Cary Winuv: Software Manual
Cary Winuv: Software Manual
Cary Winuv: Software Manual
Software Manual
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1. Introduction 7
Applications 7
User documentation 10
Conventions 10
2. Installation 11
Computer requirements 11
Preparation 13
New computer 14
Upgrade 17
Starting the software 19
3. Software Overview 21
ADL Shell 22
Advanced Reads 22
Align 22
Color 23
Concentration 24
Enzyme Kinetics 24
GLP Administration 24
Kinetics 25
RNA-DNA Estimation 25
Scan 26
Scanning Kinetics 26
Simple Reads 26
Spectroscopy Configuration Manager 26
System Information 27
Thermal (not for Cary 50) 28
UV Dissolution (Cary 50 only) 28
UV Fiber Optic Dissolution (Cary 50 only) 28
Validate 29
Varian Spectroscopy Database Administrator 29
File name extensions 29
Interface 31
Hint text 32
Using the Help 32
Navigating 33
Searching 34
Tracking „favorite‟ topics 35
Printing 35
4. How To… 37
Start an application 38
Manually read samples using Advanced Reads 39
Perform a calibration and manually measure concentrations using
Concentration 42
Enzyme Kinetics 48
5. Troubleshooting 153
Instrument offline 154
Connect button instead of Start 154
Not enough memory 155
Poor display of videos and photographs 155
GLP log does not list some privilege changes 156
Report header and footer not being updated 156
1. Introduction
Applications 7
User documentation 10
Agilent Cary 50/100/300/4000/5000/6000i instruments run using the
easy-to-use Agilent Cary WinUV software. The Cary WinUV software
consists of various applications, depending on the Cary package
ordered (refer to Table 1). A brief description of each application is
provided in Table 2. For detailed information about each application,
refer to Chapter 3.
NOTE Throughout this manual, UV Dissolution and UV Fiber Optic Dissolution users
should replace „Cary WinUV Software‟ with „UV Dissolution Software‟ or „UV
Fiber Optic Dissolution Software‟ respectively.
User documentation
You have been provided with the following documentation to help set
up and operate your Cary system:
Installation Guides (Cary 50 only), with information on
unpacking the instrument, installing the interface card in the
computer and setting up the system.
A hardware manual, with safety practices and hazards
information, instructions for installing and maintaining the
components of the Cary and troubleshooting information.
This software manual, with instructions for installing the Cary
WinUV software, an overview of the software detailed ‘How To…’
procedures and software-related troubleshooting information.
Extensive Help (provided with the Cary WinUV software)
containing context-sensitive Help, step-by-step instructions for
frequently performed analyses and instructions for using any
accessories you ordered. Refer to ‘Using the Help’ on Page 19.
The following conventions are used throughout procedures in the
Menus, menu items, buttons and check boxes have been typed in
bold. For example, ‘click OK’ and ‘From the Edit menu, choose
ALL CAPITALS indicate keyboard commands. For example,
‘Press ENTER’ and ‘Press SHIFT+F3’.
A Note is used to give advice or information.
A Tip is used to give practical hints to help you achieve the best
possible performance from your instrument.
2. Installation
Computer requirements 11
Preparation 13
New computer 14
Upgrade 17
Starting the software 19
This chapter assumes you have already set up the Cary instrument
and computer, including installing the instrument interface card in
the computer (if you supplied your own computer) and connecting
the instrument and/or computer to the power supply as described in
the appropriate Cary hardware documentation.
Computer requirements
Follow this recommended computer configuration for running Cary
WinUV software when buying a new computer:
IBM compatible
Intel® Pentium® IV processor (or later)
At least 1GB RAM
At least 10 GB free space on hard drive
Video card supporting 800 x 600 pixel resolution, high color (16
bit) mode (or better)
Super VGA screen (or better)
20 x CD drive
16 bit sound card
Windows® 101 key keyboard
Before installing the Cary WinUV software, ensure that you have:
NOTE The Cary WinUV software will read Cary OS/2 and DOS data files. However, if
you are upgrading to version 4.10 from Cary OS/2 or DOS, contact your local
Agilent office, as a service call will be required.
New computer
To install the Cary WinUV software on a new computer:
1 Log on to the instrument computer with Administrator
2 Insert the application software disk, select the preferred
language and click OK.
3 Follow the prompts on the screen until the ‘Select Destination
Location’ window appears. Confirm the directory in which you
would like to install the application. Alternatively, click Browse
to choose a different location. Click Next.
NOTE Agilent strongly recommends that the Cary WinUV folder and applications be
installed in the recommended C:\Program Files directory.
4 The ‘Folder Does Not Exist’ dialog box may appear. Click Yes to
create the folder.
5 Follow the prompts on the screen until the ‘Ready to Install’
window appears. Click Install.
NOTE During the installation of the .Net Framework and GPIB driver, the computer may
appear frozen and the „Cancel‟ button is unavailable. This is correct. The
installation can take 3 to 5 minutes. Do not try to exit the installation during this
NOTE Ensure the software registration is completed by the User of the Cary UV-Vis-NIR
spectrophotometer. For further information, refer to the Agilent Software
Registration Instructions, publication number 8510256100.
NOTE The Product Key is found on the front of the Cary WinUV Software disk case that
was delivered with the instrument.
9 Complete all the fields on the ‘Product Details’ page. Click Next.
10 Complete all the fields on the ‘Work Environment Details’ page.
Click Register.
11 A dialog box appears stating ‘Your Agilent registration has been
successful’. If your computer is not connected to the Internet,
refer to the Agilent Software Registration Instructions,
publication number 8510256100 for more information.
12 ‘Validate Setup Wizard’ will be displayed. Click Next to install
the Validate version 4.10 (build 467) patch.
