1.4 displays the same data by where the possible
SARS patients had traveled, and re ects where transmission may have occurred. 4/12
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Table 1.3 Reported Cases of SARS through November 3, 2004 — United States, Table 1.4 Reported Cases of SARS through
by Case De nition Category and State of Residence November 3, 2004 — United States, by
High-Risk Area Visited
Total Total Total
Total Suspect Probable Con rmed Area Count* Percent
Cases Cases Cases Cases
Location Reported Reported Reported Reported Hong Kong City, 45 28
Alaska 1 1 0 0
Toronto, Canada 35 22
California 29 22 5 2
Guangdong 34 22
Colorado 2 2 0 0 Province, China

Florida 8 6 2 0 Beijing City, China 25 16

Georgia 3 3 0 0 Shanghai City, 23 15

Hawaii 1 1 0 0
Singapore 15 9
Illinois 8 7 1 0
China, mainland 15 9
Kansas 1 1 0 0
Taiwan 10 6
Kentucky 6 4 2 0
Anhui Province, 4 3
Maryland 2 2 0 0 China

Massachusetts 8 8 0 0 Hanoi, Vietnam 4 3

Minnesota 1 1 0 0 Chongqing City, 3 2

Mississippi 1 0 1 0
Guizhou Province, 2 1
Missouri 3 3 0 0 China

Nevada 3 3 0 0 Macoa City, China 2 1

New Jersey 2 1 0 1 Tianjin City, China 2 1

New Mexico 1 0 0 1 Jilin Province, 2 1

New York 29 23 6 0
Xinjiang Province 1 1
North Carolina 4 3 0 1
Zhejiang Province, 1 1
Ohio 2 2 0 0 China

Pennsylvania 6 5 0 1 Guangxi Province, 1 1

Rhode Island 1 1 0 0
Shanxi Province, 1 1
South Carolina 3 3 0 0 China

Tennessee 1 1 0 0 Liaoning Province, 1 1

Texas 5 5 0 0
Hunan Province, 1 1
Total 158 131 19 8 China 5/12
2/14/2021 Principles of Epidemiology | Lesson 1 - Section 6

Total Total Total Area Count* Percent

Total Suspect Probable Con rmed
Cases Cases Cases Cases
Location Reported Reported Reported Reported Sichuan Province, 1 1

Utah 7 6 0 1 Hubei Province, 1 1

Vermont 1 1 0 0
Jiangxi Province, 1 1
Virginia 3 2 0 1 China

Washington 12 11 1 0 Fujian Province, 1 1

West Virginia 1 1 0 0
Jiangsu Province, 1 1
Wisconsin 2 1 1 0 China

Puerto Rico 1 1 0 0 Yunnan Province, 0 0

Total 158 131 19 8
Hebei Province, 0 0
Adapted from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Report of Cases in the United China
States; Available from:

Qinghai Province, 0 0

Tibet (Xizang) 0 0
Province, China

Hainan Province 0 0

Henan Province, 0 0

Gansu Province, 0 0

Shandong 0 0
Province, China

* 158 reported case-patients visited 232


Data Source: Heymann DL, Rodier G. Global Surveillance, National

Surveillance, and SARS. Emerg Infect Dis. 2004;10:173–175.

Although place data can be shown in a table such as Table 1.3 or Table 1.4, a map provides a more striking visual display of
place data. On a map, di erent numbers or rates of disease can be depicted using di erent shadings, colors, or line patterns,
as in Figure 1.11.

Figure 1.11 Mortality Rates for Asbestosis, by State — United States,

1968–1981 and 1982–2000 6/12
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Image Description
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Changing patterns of pneumoconiosis mortality–United States,
1968–2000. MMWR 2004;53:627–32.

Another type of map for place data is a spot map, such as Figure 1.12. Spot maps generally are used for clusters or outbreaks
with a limited number of cases. A dot or X is placed on the location that is most relevant to the disease of interest, usually
where each victim lived or worked, just as John Snow did in his spot map of the Golden Square area of London (Figure 1.1). If
known, sites that are relevant, such as probable locations of exposure (water pumps in Figure 1.1), are usually noted on the

Figure 1.12 Spot Map of

Giardia Cases

Image Description
Analyzing data by place can identify communities at increased risk of disease. Even if the data cannot reveal why these people
have an increased risk, it can help generate hypotheses to test with additional studies. For example, is a community at
increased risk because of characteristics of the people in the community such as genetic susceptibility, lack of immunity, risky
behaviors, or exposure to local toxins or contaminated food? Can the increased risk, particularly of a communicable disease,
be attributed to characteristics of the causative agent such as a particularly virulent strain, hospitable breeding sites, or
availability of the vector that transmits the organism to humans? Or can the increased risk be attributed to the environment
that brings the agent and the host together, such as crowding in urban areas that increases the risk of disease transmission
from person to person, or more homes being built in wooded areas close to deer that carry ticks infected with the organism
that causes Lyme disease? (More techniques for graphic presentation are discussed in Lesson 4.)

