Emergency Lighting Supply Unit Ceaguard 48: 1at 2at

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Emergency Lighting

Supply Unit
CeaGuard 48

L N PE 220/240V50/60Hz


42 PE
11 12 PE 41

0- 0-



hPb 2.5AT 6.3AT 6.3AT 6.3AT 6.3AT

CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH 5/1

CeaGuard 48

The CeaGuard 48 emergency lighting

supply unit is exceptionally suited for use
in areas that must be installed per segre-
gated fire zone.
Due to their compact dimensions, the
covers can easily be installed. When using
CEAG exit and emergency luminaires with
the CEWA GUARD monitoring station, a
cost-cutting emergency lighting system at
very low maintenance cost can be realized.
The CEWA GUARD individual monitoring
system tests all functions of the cover and
of the connected emergency luminaires
fully automatically so that the
operativeness of the emergency lighting
systems is reliably ensured at all times.
The picture of an optimized and low cost
emergency lighting system is rounded
off by central monitoring facilities to
which, depending on the design, up to
256 CeaGuard 48 emergency lighting
supply units can be connected and

■ High safety level due to

decentralized configuration
■ Display texts adapted to the
respective national language
■ Installation per segregated
storey or fire zone
■ Fully automatic
CEWA GUARD function
monitoring system
■ Emergency luminaires
■ Freely programmable control
■ Energy-saving and favourable
cost due to optimized lighting
engineering in conjunction with
maximum possible monitoring
■ Patented charge monitoring

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Assets of the Automatic
Individual Monitoring for
Emergency Lighting Systems

Emergency lighting costs

Reliable light in an emergency situation or
a mains fail condition! That feature of an
emergency lighting system means a more
to safety. But nobody is ready to accept
unreasonably high costs to meet that
requirement. And the costs of emergency
lighting can be quite considerable. You do
not only have to consider the initial
spendings, but also the operating costs
that are generally even higher in the long-
term (see graph). They depend on the
national regulations concerning tests,
inspection and maintenance.
Apart from the national requirements,
considerations concerning the most
favourable solution to a project should take
into account another two major cost
factors, namely energy costs and the
combined service, maintenance
Emergency lighting requires a well thought-out and inspection requirements.
CEAG’s experience and know-how are at
your disposal.
Burj Al Arab, Dubai

Luminaires + Energy- Visual Routine Lamps Maintenance

back-up systems consumption check test Battery

Capital Energy costs Labour costs Labour costs Lamp/battery Labour costs
function/duration test
expense visual check replacements for maintenance

Labour costs Maintenance

for testing costs

costs Time

Lighting system costs t

FT = Function test
DT = Duration test

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Assets of the Automatic
Individual Monitoring for
Emergency Lighting Systems

Energy costs
All CEAG emergency luminaires and
systems are designed so that a reliable
and optimum illumination is achieved
at a minimized energy consumption.
State-of-the-art electronics and
microprocessors permit the use of
electronic high-frequency ballasts in all
emergency luminaires.
The graph below illustrates the ratio of
the energy consumption with conventional
ballasts (KVG) (WG) and electronic
high-frequency ballasts (EVG). Each emergency luminaire is important. It protects life and health.
Due to the savings in energy costs
(approx. 35 %) and other assets of the
high-frequency ballasts (burn-in tested, Service, maintenance and Maintained mode Non-maintained
inspection mode
min. 100,000 service hours, prolonged
lamp service life, no stroboscopic effect, When an emergency lighting system is put
low power loss in mains operation), into operation, it is in perfect condition.
this solution has become the standard for Would that luminaire
What, however, counts more, is its reliable operate in case of a
all emergency lighting applications. functioning in case of emergency, mains failure?
CEAG luminaires with high-frequency regardless of whether that happens after
ballasts reduce energy costs in mains 4 weeks or 5 years. Maintenance, service Approx. 75 % of all luminaires installed operate
and battery operation. and inspection are the prerequisite for that in non-maintained mode.
reliability. That is, of course, expensive.
Lamps and batteries must be replaced.
Apart from regular visual checks, all
luminaires must be submitted to function
G and duration Tests. Test data and system-
G related information must be documented
in a log book. CEAG emergency power
supply systems with CEWA GUARD
G 9W
G functions considerably simplify mainte-
Total current rating
of an 8 W fluorescent nance,service and inspection and thereby
lamp provide for a distinct reduction
of costs.
Power loss of ballasts EV