13 Remove the application disk from the CD drive.
14 Insert the disk labeled Help.
15 A list of Help files to be installed will be displayed. Click OK.
16 Follow the instructions on the screen to install the Help.
17 When the status indicates ‘Finished’, click Close.
18 Remove the Help disk from the CD drive.
NOTE At the end of the application software installation, you will need to turn off the
computer in order to install the computer-instrument interface card and to
complete the automatic detection and installation of the driver for the instrument
interface card. Refer to the Cary 50 Installation Instructions (publication number
8510185100) or the Cary 100/300/4000/5000/6000i Spectrophotometers
Hardware Manual (publication number 8510197200).
19 Once the card has been installed, turn on the computer. If using a
Cary 50, proceed to Step 20. If using a Cary
100/300/4000/5000/6000i, proceed to Step 25.
20 The instrument interface card should automatically be detected.
A ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ dialog box will be displayed.
21 Select No, not this time and then click Next.
22 When prompted, select Install software automatically
23 During installation of the hardware drivers for the Cary 50 PCI
card, a warning message will be displayed. Click Continue
24 Click Finish.
25 Select the System Information application from the Cary WinUV
folder on the Windows desktop. Enter the company details,
instrument type and serial number. Click OK.
26 Restart the computer to complete the installation of the
instrument interface card.
NOTE During installation of the Microsoft .Net Framework and GPIB driver, the
computer may appear frozen and the „Cancel‟ button is unavailable. This is
correct. The installation can take 3 to 5 minutes. Do not try to exit the installation
during this time.
NOTE Ensure the software registration is completed by the User of the Cary UV-Vis-NIR
spectrophotometer. For further information, refer to the Agilent Software
Registration Instructions, publication number 8510256100.
NOTE The Product Key is found on the front of the Cary WinUV Software disk case that
was delivered with the instrument.
14 Complete all the fields on the ‘Product Details’ page. Click Next.
15 Complete all the fields on the ‘Work Environment Details’ page.
Click Register.
16 A dialog box appears stating ‘Your Agilent registration has been
successful’. If your computer is not connected to the Internet,
refer to the Agilent Software Registration Instructions,
publication number 8510256100 for more information.
17 ‘Validate Setup Wizard’ will be displayed. Click Next to install
the Validate version 4.10 (build 467) patch.
18 Remove the application disk from the CD drive.
TIP To familiarize yourself with the Cary WinUV software, browse the Help after
installing the software. See „Using the Help‟ on Page 19.
3. Software Overview
ADL Shell 22
Advanced Reads 22
Align 22
Color 23
Concentration 24
Enzyme Kinetics 24
GLP Administration 24
Kinetics 25
RNA-DNA Estimation 25
Scan 26
Scanning Kinetics 26
Simple Reads 26
Spectroscopy Configuration Manager 26
System Information 27
Thermal (not for Cary 50) 28
UV Dissolution (Cary 50 only) 28
UV Fiber Optic Dissolution (Cary 50 only) 28
Validate 29
Varian Spectroscopy Database Administrator 29
File name extensions 29
Interface 31
Using the Help 32
ADL Shell
The Applications Development Language (ADL) is a built-in
spectroscopy language supplied with the Cary WinUV software. The
ADL Shell gives you a pre-defined template for writing ADL
programs. Rather than needing to write the code for basic functions
such as graphing and filing, the ADL Shell has a number of these
commands already implemented. In other words, you do not have to
design your own interface — you can use the ADL Shell to provide the
basic functionality and build on that.
Advanced Reads
The Advanced Reads application can be used to read multiple
samples in a single run at a single or multi wavelength (up to 6). You
can use various accessories to take multiple sample solution and
aliquot readings in absorbance, percent transmittance, Abs*F or
percent reflectance mode, and find the mean.
The Align application is used to align the lamp(s) in the instrument
and various accessories. It enables you to set instrument parameters
such as the beam mode and wavelength. It also allows you to keep
track of operating hours by lamp type.
The ‘Lamps’ page of the Alignment window allows you to monitor the
energy of the lamp(s). Instrument parameters can be changed on the
‘Cary’ page.
Align can also be used to configure the Series 1 and Series II 6 x 6
and 8 x 6 cell changer (Cary 100/300), the cell changer for microcells
(Cary 50/100/300/4000/5000/6000i), and the Series I and II Rear
Beam Attenuator (Cary 100/300/4000/5000/6000i).
The Color application is used to measure and calculate the
transmitted or reflected color of samples. The following extensive
color calculations are supported:
Hunter Lab
Yellowness (ASTM E 313-00)
Tint (ASTM E 313-00)
Gardner Color (ASTM D 6166-97 and DIN EN1557)
Haze (ASTM D1003-61)
Choice of 21 illuminants, including 2 user-specified illuminants
Choice of 6 observers, including 2 user-specified observers
Calculation interval of 1, 5 or 10 nm
Thickness correction to calculate the color of the same sample in
varying thicknesses, rather than having to measure the samples
Graphical display of color spaces
Color difference calculations — Delta E, FMC-2, CMC and BFD
Color matching tolerance circle using DE Lab
The Concentration application is used to calibrate the system for
quantitative analysis. You can select from several fit types for your
calibration: linear, direct linear and quadratic. Based on the fit type,
the Concentration application will calculate the coefficients of the fit
equation and the correlation coefficient. Alternatively, you can define
your own equation for the calibration.
Enzyme Kinetics
The Enzyme Kinetics application uses Michaelis-Menten principles to
calculate the maximum rate (Vmax) and substrate concentration that
gives half the maximum rate (Km) of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
Accurately obtaining Vmax and Km, requires you to perform numerous
Enzyme Kinetics runs at different substrate or inhibitor
concentrations to create a series of absorbance versus time curves.
The software determines the initial velocity (V0) of each curve, then
you enter the substrate and inhibitor concentrations for each cuvette.
The software uses the V0, [S] and [I] values to plot traces
representing absorbance versus time curves with a common [S] or
[I]. It is from these graphs that the software determines Vmax and Km.
