Iato Newsletter2019
Iato Newsletter2019
Iato Newsletter2019
in 2019
Recommendations for
Explore Inside
E M Najeeb of a New Year which
Sr Vice - President will open up challenges
and new opportunities for us. Let us
be determined to meet our challenges
and grab the opportunities. Tourism,
travel and hospitality industry should
be resilient enough to move forward
Pg. 5 AGM 2019 towards a brighter future. It is time
Annual General Meeting to unite our hands with new resolve
highlights and strengthen our great fraternity.
The year 2020 is the beginning year
Pg. 9 ACHIEVEMENTS of a new decade. It is a landmark year
IATO’s milestones in 2019
in our professional journey. Let us be
confident, enthusiastic and cheerful.
Pg. 10 THEN & NOW Wishing you all a very happy and
Beyond the horizon bright New Year, 2020.
Honorary Secretary IATO Speaks is a publication of Indian News, Media & PR Committee
Rajesh Mudgill Association of Tour Operators (IATO). All
information is derived from sources, we feel Neelam Thakur (Convener)
reliable and passed on to the members without Atul Rai
Editorial Board any responsibility on our part. IATO assumes
Neelam Thakur no responsibility for returning any unsolicited Harish Chopra
Atul Rai matters. Jurisdiction is restricted to Delhi. Manish Poddar
Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)
Harish Chopra IATO Speaks is owned by IATO and printed & Manoj Matta
310, Padma Tower II, 22, Rajendra Place,
published on their behalf by DDP Publications
Manish Poddar New Delhi - 110 008
Pvt. Ltd. & is printed at Modest Print Pack
Manoj Matta Pvt. Ltd., Delhi Tel : 91-11-25750028, 25754478, 25738803
E-mail: iato@ddppl.com
First of all, we have completed our Annual General With regards to SEIS delaying clearance of our
Meeting on October 30, 2019 at The Lalit Hotel, New member’s files, the matter was taken up with DGFT
Delhi, wherein 82 members actively participated. concerned officers and discussed at length. We have
Rajesh Mudgill, Hony Secretary, read his report wherein made suitable representation in consultation with M/s.
the latest updates on IATO activities and achievements Ernst & Young.
were reported. Members also discussed about current
issues, future strategies which underline IATO’s role as We have appointed a PR agency for a initial period of six
a leading think tank. months, that shall endeavor to take our views to the print
media and in tweets. We have requested for your valued
Our aggressive follow up with various ministries and inputs that can be placed before the agency with respect to
with the help of positive initiatives of the Ministry of stories in national dailies and tweets. This shall strengthen
Tourism, the reduction in e-Visa fee and reduction in the sinews of brand IATO and bolster its image.
GST rates on hotel accommodation has helped the
industry with better opportunity to grow numbers. For the benefit of our members who engage in cross
The idea is to fulfil the government’s vision of doubling promotion of tourism, we had a good set of meetings
the number of tourists in the next few years and that with officials from Vietnam and Ethiopia and have
the benefit of reduction in GST has to be passed on to requested for a Fam for our members who also cater
the final customer, so that the packages for promoting to outbound.
India as tourist destination becomes cheaper than what
it is currently. On the November 27 we bid farewell to Suman Billa,
Joint Secretary Tourism and Aashima Mehrotra,
You are aware, IATO had taken up with Air India to Director Tourism, Government of India. They both were
restart its daily flight on Delhi-Varanasi-Khajuraho- very helpful, cooperative and gave all the pertinent
Varanasi-Delhi sector and we also had a meeting with issues affecting our industry their due recognition. We
Ashwani Lohani, CMD and other officials of Air India wish them the very best in their future endeavors.
on this. You will be pleased to know that Air India in
its winter flight schedule from October 28, 2019 to Soon we will leave one year behind and roll into the
March 28, 2020 has announced operational flights on next one, I hope this New Year brings you good
the above sector. health and prosperity, and a successful and fulfilling
life that you desire and deserve. May 2020 find us with
Budget issues are critical for our business. A increased energy and greater determination to achieve
meeting was held at Transport Bhawan under the success in business and move our organisation to
Chairmanship of Rupinder Brar, Additional Director greater heights.