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What CeaGuard 48 Stands for

CEWA GUARD is a self-testing and changes of the status and passes infor- – continuous monitoring of charging unit
monitoring system. The concept that mation to an overriding monitoring and and battery
was developed in 1979, has continually display system. – periodical function test of all components
been updated to reflect the most recent (e. g. lamps, high-frequency electronic
technical standards. It has a long Some of the CEWA GUARD ballasts)
successful track record. functions that are incorporated – periodical duration tests (e. g. yearly)
To make this system as efficient as – Display of any function failures
in our CeaGuard 48 system:
possible and to minimize costs during – Display of all relevant status information
installation, we have adopted the 2L CG – Logging and/or printout of all system-
(two-wire CEWA GUARD) technology. related data (failures, tests, status)
That means only one cable for:
– AC 230/240 V, 50/60 Hz power supply
– DC 220 V power supply
– data transmission
230/240 V AC
No additional shielded cables are required 50/60 Hz
to operate the system. The short-
circuit-proof L/N connection provides L I L I
for a safe and reliable functioning of the N N I
The backbone and brain of the system 220 V DC +
is a microprocessor which controls and Data transfer
monitors all functions, stores any

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What CeaGuard 48 Stands for

The CEWA GUARD system is flexible with system, for example the CeaGuard 48. In such circumstances, the use of a central
regard to the number and type of lumi- The test confirms the faultless operation of monitoring station which checks and logs
naires and to the back-up system. Our lamps, charging unit and batteries. The each luminaire and each CeaGuard 48, is
emergency luminaires with CEWA GUARD results are displayed via LEDs and a far more economical.
monitoring functions comply with the two-line LCD display in plain text. For such use, options like the controller
directives of EN 60598-2-22 and The duration or battery test (BT) is and the CG monitoring and programming
89/336/EEC EMC. generally automatically performed once facility are available.
Luminaires that are connected to the a year.
mains supply via the back-up system, The time reached and a duration below
operate as completely self-contained the required value are displayed. Failure
and independent system components. displays are helpful to the maintenance
The mains connected processor regularly staff, since they reduce the time for
checks the voltage of the battery set. It troubleshooting considerably, and
checks the battery and charging unit circuit simultaneously increase the safety level.
every minute and displays any failure In larger buildings the individual test of the
immediately. CeaGuard 48 emergency power supply
A function test of all luminaires connected units does not make sense for reasons of
to the system is automatically released by time and costs.
the processor and repeated periodically,
e. g. once per month. During the function
test (FT) the mains supply will be inter-
rupted, and all connected luminaires
will be fed from the battery of the supply

The CeaGuard 48 emergency supply

unit represents the first fully monitored
emergency supply system with low
power consumption of small compact
design, which, despite its small
dimensions, offers all assets of the
large systems. Completely monitored
– Down to the last luminaire
Installation and maintenance – Automatic function test of each luminaire
– No additional data cable required – Failures are displayed at one central
– Minimized installation, service and point and can be eliminated immediately
maintenance effort – System failures are reported so that the
– The replacement of one battery block operativeness of the whole system is
saves replacing up to 48 single ensured at all times.
NiCd accumulators.
Environmental protection and
Savings emergency lighting
– Electronic ballasts reduce the energy – Standard NiCd accumulators used with
consumption also in mains operation the self-contained luminaires can
– Specific maintenance due to automatic increase environmental pollution.
central failure message – It makes more sense to use
– No additional installation effort required maintenance-free lead accumulators
(2-wire technique) with a recycling rate of >96 %.
Supply and fully automatic function – Extended lamp service life
monitoring of max. 48 CEAG – No elaborate manual checks
emergency luminaires (SL/RZ) 4-8 – Automatic function and duration tests
Watt from one panel.
Optinal 1, 2 or 3 h operation.
Automatic display of faulty luminaires.

