EN 10114 - 2000 - A1 - 2003 - Welding - Recommendations - For - Welding

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Amendment No. 1

Welding —
Recommendations for
welding of metallic
materials —
Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and
aluminium alloys

The European Standard EN 1011-4:2000, with the incorporation of

amendment A1:2003 has the status of a British Standard

ICS 25.160.10

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BS EN 1011-4:2000

National foreword

This British Standard is the official English language version of

EN 1011-4:2000, including amendment A1:2003. It supersedes BS 3019-1:1984
and BS 3571-1:1985 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
WEE/28, Inert gas arc welding, which has the responsibility to:

— aid enquirers to understand the text;

— present to the responsible international/European committee any
enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the
UK interests informed;
— monitor related international and European developments and
promulgate them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on

request to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or
by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British
Standards Online.

This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

This British Standard, having Summary of pages

been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
Sector Committee, was pages 2 to 23 and a back cover.
published under the authority
of the Standards Committee The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
and comes into effect on document was last issued.
15 November 2000

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date Comments

© BSI 26 January 2004 14928 26 January 2004 Correction to the EN foreword and the
deletion of Annex ZA

ISBN 0 580 36714 2

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September 2000
+ A1

ICS 25.160.10

English version

Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials -

Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
(includes amendment A1:2003)

Soudage - Recommandations pour le soudage des Schweißen - Empfehlungen zum Schweißen metallischer
matériaux métalliques - Partie 4: Soudage à l'arc de Werkstoffe - Teil 4: Lichtbogenschweißen von Aluminium
l'aluminium et des alliages d'aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen
(inclut l’amendement A1:2003) (enthält Änderung A1:2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 14 August 2000, and amendment A1 was approved by CEN on 20 November 2003.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United




Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2000 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1011-4:2000 + A1:2003 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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Page 2
EN 1011-4:2000


Foreword 3
Introduction 4
1 Scope 5
2 Normative references 5
3 Terms and definitions 7
4 Provision of quality requirements 7
5 Parent metal 7
6 Factors affecting properties of welded structures and assemblies 8
7 Fusion welding processes 8
8 Welding consumables 8
9 Equipment 9
10 Joint types 9
11 Backing material 11
12 Branch connections 11
13 Gouging 12
14 Preparation of joint 12
15 Assembly for welding 12

16 Alignment of joints 12
17 Preheat 13
18 Interpass temperature 13
19 Methods of temperature measurement 14
20 Additional recommendations 15
Annex A (informative) Detrimental effects on weld properties and measures for their avoidance16
Annex B (informative) Recommendations for the choice of consumables 19

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Page 3
EN 1011-4:2000


This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121, Welding, the
Secretariat of which is held by DS.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2001, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by March 2001.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association.
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
This European Standard is composed of the following parts:

Part 1: General guidance for arc welding.

Part 2: Arc welding of ferritic steels.
Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels.
Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Annexes A and B are informative.

Foreword to amendment A1
This document EN 1011-4:2000/A1:2003 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121,
Welding, the Secretariat of which is held by DS.

This Amendment to the European Standard EN 1011-4:2000 shall be given the status of a national
standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2004, and
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2004.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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Page 4
EN 1011-4:2000


This European Standard has been issued with several annexes in order to cover aluminium and the
different types of its alloys in all forms which will be produced to the relevant European standards.

In this standard the term aluminium stands for aluminium and its alloys.

This standard gives general guidance for the satisfactory design, production and control of welding
and details the possible detrimental effects which may occur, together with advice on methods by
which they may be avoided. Generally it is applicable to all types of aluminium materials and is
appropriate regardless of the type of fabrication involved, although the application standard/contract
may have additional requirements.

Permissible design stresses in welds, methods of testing and acceptance levels are not included
because they depend on the service conditions of the fabrication. These details should be obtained
from the design specification.

Informative annexes give information on detrimental effects (see annex A) and choice of
consumables (see annex B).

This document details only welding related matters and does not give any details of mechanical
properties of the welded joint.

This standard identifies the main factors that affect the welding of aluminium. This will be
influenced by parent metal, consumables, design, welding procedure, welding equipment, joint
preparation etc.

General requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials are detailed in EN 1011-1, in

- tack welds;
- temporary attachments;
- arcing;
- inter-run cleaning and treatment;
- welding procedures;
- identification;
- inspection and testing;
- quality requirements;
- correction of non-conformity;
- distortion;
- post-weld heat treatment;
- abbreviations and symbols;
- run-on/ run-off plates.

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Page 5
EN 1011-4:2000

1 Scope

This European Standard gives general recommendations for the manual, mechanized and automatic
fusion welding of wrought and cast aluminium alloys and combinations thereof.

For general guidelines, see EN 1011-1.