General (Tourism), Ministry of Tourism, Government
of India, on November 27, 2019. IATO gave its key Wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
recommendation details which you will find in this
newsletter. Following our meeting with the Ministry of Thanks
Tourism, we had a meeting with Ministry of Finance,
Government of India and emphasised on the following
four issues on December 4, 2019:
• Tourism industry to be treated as deemed exporters Pronab Sarkar
at par with IT industry under export of services. President
he year gone by saw many criti- IATO’s circulars, luncheon and active mem-
cal recommendations of IATO in ber meetings were there to keep IATO mem-
diverse facets gain acceptability bers abreast with the latest in the area of
from Government of India- a re- tourism and aid the business endeavours. IATO’s circulars, luncheon and
cord success by any measure. As an apex active member meetings were
tourism body of India, IATO is addressed as Here is an update on the activities in rela- organised to keep IATO members
a strategic association to further contribute tion to IATO since its last Annual General abreast with the latest in the
effectively to growth trajectory articulated Meeting on October 15, 2018:
by the Ministry of Tourism, Government area of tourism and aid the
of India. business endeavours.
IATO pursued relentlessly the key issues
that did not auger well for tourism and its Marketing offices overseas
growth path- e-Visa fee, GST, air connectiv- IATO requested the Ministry of Tourism
ity, group reservation with the Indian Rail- that with the closure of some of the India- the globe, but India’s share is very minimal
ways, booking with luxury trains etc. being tourism offices in important source markets currently. There is a dire need to develop
the main impediments. like Sydney, Paris, Amsterdam, Milan, Los infrastructure for MICE tourism, as we are
Angeles, Toronto, Johannesburg etc. There losing the MICE business to our neighbour-
Others that saw the efforts of IATO relat- is a dire need to have tourist information ing countries. Not only foreigners, but large
ed to skill development workshops, guide centre/tourism cell or the representative Indian companies are opting to have their
fee, recommendations on MDA, the tight offices need to be in operation as early as conferences, conventions in neighbouring
schedules of MOT roadshows that needed a possible in order to increase the tourist flow countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singa-
breathing space, the result oriented contri- to India though marketing. pore or Sri Lanka. All this is due to very
bution of IATO at the ITM 2019, culminating limited convention centres across India
the acknowledged success of the 35th annual Development of infrastructure and other better infrastructure only avail-
convention at Kolkata and the cherished for MICE tourism able in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru,
support of the Government of West Bengal. MICE tourism is getting very popular across Hyderabad or Kolkata. We need to have
As you are aware IATO has been for the past 5 In 2019, MOT reduced the e-Visa fee, GST rates
months following up with the Minister of Civil Avia- on hotel room, and opened over 120 new peaks
tion and Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation,
Government of India as the airport entry passes were
for mountaineering. Several steps were taken
going to be discontinued after December 31, 2019. under Swadesh Darshan & PRASHAD Scheme, and
Adopt a Heritage project which were some of the
We have been given to understand that Bureau of
Civil Aviation Security has extended the validity important highlights for the ministry.
of Airport Entry Passes (AEPs) expired on Decem-
ber 31, 2019 up to January 31, 2020 and necessary India’s rank in Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)
directives have been given to ASG (CISF/Police) of World Economic Forum has moved from 65th rank in 2013 to
deployed at the airport. We are indeed grateful to 34th rank in 2019.
the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India
for the consideration. We shall keep you updated in Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) during the period January- No-
the matter. vember 2019 were 96,69,633 as compared to 93,66,478 in Janu-
ary- November 2018 registering a growth of 3.2%.
We are pursuing the government on key issues.
IATO recommended to remove the cascading ef- During January- November 2019, a total of 25,51,211 tourist ar-
fect of GST on tour operators and requested that rived on e-Tourist visa as compared to 20,61,511 during Janu-
a deemed value of 10% of gross billing of the tour ary-November 2018, registering a growth of 23.8%.
operator may be considered as the taxable value on
deemed basis. We have requested the Ministry of Fi- Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) during the period January-
nance for Export Industry Status to be given to our November 2019 wereR`1,88,364 crore as compared to `1,75,407
industry. crore in January- November 2018 registering a growth of 7.4%.
You will be happy to note that presently we are ac- Development of thematic circuits is being undertaken under the
tively engaged with the authorities to continue giv- Swadesh Darshan Scheme. A total number of 77 projects for an
ing SEIS benefits to tour operators for another 5 amount of `6035.70 crore have been sanctioned till date under
years to enable them to compete in international the Swadesh Darshan Scheme.
markets. We are actively requesting the policy mak-
ers on more aggressive marketing proposals to be Integrated development of identified pilgrimage destinations
made for the industry for attracting augmented is being undertaken under the ‘National Mission on Pilgrim-
foreign tourists to India, encouraging skill devel- age Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive’
opment programmes to help increase trained man (PRASHAD) Scheme. A total number of 28 projects have been
power for the industry, sanctioned till date for an amount of `840.02 crore under
this scheme.
