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Permutation & Combination Sheet by Om Sir

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Om Sharma

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Om Sharma

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Fundamental principle of counting Q.8 The letters of the word SURITI are written in
based on
all possible orders and these words are written
Q.1 Find the total number of ways of answering 5 out as in a dictionary. Then find the rank of the
objective type questions, each question having words SURITI.
4 choices. (A) 236 (B) 263 (C) 326 (D) 260
(A) 54 (B) 54–1 (C) 45 (D) 45 –1
Q.9 In how many ways four friends can put up in 8
Q.2 The number of positive integers satisfying the hotels of a town if
inequality n + 1Cn – 2 – n + 1Cn – 1  100 is- (i) There is no restriction.
(A) Nine (B) Eight (A) 4096 (B) 4609 (C) 4926 (D) None
(C) Five (D) None of these
(ii) No two friends can stay together.
Q.3 If m + nP = 90 and m – nP = 30, then (m, n) is (A) 1680 (B) 1608 (C) 1660 (D) 1672
2 2
given by -
(iii) All the friends do not stay in same hotel?
(A) (7, 3) (B) (16, 8) (C) (9, 2) (D) (8, 2)
(A) 4088 (B) 4808 (C) 4880 (D) None
based on
Linear permutation
Q.10 There are 12 balls numbered from 1 to 12. The
number of ways in which they can be used to
Q.4 Ten different letters of an alphabet are given.
fill 8 places in a row so that the balls are with
Words with five letters are formed from these
numbers in ascending or descending order is
given letters. Determine the number of words
equal to-
which have at least one letter repeated.
(A) 12C8 (B) 12P8
(A) 69762 (B) 69676 (C) 69760 (D) 69766
(C) 2 × 12P8 (D) 2 × 12C8
Q.5 There are m men and n monkeys (n > m). If a
man have any number of monkeys. In how Q.11 A double-decker bus has 5 empty seats in the
many ways may every monkey have a master? upstair and 5 empty seats in the down stair. 10
(A) nm (B) mn (C) mn – nm(D) mn people board the bus of which 2 are old people
and 3 are children. The children refuse to take
Q.6 There are (n + 1) white and (n + 1) black balls
seats down stair while old people insist to stay
each set numbered 1 to (n + 1). The number of
downstair. In how many different arrangements
ways in which the balls can be arranged in row
can be 10 people take their seats in the bus?
so that the adjacent balls are of different
(A) 144000 (B) 146000
colours is-
(C) 146400 (D) None of these
(A) (2n + 2)! (B) (2n + 2)! × 2
(C) (n + 1)! × 2 (D) 2{(n + 1)!}2 Questions
based on
Circular permutation
based on
Permutation under various conditions Q.12 20 persons were invited to a party. In how
many ways can they and the host be seated at a
Q.7 How many numbers of four digits greater than
circular table? In how many of these ways will
2300 can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
two particular persons be seated on either side
5 and 6; no digit being repeated in any number ?
of the host.
(A) 560 (B) 590
(A) 20!, 2! 18! (B) 18!, 2! 20!
(C) 90 (D) 360 (C) 19!, 18! (D) 19!, 19!)

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Q.13 The number of ways in which 6 red roses and 3 Combination under various condition & its
Questions geometrical application & problems based on
white roses (all roses different) can form a based on divisors
garland so that all the white roses come together is-
(A) 2170 (B) 2165 Q.19 The number of different seven digit numbers
(C) 2160 (D) 2155 that can be written using only the three digits 1,
Q.14 The number of ways in which 4 boys and 4 2 and 3 with the condition that the digit 2
girls can stand in a circle so that each boy and occurs twice in each number is-
each girl is one after the other is- (A) 7P2 . 25 (B) 7C2 . 25
(A) 3! . 4! (B) 4! . 4! (C) 7C2 . 52 (D) None of these
(C) 8! (D) 7!
Q.20 The number of triangles whose vertices are at
Q.15 12 guests at a dinner party are to be seated
the vertices of an octagon but none of sides
along a circular table. Supposing that the
happen to come from the sides of the octagon is-
master and mistress of the house have fixed (A) 24 (B) 52 (C) 48 (D) 16
seats opposite one another, and that there are
two specified guests who must always, be Q.21 In a polygon no three diagonals are concurrent.
placed next to one another, the number of ways If the total number of points of intersection of
in which the company can be placed, is- diagonals interior to the polygon be 70 then the
number of diagonals of the polygon is-
(A) 20 . 10! (B) 22 . 10!
(A) 20 (B) 28 (C) 8 (D) None
(C) 44 . 10! (D) None of these