Enzyme kinetics measurements can be performed at single or multi
wavelengths (up to 6).
GLP Administration
The GLP Administration application is used to protect the system
from unauthorized use, enabling application-specific privileges to be
turned on or off by the system administrator.
If this application is operational, users will need to be registered,
have a user name and a valid password before they can access the
various privileges.
The Kinetics application is used to obtain absorbance versus time
data to enable you to determine the rate of reaction. Kinetics
measurements can be performed at single or multi wavelengths (up
to 6).
The Kinetics application allows:
Calculation of Zero Order, First Order and Second Order reaction
rates from absorbance versus time data.
Entry of activity factors for multiple cells.
Overlay of the best-fit line on raw data.
Auto or manual estimates for the first order and second order
Marquardt fitting.
RNA-DNA Estimation
The RNA-DNA Estimation application is used to calculate the
following parameters, used in determining the amount, type and
purity of nucleic acid samples:
Absorbance of samples at selected wavelengths.
A(260)/A(280) ratios with or without background correction at
320 nm.
Absorbance ratios at your own nominated wavelengths with or
without background correction.
Average ratio values for replicate samples.
Protein and nucleic acid concentrations using Warburg Christian
260 nm Factor Parameters, A(260) * F.
The Scan application enables you to set up and run wavelength
scans, with the collected scans displayed in the ‘Scan’ window.
Scanning Kinetics
The Scanning Kinetics application allows you to perform cyclic scans
across a wavelength or wavenumber range. From the resultant
absorbance versus wavelength data, an absorbance versus time
(kinetics) curve can be obtained for any wavelength in the range. The
kinetics curves can then be used to calculate Zero Order, First Order
and Second Order reaction rates.
You can choose an automatic or manual estimate for the First Order
and Second Order Marquardt fitting.
This application also enables you to correct samples for a baseline
during the scan. You can choose a 100%T baseline, or you can select
from other baseline options such as a zero baseline correction that
will apply both a 100%T and a 0%T baseline correction to your sample
Simple Reads
The Simple Reads application is used to perform quick absorbance
readings of samples at single wavelengths. To take a reading, click
‘Zero’ to zero the instrument and then click ‘Read’.
Simple Reads measurements can be performed at single or multi
wavelengths (up to 6).
System Information
The System Information application allows you to enter company
and instrument information, and specify headers, footers and bitmap
or icon files to be used in reports (for example, your company logo).
System Information also allows you to specify the default settings for
the ‘Hint’ text, such as the Hint Pause (the length of the delay before
the hint appears when the pointer is moved over a control) and Hint
Hide Pause (the time the hint stays visible for if the pointer is not
moved off the control). These settings will be used by the other Cary
WinUV applications.
The Validate application enables you to carry out a number of
performance tests to verify that the system is performing according
to specification. Included are the validation tests needed to satisfy
the requirements of the British Pharmacopoeia, European
Pharmacopoeia, US Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Goods
Association of Australia.
An optional Validation package is also available from Agilent,
providing detailed information on the functional specification and
development process of the Cary system. It also contains detailed
DQ/IQ/OQ documentation to assist your initial and on-going
validation activities.
A typical Cary WinUV software screen consists of a Menu line (‘A’ in
Figure 1), Instrument buttons (B), Command buttons (C), Toolbar
(D), Graph area (E), Report area (F) and Status line (G).
Hint text
You can obtain ‘Hint text’ for a particular control or field by
positioning the pointer over the control/field name for a short time.
After a short delay, a brief hint will be displayed describing what the
control or field does. If you hold the pointer over a numeric entry
field, the valid range for that field will be displayed.
If these hints do not appear, choose ‘Hints’ from the ‘View’ menu to
enable them. Conversely, if the hint text is enabled and you wish to
turn it off, choose ‘Hints’ from the ‘View’ menu.
NOTE You can alter the properties of the hints, such as the length of the delay before
hints appear, on the „Hints‟ page in the System Information application.
You can move around the Help using the ‘Contents’ on the left of the
Help window.
NOTE To display the Contents, click the „Show‟ button at the top of the Help window.
You can quickly search the Help system for specific information
using key words.
To search for information on a particular subject:
1 Click the Search tab (next to the ‘Contents’ tab).
2 Type the word(s) you want to search for and click the List Topics
button or press ENTER to list all the relevant pages containing
the search word/s.
The number of topics found will be displayed. You can view the
topics in alphabetical order by clicking ‘Title’ at the top of the list, or
in the order they appear in the Help by clicking ‘Rank’.
3 Select the desired topic from the list by highlighting it then
clicking the Display button. Alternatively, double-click the topic.
All occurrences of the keyword will be highlighted.
4 If this does not provide the information you require, enter a more
specific word or additional words in the key words field and try
again. Click the right arrow symbol to the right of the keywords
field and select any of these words AND, OR, NEAR and NOT to
place between your keywords.
TIP Another way to narrow your search is to use the check boxes at the bottom of
the Search page. For example, selecting „Search titles only‟ will only list those
Help topics containing the key word in the title.
Within a page
You can skip to a section of interest in a Help page by searching for a
relevant word.
To find a key word within a Help page:
1 Click anywhere on the Help page.
2 Press CONTROL+F to open the ‘Find’ dialog box.
3 In the ‘Find what:’ field, enter the word you wish to look for.
You can print one or more Help topics for a particular application.
To obtain a hard copy of the current Help page:
1 Click the Print button at the top of the Help window. The ‘Print’
dialog box will be displayed.