In this standard the word "pipe" alone or in combinations is used to mean "tube" or "hollow
section", although these terms are often used for different categories of product by different

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any
of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or
revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including

EN 287-2 Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and

aluminium alloys

EN 288-1 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic

materials - Part 1: General rules for fusion welding

EN 288-2 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic

materials - Part 2: Welding procedure specification for arc welding

EN 288-4 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials -
Part 4: Welding procedure tests for the arc welding of aluminium and its

EN 439 Welding consumables - Shielding gases for arc welding and cutting

EN 573-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and forms of

wrought products - Part 1: Numerical designation system

EN 573-2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and forms of

wrought product - Part 2: Chemical symbol based designation system

EN 573-3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and forms of

wrought product - Part 3: Chemical composition

EN 573-4 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and forms of

wrought product - Part 4: Forms of products

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Page 6
EN 1011-4:2000

EN 719 Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities

EN 729-2 Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials -

Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements

EN 729-3 Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials -

Part 3: Standard quality requirements

EN 1011-1 Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials – Part 1:

General guidance for arc welding

EN 1289 Non-destructive examination of welds - Penetrant testing of welds -

Acceptance levels

EN 1418 Welding personnel - Approval testing of welding operators for fusion

welding and resistance weld setters for fully mechanized and automatic
welding of metallic materials

EN 1706 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Casting - Chemical composition and

mechanical properties

EN 1780-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of unalloyed and alloyed

aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Part 1:
Numerical designation system

EN 1780-2 Aluminium and aluminium alloy-Designation of unalloyed and alloyed

aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and casting - Part 2: Chemical
symbol based designation system

EN 1780-3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys -Designation of unalloyed and alloyed

aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Part 3: Writing
rules for chemical composition

EN 30042 Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys - Guidance on

quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042:1992)

EN ISO 4063 Welding and allied processes - Nomenclature of processes and reference
numbers (ISO 4063:1998)

EN ISO 6520-1 Welding and allied processes - Classification of geometric imperfections in

metallic materials – Part 1: Fusion welds
(ISO 6520-1:1998)

EN ISO 6947 Welds, working positions - Definitions of angles of slope and rotation
(ISO 6974:1993)

prEN ISO 9692-3:1998 Welding and allied processes – Joint preparation – Part 3: Metal arc inert
gas welding and tungsten inert gas arc welding of aluminium and its alloys
(ISO/DIS 9692-3:1998)

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Page 7
EN 1011-4:2000

CR ISO 15608 Welding - Guidelines for a metallic material grouping system

(ISO/TR 15608:2000)

prEN ISO 15614-4:2000 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials -
Welding procedure test - Part 4: Finishing welding of aluminium castings
(ISO/FDIS 15614-4:2000)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions in EN 1011-1 apply.

4 Provision of quality requirements

To ensure the quality of work it shall be performed by approved personnel in accordance with e.g.
EN 287-2, EN 1418 and EN 719 using approved procedures e.g. EN 288-1, EN 288-2,
EN 288-4 and prEN ISO 15614-4:2000.

5 Parent metal

5.1 General

This standard applies to wrought, cast and combinations of aluminium, e.g. according to EN 287-2,
EN 1418, EN 288-4 and prEN ISO 15614-4:2000. The principles of this standard can be applied to
other non-standard or proprietary aluminium alloys, which can include the advanced superplastic
alloys and metal matrix composites, provided the composition of the alloy falls within the parent
metal groups listed in annex B. In such cases the use of this standard shall be in accordance with the
design specification.

Material standards do not fully take into account welding requirements. For this reason it is
sometimes necessary to specify additional requirements for the material when placing the order.
This can include selection/restriction of composition/mechanical properties (within certain
additional limits to the basic standard requirements) and additional cleanliness of the components.

Permanent backing material and temporary attachments shall be compatible with the parent metal.

5.2 Storage and handling

Contact with ferritic materials and copper should be avoided, in order to prevent corrosion.

To avoid the use of incorrect materials, they shall be stored so that the alloy type is known
(see warning on hard stamping in EN 1011-1).

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Page 8
EN 1011-4:2000

6 Factors affecting properties of welded structures and assemblies

A short list of possible detrimental effects, which can occur as a result of welding, is given in
annex A. The list is not exhaustive but features those metallurgical and technological influences that
are specific to, or more prevalent with, aluminium. Potential causes and counter measures are also

Consideration shall be given, e.g. in the design of welded structures, to the mechanical properties of
the heat affected zone (HAZ) and the weld deposit which can be influenced by the welding
procedure. For instance, the weld deposit and the HAZ can have lower mechanical properties than
the parent material.

Care shall be taken to avoid the creation of any HAZ that has not been considered in the design,
e.g. the welding of a temporary attachment.

7 Fusion welding processes

This standard applies to the following processes according to EN ISO 4063 which may be used
singly or in combination:

- 131 Metal arc inert gas welding (MIG);

- 141 Tungsten inert gas arc welding (TIG);

- 15 Plasma arc welding.