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Motherboard with Control
Module, Charging Module and
Changeover Facilities

The freely programmable control LEDs indicate the following

module with two-line liquid crystal operational states:
display and constant memory back-up
has two main functions:

– monitoring and control of all test cycles The automatic function test
and functions which is generally performed
– display in plain text of the panel every seven days, and the
and luminaire functions (operation duration test which is
Mains voltage
or failure) generally performed every
12 months, can be freely
The two-line display indicates: t programmed depending on
– battery voltage the respective national
– battery charge current Battery operation regulation.
– battery discharge current during
the test run or emergency operation
– charge failure
– luminaire failure Luminaire or system
In the event of a mains fail condition or a
summary failure, an integrated acoustic
alarm can be activated.

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Battery and
Charging Technology

Environmentally friendly battery

H2 O2 – Battery service life > five years
O2 – with immobilized electrolyte


– wholly sealed

– +
– H 2O + – extremely low gassing
– maintenance-free over the whole
service life
When a traditional The absorption – operating with low internal pressure
lead-acid accu- cells with extremely – IATA certified for air transportation
mulator with flooded low gassing are – Safety vents
electrolyte is designed so that the – Maintenance-free terminals
overcharged, the positive plate is
water will be fully charged prior
electrolytically to the negative one
separated and be so that the oxygen I

converted into set free diffuses to U

oxygen on the the negative plate.

positive electrode There it reacts with 24V 24Ah Pb 2.5 AT

and into hydrogen the lead and is

on the negative converted into lead
electrode. The lost oxide which then
water must be reacts with the
replaced at regular sulphuric acid elec-
intervals in order to trolyte and thereby U
prevent the battery’s produces lead 2.4V/cell

drying out. sulphate and water. 2,3V/cell U

Thus, a loss of
1,7V/cell Deep discharge protection
water is completely

1min. 1min. t

Patented charge monitoring method

for the fault recognition in the battery circuit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
in the event of:
– a defective charging unit
– battery over-/undervoltage BAT VOLT HIGH CIRCUIT FAILURE
– falling short of the duration test time
– missing battery

Constant potential charge acc. to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
I/U characteristic.

Boost charge depending on the CHARGE FAILURE CHARGE FAILURE

consumed energy and time-controlled BAT VOLT LOW BT < BT MIN
trickle charge.
Recharge period: 10 h - 24 Ah
20 h - 65 Ah

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System Modes

Each change-over device of the

CeaGuard 48 can be operated in
different system modes.

230/240V 50/60Hz 230/240V 50/60Hz 230/240V50/60Hz


2AT 2AT 2AT S1

11 12 PE 11 12 PE

L'1 N'1 11 12 PE
0- 0- 0-



6.3 AT 6.3 AT 6.3 AT

Maintained light Non-maintained light Switched maintained light

Emergency luminaires in ”maintained light“ Emergency luminaires switched in Emergency luminaires switched in
mode light ”non-maintained“ mode light ”switched maintained” mode, light

– in any operational state. – when the normal lighting fails – when the general lighting is switched on
(mains failure) – when the general lighting fails
In mains operation, the luminaire is – during a manually or automatically – during a manually or automatically
supplied with 230/240 V 50/60 Hz released duration test released duration test.
via the terminals 11/12 of an L/N change-
over device. In a mains fail condition, the control This system mode permits emergency
module switches over to battery operation. lighting to blend in with the general lighting.
In the event of a mains failure, the
24 V battery voltage will be converted The DC voltage is now fed via the
into a higher DC voltage. The connected DC-DC converter and the change-over
luminaires will be supplied via the change- device and supplies the luminaires, until
over device. the mains are restored or the deep
discharge protection level has been

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Technical Data /
Ordering Details

CeaGuard 48
The CeaGuard 48 is designed for the supply Max. four inverters supply and monitor max.
and monitoring of 48 emergency luminaires with 12 CEAG emergency luminaires each in mains
CEWA GUARD monitoring in maintained, and battery operation.
non-maintained or switched maintained light The control module with 2-line display indicates
mode. any changes in the operating state of the whole
The CeaGuard system features a maintenance- emergency lighting system. Via potentialfree
free, completely sealed lead-acid battery for indicator contacts or an E/G/A data interface,
1 or 3 h duration of emergency lighting. The the status messages can be transmitted to a
batteries are gently charged according to an central monitoring station.
I/U charging characteristic. Due to a patented
charge monitoring method, a failure in the
battery circuit is immediately indicated.

