Iato Newsletter2019

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Volume 1 Issue 4 December 2019 24 pages For Private Circulation Only

A tourism industry communication by Indian Association of Tour Operators

in 2019

Recommendations for


IATO urges all its members and their
vendors to fully support Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's initiatives:


( India Mission))



New Year Wishes

W arm greetings
to all our IATO
members! An eventful
year has gone by, and
we are at the threshold

Explore Inside
E M Najeeb of a New Year which
Sr Vice - President will open up challenges
and new opportunities for us. Let us
be determined to meet our challenges
and grab the opportunities. Tourism,
travel and hospitality industry should
be resilient enough to move forward
Pg. 5 AGM 2019 towards a brighter future. It is time
Annual General Meeting to unite our hands with new resolve
highlights and strengthen our great fraternity.
The year 2020 is the beginning year
Pg. 9 ACHIEVEMENTS of a new decade. It is a landmark year
IATO’s milestones in 2019
in our professional journey. Let us be
confident, enthusiastic and cheerful.
Pg. 10 THEN & NOW Wishing you all a very happy and
Beyond the horizon bright New Year, 2020.


Quick tips and updates
on GST W ishing you all a
very happy, pros-
perous and purpose-
ful 2020. India firmly
Pg. IATO ALBUM believes in peace and
IATO bids farewell to Rajiv Mehra harmony and this will
Suman Billa Vice - President
surely translate into
a good business for all. Today our
Pg.14 NEWS YOU CAN USE country is poised to surge ahead
Ladakh tourism budget in the area of cruise tourism – a
increases from ` 55 lakh nascent thrust to this area is a wel-
to ` 200 crore come step and let us capitalise on
this segment, besides leisure and
New Membership
other facets. Contd. on page 8


Pg. 21 BUDGET 2020-21

I wish each of you
a harmonious and
progressive 2020, and
IATO’s budget send you my sincer-
recommendations est greetings for the
Rajesh Mudgill
festives of Lohri, Sank-
Pg. IN CONVERSATION Hony. Secretary ranti and Pongal. Look-
IITF goes digital ing forward to your active and mean-
from Jan 1, 2020 ingful participation during this year.
Cover Picture Courtesy: Radha Swami, 500px.com

Honorary Secretary IATO Speaks is a publication of Indian News, Media & PR Committee
Rajesh Mudgill Association of Tour Operators (IATO). All
information is derived from sources, we feel Neelam Thakur (Convener)
reliable and passed on to the members without Atul Rai
Editorial Board any responsibility on our part. IATO assumes
Neelam Thakur no responsibility for returning any unsolicited Harish Chopra
Atul Rai matters. Jurisdiction is restricted to Delhi. Manish Poddar
Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)
Harish Chopra IATO Speaks is owned by IATO and printed & Manoj Matta
310, Padma Tower II, 22, Rajendra Place,
published on their behalf by DDP Publications
Manish Poddar New Delhi - 110 008
Pvt. Ltd. & is printed at Modest Print Pack
Manoj Matta Pvt. Ltd., Delhi Tel : 91-11-25750028, 25754478, 25738803
E-mail: iato@ddppl.com

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 3

President's Message

• Removal of cascading effect of GST on tourism

• Removal of GST on services provided outside India
to foreign tourists, i.e. Nepal, Bhutan, etc.

There will be withdrawal of facility of airport entry

passes from January 1, 2020 for the representative of
tour operators for entry at the airport. Regarding the
airport entry passes we have taken up the issue with the
Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation and Hon’ble Minister
of Tourism and with the concerned responsible officers.
Pronab Sarkar We have made a strong written representation to the
concerned authorities in person, as it is a question
of security and safety of our tourists that our valued
Dear Friends, members bring into India. We are hopeful to resolve the
issue with some amendment in the security measures

S ince the last issue of our newsletter, a lot of

significant developments has taken place.
for the company representatives in line of new security
policy in place at all airports of India.

First of all, we have completed our Annual General With regards to SEIS delaying clearance of our
Meeting on October 30, 2019 at The Lalit Hotel, New member’s files, the matter was taken up with DGFT
Delhi, wherein 82 members actively participated. concerned officers and discussed at length. We have
Rajesh Mudgill, Hony Secretary, read his report wherein made suitable representation in consultation with M/s.
the latest updates on IATO activities and achievements Ernst & Young.
were reported. Members also discussed about current
issues, future strategies which underline IATO’s role as We have appointed a PR agency for a initial period of six
a leading think tank. months, that shall endeavor to take our views to the print
media and in tweets. We have requested for your valued
Our aggressive follow up with various ministries and inputs that can be placed before the agency with respect to
with the help of positive initiatives of the Ministry of stories in national dailies and tweets. This shall strengthen
Tourism, the reduction in e-Visa fee and reduction in the sinews of brand IATO and bolster its image.
GST rates on hotel accommodation has helped the
industry with better opportunity to grow numbers. For the benefit of our members who engage in cross
The idea is to fulfil the government’s vision of doubling promotion of tourism, we had a good set of meetings
the number of tourists in the next few years and that with officials from Vietnam and Ethiopia and have
the benefit of reduction in GST has to be passed on to requested for a Fam for our members who also cater
the final customer, so that the packages for promoting to outbound.
India as tourist destination becomes cheaper than what
it is currently. On the November 27 we bid farewell to Suman Billa,
Joint Secretary Tourism and Aashima Mehrotra,
You are aware, IATO had taken up with Air India to Director Tourism, Government of India. They both were
restart its daily flight on Delhi-Varanasi-Khajuraho- very helpful, cooperative and gave all the pertinent
Varanasi-Delhi sector and we also had a meeting with issues affecting our industry their due recognition. We
Ashwani Lohani, CMD and other officials of Air India wish them the very best in their future endeavors.
on this. You will be pleased to know that Air India in
its winter flight schedule from October 28, 2019 to Soon we will leave one year behind and roll into the
March 28, 2020 has announced operational flights on next one, I hope this New Year brings you good
the above sector. health and prosperity, and a successful and fulfilling
life that you desire and deserve. May 2020 find us with
Budget issues are critical for our business. A increased energy and greater determination to achieve
meeting was held at Transport Bhawan under the success in business and move our organisation to
Chairmanship of Rupinder Brar, Additional Director greater heights.
General (Tourism), Ministry of Tourism, Government
of India, on November 27, 2019. IATO gave its key Wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
recommendation details which you will find in this
newsletter. Following our meeting with the Ministry of Thanks
Tourism, we had a meeting with Ministry of Finance,
Government of India and emphasised on the following
four issues on December 4, 2019:
• Tourism industry to be treated as deemed exporters Pronab Sarkar
at par with IT industry under export of services. President