Q.22 The number of proper divisors of 2p. 6q. 15r is-
based on (A) (p + q + 1) (q + r + 1) (r + 1)
(B) (p + q + 1) (q + r + 1) (r + 1) – 2
Q.16 A set contains (2n + 1) elements. The number
(C) (p + q) (q + r) r – 2
of subsets of the set which contain at most n
(D) None of these
elements is-
(A) 2n (B) 2n + 1 Questions
Division into groups and person
based on
(C) 2n – 1 (D) 22n
Q.23 The number of ways in which 19 different
Q.17 There are 20 questions in a question paper. If
objects can be divided into two groups of 13
no two students solve the same combination of
and 6 is -
questions but solve equal number of questions
(A) 19C13+ 19C6 (B) 19P13
then the maximum number of students who
appeared in the examination is- (C) 19C13 (D) None of these

(A) 20C9 (B) 20C11 Q.24 Number of ways in which a pack of 52 playing
(C) 20C (D) None of these cards be distributed equally amount four
players, so that each may have the ace, king,
Q.18 A father with 7 children takes 4 at a time to the queen and jack of the same suit is-
zoo, as after as he can with out taking the same 36 ! 36 ! 4!
(A) 4
four children together more than once. How (9!) (9!) 4
after will he go? How after will each child go? 36 !
(C) (D) None
(A) 30, 10 (B) 35, 15 (9!) 4 4 !
(C) 30, 20 (D) 35, 20

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based on
Multinomial theorem

Q.25 For the equation x + y + z +  = 19, the number

of positive integral solutions is equal to-
(A) the number of ways in which 15 identical
things can be distributed among 4 persons
(B) the number of ways in which 19 identical
things can be distributed among 4 persons
(C) coefficient of x19 in (x0 + x1 + x2 + ...+x19)4
(D) coefficient of x19 in (x + x2 + x3 + ...+x19)4

Q.26 The number of ways of selecting n things out of

3n things, of which n are of one kind and alike,
and n are of a second kind and alike and the
rest are unlike, is.
(A) (n + 2)2n (B) (n + 2)2n – 1
(C) (n + 2)2n + 1 (D) None of these

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Only single correct answer type (A) 7P2 × 25
questions (B) 7C2 × 25
Q.1 Sixteen men compete with one another in (C) 7P2 × 23
running, swimming and riding. How many (D) 7C2 × 23
prize lists could be made if there were Q.6 At an election, a voter may vote for any
altogether 6 prizes of different values, one for number of candidates not greater than the
running, 2 for swimming and 3 for riding ? number to be chosen. There are 10 candidates
(A) 12902400 (B) 12904200 and 5 members are to be chosen. The number
(C) 12092400 (D) None of these of ways in which a voter may vote for at least
Q.2 Find the number of ways in which 16 one candidate is given by-
sovereigns can be distributed between four (A) 637 (B) 638 (C) 639 (D) 640
persons if each of the four persons is to receive Q.7 In an examination of 9 papers a candidate has
not less than 3. to pass in more papers than the number of
(A) 53 (B) 35 (C) 45 (D) 54 papers in which he fails in order to be
Q.3 There are p points in space, no four of which successful. The number of ways in which he
are in the same plane with the exception of q can be unsuccessful is-
points which are all in the same plane. The (A) 255 (B) 256 (C) 193 (D) 319
number of different planes determined by the Q.8 In a certain test there are n questions. In this
points is-
test 2n–i student gave wrong answers to atleast i
p(p − 1)(p − 2) q(q − 1)(q − 2)
(A) – questions where i = 1, 2, 3 ..... n . If the total
6 6 no. of wrong answer given is 2047. Then n is equal
p(p − 1)(p − 2) q(q − 1)(q − 2) to-
(B) – +1
6 6 (A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13
p(p − 1)(p − 2)(P − 3)
24 Q.9 All possible two-factor products are formed
q(q − 1)(q − 2)(q − 3) from the numbers 1, 2, ----------100. The
– +1 number of factors out of the total obtained
(D) None of these which are multiple of 3 is-
(A) 2211 (B) 4950
Q.4 A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of (C) 2739 (D) None of these
A is chosen. The set A is reconstructed
replacing the elements of P. A subset Q of A is Q.10 In a hall there are 10 bulbs and their 10 buttons.
again chosen. The number of ways of choosing In how many ways this hall can be
P and Q so that P  Q contains exactly two enlightened?
elements is- (A) 102 (B) 1023 (C) 210 (D) 10!
(A) 9. nC2 (B) 3n–2. nC2 Q.11 The number of ways in which n distinct objects
(C) 2. nCn (D) None of these can be put into two identical boxes so, that no
box remains empty is-
Q.5 How many 7 digit numbers can be written
(A) 2n – 2 (B) 2n – 1
using three digits 1, 2 and 3 under the condition
(C) 2n – 1 –1 (D) n2 – 2
that the digits 2 occurs twice in each number ?