IATO shall organise skill training programme un-
der the banner of Skill Council for certifications The ‘Adopt a Heritage: Apni Dharohar, Apni Pehchaan’ project
and Railway Group booking facility for MOT rec- is a collaborative effort by the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of
ognised tour operators. We have requested Minis- Culture and Archaeological Survey of India, State/ UTs Govern-
try of Finance to consider issuance of notification ment for developing tourist amenities at heritage/tourist sites
for implementation of tax refund for the tourists’ and making them tourist friendly, in a planned and phased man-
scheme provided for, under Section 15 of the IGST ner. Ministry of Tourism has signed 27 Memorandum of Under-
Act 2017 – all these are high on our agenda and will standing (MoU's) till date under the Adopt a Heritage project.
greatly benefit our members.
– Rajiv Mehra
also had a meeting with Ashwani Lo- From October 28, 2019 to Novem-
hani, CMD, Air India and other officials ber 10, 2019 – five days in a week
of the airline in June 2019 in his office, (1,2,3,4,6)
to which Lohani agreed to the request.
can speak with Rajesh Kapoor, it was only a district in the erstwhile Jam- The event saw the stakeholders present-
Senior Manager-Sales Support, mu & Kashmir state, revealed RK Ma- ing the tourism products of Ladakh to
IndiGo on +91-124-4352500 and +91 thur, Lieutenant Governor, Ladakh, while the travel and tour operators in Delhi.
9811172898 or call customer care. speaking at the special ‘Ladakh Night’ Some of the dignitaries present at the
organised by the Administration of UT event were Rigzin Samphel, Commercial
of Ladakh Tourism Department and All Secretary, Tourism, Ladakh and Ja-
Visa on arrival to Ladakh Travel Association stakeholders.
He also revealed that the newly allocated
myang Tsering Namgyal, Member of
Parliament, Ladakh.
nationals of the
Republic of UAE NCRPB prepares for Regional Plan-2041
U AE nationals will have access
to a 60-day visa on arrival, with
double entry for business, tourism,
conference and medical purposes. IATO President
According to Bureau of Immigration, addressed the
workshop on
the visa on arrival facility, however, Tourism & Heritage,
will only be available to those organised by NCRPB
for preprarion of
Emiratis who have earlier obtained Regional Plan-2041 for
an e-Visa or paper visa to visit India. NCR on January 6.
IATO writes to
Finance Minister
IATO has written Smt. Nirmala
Sitharaman, Finance Minister,
Government of India and Chairman,
GST Council, on the following issues:
Any issues
Request received from India Tourism, November 23-26, 2019.
London regarding participation in 8th International Travel Mart in
you want to
travel fairs UK, Ireland and Benelux Imphal, Manipur from Novem-
countries during January/February ber 23–25, 2019 by the Ministry
2020 and participation of stake hold- of Tourism, Government of India.
talk about ?
ers as co-exhibitors. Circular were IATO members participated and
sent to members. Interested mem- handled FTOs in Delhi and Ma-
bers can send names directly to India nipur.
Tourism, London. Fam trip to Paraguay from Novem-
Write to us at Rajiv Mehra, Vice President, ber 13-19, 2019. 4 IATO members
IATO along with Capt. Swadesh participated.
iato@ddppl.com Kumar, President, ATOAI and Ministry of Tourism, Government
and make us your mouthpiece. Amaresh Tiwari, Vice Chair- of India organised roadshows in
man, ICPB called on Suman China from November 12-14, 2019
We will make sure that Sharma, Additional Director Gen- in which 23 IATO members par-
you are heard. eral of Foreign Trade, Govern- ticipated.
ment of India regarding SEIS on IATO members participated in the
December 17. The matter was dis- Northeast festival organised at
cussed at length and suitable action IGNCA, Janpath, New Delhi from
is being taken by IATO for submitting November 8-10, 2019.
the document which she requires. IATO members were invited to
• FITUR January 22-26 Madrid IATO members invited by PHDCCI participate in Run For Unity on
for the 3rd PHD Golf Tourism Con- 31st Oct, 2019 in Dwarka and Gha-
• OTM February 3-5 Mumbai
clave and Tournament in Jaipur ziabad.