4 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

AGM 2019

Annual General Meeting highlights

Rajesh Mudgill, Hony. Secretary presented the annual report on behalf of IATO during the
37th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the association, which took place on October 30, 2019 at
The Lalit Hotel in New Delhi. Here is an update on activities since the last AGM on October 15, 2018.

he year gone by saw many criti- IATO’s circulars, luncheon and active mem-
cal recommendations of IATO in ber meetings were there to keep IATO mem-
diverse facets gain acceptability bers abreast with the latest in the area of
from Government of India- a re- tourism and aid the business endeavours. IATO’s circulars, luncheon and
cord success by any measure. As an apex active member meetings were
tourism body of India, IATO is addressed as Here is an update on the activities in rela- organised to keep IATO members
a strategic association to further contribute tion to IATO since its last Annual General abreast with the latest in the
effectively to growth trajectory articulated Meeting on October 15, 2018:
by the Ministry of Tourism, Government area of tourism and aid the
of India. business endeavours.
IATO pursued relentlessly the key issues
that did not auger well for tourism and its Marketing offices overseas
growth path- e-Visa fee, GST, air connectiv- IATO requested the Ministry of Tourism
ity, group reservation with the Indian Rail- that with the closure of some of the India- the globe, but India’s share is very minimal
ways, booking with luxury trains etc. being tourism offices in important source markets currently. There is a dire need to develop
the main impediments. like Sydney, Paris, Amsterdam, Milan, Los infrastructure for MICE tourism, as we are
Angeles, Toronto, Johannesburg etc. There losing the MICE business to our neighbour-
Others that saw the efforts of IATO relat- is a dire need to have tourist information ing countries. Not only foreigners, but large
ed to skill development workshops, guide centre/tourism cell or the representative Indian companies are opting to have their
fee, recommendations on MDA, the tight offices need to be in operation as early as conferences, conventions in neighbouring
schedules of MOT roadshows that needed a possible in order to increase the tourist flow countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singa-
breathing space, the result oriented contri- to India though marketing. pore or Sri Lanka. All this is due to very
bution of IATO at the ITM 2019, culminating limited convention centres across India
the acknowledged success of the 35th annual Development of infrastructure and other better infrastructure only avail-
convention at Kolkata and the cherished for MICE tourism able in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru,
support of the Government of West Bengal. MICE tourism is getting very popular across Hyderabad or Kolkata. We need to have

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 5

AGM 2019

convention centres with all supporting in-

frastructure like hotels, shopping malls and
night bazaars etc. in all the states and other
important tourist cities to attract foreign
MICE operators to market India as a pre-
ferred MICE destination.

Improved facilities for

foreign tourist at
Taj Mahal entry
Tourists (both domestic and foreign) are
facing a lot of problems in entering the Taj
Mahal after purchasing the entry tickets,
which is giving a negative publicity to India
abroad. IATO has made a number of sugges-  Denial of Kolkata immigration office to  IATO videos on women safety and the-
tions to ASI specially for foreign tourists es- acknowledge Darranga checkpoint be- matic destinations
pecially on monkey menace and cleanliness tween Assam and Bhutan.  IATO training programmes 2019
at Taj Mahal.  The revision of Guide Policy by ASI  Recommendations for boosting foreign
 Group booking facility with the railways trade through tourism
Other issues raised by for IATO members.  Suggestions on Air Charter Policy
IATO include:  Grievances for booking luxury trains  35th Annual Convention in Kolkata.
 Problems faced in purchasing entry with IRCTC
tickets for Elephanta Caves  Issues regarding scheduling of India
Major Achievements
 Revision in guidelines for Marketing Tourism Roadshow
Development Assistance (MDA) scheme  Railway platform entry pass for tour Exemption of tourist
2017 operators vehicles from election
 Leads/queries from Ministry of Tourism duty for the members of
website IATO's initiatives IATO and ITTA
 Withdrawal of facility of airport entry  IATO Vision Document- ‘Tourism- An During Lok Sabha elections from April 11
passes for representatives of tour op- engine for economic growth and em- to May 19, 2019, keeping in mind the appre-
erators for entry at the airport. ployment generation’ hension of IATO members who own tourist

6 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

AGM 2019

media members, TV teams, decision makers

from overseas. IATO handled over 50
MOT sponsored Fam tours in a highly
professional manner.

Follow up with various

IATO made various representations to
Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Finance,
GST Council, Ministry of Commerce,
Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of
vehicles that they may be asked by the state Air connectivity and Culture, Ministry of Railways and to state
governments to provide their vehicles for the introduction of new/ governments expressing its concern on
election duties. IATO wrote a letter to the additional flights by Air various issues. The association was able to
Chief Election Commissioner of India to ex- India, Indigo and Vistara resolve some of these issues, while others
empt tourist vehicles from election duties as IATO held several discussions and meetings are still pending and IATO is following up
they need to provide undisruptive services to with Air India, Indigo, SpiceJet and Vistara on the same.
their foreign clients. to introduce new or add additional flights
on certain sectors which are important Membership
New website for the tourism industry and need better The IATO membership drive contin-
The IATO website has been revamped and air connectivity. ued throughout 2019 and a substantial
is now being marketed/promoted in various increase was achieved after the last
overseas markets with the hope that num- Handling of MOT Fam tours AGM. Till October 2019, IATO has a
ber of visitors to the website will increase IATO was especially given the responsibil- total of 1674 members with 352 ac-
and in turn we can generate some leads for ity to handle all Ministry of Tourism spon- tive and 1322 allied, associate and
IATO members. sored hospitality guests, tour operators, international members.