Because personal characteristics may a ect illness, organization and analysis
of data by “person” may use inherent characteristics of people (for example, “Person” attributes include age, sex,
age, sex, race), biologic characteristics (immune status), acquired ethnicity/race, and socioeconomic
characteristics (marital status), activities (occupation, leisure activities, use of status.
medications/tobacco/drugs), or the conditions under which they live
(socioeconomic status, access to medical care). Age and sex are included in
almost all data sets and are the two most commonly analyzed “person” characteristics. However, depending on the disease
and the data available, analyses of other person variables are usually necessary. Usually epidemiologists begin the analysis of
person data by looking at each variable separately. Sometimes, two variables such as age and sex can be examined
simultaneously. Person data are usually displayed in tables or graphs.

Age. Age is probably the single most important “person” attribute, because almost every health-related event varies with age.
A number of factors that also vary with age include: susceptibility, opportunity for exposure, latency or incubation period of
the disease, and physiologic response (which a ects, among other things, disease development). 7/12
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When analyzing data by age, epidemiologists try to use age groups that are narrow enough to detect any age-related patterns
that may be present in the data. For some diseases, particularly chronic diseases, 10-year age groups may be adequate. For
other diseases, 10-year and even 5-year age groups conceal important variations in disease occurrence by age. Consider the
graph of pertussis occurrence by standard 5-year age groups shown in Figure 1.13a. The highest rate is clearly among
children 4 years old and younger. But is the rate equally high in all children within that age group, or do some children have
higher rates than others?

Figure 1.13a Pertussis by 5-Year

Age Groups

Image Description

Figure 1.13b Pertussis by <1, 4-

Year, Then 5-Year Age Groups

Image Description
To answer this question, di erent age groups are needed. Examine Figure 1.13b, which shows the same data but displays the
rate of pertussis for children under 1 year of age separately. Clearly, infants account for most of the high rate among 0–4 year
olds. Public health e orts should thus be focused on children less than 1 year of age, rather than on the entire 5-year age

Sex. Males have higher rates of illness and death than do females for many diseases. For some diseases, this sex-related
di erence is because of genetic, hormonal, anatomic, or other inherent di erences between the sexes. These inherent
di erences a ect susceptibility or physiologic responses. For example, premenopausal women have a lower risk of heart
disease than men of the same age. This di erence has been attributed to higher estrogen levels in women. On the other
hand, the sex-related di erences in the occurrence of many diseases re ect di erences in opportunity or levels of exposure.
For example, Figure 1.14 shows the di erences in lung cancer rates over time among men and women.(34) The di erence
noted in earlier years has been attributed to the higher prevalence of smoking among men in the past. Unfortunately,
prevalence of smoking among women now equals that among men, and lung cancer rates in women have been climbing as a

Figure 1.14 Lung Cancer Rates — United States,

1930–1999 8/12
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Image Description
Data Source: American Cancer Society [Internet]. Atlanta: The American Cancer Society,
Inc. Available from: Cancer_
Statistics_2005_Presentation.asp  .

Ethnic and racial groups. Sometimes epidemiologists are interested in analyzing person data by biologic, cultural or social
groupings such as race, nationality, religion, or social groups such as tribes and other geographically or socially isolated
groups. Di erences in racial, ethnic, or other group variables may re ect di erences in susceptibility or exposure, or
di erences in other factors that in uence the risk of disease, such as socioeconomic status and access to health care. In
Figure 1.15, infant mortality rates for 2002 are shown by race and Hispanic origin of the mother.

Figure 1.15 Infant Mortality Rates for 2002, by Race and Ethnicity of

Image Description
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. QuickStats: Infant mortality rates*, by selected racial/ethnic
populations — United States, 2002, MMWR 2005;54(05):126.

Socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status is di cult to quantify. It is made up of many variables such as occupation, family
income, educational achievement or census track, living conditions, and social standing. The variables that are easiest to
measure may not accurately re ect the overall concept. Nevertheless, epidemiologists commonly use occupation, family
income, and educational achievement, while recognizing that these variables do not measure socioeconomic status precisely.