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Q.12 The number of ways in which 5 different balls Q.18 Number of ways in which 2 Indians, 3
can be placed in three different boxes so that no Americans, 3 Italians and 4 Frenchmen can be
box remains empty - seated on a circle, if the people of the same
(A) 243 (B) 150 nationality sit together is-
(C) 153 (D) None of these (A) 2 . (4!)2 ( 3!)2 (B) 2 . (3!)3 . 4!
(C) 2 . (3!) (4!)3 (D) None of these
Q.13 The number of ways in which 10 different balls
can be placed in three different boxes so that at Q.19 Number of ways in which all the letters of the
least one box remains empty - word "ALASKA" can be arranged in a circle
(A) 3(210–2) (B) 210–1 distinguishing between the clockwise and
(C) 3(210–1) (D) None of these anticlockwise arrangement is-
(A) 60 (B) 40
Q.14 The number of permutations which can be
(C) 20 (D) None of these
formed out of the letters of the word 'SERIES'
taking three letters together is- Q.20 Let Pn denotes the number of ways of selecting
(A) 120 (B) 60 3 people out of 'n' sitting in a row if no two of
(C) 42 (D) None of these them are consecutive and Qn is the
Q.15 The streets of a city are arranged like the lines corresponding figure when they are in a circle.
of a chess board. There are m streets running If Pn – Qn = 6, then 'n' is equal to-
North to South & 'n' streets running East to (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 12
West. The number of ways in which a man can Q.21 The number of ways selecting 8 books from a
travel from NW to SE corner going the shortest library which has 10 books each of
possible distance is- Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English,
(A) m2 + n 2 if books of the same subject are alike, is-
(A) 13C4 (B) 13C3
(B) (m - 1) 2 . (n – 1) 2 11
(C) C4 (D) 11C3
(m + n) !
m !. n ! One or more than one correct
(m + n – 2) ! answer type questions
(m – 1) !. (n – 1) ! Q.22 There are n seats round a table numbered
1, 2, 3,.........,n. The number of ways in which
Q.16 5 Indian and 5 American couples meet at a
m (n) persons can take seats is -
party and shake hands. If no wife shakes hands
(A) nPm (B) nCm × (m – 1)!
with her husband and no Indian wife shakes
hands with a male then find the number of (C) n–1Pm–1 (D) nCm × m!
hands shakes that take place in the party?
(A) 135 (B) 137
(C) 139 (D) None of these Q.23 Kanchan has 10 friends among whom two are
Q.17 A box contains 6 balls which may be all of married to each other. She wishes to invite 5 of
different colours or three each of two colours or them for a party. If the married couple refuse to
two each of three different colours. The attend separately then the number of different
number of ways of selecting 3 balls from the ways in which she can invite five friends is -
box (if ball of same colour are identical), is- (A) 8C5 (B) 2 × 8C3
(A) 60 (B) 31 (C) 10C5 – 2 × 8C4 (D) None of these
(C) 30 (D) none

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    
Q.24 Let a = i + j + k and let r be a variable vector (B) If both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are
      true but Statement-2 is not correct
such that r · i , r · j and r · k are positive explanation of the Statement-1.
 