2 Click Print.
4. How To…
Start an application 38
Manually read samples using Advanced Reads 39
Perform a calibration and manually measure
concentrations using Concentration 42
Enzyme Kinetics 48
Kinetics 59
RNA-DNA Estimation 73
Scan 82
Scanning Kinetics 99
Perform a Simple Reads measurement at a single
wavelength 110
Thermal 111
Perform a UV Dissolution run (Cary 50) 124
Perform a UV Fiber Optic Dissolution run (Cary 50) 138
Set up tests for validation 150
Start an application
1 For all Cary WinUV applications except UV Dissolution/UV
Fiber Optic Dissolution:
Click the Windows Start button, then (All) Programs, Agilent,
Cary WinUV and click the application that you wish to run.
Alternatively, double-click the application icon in the ‘Cary
WinUV’ folder on the desktop.
For UV Dissolution/UV Fiber Optic Dissolution:
Click the Windows Start button, then (All) Programs, Agilent,
UV Dissolution or UV FO Dissolution and click the application
that you wish to run.
2 Select your instrument type if necessary and click OK to open the
NOTE If you are running a GLP system, you will be prompted to enter a password
before accessing the application.
NOTE If you are using 21 CFR Part 11 software, you will be prompted to enter a user
identification, select the appropriate Group and Project and enter a password
before accessing the application.
e Select the ordinate mode you require from the drop-down list
in the ‘Y Mode’ field. Enter a ‘Factor’ value if you have
selected ‘Abs*F’.
3 Set up lamp options
Setup dialog box | Options page
If you are using a Cary 50, proceed to Step 4.
NOTE If „AutoPrint‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area. However if „AutoPrint‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area.
11 Read samples
a Click the Start button, press F9 or choose Start from the
Commands menu. The ‘Sample Selection’ dialog box will be
b Select the samples you would like to read, then click OK.
c The ‘Present Sample’ dialog box will prompt you to place the
appropriate sample in the sample compartment. Click OK to
read the sample.
d Repeat for the remaining samples.
12 Save your data
a On the File menu, click Save Data As.
b Enter the ‘File name’ for this Concentration run.
c Click Save. The data will be stored as a Batch file.
13 Export your data
a On the File menu, click Export report (*.csv).
b Enter the ‘File name’ for this read.
c Click Save. The data will be stored as an ASCII spreadsheet,
with a *.csv file name extension.
NOTE If „AutoPrint‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area. However, if „AutoPrint‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area and can be viewed by
choosing „Report‟ from the „View‟ menu.
NOTE If the set correlation coefficient (R2) value is not met, the Cary will prompt you
with „Min R2 test failed‟. When you click „OK‟, the Cary will then prompt you with
„There is no valid calibration. Proceed in Abs (or Emission)?‟ If you click „Cancel‟,
the Concentration run will finish. If you click „Yes‟, the Cary will measure the
absorbance or emission of any presented samples, but will not generate a
Enzyme Kinetics
The following Enzyme Kinetics procedures are described:
Performing a temperature-controlled run (Cary 50)
Performing a temperature-controlled run using the Multicell
Holder (Cary 100–6000i)
NOTE „Advanced Collect‟ enables you to collect data more frequently during the crucial
stages of your reaction, and to collect data less frequently where you know there
will be little activity.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area. However, if „Auto Print‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area and can be viewed by
clicking „Report‟ on the „View‟ menu.
b Click the Samples tab. In the ‘S’ column, enter the Substrate
concentration in micromoles. In the ‘I’ column, enter the
Inhibitor concentration in micromoles.
You can also use the ‘User Data Form’ to enter the Inhibitor and
Substrate concentrations:
a Open the ‘User Data Form’, by right-clicking in a graph box
and clicking User Data Form from the menu, or by choosing
User Data Form from the Graph menu.
b The table that appears has Data Names and may have V0
values already entered in the first two columns. In the third
and fourth columns, enter your values for [S] and [I] in
micromoles per liter.
c Click OK. Your [S] and [I] values are now ready to be used in
calculations, and the Cary will perform the calculations at
the end of the run.
NOTE If you are using a Series I 6 x 6 (Cary 100/300), you must calibrate the cell
changer using the Align application before starting experiments.
c Choose Select Cells and select the cells you require from the
available cells under ‘Use Cells’.
NOTE For Front Beam analysis, select „Cell 1–Cell 6‟ (6 x 6) or „Cell 1–Cell 8‟ (8 x 6).
This will ensure that all front cell positions in the Multicell Holder will be
measured during your enzyme kinetics analysis.
NOTE The „%T‟ mode is used when performing fluorescence kinetics measurements
using the Total Fluorescence accessory or the Fluorescence Fiber Optic Probe.
NOTE The „Advanced Collect‟ facility enables you to collect data more frequently during
the crucial stages of your reaction, and to collect data less frequently where you
know there will be little activity.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area.
NOTE If you had chosen not to use the „Multi Zero‟ facility in Step 2d, the system will
prompt you to enter the blank solution into the instrument. You must make sure
that you place the blank solution in the cell position that is currently in the light
path. Once you click „OK‟, the system will perform a zero on the cell position in
the light path, that is, the system will not reset the Multicell Holder to position 1.
You can also use the ‘User Data Form’ to enter the Inhibitor and
Substrate concentrations:
a Open the ‘User Data Form’, by right-clicking in a graph box
and clicking User Data Form from the menu, or by choosing
User Data Form from the Graph menu.
b The table that appears has Data Names and may have V0
values already entered in the first two columns. In the third
and fourth columns, enter your values for [S] and [I] in
micromoles per liter.
c Click OK. Your [S] and [I] values are now ready to be used in
calculations, and the Cary will perform the calculations at
the end of the run.
The following Kinetics procedures are described:
Performing a temperature-controlled Kinetics run (Cary 50)
Performing a temperature-controlled Kinetics run using the
Multicell Holder (Cary 100–6000i)
Performing a multi-wavelength, single cell, single rate Kinetics
run (Cary 100–6000i).
NOTE „Advanced Collect‟ enables you to collect data more frequently during the crucial
stages of your kinetics reaction, and to collect data less frequently where you
know there will not be much activity.