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 7

Thoughts & Reviews

Pursuing government Year-end review:

on key issues Ministry of Tourism
Contd. from page 3

As you are aware IATO has been for the past 5 In 2019, MOT reduced the e-Visa fee, GST rates
months following up with the Minister of Civil Avia- on hotel room, and opened over 120 new peaks
tion and Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation,
Government of India as the airport entry passes were
for mountaineering. Several steps were taken
going to be discontinued after December 31, 2019. under Swadesh Darshan & PRASHAD Scheme, and
Adopt a Heritage project which were some of the
We have been given to understand that Bureau of
Civil Aviation Security has extended the validity important highlights for the ministry.
of Airport Entry Passes (AEPs) expired on Decem-
ber 31, 2019 up to January 31, 2020 and necessary  India’s rank in Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)
directives have been given to ASG (CISF/Police) of World Economic Forum has moved from 65th rank in 2013 to
deployed at the airport. We are indeed grateful to 34th rank in 2019.
the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India
for the consideration. We shall keep you updated in  Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) during the period January- No-
the matter. vember 2019 were 96,69,633 as compared to 93,66,478 in Janu-
ary- November 2018 registering a growth of 3.2%.
We are pursuing the government on key issues.
IATO recommended to remove the cascading ef-  During January- November 2019, a total of 25,51,211 tourist ar-
fect of GST on tour operators and requested that rived on e-Tourist visa as compared to 20,61,511 during Janu-
a deemed value of 10% of gross billing of the tour ary-November 2018, registering a growth of 23.8%.
operator may be considered as the taxable value on
deemed basis. We have requested the Ministry of Fi-  Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) during the period January-
nance for Export Industry Status to be given to our November 2019 wereR`1,88,364 crore as compared to `1,75,407
industry. crore in January- November 2018 registering a growth of 7.4%.

You will be happy to note that presently we are ac-  Development of thematic circuits is being undertaken under the
tively engaged with the authorities to continue giv- Swadesh Darshan Scheme. A total number of 77 projects for an
ing SEIS benefits to tour operators for another 5 amount of `6035.70 crore have been sanctioned till date under
years to enable them to compete in international the Swadesh Darshan Scheme.
markets. We are actively requesting the policy mak-
ers on more aggressive marketing proposals to be  Integrated development of identified pilgrimage destinations
made for the industry for attracting augmented is being undertaken under the ‘National Mission on Pilgrim-
foreign tourists to India, encouraging skill devel- age Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive’
opment programmes to help increase trained man (PRASHAD) Scheme. A total number of 28 projects have been
power for the industry, sanctioned till date for an amount of `840.02 crore under
this scheme.
IATO shall organise skill training programme un-
der the banner of Skill Council for certifications  The ‘Adopt a Heritage: Apni Dharohar, Apni Pehchaan’ project
and Railway Group booking facility for MOT rec- is a collaborative effort by the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of
ognised tour operators. We have requested Minis- Culture and Archaeological Survey of India, State/ UTs Govern-
try of Finance to consider issuance of notification ment for developing tourist amenities at heritage/tourist sites
for implementation of tax refund for the tourists’ and making them tourist friendly, in a planned and phased man-
scheme provided for, under Section 15 of the IGST ner. Ministry of Tourism has signed 27 Memorandum of Under-
Act 2017 – all these are high on our agenda and will standing (MoU's) till date under the Adopt a Heritage project.
greatly benefit our members.

I once again wish you a great season ahead and look

forward to your valued inputs in our luncheon meet-
ings and other pertinent platforms.

– Rajiv Mehra

8 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS


IATO’s milestones in 2019

The year 2019 has been extremely gratifying for IATO as among many, few key recommendations
saw a positive nod from the Government of India, and we are indeed grateful to the authorities for
taking cognisance of industry needs.

AchIEvEMENtS IN withdrawn it will have a negative impact

2019 and the efforts being made by the Minis-
try of Tourism, Government of India to
Reduction in e-Visa fee and increase tourist arrivals will go in vain.
relaxation in e-Visa rules
IATO has been vigorously writing to the Cascading effect of GST
Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Home Af- on tour operator service
fairs and even to PMO for last one year to which need correction
reduce the visa fee, when it was increased Cascading of taxes under GST has been
last year. With its regular follow up and hurting the industry’s margin and busi-
with the support from the Ministry of Tour- WTTCII to raise our concern on every ness to the extent that survival of small
ism, Government of India, e-Tourist visa platform in one voice. players was under threat. IATO recom-
fee has been reduced by the Ministry of mended to remove the cascading effect of
Home Affairs, Government of India and At last our efforts have borne fruit with GST on tour operators, IATO requested
announced the reduction of visa fee from the GST Council in the 37th meeting held that a deemed value of 10% of gross bill-
USD 25 to USD 10 during the lean season on September 20, 2019 at Goa took the de- ing of the tour operators may be consid-
(April –June). cision in favour of tourism and hospital- ered as the taxable value on deemed ba-
ity industry. To reduce the rate of GST on sis. This will allow the service to be taxed
A short duration of e-Visa for tourists outdoor catering services other than in at 18 per cent on the added value as mark
with one-month validity and a visa fee of premises having daily per room tariff of up or commission.
USD 25 has also been introduced for the `7501 from present 18 per cent with ITC
peak season (July- March). This is a steep to 5 per cent without ITC. The rate shall GST rebate/benefits to be
drop from the current e-Visa fee of about be mandatory for all kinds of catering. extended to tourism
USD 80 to USD 100. industry is being given to
the IT industry under
A 5-year e-Tourist visa for a fee of $80 and EXPEctAtIONS IN 2020 export of services
1-year visa for a fee of $40 for Japan, Sin- Our expectations are always in sync with IATO requested the Ministry of Finance
gapore and Sri Lanka. There will be no the needs of our industry and to facilitate that tour operators be given GST rebate/
visa fee for tourists from 14 pacific island the stakeholders. Our major plan area, benefits as a facet of the tourism &
nations belonging to the Forum for India- besides others, encompasses: hospitality industry as are being given
Pacific Island Cooperation (FIPIC). to exporters of goods. The criteria for
Withdrawal of facility determining the place of supply of
GST revised for hotel of airport entry passes services should be uniform between IT
accommodation for the representatives of industry and tour operators industry.
Since the GST was introduced in July tour operators for entry
2017, IATO has been aggressively writ- at the airport
ing to the government to reduce and It came to IATO’s notice that facility of
rationalise GST on tourism and hos- airport entry passes for the tour oper-
pitality industry as this was hamper- ators is being withdrawn from Janu-
ing the growth and Indians were not ary 1, 2020 and passes will be issued
able to compete with the neighbouring for the interim period till December
countries due to higher taxation. IATO 31, 2019. IATO has taken up the
not only approached, the ministers and matter with the Ministry of Tourism,
senior officials in the Ministry of Fi- Secretary Civil Aviation and Director
nance, Commerce and Tourism, it also General, Bureau of Civil Aviation Se-
approached Finance Ministers of all the curity mentioning that airport entry
states who are members of GST Coun- passes are must for the tour opera-
cil. Besides IATO also wrote to all the tors to receive the foreign guests at
Chambers of Commerce i.e. FICCI, CII, the airport and also to ensure their
PHDCII and also through FAITH and safety and security. If this facility is

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 9

Then & Now

10 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

Then & Now

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 11

Taxing Times

Quick tips and updates on GST

The GST council in the 38th meeting announced certain law and procedure changes and rationalised
rate-structure in the proposed recommendations.