integers. If r · a 12, then the number of values (C) If Statement-1 is true but the Statement-2 is
 false.
of r is-
(A) 12C9 –1 (B) 12C3 (D) If Statement-1 is false but Statement-2 is
(C) 12C9 (D) None of these
Q.28 Statement-1 : The maximum number of points
Q.25 The number of non-negative integral solutions of intersection of 8 circles of unequal radii is 56.
of x1 + x2 + x3 + x4  n (where n is a positive Statement-2 : The maximum number of points
integer) is- into which 4 circles of unequal radii and 4 non
(A) n+3C3 (B) n+4C4 coincident straight lines intersect, is 50.
(C) n+5C5 (D) n+4Cn
Q.29 Statement-1 : If there are six letters L1, L2, L3,
Q.26 You are given 8 balls of different colour (black, L4, L5, L6 and their corresponding six
white .......). The number of ways in which envelopes E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6. Letters having
these balls can be arranged in a row so that the odd value can be put into odd value envelopes
two balls of particular colour (say red and and even value letters can be put into even
white) may never come together is- value envelopes, so that no letter go into the
(A) 8 ! – 2.7 ! (B) 6 . 7 ! right envelopes the number of arrangement will
(C) 2 . 6 ! . C2 (D) 840
be equal to 4.
Q.27 Number of ways in which 3 numbers in A.P. Statement-2 :
can be selected from 1, 2, 3,........ n is- If Pn number of ways in which n letter can be
 n – 1 put in 'n' corresponding envelopes such that no
(A)   if n is even
 2  letters goes to correct envelopes then Pn = n!
n(n – 2)  1 1 (−1) n 
(B) if n is odd 1 - + + .... + 
4  1! 2! n ! 
 
(n – 1) 2 Q.30 Statement-1 : The maximum value of K such
(C) if n is odd
4 that (50)k divides 100 ! is 2.
n(n – 2) Statement-2 : If P is any prime number, then
(D) if n is even
power of P in n! is equal to
Part-C Assertion-Reason type questions n   n   n 
 P  +  P 2  +  P3  +….
     
The following questions consist of two statements
where [ . ] represents greatest integer function.
each, printed as Statement-1 and Statement-2. While
answering these questions you are to choose any one Q.31 Statement-1 : The number of ordered pairs
(m, n); m, n  {1, 2, 3, ...... 20) such that
of the following four responses.
3m + 7n is a multiple of 10, is equal to 100.
(A) If both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are true
and the Statement-2 is correct explanation of
the Statement-1.

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Statement-2 : 3m + 7n has last digit zero, when m is of Q.34 Column-I Column-II
4k + 2 type and n is of 4 type where
(A) Number of 4 letter words (P)
k,   W. 3!
that can be formed using
Part-D Column Matching type questions the letter of the words
Q.32 Consider the word "HONOLULU"
(B) Number of ways of selecting (Q) 1206
Column-I Column-II
3 persons out of 12 sitting in
(A) Number of words that can (P) 26
a row, if no two selected
be formed using the letters
persons were sitting together, is
of the given word in which
consonants & vowels are (C) Number of solutions of the (R) 24
alternate is equation x + y + z = 20,
(B) Number of words that can (Q) 144 where 1  x < y < z and
be formed without changing x, y, z  I, is
the order of vowels is (D) Number of ways in which (S) 120
(C) Number of ways in which (R) 840 Indian team can bat, if
4 letters can be selected from Yuvraj wants to bat before
the letters of the given word is Dhoni and Pathan wants
(D) Number of words in which (S) 90 to bat after Dhoni is
two O's are together but U's (assume all the batsman bat)
are separated is

Q.33 Column-I Column-II Q.35 Column-I Column-II

(A) The total number of (P) Greater than 50 (A) The number of five-digit (P) 77
selections of fruits which numbers having the product
can be made from, 3 bananas, of digits 20 is
4 apples and 2 oranges is
(B) n dice are rolled. The number (Q) 81
(B) If 7 points out of 12 are in (Q) Greater than 100
of possible outcomes in which
the same straight line, then
at least one of the dice shows
the number of triangles
an even number is 189, then n4 =
formed is
(C) The number of integer (R) 50
(C) The number of ways of (R) Greater than 150
between 1 & 1000 inclusive
selecting 10 balls from
in which atleast two consecutive
unlimited number of red,
digits are equal is
black, white and green balls is
(D) The total number of proper (S) Greater than 200 (D) The value of i. j (S) 181
15 1  i  j 9
divisors of 38808 is