NOTE If you select a „first order‟ or „second order‟ Simple Calculate rate calculation,
you can use the „Manual Guess‟ items to manually enter the parameters: A 0, Alnf
and Rate (k). It is presumed that you have a reasonable idea of the values for
these fit parameters, as they will be used as a first guess for the Marquardt non-
linear regression analysis.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area. However, if „Auto Print‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area and can be viewed by
choosing „Report‟ from the „View‟ menu.
NOTE If you are using a Series I 6 x 6 (Cary 100/300), you must calibrate the cell
changer using the Align application before starting experiments.
c Click Select Cells and select the cells you require from the
available cells under ‘Use Cells’.
For Front Beam analysis, select ‘Cell 1 to Cell 6’ (6 x 6) or
‘Cell 1 to Cell 8’ (8 x 6). This will ensure that all front cell
positions in the Multicell Holder will be measured during
your Kinetics analysis.
d Select Multi Zero.
e Ensure ‘Blank Correction’ is not selected.
3 Set up accessories for reaction temperature control and
temperature display
a If you are not using a Peltier-controlled accessory (for
example, the water-thermostatted 8 x 6), ensure that you
have the Temperature Controller accessory installed before
starting the run, and,
(i) Select Automatic Temperature Setting and select
Temperature Controller to enable the accessory.
(ii) Set the monitoring temperature by entering the Block
temperature as 37 °C. (The monitoring device is selected in
Step 4e).
b Under ‘Temperature Display’, select Block and Probe 1 to
turn on monitoring of the Multicell Holder block and one
temperature probe.
4 Set up instrument parameters
Setup dialog box | Cary page
a Enter the ‘Wavelength’, ‘SBW’ (spectral bandwidth) and ‘Ave.
(averaging) Time’ you require in the corresponding fields.
b Select the ordinate mode you require. Click ‘Abs’ to specify
absorbance mode or ‘%T’ to specify percent transmittance.
NOTE The „Advanced Collect‟ facility enables you to collect data more frequently during
the crucial stages of your reaction, and to collect data less frequently where you
know there will be little activity.
NOTE If you select a „first order‟ or „second order‟ Simple Calculate rate calculation,
you can use the items under „Manual Guess‟ to manually enter the parameters:
A0, Alnf and Rate (k).
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area.
5 Set up accessories
Setup dialog box | Accessories page
Click the Accessories tab and ensure that no accessories are
6 Set up analysis parameters
Setup dialog box | Analyze page
a Select ‘Auto Calculate’ to automatically perform a rate
calculation at the end of each run. Or select ‘Simple
Calculate’ to perform one rate calculation for the entire
Kinetics run.
b Set up the reaction start and stop times and select the
reaction order.
c If you select a ‘first order' or ‘second order' Simple Calculate
rate calculation, you can use the ‘Manual Guess’ items to
manually enter the parameters: A0, AInf and Rate (k).
NOTE If you do not choose „Manual Guess‟, the Cary system will automatically
calculate the values: A0, AInf and Rate when the „Start‟ button is clicked.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area.
RNA-DNA Estimation
The following RNA-DNA procedures are described:
Performing a run using the Multicell Holder (Cary 50)
Performing a temperature-controlled run using the Multicell
Holder (Cary 100–6000i)
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area. However, if „Auto Print‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area and can be viewed by
choosing „Report‟ from the „View‟ menu.
NOTE If you have chosen not to use the „Multi Zero‟ facility in Step 3c, the system will
prompt you to enter one blank solution into the instrument. In this case, it is
important to ensure that you place this blank solution in the cell position that is
currently in the light path. On clicking „OK‟, the system will perform a zero on the
cell position in the light path, that is, the system will not reset the Multicell
Holder to position 1.
NOTE If you are using a Series I 6 x 6 (Cary 100/300), you must calibrate the cell
changer using the Align application before starting experiments.
c Click Select Cells and select the cells you require under ‘Use
Cells’. For double beam analysis, select ‘Cell 1 through to the
Cell 6’ (6 x 6) or ‘Cell 1 through to Cell 8’ (8 x 6).
d Select Multi Zero.
The ‘Multi Baseline’ facility will not be accessible until completing
Step 4.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area.
10 Finish setup
Click OK to save any changes you have made and close the ‘Setup’
dialog box.
11 Zero the instrument
a Click Zero or choose Zero from the Commands menu. A ‘Cell
Loading Guide’ will be displayed.
b Place the blank solution(s) in the correct cell positions and
click OK. The system will perform an instrument zero on the
blank solution(s).
NOTE If you have chosen not to use the „Multi Zero‟ facility in Step 2d, the system will
prompt you to enter one blank solution into the instrument. In this case, it is
important to ensure that you place this blank solution in the cell position that is
currently in the light path. On clicking „OK‟, the system will perform a zero on the
cell position in the light path, that is, the system will not reset the Multicell
Holder to position 1.
The following Scan procedures are described.
Performing a scan with baseline correction (Cary 50)
Performing a scan with baseline correction (Cary 100–6000i)
Performing a scan in Signal-to-Noise mode (Cary 100-6000i)
Performing a scan in Independent mode (Cary 5000/6000i)
NOTE You can use a stored baseline. To do this, click „Baseline‟ and open the saved
*.csw baseline file.
NOTE If „AutoPrint‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area. However, if „AutoPrint‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area and can be viewed by
choosing „Report‟ from the „View‟ menu.
NOTE If the word ‟baseline‟ is gray and in italics, the baseline file is still valid. The gray
and italics indicate that the Cary is idling outside the abscissa range of the
baseline file.
NOTE You can use a stored baseline by clicking „Baseline‟ and opening the saved *.csw
baseline file.
NOTE If „AutoPrint‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area.
NOTE If the word ‟baseline‟ is gray and in italics, the baseline file is still valid. The gray
and italics indicate that the Cary is idling outside the abscissa range of the
baseline file.