Technical Data
Mains voltage 230/240 V 50/60 Hz
Input filter 250 V/3 A, 50/60 Hz, Temp. = 40 °C
in mains operation 230/240 V 50/60 Hz
Output voltage
in battery operation 220 V DC
 24 Ah version IP 20 (elektronic-battery compartment)
Degree of protection  52 Ah version IP 54 (electronics compartment), IP 21 (battery compartment)
 CeaGuard 48 (24 AH)  65 Ah version IP 54 (electronics compartment), IP 21 (battery compartment)
Insulation class I
 24 Ah version 2 x 12 V 24 Ah OGIV
Battery  52 Ah version 2 x 12 V 52 Ah OGIV
 65 Ah version 2 x 12 V 65 Ah OGIV
 24 Ah version 29 kg incl. batteries
Weight apx.  52 Ah version 61 kg incl. batteries
 65 Ah version 85 kg incl. batteries
Dimensions (mm)  24 Ah version 400 x 600 x 160
wxhxd  52 Ah version 500 x 700 x 180
 65 Ah version 600 x 800 x 350
Mounting Wall mounting
Cable entry Metall-flange plate, top
No. of luminaires per circuit 12 pcs. (dep. from luminaire load)
No. of circuits per cover 4 pcs.
Total no. of luminaires max. 48 pcs.

Ordering details
Type Scope of supply Enclosure colour Order No.
 CeaGuard 48/24 Battery 24 Ah/4 circuits RAL 7032 4 0071 341 105
 CeaGuard 48/52 Battery 52 Ah/4 circuits RAL 7032 4 0071 346 755
 CeaGuard 48/65 Battery 65 Ah/4 circuits RAL 7032 4 0071 346 195

Dimensions (mm)
600 560

400 360
Drilling template 360
Drilling template 65 Ah
Drilling template 52 Ah
600 24 Ah 700 800
540 540

8.5 mm 360
8.5 mm
d: 160 8.5 mm

d: 180
   d: 350

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Power Consumption
Max. No. of Lamps
per Converter

Electronic ballasts: EVG 13.2 CG-S

Current 75 % luminous flux and 20 °C ambient temperature on the luminaire

Type of T 16 TC-SEL/DEL (4-pin)

No. of
4W 6W 8W 13 W 5W 7W 9W 10 W 11 W 13 W
1 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.53 0.29 0.32 0.41 0.49 0.41 0.53
2 0.36 0.48 0.60 1.06 0.59 0.64 0.82 0.99 0.82 1.06
3 0.54 0.72 0.90 1.59 0.88 0.95 1.24 1.48 1.24 1.59
4 0.72 0.96 1.20 2.12 1.18 1.27 1.65 1.98 1.65 2.12
5 0.90 1.20 1.50 2.65 1.47 1.59 2.06 2.47 2.06 2.65
6 1.08 1.44 1.80 3.18 1.76 1.91 2.47 2.96 2.47 3.18
7 1.24 1.68 2.10 3.71 2.06 2.22 2.88 3.45 2.86 3.71
8 1.44 1.92 2.40 4.24 2.35 2.54 3.29 3.95 3.29 4.24
9 1.62 2.16 2.70 2.65 2.86 3.57 3.71
10 1.80 2.40 3.00 2.94 3.18 3.71 4.12
11 1.98 2.64 3.30 3.24 3.49 4.12
12 2.16 2.88 3.60 3.53 3.81
Max. battery current complete
Operating duration
Batt. 1h 3h
24 Ah 14.4 A 6.4 A
52 Ah 17.0 A 13.8 A
65 Ah 17.0 A 17.0 A

Note! Battery current per converter: 4.25 A

Electronic ballasts: N-EVG CG-S, EVG 18 ...

Current at 20 °C ambient temperature on the luminaire

Type of TC-DEL/TC-TEL T 26/TC-L / TC-F TC-DEL / TC-TEL T 26

lamp 18 W 18 W 26 W 36 W
Type of EVG EVG 18 C CG-S EVG 18 CG-S EVG 126 CG-S EVG 136 CG-S
No. of luminous flux luminous flux luminous flux
lamps 100 % 100 % 50 % 100 % 50 %
1 0.99 1.68 1.17 2.17 1.19
2 1.86 3.24 2.22 4.25 2.26
3 2.74 3.27 3.33
4 3.61

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Three-phase monitor
Should one phase fail, a relay contact will be Simultaneously, the potentialfree indicator
switched and the 24 V current loop of the contact of the three-phase monitor provides the
CeaGuard 48 cover will be interrupted. Thereby, possibility to exactly localize the voltage failure.
the connected emergency luminaires are If more than one subsidiary distribution board is
switched over to battery operation. to be monitored, it is possible to interlink several
three-phase monitoring modules.