T he GST council in the 38th meeting

held on December 18, 2019 proposed
recommendations, announcing certain
change in tax rate

 28% GST rate on both state run and

financial infrastructure plots by an
entity having 20% or more ownership
of central or state government will
law and procedure changes and rational- state authorised lottery with effect be exempted with effect from Janu-
ised rate-structure. The proposed recom- from March 1, 2019. ary 1, 2020. Presently, the exemp-
mendations will be effective from the date  With effect from 1st January 2019, tion is available to an entity having
when relevant notification will be issued 50% or more ownership of central or
by CBIC. state government.

Important proposed recom- Procedural change for

mendations are as follows: departmental officers
Due date for annual
 Input tax credit to the recipient in re- return in FORM GSTR-9 and  A standard operating procedure for
spect of invoices or debit notes that reconciliation statement tax officers would be issued in re-
are not reflected in his FORM GSTR- in FORM GSTR-9C for FY 2017-18 spect of action to be taken in cases of
2A shall be restricted to 10 per cent of non-filing of FORM GSTR-3B returns.
the eligible credit available in respect
to be extended to  Grievance Redressal Committees
of invoices or debit notes reflected in January 31, 2020. (GRC) will be constituted at zonal/
his FORM GSTR-2A. state level with both CGST and SGST
 Due date for annual return in FORM officers, including representatives
GSTR-9 and reconciliation statement of trade and industry and other GST
in FORM GSTR-9C for FY 2017-18 to stakeholders to address grievances of
be extended to January 31, 2020. GST rate on woven and non-woven specific/general nature of taxpayers
bags and sacks of polyethylene or at the zonal/ state level.
Following measures would be taken to polypropylene strips or the like,  To check the menace of fake invoices,
improve filing of FORM GSTR-1: whether or not laminated, of a kind suitable action to be taken for block-
 Waiver of late fee to be given to all used for packing of goods falling un- ing of fraudulently availed input tax
taxpayers in respect of all pending der HS code 3923/6305 will be 18%. credit in certain situations.
FORM GSTR-1 from July 2017 to No-  Upfront amount payable for long term
vember 2019, if the same are filed by lease of industrial/ The Union Budget 2020-2021
January 10, 2020.
will be presented on
 E-way bill for taxpayers who have not
filed their FORM GSTR-1 for two tax February 1, 2020
periods shall be blocked.
 Due date of filing GST returns for
the month of November, 2019 to be
extended in respect of a few North
Eastern States.

Source and credits: GST Expertise

12 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

IATO Album

IATO bids farewell to Suman Billa

To facilitate and acknowledge the contribution of Suman Billa as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tourism,
Government of India and Aashima Mehrotra, Director, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, IATO
organised a farewell for both the officials, where the EC members wished them luck for their new position
and all future endeavours.

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 13

News You Can Use

Special extra baggage Air India restarts Delhi-Varanasi-

rates for the IATO
members by IndiGo
Khajuraho-Varanasi-Delhi flight
I ATO had taken up with Air India to re-
start its daily flight on Delhi-Varanasi-
Khajuraho-Varanasi-Delhi sector and
flights on the above sector as per follow-
ing schedule:-

also had a meeting with Ashwani Lo-  From October 28, 2019 to Novem-
hani, CMD, Air India and other officials ber 10, 2019 – five days in a week
of the airline in June 2019 in his office, (1,2,3,4,6)
to which Lohani agreed to the request.

T he special baggage rates for

foreign tourists booked by IATO
members have been revised. Given
Since then, Air India in its Winter Flight
Schedule from October 28, 2019 to March
28, 2020, has announced operational
. From November 11, 2019 to
March 28, 2020 – seven days in
a week
below are the revised rates which
are applicable with immediate effect Flight No. From Departure To Arrival
(December 12, 2019).
AI406 Delhi 1015 Varanasi 1135
Baggage Revised Rate AI406 Varanasi 1210 Khajuraho 1320
December 12, 2019 AI405 Khajuraho 1355 Varanasi 1440

08 kg INR 1200 AI405 Varanasi 1650 Delhi 1830

15 kg INR 2000
30 kg INR 4000

We request all IATO members to Ladakh tourism budget increases

from ` 55 lakh to ` 200 crore
send their request for special extra
baggage on email id agency.support@
goindigo.in and do not copy mails to
senior officials of IndiGo or make
any telephone calls. In case you find
any problem or want to call, you
T he Union Territory of Ladakh has
increased its tourism budget to `200
crore this year from `55 lakh earlier when
budget would be used to create new tour-
ism products and infrastructure in the UT.

can speak with Rajesh Kapoor, it was only a district in the erstwhile Jam- The event saw the stakeholders present-
Senior Manager-Sales Support, mu & Kashmir state, revealed RK Ma- ing the tourism products of Ladakh to
IndiGo on +91-124-4352500 and +91 thur, Lieutenant Governor, Ladakh, while the travel and tour operators in Delhi.
9811172898 or call customer care. speaking at the special ‘Ladakh Night’ Some of the dignitaries present at the
organised by the Administration of UT event were Rigzin Samphel, Commercial
of Ladakh Tourism Department and All Secretary, Tourism, Ladakh and Ja-
Visa on arrival to Ladakh Travel Association stakeholders.
He also revealed that the newly allocated
myang Tsering Namgyal, Member of
Parliament, Ladakh.
nationals of the
Republic of UAE NCRPB prepares for Regional Plan-2041
U AE nationals will have access
to a 60-day visa on arrival, with
double entry for business, tourism,
conference and medical purposes. IATO President
According to Bureau of Immigration, addressed the
workshop on
the visa on arrival facility, however, Tourism & Heritage,
will only be available to those organised by NCRPB
for preprarion of
Emiratis who have earlier obtained Regional Plan-2041 for
an e-Visa or paper visa to visit India. NCR on January 6.

IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting now rescheduled on

January 17 at Le Meridien. Earlier, it was scheduled to
take place on January 8.

14 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

News You Can Use

Congress of Association of Finnish Validity of airport

Travel Agents to be held in India entry passes extended
till January 31, 2020
A meeting held on November
13, 2019 under the chair-
Finnair flight and thus it is an
important market for tour op-
personship of Director Gen-
eral (Tourism), Government
of India to discuss regarding
erators. It was also suggested
that IATO needs to know
the profile of the travel
T he Bureau of Civil Aviation
Security has extended the
validity of Airport Entry Passes
holding an annual congress of agents who would visit In- (AEPs) for tour operators till
Association of Finnish Travel dia, whether they are January 31, 2020 and necessary
Agents in India in April 2021. inbound, outbound, MICE directives have been given to ASG
Ravi Gosain
Ravi Gosain, Hony. Treas- Hony. Treasurer, IATO and also what they are ex- (CISF/Police) deployed at the airport.
urer represented IATO in the pecting from IATO. Based According to an earlier directive,
meeting. MOT, GOI had invited on that, MOT, GOI will pre- the passes were discontinued after
IATO and asked if this is important pare a questionnaire and send to December 31, 2019. IATO has been
for tour operators. On behalf of IATO, the Finnish Travel Agents Associa- for about 5 months following up
Gosain had mentioned that around tion. DG tourism suggested that IATO with the Minister of Civil Aviation
25000 Finnish travellers visit India should take the lead and organise the and Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil
as per the data, there is also a direct event in India. Aviation Government of India as the
airport entry passes were going to
be discontinued and it would have
A Vietnamese delegation led by Pham Tri Dung, caused trouble to tour operators
in handling their foreign clients.
First Secretary – Economic Section, Vietnam visited IATO office Now that the guidelines/procedure
on November 20, 2019 and discussed bilateral tourism and for the airport entry passes is
travel ties. IATO also met Ethiopian minister on November 28 being revised by the Ministry of
Civil Aviation (MoCA), IATO has
where the concept of a Fam trip to explore the opportunities requested the ministry to continue
for cross exchange in tourism was mooted. issuing of airport entry passes to
the tour operators under the revised
guidelines for which necessary

Third meeting of the National

information as required by the MoCA
has been given, which includes
training of staff, number of passes

Tourism Advisory Council (NTAC) to be given to the tour operators

and the list of MOT recognised
tour operators (submitted by the
Ministry of Tourism).

IATO writes to
Finance Minister
IATO has written Smt. Nirmala
Sitharaman, Finance Minister,
Government of India and Chairman,
GST Council, on the following issues:

T hird meeting of the National Tour-

ism Advisory Council (NTAC) held
on October 4, 2019 at VIP Lounge,
development of skills in the form of
Paryatak Sahyog. Licence may be giv-
en to new airlines to make up for the
• Practice followed by IRCTC
treating tour operators as their
pure agents is incorrect under
Paryatan Parv, Rajpath Lawns, loss of air seats due to Jet Airways GST Law.
New Delhi. The meeting was grounding, which in turn will help re- • Request IRCTC to raise 5 per cent
attended by members of NTAC and duce airfare and positive news may be GST invoice for tour operators as
senior officers of the Ministry of Tour- publicised and any negative news principal service providers and
ism. During the meeting, Pranab propagated in different countries/ enable them to avail ITC under
Sarkar, President, IATO suggested agencies regarding Article 370 may be GST Law.
that the Ministry should focus on properly countered.

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 15

Updates & Activites

Special Hosted Buyer IATO Activities

Programme at OTM Participation and quick updates
for IATO members
Throughout 2019, IATO and its members engaged in multiple
O utbound Travel Market (OTM)
is being held in Mumbai from activities and participated in various roadshows, trade events,
February 3-5, 2020 at the Mumbai travel marts and other gatherings. Here are the quick updates to
Exhibition Centre. To facilitate IATO
members to visit OTM 2020, it has various invitations, participation and activities.
launched a Special Hosted Buyer
Programme for the IATO members on  Spain - FITUR, Madrid, January  IATO members invited to attend
a first-come-first-served basis. 22-26, 2020 around 23 IATO mem- NICE reception programme on
bers to participate. December 5, 2019 by PATA Nepal
Members who are interested can apply  IATO members invited to attend Chapter.
for the Hosted Buyer Programme Destination East, an international  Information received to attend
with special privileges such as 100 tourism buyer seller meets organ- Know India Seminar on December
per cent refund of the registration fee ised by CII in Kolkata on January 1 from India Tourism, Dubai.
for qualified members, networking 13-14, 2020.  Invitation received for all
meals, hotel accommodation and  Department of Tourism, Govern- IATO members to attend Ek
reimbursement of return air tickets. ment of Rajasthan invited IATO Bharat Shreshtra Bharat on
A circular to this effect has been sent members to attend and promote November 28 in New Delhi from
on December 13, 2019. the Camel Festival from January India Tourism, Delhi.
11-13, 2019 in Bikaner, Rajasthan.  Sambandh PR appointed as IATO’s
50 complimentary rooms for IATO PR agency on 28th November.
members offered for two nights on  IATO members invited to attend
CPAI basis. Matasya Utsava in Alwar from

Any issues
 Request received from India Tourism, November 23-26, 2019.
London regarding participation in  8th International Travel Mart in

you want to
travel fairs UK, Ireland and Benelux Imphal, Manipur from Novem-
countries during January/February ber 23–25, 2019 by the Ministry
2020 and participation of stake hold- of Tourism, Government of India.

