Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Tertiary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Tertiary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Tertiary Treatment
Primary Treatment
Secondary Treatment
Tertiary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment
Removal of waste water constituents
such as rags, sticks, floatable grit, and
grease that may cause maintenance or
operational problem with the
treatment operations.
Remove heavy inorganic solids such as sand and gravel as well as metal or glass.
These objects are called grit.
Preliminary Treatment
Preliminary treatment consists of following units
• Screening For removal of floating matter.
• Grit Chamber For removal of sand and grits.
• Comminuters For grinding large size suspended solids
• Floatation Units For removal of oil and grease
• Skimming Tanks A skimming tank is a chamber so arranged that the
floating matter like oil, fat, grease etc., rise and remain on the surface of
the waste water (Sewage) until removed, while the liquid flows out
continuously under partitions
Primary Treatment
Removal of a portion of the suspended
solids and organic matter from
the wastewater.
Advanced Primary Treatment
Enhanced removal of suspended
solids and organic matter from the
wastewater. Typically
accomplished by chemical
addition or filtration known as
Coagulation and Flocculation.
Primary Treatment
Primary treatment consists of following
• Sedimentation Primary Settling Tanks
• Coagulation Secondary Settling Tank
• Flocculation
Sedimentation is a water treatment process using gravity to
remove suspended particles from water.
Ponds constructed for the purpose of removing entrained solids
by sedimentation.
In coagulation, we add a chemical such as alum which produces positive
charges to neutralize the negative charges on the particles. Then the
particles can stick together, forming larger particles which are more easily
Flocculation means to form flocs. It can be described as a physical or a
mechanical process in which the coagulated clumps or flocs are joined
together to form masses as a cloud and then a precipitate.
Coagulation basically refers flocculation means to form
to a chemical process in flocs. It can be described as a
physical or a mechanical
which the destabilization of process in which the coagulated
non-settleable particles clumps or flocs are joined
takes place. These together to form masses as a
particles form clumps with cloud and then a precipitate.
the help of a coagulant.
Secondary Treatment
Removal of biodegradable organic
and suspended solids. Disinfection is
also typically included in the
definition of conventional secondary
Secondary Treatment with
Nutrient Removal
Removal of biodegradable
organics, suspended solids, and
nutrients (nitrogen phosphorus, or
both nitrogen and phosphorus)
Secondary Treatment
Secondary Treatment Process for Wastewater
• Aeration Systems
• Biological Treatment Systems
Al <20%
Mo <20%
As <20%
Pb 20-50%
Mn 20-50%
Ag 20-50%
Cd >50%
Fe >50%
Cr >50%
Classification of Stabilization Ponds
Stabilization ponds may be aerobic, anaerobic or facultative.
Aerobic ponds are shallow ponds with depth less than 0.5
m so as to maximize penetration of light throughout the
liquid depth. Such ponds develop intense algal growth.
Anaerobic ponds are used as pre-treatment of high
strength wastes. Such ponds are constructed with a depth
of 2.5-5m as light penetration is unimportant.