NOTE You can use a stored baseline by clicking „Baseline‟ and opening the saved *.csw
baseline file.
NOTE If „AutoPrint‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area.
(ii) Click the Peak Information button and choose the ‘Peak
Type’, the ‘Labels Type’, the and set the ‘Peak Threshold’.
Click OK.
(iii) Select Maximum Peak to report the peak with the largest
peak threshold that exceeds the Peak Threshold value.
(iv) Select All Peaks to report all peaks meeting the Peak
Style criterion and exceeding the Threshold value.
e Set up ‘X-Y pairs’ reporting, if required. You can use the
actual Data Interval by which the data was collected or you
can make the Cary interpolate the points to a new Interval.
f Select the ‘Autoconvert’ option you require. If you select
‘Select for ASCII (csv)’ or ‘Select for ASCII (csv) with Log’, at
the end of the data collection the system will automatically
generate a report and store the data in the Cary format as
well as ASCII XY pairs format in the current folder.
7 Set up storage of collected data
Setup dialog box | Auto Store page
Select Storage On (Prompt at End).
8 Set up visual system monitoring
Select Show Status Display on any Setup page, or from the View
menu, to display information about your current reaction.
9 Finish setup
Once you are satisfied with your method setup, click OK to confirm
any changes you have made and close the ‘Setup’ dialog box.
10 Zero the instrument
Click Zero, or choose Zero from the Commands menu to perform a
11 Measure a baseline
a Click Baseline or choose Baseline from the Commands
NOTE If the word „baseline‟ is gray and in italics, the baseline file is still valid. The gray
and italics indicate that the Cary is idling outside the abscissa range of the
baseline file.
NOTE You can use a stored baseline by clicking „Baseline‟ and opening the saved *.csw
baseline file.
NOTE If „AutoPrint‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area.
NOTE If the word ‟baseline‟ is gray and in italics, the baseline file is still valid. The gray
and italics indicate that the Cary is idling outside the abscissa range of the
baseline file.
Scanning Kinetics
The following Scanning Kinetics procedures are described:
Collecting data (Cary 50)
Collecting data using the Multicell Holder with temperature
control (Cary 100–6000i)
NOTE The „Advanced Collect‟ facility enables you to collect data more frequently during
the crucial stages of your reaction, and less frequently where you know there will
not be much activity.
NOTE You can use a stored baseline. To do this, click the „Retrieve Baseline file‟ button
and open the saved *.csk baseline file.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area. However, if „Auto Print‟ is not
selected, the report will only be sent to the Report area and can be viewed by
choosing „Report‟ from the „View‟ menu.
The system will set up the Graphics area and the Cary will collect the
baseline scan. After the collection, the word ‘baseline’ will be
displayed in red in the ordinate status box, indicating that you are in
baseline correction mode and you have a valid baseline file for the
12 Zero the instrument
a Click Zero or choose Zero from the Commands menu to
perform a zero.
b If you like, change the name of the blank/s.
c Insert blank samples into the appropriate positions of the
Multicell Holder and click OK.
13 Start the run
a Click Start or choose Start from the Commands menu to
start a data collection. Do not add your active reagent at
this time.
NOTE At this point, the system will display the „Save File‟ dialog box if you have
selected „Storage On (Prompt at Start)‟ on the „Auto Store‟ page of the „Setup‟
dialog box. If so, enter the file name for this Scanning Kinetics run in the „File
name‟ field and click Save.
NOTE You can use a stored baseline. To do this, click the „Retrieve Baseline File‟ button
and open the saved *.csk baseline file.
NOTE If you are using a Series I 6 x 6x (Cary 100/300), you must calibrate the cell
changer using the Align application before starting experiments.
d Click Select Cells and select the cells you require under ‘Use
For Front Beam analysis, select ‘Cell 1–Cell 6’ (6 x 6) or
‘Cell 1–Cell 8’ (8 x 6). This will ensure that all front cell
positions in the Multicell Holder will be measured during
your Scanning Kinetics analysis.
e Select Multi Zero.
4 Set up accessories for reaction temperature control and
temperature display
a If you are not using a Peltier-controlled accessory (for
example, the water-thermostatted 8 x 6), ensure that you
have the Temperature Controller accessory installed before
starting the run.
b Select Automatic Temperature Setting and click
Temperature Controller to enable the accessory.
c Set the monitoring temperature by entering the block
temperature as 37 °C. (The monitoring device is selected in
Step 6d.)
d Under ‘Temperature Display’, select Block and Probe 1 to
view the temperature of the Multicell Holder block and one
temperature probe in the ‘Status Display’ window.
5 Set up instrument parameters
Setup dialog box | Cary page
a Set the appropriate abscissa mode for the scan in the
‘X Mode’ field.
b Set the wavelength range for the scan by entering the values
you require in the ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’ fields.
c In the ‘Y Mode’ field, select the ordinate mode you require.
d Enter an upper and lower range value for ‘Y min.’ and
‘Y max.’ to specify the displayed ordinate range.
e Set the speed of the data collection by setting the ‘Ave. Time’
and ‘Data Interval’. The Data Interval is the wavelength
increment between data points. The ‘Scan Rate’ will
automatically update when selected.
6 Set up rate parameters
Under ‘Collect Timing’, select Advanced Collect to set up different
data collection procedures for the multiple rates in your reaction.
NOTE The „Advanced Collect‟ facility enables you to collect data more frequently during
the crucial stages of your reaction, and to collect data less frequently where you
know there will not be much activity.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as to the Report area.
NOTE At this point, the system will display the „Save File‟ dialog box if you have
selected „Storage On (Prompt at Start)‟ on the „Auto Store‟ page of the „Setup‟
dialog box. If so, enter the file name for this Scanning Kinetics run in the „File
name‟ field and click „Save‟.