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Q.36 No. of ways to arrange n balls into r different Q.39 In a conference 10 speakers are present. If S1
boxes is wants to speak before S2 and S2 wants to speak
after S3, then the number of ways all the 10
Column 1
speakers can give their speeches with the above
(A) When balls are distinct and empty boxes
restriction if the remaining seven speakers have
are not allowed.
no objection to speak at any number is-
(B) When balls are distinct and empty boxes
are allowed. (A) 10C3 (B) 10P3 (C) 10P8 (D)
(C) When balls are identical and empty boxes 3
are not allowed. Q.40 In how many ways can the letters of the word
(D) When balls are identical and empty boxes ARRANGE be arranged so that
are allowed. (i) The two R’ s are never together
Column 2 (A) 900 (B) 872
(P) n–1Cr–1 (C) 960 (D) 980

(Q) n + r – 1Cr–1.n! (ii) The two A’s are together but not the two R’s are
(R) n + r – 1Cr–1
(A) 240 (B) 260
(S) n–1Cr–1.n! (C) 300 (D) 340

(iii) Neither two A’s nor the two R’s are together.
Q.37 The number of ways in which, 2n things of one
(A) 660 (B) 600
sort, 2n things of another sort and 2n of a third (C) 640 (D) 690
sort can be divided between two person so that
each get 3n things is -
(A) 3n2 + 3n – 1 (B) 3n2 –3n + 1
(C) 3n2 + 3n + 1 (D) None of these

Q.38 There are n straight lines in a plane, no two of

which are parallel, and no three pass through
the same point. Their points of intersection are
joined. Then the number of fresh lines thus
obtained is-
n(n – 1)(n – 2)
n(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3)
n(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3)
(D) None of these

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➢ Old IIT-JEE Questions The number of words that appear before the
word COCHIN is- [IIT-2007]
Q.1 Let Tn denote the number of triangles which
(A) 360 (B) 192 (C) 96 (D) 48
can be formed by using the vertices of a regular
polygon of n sides. If Tn+1 – Tn = 21, then n Q.6 Consider all possible permutation of the letters
of the word 'ENDEANOEL' [IIT- 2008]
equals- [IIT-Scr-2001]
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 4 Column I
(A) The number of permutation containing the
Q.2 Using permutations or otherwise prove that word ENDEA is
| n2 (B) The number of permutations in which the
is an integer. Here n  N. [IIT-2004]
(| n ) n letter E occurs in the first and the last
positions is
Q.3 A rectangle has sides of (C) The number of permutations in which
(2m – 1) & (2n – 1) units none of the letters D, L, N occurs in the
as shown in the figure last five positions is
composed of squares (D) The number of permutations in which the
having edge length one letters A, E, O occur only in odd
positions is
unit then no. of rectangles
which have odd unit length Column II
- (P) 5!
(A) m2 − n2 (Q) 2 × 5!
(B) m(m + 1) n(n + 1) (R) 7 × 5!
(S) 21 × 5!
(C) 4m + n − 
(D) m2n2 [IIT-Scr2005]
Q.7 The number of seven digit integers, with sum
Q.4 If r, s, t are prime numbers and p, q are the of the digits equal to 10 and formed by using
positive integers such that the LCM of p, q is the digits 1, 2 and 3 only, is [IIT-2009]
r2t4s2, then the number of ordered pair (p, q) is- (A) 55 (B) 66 (C) 77 (D) 88
Q.8 Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4}. The total number of
(A) 224 (B) 225
unordered pairs of disjoint subsets of S is equal
(C) 252 (D) 256
to [IIT-2010]
Q.5 The letters of the word COCHIN are permuted (A) 25 (B) 34 (C) 42 (D) 41
and all the permutations are arranged in an
alphabetical order as in an English dictionary.

Om Sharma (IIT Bombay Alumni) Join telegram group Click →https://t.me/omsir 11


1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (i) (A), (ii) (A), (iii) (A) 10. (D)

11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15.(A) 16. (D) 17. (C) 18. (D) 19. (B) 20. (D) 21. (A) 22. (B)

23. (C) 24.(B) 25. (A, D) 26. (B)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (D) 31. (B)

32. A → Q; B → R; C → P; D → S 33. A → P; B → P, Q, R; C → P, Q, R , S; D → P

34. A → Q; B → S; C → R; D → P 35. A → R; B → Q; C → S; D → P

36. A → S; B → Q; C → P; D → R 37. (C) 38. (C) 39. (D)

40. i. (A) ii. (A) iii (A)


1. (D) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. A → P ; B → S ; C → Q; D → Q

7. (C) 8. (D)

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