The frequency of many adverse health conditions increases with decreasing socioeconomic status. For example, tuberculosis
is more common among persons in lower socioeconomic strata. Infant mortality and time lost from work due to disability are
both associated with lower income. These patterns may re ect more harmful exposures, lower resistance, and less access to
health care. Or they may in part re ect an interdependent relationship that is impossible to untangle: Does low
socioeconomic status contribute to disability, or does disability contribute to lower socioeconomic status, or both? What
accounts for the disproportionate prevalence of diabetes and asthma in lower socioeconomic areas? (36, 37)

A few adverse health conditions occur more frequently among persons of higher socioeconomic status. Gout was known as
the “disease of kings” because of its association with consumption of rich foods. Other conditions associated with higher
socioeconomic status include breast cancer, Kawasaki syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, and tennis elbow. Di erences in
exposure account for at least some if not most of the di erences in the frequency of these conditions. 9/12
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Exercise 1.6
Using the data in Tables 1.5 and 1.6, describe the death rate patterns for the “Unusual Event.” For example, how do death
rates vary between men and women overall, among the di erent socioeconomic classes, among men and women in
di erent socioeconomic classes, and among adults and children in di erent socioeconomic classes? Can you guess what
type of situation might result in such death rate patterns?

Table 1.5 Deaths and Death Rates for an Unusual Event, by Sex and Socioeconomic Status

Socioeconomic Status

Sex Measure High Middle Low Total

Males Persons at risk 179 173 499 851

Deaths 120 148 441 709

Death rate (%) 67.0 85.5 88.4 83.3

Females Persons at risk 143 107 212 462

Deaths 9 13 132 154

Death rate (%) 6.3 12.6 62.3 33.3

Both sexes Persons at risk 322 280 711 1313

Deaths 129 161 573 863

Death rate (%) 40.1 57.5 80.6 65.7

Table 1.6 Deaths and Death Rates for an Unusual Event, by Age and Socioeconomic Status

Socioeconomic Status

Age Group Measure High/Middle Low Total

Adults Persons at risk 566 664 1230

Deaths 287 545 832

Death rate (%) 50.7 82.1 67.6

Children Persons at risk 36 47 83

Deaths 3 28 31

Death rate (%) 8.3 59.6 37.3

All Ages Persons at risk 602 711 1313

Deaths 290 573 863

Death rate (%) 48.2 80.6 65.7

Check your answer.

References (This Section) 10/12
References (This Section)
2/14/2021 Principles of Epidemiology | Lesson 1 - Section 6

32. Goodman RA, Smith JD, Sikes RK, Rogers DL, Mickey JL. Fatalities associated with farm tractor injuries: an epidemiologic
study. Public Health Rep 1985;100:329–33.
33. Heyman DL, Rodier G. Global surveillance, national surveillance, and SARS. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003;10:173–5.
34. American Cancer Society [Internet]. Atlanta: The American Cancer Society, Inc. Available from: gures-2005/  .
35. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Current trends. Lung cancer and breast cancer trends among women–
Texas. MMWR 1984;33(MM19):266.
36. Liao Y, Tucker P, Okoro CA, Giles WH, Mokdad AH, Harris VB, et. al. REACH 2010 surveillance for health status in minority
communities — United States, 2001–2002. MMWR 2004;53:1–36.

Previous Page Next Page: Analytic Epidemiology

Lesson 1 Overview

Image Description

Figure 1.4
Description: A line graph shows a dramatic peak indicating an outbreak caused by contaminated pasteurized milk in
Illinois. Return to text.

Figure 1.5
Description: A histogram shows the number of reported cases of intussusception by month. Return to text.

Figure 1.6
Description: Three line graphs show a comparison of the number of reported cases of rubella, in uenza, and rotavirus by
month and year comparing frequency, duration, and severity of each. Return to text.

Figure 1.7
Description: Histogram shows comparison of the number of tractor deaths by day of the week. Di erences by day are
easily seen. Return to text.

Figure 1.8
Description: Histogram shows comparison of the number of tractor deaths by hour. Di erences by hour are easily seen.
Return to text.

Figure 1.9
Description: A histogram with di erent colored bars indicating the number of World Trade Center nonrescuer survivors
and rescuers treated in hospitals. A dramatic increase and decrease in the number survivors compared to rescuers
within a few hours after the attack can be seen. Return to text.

Figure 1.10
Description: Histogram shows each case represented by a square stacked into columns. The number of cases by date
and time after a party is seen. Return to text.

Figure 1.11
Description: Two rate distribution maps show an increase in age-adjusted mortality rate for asbestosis in almost all states
over time. Return to text.

Figure 1.12
Description: A map shows the geographic location of primary cases. Return to text.

Figure 1.13a
Description: Bar chart shows pertussis cases in age groups of 4 year intervals. The majority of cases occur in children
aged 0-4 years. Return to text. 11/12
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Figure 1.13b

Description: Bar chart shows the same data as Figure 1.13a displayed with di erent age groups. The majority of pertussis
cases occur in children younger than 1 year of age. Return to text.

Figure 1.14
Description: Line graph with 2 lines shows more lung cancer deaths in men than in women. Lung cancer deaths in men is
higher than for women but has been decreasing slightly since the early 1990s. Return to text.

Figure 1.15
Description: Bar chart shows infant mortality rates by race/ethnicity as separate bars. Di erences in race and ethnicity
are easily seen. Return to text.

Page last reviewed: May 18, 2012 12/12

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