The following Thermal procedures are described:
Performing a run and determine Tm using Derivative calculations
Performing a run and determine Tm using Hyperchromicity
NOTE For slow changes in temperature (that is, slow ramp rates), it is recommended
that a long Ave. Time (for example, 2 to 3 seconds) be set.
NOTE Once you click „OK‟ to close the „Setup‟ dialog box, the Cary will drive the
temperature to the specified Start Temperature.
NOTE You can manually perform the derivative calculation, once the run is complete.
c Define the range over which to calculate and plot the first
derivative of the selected scan.
d Enter the Interval at which data is sampled in order to
perform a derivative calculation. A derivative calculation
involves the collection of points from a plot. Selection of
these points is dependent upon the data interval chosen. The
data points are then used to generate a separate trace from
which a derivative calculation is performed. The selection of
the Derivative Interval is dependent on the rate of data
collection. If data is collected every 0.1 °C then a derivative
interval of 0.1 °C will give the most accurate result.
e Enter the Filter Size you require for the derivative
calculation. The derivative uses a Savitzky Golay technique
where a number of points surrounding an individual point
are averaged to produce a new, smoothed point. For example,
a five point derivation uses the two data points before and
after each data point.
NOTE The larger the filter size, the more data points that are included in the filter for
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area.
12 Finish setup
Once you are satisfied with your method setup, click OK to save any
changes made and close the ‘Setup’ dialog box. The Cary will start to
drive the temperature to the start temperature.
13 Zero the instrument
a Click Zero or choose Zero from the Commands menu. A
‘Loading Guide’ will be displayed.
b Place a blank solution in the cell that is in the light beam in
sample compartment and click OK. The system will perform
an instrument zero on the blank solution.
14 Equilibrate the sample
Make sure that the Cary has reached the start temperature and has
been at this temperature for 2 to 3 minutes. If you entered a hold
time in the ‘Stage 1 Hold’ field (Cary page), the system will wait and
equilibrate at this temperature for the hold time before proceeding
with the ramp. It is not necessary to wait to click the ‘Start’ button.
15 Start the run
a Click the Start button or choose Start from the Commands
menu. The system will display a ‘Loading Guide’.
b Load your sample into the front cell holder.
c Enter the name of your sample then click OK. The Cary will
wait for the specified hold time and then perform the run.
16 After the run
At the end of the run, depending on what you have set in previous
steps, the ‘User Data Form’ may appear. If it does, fill in the
appropriate entries in the columns provided for the sample and click
OK. The calculation equation will be displayed in the report.
Also, since ‘Autocalculate’ (under ‘Derivative’) was selected on the
‘Analyze’ page of the ‘Setup’ dialog box, a derivative calculation will
be performed at the end of the data collection.
The sample under investigation, with corresponding Tm values, will
be displayed in the Report area as well as parameters used to
generate the selected data file, temperature profile, and the method
used to contain the Tm value.
NOTE For slow changes in temperature (that is, slow ramp rates), it is recommended
that a long Ave. Time (for example, 2 to 3 seconds) be set.
NOTE Once you click „OK‟ to close the „Setup‟ dialog box, the Cary will drive the
temperature to the specified Start Temperature.
NOTE If you are using a Series I RBA, you must configure it using the Align application
before starting any experiments.
NOTE If „Auto Print‟ is selected, the system will send the report information to the
specified printer as well as the Report area..
NOTE The Associated and Deassociated DNA Limits dialog boxes allow you to re-select
your limits if you are not satisfied with the linear least squares lines drawn in the
graph box. To do this, click „Retry‟ and select another region. If you wish to exit
from the calculation mode, click „Cancel‟. The ruler trace is removed from the
The Linear Region Associated and Deassociated correction points are displayed
in the Report area.
NOTE If the two extrapolated lines cross at any point, a warning will be displayed. Click
„Cancel‟ and repeat steps (a) to (f) above and re-select the linear regions. Click
„Ignore‟ to proceed with the calculation using the regions you have selected.
Using the lines calculated in the previous steps, the software will
automatically create a second graph box and display the calculated
Alpha curve.
g A prompt will be displayed asking you to select the range on
the Alpha curve that will be used for the Tm calculation. Click
OK to make your selection.
NOTE If there is an error in the Van't Hoff calculation, you will be prompted to reselect
the linear region.
NOTE If you have already performed a UV Dissolution run, the settings for these fields
are stored in the pre-saved method or data file.
c Click OK.
2 Set up method parameters
NOTE To delete a row, highlight the un-needed time point and click „Delete Row‟.
To clear all sampling points and start over, click „Clear Table‟.
TIP By using „Increment time‟ (the time between the time points) and „Time Points‟
(the number of points that you wish to add), the number of time points entered
will be added and the time between each of the points will be the time entered in
the „Increment time‟ field. By clicking „Add cycles‟, the number of time points
will be displayed.
NOTE The „Media Change Parameters‟ page is present when „Allow Media Change‟ is
selected on the „Method Setup‟ page.
NOTE „Infinity spin‟ and „Spin duration‟ are unavailable for Media 1 if „Allow Media
Change‟ has been selected on the „Method Setup‟ page.
8 Set up temperature
a On the left of the window, click Temperature.
b If AutoTemp is installed, select AutoTemp.
c In the ‘Probes’ field, enter the number of temperature probes
d In the ‘Bath Temperature’ field, enter the desired bath
temperature (in degrees Celsius)
NOTE This time allows the media to equilibrate before sending temperatures to the
NOTE The number of filters to be replaced at each time point is defined by the number
in the „Probes‟ box on the Method > Tester > Temperature page beneath
„AutoTemp‟. Ensure this number reflects the desired amount of vessel positions.
If „AutoTemp‟ is disabled, it may be necessary to temporarily enable it to adjust
the number accordingly.
NOTE Leave this option unselected if using a single offline standard value or a multi-
standard calibration file.
NOTE „Bridged Mean‟ is enabled only if „Read Post Cycle Standard‟ is selected. Bridged
mean uses the average of the two standards analyzed at each time point.