talk about ?
ers as co-exhibitors. Circular were IATO members participated and
sent to members. Interested mem- handled FTOs in Delhi and Ma-
bers can send names directly to India nipur.
Tourism, London.  Fam trip to Paraguay from Novem-
Write to us at  Rajiv Mehra, Vice President, ber 13-19, 2019. 4 IATO members
IATO along with Capt. Swadesh participated.
iato@ddppl.com Kumar, President, ATOAI and  Ministry of Tourism, Government
and make us your mouthpiece. Amaresh Tiwari, Vice Chair- of India organised roadshows in
man, ICPB called on Suman China from November 12-14, 2019
We will make sure that Sharma, Additional Director Gen- in which 23 IATO members par-
you are heard. eral of Foreign Trade, Govern- ticipated.
ment of India regarding SEIS on  IATO members participated in the
December 17. The matter was dis- Northeast festival organised at
cussed at length and suitable action IGNCA, Janpath, New Delhi from
is being taken by IATO for submitting November 8-10, 2019.
the document which she requires.  IATO members were invited to
• FITUR January 22-26 Madrid  IATO members invited by PHDCCI participate in Run For Unity on
for the 3rd PHD Golf Tourism Con- 31st Oct, 2019 in Dwarka and Gha-
• OTM February 3-5 Mumbai
clave and Tournament in Jaipur ziabad.
• ITB March 4-8 Berlin from December 12-13.  IATO Goa Chapter Meet held on Oc-
• MITT March 17-19 Moscow  IATO conducted a Digital Market- tober 24, 2019 in Goa. Ravi Gosain,
• COTTM April 1-3 Beijing ing programme in Ahmedabad on Honorary Treasurer, IATO along
December 6-7, 2019. with other EC members addressed
• ITB INDIA April 15-17 Mumbai  IATO members invited to at- the meeting and took stock of the con-
• GITB April 19-21 Jaipur tend PATA Tourism Powerhouse dition specially after facing setback
• ATM April 19-22 Dubai on December 6 by the PATA India by the charter operations of
Chapter. Thomas Cook.

16 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

IATO Album

Educational Tour

Children visit Ambassador Sky Chef

In a bid to educate and motivate the youth, IATO organised an educational tour for the children of its
members on December 28, 2019 to Ambassador Sky Chef, New Delhi to make them aware about the
hospitality facilities used in the industry. A total of 32 children between the age group of 12 to 18 years
participated. Organised by the Committee for Cultural, Social Events, Sports/ Recreation activities comprising,
Sunil Mishra, Sanjay Razdan, Sanath Kai Suri, Atul Mahajan, Saransh Gupta, and Manish Saini,
the team was led by P. Vijaysarathy, EC, Liaison.

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 17

Members Rendezvous

New Membership
Holiday 2 Andaman Corporate &
Leisure Travels Pvt. Ltd.
Anand Kishen Niwas 1st Floor, Shop No –II,
Opp Jama Masjid, Vijay Baugh Road,
Approved w.e.f. October 10, 2019 Jungli Ghat, Port Blair -744103
Tel: 03192-235577
Email: holiday2andaman@gmail.com
ACTIVE Alpha2 Omega Travels LLP Web: www.holiday2andaman.in
221, The Galleria, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1 Santosh Kumar, Director
Rajasthan’s Invitation Travels Pvt. Ltd. Extension, New Delhi- 110091 (M) 9679545107
UG-36, Crown plaza, Vaishali Nagar Tel: 011-41053444
Jaipur-302021 Email: info@alpha2omega.co Hospitality Tycoon
Tel: 0141-4032162 Geeta Sirpaul, GM–Operations C-184, Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi-110048
Email: spain@indiasinvitation.com (M) 9811210844 Tel: 011-41084298
Web: www.indiaisinvitation.com Email: akshay.sharma@hospitalitytycoonz.in
Abhishek Shekhawat, Director Web: www.hospitalitytycoonz.in
Crystal India Holidays Akshay Sharma, Director
Mobile: 9829247544 49-B, LIG Flats, Madhuban, Enclave Madipur (M) 9654377738
New Delhi-110063
Active (Change of Status)
Seven Sisters Holidays
Tel: 011-41001163 i4u Travel Services
Email: crystalindiaholidays@gmail.com 106, Rajul Landmark, Russel Square,
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, 2nd Floor Web: www.crystalindiaholidays.com
Above Punjab National Bank Opp. Jabalpur Hospital, Jabalpur-482002
Mr. Amit Narang, Proprietor Tel: 0761-2450488, 2977971
Imphal- 795001 (M) 9311016363
Tel: 0385- 2443977, 2443979 Email: conact@i4utravels.com
Email: 7sistersholidays@gmail.com Web: www.i4utravels.com
Web: www.sevensistersholidays.com Deepak Travels Souvik Banerjee, Director
H. Radhakrishna Sharma, Partner 23/33, New Jagnath Plot, Yagnik Road, Behind
Indior Tours Pvt. Ltd.
hrksharma@gmail.com Harony Hospital, Rajkot-360001
M-8, Bhagat Singh Market, Connaught Place
(M) 9706123401 Tel: 0281-2483469-70
New Delhi-110001
Email : info@deepaktravels.co.in
Tel: (M) 9311463467, 9868365247
Incredible Indian Moments Pvt. Ltd. Web: www.deepaktravels.co.in
Email: pd@indior.com
S-207, Time Square, Vidhyadhar Nagar Deepak K. Rathod, CEO
Web: www.indiortours.com
Jaipur-302 039 (M) 9824208487
Divya Lahad, Director
Tel : 0141-2339668, 2337137
Email : info@indianmoments.com Exotic Escapes India Pvt. Ltd. Priya Travels
Web: www.indianmoments.com 10-C, DCM Building, 16, Barakhamba Road Raj Apartment Ground Floor, 49, Gurupada
Pankaj Sharma, Director New Delhi-110001 Halder Road, Kolkata- 700026
ceo@indianmoments.com Tel: 011-40455831, 47055931 Tel: 033-40069199, 24769199
(M) 9414064040 Email: sameer.mahajan@exoticescapes.in Email: care@priyatravels.in
Sameer Mahajan, Director Web: www.priyatravels.in
Terra World Travel (India) Pvt. Ltd. (M) 9810502802 Abhisek Singh, Proprietor
First Floor Shop No.2, CSC Market | (M) 9831569934/9432269934
C-8 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi- 110070 Go Holidays Satge 3
Tel: 011-26125550-51-52, Fax : 011-26125552 10, Saishwar Apt., 580 Narayan Peth, HDFC
83/52, Sri Kalyan Square, 3rd Floor, Pantheon
Email: ops@terraworldtravel.com Bank Building, Ramanbaug Chowk,
Road, Egmore, Chennai-600008
Web : www.terraworldtravel.com Pune- 411030
Tel: 011-42147719
Mrs. Nandini Lohia, Managing Director Tel: 020 24469222
Email: stage3chennai@yahoo.com
(M) 9811173769 Email: domestic@goholidays.in
Web: www.goholidays.in
Web: www.stage3eventz.com
Ashwini Makarand Angal, Proprietor
Sunttosh NM, Proprietor
ALLIED (M) 8805021658
(M) 9840055657