Technical data
Dimensions (mm) (h x w x d) 85 x 52.5 x 65
Enclosure Plastic
Connection terminals 2.5 mm2 rigid and flexible
Type of mounting DIN rail
Contact 1, 2, 3, S, S 0.5 A/24 V AC DC
Three-phase monitor
Ordering details
Type Scope of supply Order No.
with 3-phase monitoring Three-phase monitor Module 4 0071 343 430



24 V loop

F3 remote indication
The CEAG F3 remote indication indicates the Backed up by an own battery supply of the
status of a CeaGuard 48 cover. The following CeaGuard 48 cover, these indicatons are also
is indicated via three potentialfree indicator displayed in a mains fail condition.
contacts: The connected CeaGuard 48 cover can be
– mains operation put out of operation by means of a built-in key-
– battery operation operated switch.
– system failure

Technical Data
Connection terminals 2.5 mm2 rigid and flexible
Switching capacity of the contacts 11/12, 21/22, 31/32 0.5 A/24 V AC/DC
Dimensions (mm) (h x w x d) 180 x 80 x 55
F3 remote indication
Ordering details
Type Scope of supply Order No.
F3 remote indication Module 4 0071 338 497

Remote key
to On
CeaGuard 48

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Controller CG 48
Micro-computer controlled controller for All messages and commands are transmitted
the recording and remote control of max. via the serial data bus (3-wire) between the
32 CeaGuard 48 covers. controller and the CeaGuard 48 covers.

Technical data
Dimensions (mm) l x w x h 175 x 85 x 75
Enclosure Plastic
Connection terminals 2.5 mm2 rigid and flexible
Controller CG 48 Printer interface DB 25
Printer driver for IBM Proprinter, HP Deskjet
Type of mounting DIN rail

Ordering details
max. 32
Controller CG 48
Scope of supply
ready to be mounted, for max. 32 CG 48 covers
Order No.
4 0071 346 062
*state-system when ordering

1 3EGA

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Installation Example
with F3 remote indication
Terminals and Connection

Example: Subdistribution board Subdistribution board

One CeaGuard 48 L1 L1
cover is connected L2
to two sub-distri- N N
bution boards via a
24 V current loop

N L3 L2 L2 L1 L1 N L3 L2 L2 L1 L1
Three-phase Three-phase
3~ monitor
1 2 3 S S 1 2 3 S S

24 V current loop, Mains

1.5 mm2 max. 2000 m luminaires

operational L1/N – Luminaires in
Battery switched maintained light
System Non-maintained luminaires

Off Maintained luminaires

Maintained luminaires 3 x 1.5 mm2

Non-maintained luminaires
key switch


24 V = z.B.


Light switch input


230/240 V AC 3

switched maintained light


3 3 3 3

L1 N L2 N L3 N L4 N 11 12 21 22 31 32 + -- E G A S1 S2 S3 S4 L N PE 11 12 PE 21 22 PE 31 32 PE 41 42 PE

Mains monitoring Mains/emergency Inter-

UVA change-over locking
Control of maintained/
non-maintained light

CeaGuard 48
potentialfree indicator contacts: max. 24 V, 3 A AC/DC, EGA data line Remote switch
external supply
11/12 21/22 31/32 max. cable run S1/S2
Mains operation open closed open 1000 m at 3 x 0.5 mm2
Mains supply open open closed 2000 m at 3 x 1.0 mm2 Closed
Charging failure closed open open 2500 m at 3 x 1.5 mm2 emergency
Inverter fault closed open open 6000 m at 3 x 2.5 mm2 function possible
Sam failure closed open open
Deep discharge protection closed open open Open
Function test open open closed system blocked
Duration test open open closed

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Installation Example with
CG Annunciator Cover
and Printer

Every single luminaire

failure is displayed
on the monitor and
printed out.

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