• ITB March 4-8 Berlin from December 12-13. IATO Goa Chapter Meet held on Oc-
• MITT March 17-19 Moscow IATO conducted a Digital Market- tober 24, 2019 in Goa. Ravi Gosain,
• COTTM April 1-3 Beijing ing programme in Ahmedabad on Honorary Treasurer, IATO along
December 6-7, 2019. with other EC members addressed
• ITB INDIA April 15-17 Mumbai IATO members invited to at- the meeting and took stock of the con-
• GITB April 19-21 Jaipur tend PATA Tourism Powerhouse dition specially after facing setback
• ATM April 19-22 Dubai on December 6 by the PATA India by the charter operations of
Chapter. Thomas Cook.
Educational Tour
New Membership
Holiday 2 Andaman Corporate &
Leisure Travels Pvt. Ltd.
Anand Kishen Niwas 1st Floor, Shop No –II,
Opp Jama Masjid, Vijay Baugh Road,
Approved w.e.f. October 10, 2019 Jungli Ghat, Port Blair -744103
Tel: 03192-235577
Email: holiday2andaman@gmail.com
ACTIVE Alpha2 Omega Travels LLP Web: www.holiday2andaman.in
221, The Galleria, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1 Santosh Kumar, Director
Rajasthan’s Invitation Travels Pvt. Ltd. Extension, New Delhi- 110091 (M) 9679545107
UG-36, Crown plaza, Vaishali Nagar Tel: 011-41053444
Jaipur-302021 Email: info@alpha2omega.co Hospitality Tycoon
Tel: 0141-4032162 Geeta Sirpaul, GM–Operations C-184, Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi-110048
Email: spain@indiasinvitation.com (M) 9811210844 Tel: 011-41084298
Web: www.indiaisinvitation.com Email: akshay.sharma@hospitalitytycoonz.in
Abhishek Shekhawat, Director Web: www.hospitalitytycoonz.in
Crystal India Holidays Akshay Sharma, Director
Mobile: 9829247544 49-B, LIG Flats, Madhuban, Enclave Madipur (M) 9654377738
New Delhi-110063
Active (Change of Status)
Seven Sisters Holidays
Tel: 011-41001163 i4u Travel Services
Email: crystalindiaholidays@gmail.com 106, Rajul Landmark, Russel Square,
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, 2nd Floor Web: www.crystalindiaholidays.com
Above Punjab National Bank Opp. Jabalpur Hospital, Jabalpur-482002
Mr. Amit Narang, Proprietor Tel: 0761-2450488, 2977971
Imphal- 795001 (M) 9311016363
Tel: 0385- 2443977, 2443979 Email: conact@i4utravels.com
Email: 7sistersholidays@gmail.com Web: www.i4utravels.com
Web: www.sevensistersholidays.com Deepak Travels Souvik Banerjee, Director
H. Radhakrishna Sharma, Partner 23/33, New Jagnath Plot, Yagnik Road, Behind
Indior Tours Pvt. Ltd.
hrksharma@gmail.com Harony Hospital, Rajkot-360001
M-8, Bhagat Singh Market, Connaught Place
(M) 9706123401 Tel: 0281-2483469-70
New Delhi-110001
Email : info@deepaktravels.co.in
Tel: (M) 9311463467, 9868365247
Incredible Indian Moments Pvt. Ltd. Web: www.deepaktravels.co.in
Email: pd@indior.com
S-207, Time Square, Vidhyadhar Nagar Deepak K. Rathod, CEO
Web: www.indiortours.com
Jaipur-302 039 (M) 9824208487
Divya Lahad, Director
Tel : 0141-2339668, 2337137
Email : info@indianmoments.com Exotic Escapes India Pvt. Ltd. Priya Travels
Web: www.indianmoments.com 10-C, DCM Building, 16, Barakhamba Road Raj Apartment Ground Floor, 49, Gurupada
Pankaj Sharma, Director New Delhi-110001 Halder Road, Kolkata- 700026
ceo@indianmoments.com Tel: 011-40455831, 47055931 Tel: 033-40069199, 24769199
(M) 9414064040 Email: sameer.mahajan@exoticescapes.in Email: care@priyatravels.in
Sameer Mahajan, Director Web: www.priyatravels.in
Terra World Travel (India) Pvt. Ltd. (M) 9810502802 Abhisek Singh, Proprietor
First Floor Shop No.2, CSC Market | (M) 9831569934/9432269934
C-8 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi- 110070 Go Holidays Satge 3
Tel: 011-26125550-51-52, Fax : 011-26125552 10, Saishwar Apt., 580 Narayan Peth, HDFC
83/52, Sri Kalyan Square, 3rd Floor, Pantheon
Email: ops@terraworldtravel.com Bank Building, Ramanbaug Chowk,
Road, Egmore, Chennai-600008
Web : www.terraworldtravel.com Pune- 411030
Tel: 011-42147719
Mrs. Nandini Lohia, Managing Director Tel: 020 24469222
Email: stage3chennai@yahoo.com
(M) 9811173769 Email: domestic@goholidays.in