All India Packages Go India Vacation Pvt. Ltd. SB International Tours and Travels
No. 39, 1st Pillayar, Koil Street, C-51, 2nd Floor, Malviya Nagar, Near Laxmi CH - 26 4th Main 5th Cross Manjunath Plaza
Ekkaduthan Gal, Chennai- 600032 Narayan Mandir, New Delhi- 110017 Saraswathipuram
Tel: 044-49521408 Tel: 011-46626000 Mysore – 570009
Email: allindiapackage@gmail.com Email: raj@globalodyesey.com Tel: 0821-4244490
Web: www.allindiapackages.com Web: www.globalodyssey.co Email: sbittravels@gmail.com
Mr. S. Mohyadeen Abdul Kader, Director Raj Gupta, Director Web: www.sbittravels.co.in
(M) 9840461767 (M) 9811461819 Shantkumar Biradar, Managing Director

18 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

Members Rendezvous

New Membership
Shiv Vilas Resorts Pvt. Ltd.
NH.No.-08 Jaipur Highway, Kukas, Jaipur
Tel: 0141-2531100
Email: info@shiv-vilas.in
Web: www.shiv-vilas.in
Prathvi Raj Sharma, Director Approved w.e.f. November 14, 2019
(M) 9829063098

Silent Leopard Tours & Travels ALLIED

UGF-1 to 4, Plot #1 Ansal Classique Tower
Block-J, Community Centre, Rajouri Garden Affordable Tours N Travels Email: humantripindia@gmail.com,
New Delhi-110027 Office No.8, First Floor, Sarnath Complex, humantripindia.bookings@gmail.com
Tel: (M) 9311987447 Opp. Board Office, M.P, Naga Web: www.humantripindia.in
Email: info@silentleopard.com Bhopal-462016 Philippe Malet, Partner
Web: www.silentleopard.com Tel :0755-4929222 (M) 9827239502 (M) 9840472440
Vaishali Shaw, Director Email: affordabletoursntravels@gmail.com
(M) 9311987447 Web: www.affordabletoursntravels.com Imperial Voyages Pvt. Ltd.
Rajendra Bajaj, Proprietor
Travbuddies Tours and Travels Pvt. Ltd. 233, Pocket- E, Mayur Vihar, Phase-II
(M) 9827239502
003 SLV Homes, 8th Cross, 10th Main Delhi- 110091
Maruthinagar, Malleshpalya (M) 8800333500
Bangalore-560075 Airtrips
2nd Floor, Spencer Plaza, Burdwan Road Email: info@imperialvoyages.com
Tel: (M) 974222252, 9611929000 Web: www.imperialvoyages.com
Email: info@travbuddiesindia.com Siliguri- 734005
(M) 9609796097 Avadhesh Narayan Mishra, Director
Web: www.travbuddiesindia.com
Email: info@airtrips.in avadesh.n.mishra@gmail.com
Tapas Panda, Director
Web: www.airtrips.in (M) 9810097505
Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. Rahul Kumar Rustagi, Partner Amit Mishra, Director
262, Ground Floor, Opp. Satnam Farm House, rahul@airtrips.in amit@imperialvoyages.com
Lane No.4, Saidulajab Near Saket Metro (M) 9609596096 (M) 981007503
Station, New Delhi-110030
Tel: 011-20860916 Coterie Tours Pvt. Ltd.
Email: info@travelfairindia.com
Passoinindia Tours
S-4, Malhan Plaza, Plot No.-5, F-7, First Floor, Unit No.-19, Kalkaji
Web: www.travelfairindia.com Pocket-7, Sector-12 Dwarka
Rohit Singh, Director New Delhi -110019
New Delhi-110078
(M) 9811222320 Tel: 011-40810468
Tel: 011- 43081818
Travelorr-A Unit of Excelorr Services Email: ranjan@coterietours.com
Web: www.passoinindia.com
7A1, 7th Floor, Mainaak Towers, Beside Web: www.coterietours.com
Ranjan Kumar Jain, Director Amandeep Singh, Proprietor
Aayakar, Bhawan, Christian Basti, G.S Road,
(M) 9899262242 (M) 9711821991
Guwahati – 781005
Tel: 0361-2340101
Email: nileshjain@travelorr.com Destination Asia Tattva Journeys LLP
Web: www.travelorr.com Pocket B, 4117, 5 & 6, Vasant Kunj F-28, Medha Apartment, Mayur Vihar,
Nilesh Jain, Director New Delhi- 110070 Phase-1, Delhi- 110091
(M) 9833407234 Tel: 011-261301775 (M) 9811783768 Tel: 011-40591595, 42058095
Email: destin2asia@yahoo.co.in Email: nitin@thetattva.com
Wildlife Explorer India Pvt. Ltd. Web: www.destinationasia.org
GL-13, 208, Second Floor, Hari Nagar Jail Road Web: www.thetattva.com
Narendra Singh Naruka, Proprietor Nitin Budhaulia, Partner
New Delhi-110058 (M) 9811783768
Tel: 011-45541946 (M) 9810712498
Email: balvinder@wildlifeexplorerindia.com
Discover Nature Holidays
Web: www.wildlifeexplorerindia.com
Welkin House Opp. Khyber Thousand Island Hotels and Resorts
Balvinder Singh, Director Pvt. Ltd.
Medical Institute Khyam Road, Srinagar
9818147830 A-805, Sapath-IV, Opp. Karnavati Club,
Tel: 0194-480330
Email: info@discovernatureholidays.com S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad-380051
Yoho Travels Pvt. Ltd. Web: www.discovernatureholidays.com Tel: 02877-281000
1st Floor, Bhogal Complex, Veer Savarkar Masood Ahmad Shangloo, Proprietor Fax: 02877-281099
Block, Shakarpur, Near Nirman Vihar, (M) 9810014108 Email: sales@1000island.in, veerendra.
Delhi-110092 parashar@1000island.in
Tel: 011- 40307777 Human Trip India Web: www.1000island.in
Email: sales@yohotravels.com No.245, Sathyavani Muthu Nagar, Veerendra Parashar,
Web: www.yohotravels.com Pallavan Salai, Chennai-600 002 Director of Sales & Marketing
Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Director Tel: 044-25386251 (M) 9789816451 (M) 722693001

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 19

IATO Album

Luncheon meet at The Suryaa

In its monthly luncheon meeting organised at The Suryaa - Delhi, IATO invited its taxation consultant,
SC Kamra to give a presentation on changes made by the government on Reverse Charge Mechanism
(RCM). The EC also welcomed the new CMD of ITDC, G Kamala Vardhana Rao.