„Running Mean uses the average of all standards measured to this point.
NOTE Adjust the X and Y scales to change the size of the graphs that appear on the
report. The default setting is X=40, Y=20. An alternate size may affect the
headings of certain graphs.
NOTE This option affects only the displayed data. All calculations are performed using
fully corrected values.
NOTE If you have already performed a UV Fiber Optic Dissolution run, the settings for
these fields will be stored in the pre-saved method or data file.
NOTE To delete a row, use the up/down arrows under „Go To Row‟ to select the
appropriate row, and then click „Delete Row‟.
To clear all sampling points and start over, click „Clear Table‟.
TIP You can use „Increment time‟ (enter the time between the time points) and „Time
Points‟ (enter the number of points that you wish to add). Click „Add Cycles‟ and
the number of time points entered added and the time between each of the
points will be the time entered in the Increment field.
NOTE The media change parameters page is enabled when „Allow Media Change‟ is
selected on the „Method Setup‟ page.
b Under the ‘Media Two’ field, enter the second type of media
being used for the dissolution test.
c Enter the appropriate information in the ‘Media Information’
and ‘Description’ fields.
d In the ‘Volume Removed’ field, enter the volume removed (in
e Under the ‘Volume Replaced’ field, enter the volume to be
added (in milliliters).
f Click the Media Change Time point drop-down arrow to
select the time point for the media change.
g Select Automated Media Change if an automated system is
in place to change to the second medium.
7 Set up the dissolution tester spindle
a On the left of the window, double-click Tester.
b Click Spindle.
c Click the Apparatus Type drop-down arrow to select an
apparatus type.
d Enter the initial spin rate (in revolutions per minute) in the
‘Initial Spin’ field.
e Enter the initial spin duration (in seconds) in the ‘Initial
Spin Duration’ field.
8 Set up temperature
a On the left of the window, double-click Temperature.
b If AutoTemp is installed, select AutoTemp.
c Enter the number of probes installed in the ‘Probes’ field.
d Enter the bath temperature (in degrees Celsius) in the ‘Bath
Temperature’ field.
e Enter the vessel temperature (in degrees Celsius) in the
‘Vessel Temperature’ field.
f Enter the temperature tolerance in the ‘Temperature
Tolerance’ (± °C) field.
g For an extended test, enter the evaporation rate (in
milliliters per minute) in the ‘Evaporation Rate’ field.
h Enter the intervals (in minutes) in the ‘Log Intervals’ field to
report the bath temperature.
9 Set up sampling parameters
a On the left of the window, click Sampling Parameters.
b Enter the desired ‘Probe return height’ (steps) using the
up/down arrow keys.
c Select Resident Probes to keep the probes in the dissolution
media throughout the test.
NOTE The „Probe return height‟ allows the temperature and optic probes to be raised to
a pre-determined method-specific height during sampling for analysis by the
Fiber Optic Detector.
NOTE This option is enabled only if measuring pre- and post-test standards.
NOTE Unlike flow cells, the fiber optic tips that define the pathlength are not machine-
made. Therefore, cell match is for information only when using fiber optic probes
and tips. For this reason, individual probes are baselined and standardized.
NOTE The mean of all absorbance values within the scan range will be used with the
Scan option.
17 Sample limits
a On the left of the window, click Sample Limits.
b Select Use Limits to incorporate limits for the sample time
c By default all time points are selected. Clear the check box
for each required time point.
d Enter the Low (%Diss) and High (%Diss) for each time point.
To clear the %Diss values, click Default Table.
18 Set up report print options
a On the left of the window, double-click Reports.
b Click Print Options.
c Select AutoPrint to print a report automatically after data
NOTE Adjust the X and Y scales to change the size of the graphs that appear on the
report. The default setting is X=40, Y=20. An alternate size may affect the
headings of certain graphs.
NOTE This option affects only the displayed data. All calculations are performed using
fully corrected values.
NOTE If your access privileges are restricted by the GLP application, you may find that
fields and buttons in this dialog box are not accessible.
NOTE If you wish to save the tests you have set up for future use, choose „Save
Method As‟ from the „File‟ menu to display the „Save As‟ dialog box and save the
method (with the file name extension „*.mvo‟).
NOTE Check with your local Agilent office regarding the availability of this accessory.
NOTE For manual runs (without the use of automated accessories), the Validate
application will automatically arrange the tests so that tests requiring your
intervention (for example, placing filters or solutions into the sample
compartment) are performed early in the Validate run. Tests that do not require
your intervention will be performed later in the run. The system will advise you
when you are no longer required. However, if you require, you can change the
order of the tests.
The results for each test are displayed in the Report area
immediately after the test is completed.
4 After the run
At the end of the Validate run, the Cary system automatically
generates a report file. The report file is stored in the Cary WinUV
The Report file will be saved with the following format:
For example:
16 Apr 97 3;57;48 PM.RVO
The date and time will be displayed in the same form that is set in
the Windows Regional Settings Properties dialog box, accessed from
the Windows Control Panel.
NOTE At the end of the Validate run, you can also save your data. To do this, choose
„Save Data As‟ from the „File‟ menu to display the „Save As‟ dialog box and save
the current method, data and report in a batch file (BVO).
5. Troubleshooting
Instrument offline 154
Connect button instead of Start 154
Not enough memory 155
Poor display of videos and photographs 155
GLP log does not list some privilege changes 156
Report header and footer not being updated 156
Instrument offline
When I start the Cary WinUV software, the application reports that
the instrument is ‘Offline’.
Check the connection of the main instrument cable (IEEE cable)
attaching the computer to the instrument.
Ensure the instrument has completed its initialization tests
before you start the Cary WinUV software.
Contact your local Agilent office.
For more information, refer to Chapter 4 in the Hardware manual
provided with the instrument.
NOTE You may have to restart your computer for the settings to take effect.