Web: www.goholidays.in
Web: www.stage3eventz.com
Ashwini Makarand Angal, Proprietor
Sunttosh NM, Proprietor
ALLIED (M) 8805021658
(M) 9840055657
All India Packages Go India Vacation Pvt. Ltd. SB International Tours and Travels
No. 39, 1st Pillayar, Koil Street, C-51, 2nd Floor, Malviya Nagar, Near Laxmi CH - 26 4th Main 5th Cross Manjunath Plaza
Ekkaduthan Gal, Chennai- 600032 Narayan Mandir, New Delhi- 110017 Saraswathipuram
Tel: 044-49521408 Tel: 011-46626000 Mysore – 570009
Email: allindiapackage@gmail.com Email: raj@globalodyesey.com Tel: 0821-4244490
Web: www.allindiapackages.com Web: www.globalodyssey.co Email: sbittravels@gmail.com
Mr. S. Mohyadeen Abdul Kader, Director Raj Gupta, Director Web: www.sbittravels.co.in
(M) 9840461767 (M) 9811461819 Shantkumar Biradar, Managing Director
New Membership
Shiv Vilas Resorts Pvt. Ltd.
NH.No.-08 Jaipur Highway, Kukas, Jaipur
Tel: 0141-2531100
Email: info@shiv-vilas.in
Web: www.shiv-vilas.in
Prathvi Raj Sharma, Director Approved w.e.f. November 14, 2019
(M) 9829063098
Treat inbound tourism as tourist/ foreign tour operator) which is IGST exemption
export of services applicable for IT Industry.
Very often foreign tourists visiting India
The parameters/definition of 'export of Cascading effect of GST include their tour to Nepal, Bhutan, Sri
services' may be relaxed in the case of Lanka and other neighbouring countries.
tour operators and the services of tour The backbone of GST system is based In such tours, IGST is payable on the
operators earning foreign exchange on the principle that there is no double entire package cost including services
for the country may be ac- taxation/multiple taxation, whereas provided in the neighbouring country. It
corded with the status tourism is suffering from cascading ef- is necessary that the cost of services pro-
of 'export of services' fect of GST on various input services viz. vided outside India should not suffer GST
paving the way for non- hotel, transport, professionals, office even if package includes India tour. At
payment of IGST on bill- rent, maintenance of office and office present, IGST is exempted only when ser-
ing to the foreign tourists equipment etc. vices are provided to a foreign tourist for
/foreign tour operators. organising his tour wholly outside India.
On one hand, the government has fixed There is a need to relax this parameter
For this purpose, the criteria 5% GST for tour operators, on the other so that in a composite tour, portion of the
of 'place of supply' of services hand, input tax credit on input services tour organised outside India should also
based on its performance as has been withdrawn except services of be exempted from IGST.
specified in section 13(3)(b) counterpart tour operators in the same
of IGST Act may also be ex- line of business. The ill effects of denial A pre-budget consultation on issues
cepted / made inapplicable for of ITC and cascading effect of taxes of direct and indirect taxes for
tour operators operating in the needs to be addressed by the Finance Union Budget 2020-21 took place
country. The 'place of supply' Ministry and the concerned policy
on December 4, 2019 at the North
of services of tour operators makers so that requite framework is
should be linked with the loca- put in place that the tourism industry is
Block, where IATO also pushed
tion of the recipient (foreign looking for. forward its recommendations.
Who can enrol for the certification? diversity of candidates ranging from an
enthusiastic student who has recently
qualified for higher secondary to an
Punjab Chapter
(Ludhiana) Ladakh
Himachal Chapter
Haryana & Chandigarh (Shimla) North East Chapter
Chapter (Guwahati)
IATO Headquarter
Rajasthan Chapter Sikkim & North
Bengal Chapter
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh
& Uttarakhand
Madhya Pradesh
Chapter (Bhopal)
West Bengal Chapter
Odisha Chapter
Gujarat Chapter Chapter (Bhubaneswar)
(Ahmedabad) (Mumbai)
Kerala Chapter