20 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

Budget 2020-21

IATO’s budget recommendations

A meeting was held at Transport Bhawan under the Chairmanship of Rupinder Brar, Additional
Director General (Tourism), Ministry of Tourism, Government of India on November 27, 2019, where
major recommendations were made by IATO.

Treat inbound tourism as tourist/ foreign tour operator) which is IGST exemption
export of services applicable for IT Industry.
Very often foreign tourists visiting India
The parameters/definition of 'export of Cascading effect of GST include their tour to Nepal, Bhutan, Sri
services' may be relaxed in the case of Lanka and other neighbouring countries.
tour operators and the services of tour The backbone of GST system is based In such tours, IGST is payable on the
operators earning foreign exchange on the principle that there is no double entire package cost including services
for the country may be ac- taxation/multiple taxation, whereas provided in the neighbouring country. It
corded with the status tourism is suffering from cascading ef- is necessary that the cost of services pro-
of 'export of services' fect of GST on various input services viz. vided outside India should not suffer GST
paving the way for non- hotel, transport, professionals, office even if package includes India tour. At
payment of IGST on bill- rent, maintenance of office and office present, IGST is exempted only when ser-
ing to the foreign tourists equipment etc. vices are provided to a foreign tourist for
/foreign tour operators. organising his tour wholly outside India.
On one hand, the government has fixed There is a need to relax this parameter
For this purpose, the criteria 5% GST for tour operators, on the other so that in a composite tour, portion of the
of 'place of supply' of services hand, input tax credit on input services tour organised outside India should also
based on its performance as has been withdrawn except services of be exempted from IGST.
specified in section 13(3)(b) counterpart tour operators in the same
of IGST Act may also be ex- line of business. The ill effects of denial A pre-budget consultation on issues
cepted / made inapplicable for of ITC and cascading effect of taxes of direct and indirect taxes for
tour operators operating in the needs to be addressed by the Finance Union Budget 2020-21 took place
country. The 'place of supply' Ministry and the concerned policy
on December 4, 2019 at the North
of services of tour operators makers so that requite framework is
should be linked with the loca- put in place that the tourism industry is
Block, where IATO also pushed
tion of the recipient (foreign looking for. forward its recommendations.

IATO SPEAKS December 2019 21

In Conversation

IITF goes digital from Jan 1, 2020

The first module of Incredible India Tourist Facilitator (IITF) certification commenced from January 1,
2020 shares Meenakshi Sharma, Director General – Tourism, Government of India.

T he Incredible India Tourist Fa-

cilitator Certification
programme aims to create an online
information and offering a wholesome
experience to tourists coming to India,”
she reveals.
platform to provide training and certi-
fication to new age tourist facilitators The certification programme com-
available anytime, anywhere, any de- prises of basic and advance self-paced
vice and self-paced. Enabling Indian courses designed in a manner that the
citizens to develop and enhance the users can learn at their own time,
skills associated with tourism, this is a space, path and pace. The certification
digital initiative where one can incorpo- programme comprises of basic, ad-
rate knowledge about facilitating tour- vance, refresher and lingual self-paced
ists across the country. courses. Being a centralised, PAN-India
e-learning module, the course delves on
The tourism sector is highly depend- skill development.
ent on skill development, claims
Meenakshi Sharma. “We all know that “It is already online and the payment
tourism is one sector that provides em- Meenakshi Sharma, Director General, MOT gateways opened on December 20. The
ployment to many people, right from first module starts from January 1,
the top of the line to the lowest level, 2020. We already have this programme
and across all sectors including hospi- in English and Hindi, and we are work-
tality, travel operators, and guides. ing with state governments to provide
MOT will promote the programme this programme in other regional lan-
Hence, in order to meet the demand of on social media and offline guages as well. The best part is that
the industry and fill the gap, Ministry this course can be done at any level,”
channels and will also organise
of Tourism (MOT) has launched the she explains.
‘Incredible India Tourist Facilitator’ workshops at the state level.
(IITF) certification, which would cre- Going forward, MOT will develop MOT will promote the programme on
ate and give them the required skills. If an e-marketplace as well. social media and offline channels, and
anybody wants to know about an expe- will also organise workshops at the
rience or a destination, they can do this state level. Going forward, MOT will
through an online learning manage- develop an e-marketplace, which will
ment system. It can be done full-time be accessible by individual travellers
or part-time, in the remotest parts of This is something that can bridge as well.
the country. the gap, in at least providing tourist
The programme aspires to reach out
to a far-flung audience encompassing a

Who can enrol for the certification? diversity of candidates ranging from an
enthusiastic student who has recently
qualified for higher secondary to an

W hile the strategic partner

for IITF is Wipro, IITTM
Noida is the knowledge partner and
residents of J&K and Ladakh.
The minimum qualification for
taking up the programme is 10+2.
ambitious homemaker willing to grasp
tourist facilitation skills from the com-
fort of their home.
the course has also been designed by However, for applicants above the
them. MOT has already received 7,500 age of 40, a 10th class certificate is
queries for the course, and they are also valid. MOT has also set up a
targeting around 20,000 registrations dedicated helpline for applicants. Registration, user manual
in the first month of commencement There is a refresher programme and more details about the
of the programme. for regional-level guides; they don’t
have to do the beginners programme
programme is available
The course fee is `2,000, which and automatically qualify for the on IITFC's portal,
is exempted for SC/ST/OBC and learners’ course. www.iitf.gov.in

22 December 2019 IATO SPEAKS

IATO's widespread presence
across the country with its state chapters

Jammu & Kashimir Chapter


Punjab Chapter
(Ludhiana) Ladakh

Himachal Chapter
Haryana & Chandigarh (Shimla) North East Chapter
Chapter (Guwahati)
IATO Headquarter
Rajasthan Chapter Sikkim & North
Bengal Chapter
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh
& Uttarakhand

Madhya Pradesh
Chapter (Bhopal)
West Bengal Chapter

Odisha Chapter
Gujarat Chapter Chapter (Bhubaneswar)
(Ahmedabad) (Mumbai)

Andhra Pradesh &

Goa Chapter Telangana Chapter
(Panaji) Karnataka (Hyderabad)

Tamil Nadu, Puducherry &

Andaman & Nicobar Chapter

Kerala Chapter

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