Other fusion welding processes by agreement.

8 Welding consumables

8.1 Filler metal

Filler metal shall be compatible with the parent metal, see annex B.

Filler metals shall be stored in their original packaging in a dry place adequately protected from the
effects of the weather and in accordance with relevant standards and/or the supplier's

Particular attention shall be paid to the storage and identification of partly used reels of wire and
packages of rods located in fabricating shops or on site. This is necessary to ensure that they do not
become moist or contaminated, e.g. by dust or oil.

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Page 9
EN 1011-4:2000

8.2 Shielding gases and gas backing

Argon is most commonly used for MIG, TIG and plasma arc welding of aluminium, but some
advantage can be obtained by the use of helium and helium/argon mixtures. They produce improved
penetration and/or an increase in the welding speed. They can also reduce imperfections. Shielding
gases and gas backing of the following categories according to EN 439 shall normally be used:

- I1 (argon);

- I2 (helium);

- I3 (argon/helium mixtures).

Other gas mixtures shall only be used in accordance with the design specification (see annex B).

9 Equipment

Further information is given in EN 729-2 and EN 729-3. Return cables shall be of the same or
greater cross-sectional area as the welding leads. When quality assurance in accordance with
EN 729-2 is required, monitoring systems shall be calibrated and welding equipment shall be

10 Joint types

10.1 General

General guidance is given in prEN ISO 9692-3:1998. Gaps between fusion faces can cause
problems, e.g. burn through, distortion, and imperfections. Attempts should therefore be made to
minimize them.

10.2 Butt joints

10.2.1 General

Butt joints shall include all joints between plates, pipes or combinations, and includes "T" butt

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Page 10
EN 1011-4:2000

10.2.2Full penetration Single sided welding

The following methods shall be used for welding the joint:

a) without backing;
b) with temporary backing;
c) with permanent backing;
d) other suitable method. Double sided welding

The following methods shall be used for welding the joint:

a) fully weld the first side, then complete the weld from the second side;
b) partially weld from both sides, completing the weld in a balanced sequence. This method
will minimize distortion;
c) root run placed from the first side (instead of backing), then complete the weld from the
second side;
d) other suitable method.

10.2.3 Partial penetration Single sided welding

The following methods shall be used for welding the joint:

a) weld to achieve the required weld depth without penetrating through to the second side;
b) other suitable method. Double sided welding

The following methods shall be used for welding the joint:

a) weld to achieve the required weld depth, then weld from the second side to achieve that
required weld depth;
b) partially weld from both sides, completing welds to the required weld depths utilizing a
balanced sequence. This method will minimize distortion;
c) weld to achieve the required weld depth then finish the weld from the second side by
placement of a sealing run;
d) other suitable method.

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Page 11
EN 1011-4:2000

10.3 Fillet welds

The root gap between contacting surfaces shall be as small as possible.

11 Backing material

11.1 Permanent backing material

For further information on material types see CR ISO 15608.

11.2 Temporary backing material

Stainless steel, aluminium, copper or ceramics can be used. Precautions shall be taken to avoid
copper or other material pick-up or overheating of backing material. For the purposes of this

standard stainless steel refers to only austenitic stainless steel.

12 Branch connections

12.1 General

This type of joint is applicable to either full penetration and/or fillet welds in pipe, e.g. circular or
elliptical. The details for all types of branch connections, e.g. form of joint, angle between sections,
angle between fusion faces, root gap between parts, shall be arranged to permit the use of a
satisfactory welding procedure.

12.2 Butt welded joints

By their nature branch connections are usually of a single-sided form, utilizing a varying weld
geometry. This depends on the respective dimensions of the pipe and branches, together with their
alignment angles. Welding shall be performed with or without backing material to suitable methods.
The branch connection shall be prepared in accordance with 10.2.

Branch connections in pipes that are "set on" shall be welded so as to provide the required weld
thickness completely around the branch or as otherwise shown on suitable drawings. For "set in" or
"set through" branch connections, welding normally shall be performed so as to provide the required
weld thickness through the main pipe.

12.3 Fillet welded joints

Branch connections in tubular sections shall be fillet welded such that the size of the completed
joint fully meets design requirements. Where possible the surfaces of the pipe and branch shall be in
close contact with the gap as small as possible, in order to avoid detrimental phenomena
(e.g. excessive penetration and excessive porosity).

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Page 12
EN 1011-4:2000

13 Gouging

In full penetration butt welds, welded from both sides, the back of the first run can be removed by
suitable means down to clean sound weld metal before welding is started on the second side.
Mechanical methods shall be used, e.g. milling, chiselling, sawing or grinding. The preferred
methods are milling and sawing. No oil based lubricants shall be used. If grinding is used, the discs
shall be special types intended for aluminium only. Plasma gouging is permitted. After gouging all
contaminants shall be removed from the joint fusion faces. In certain cases it will be desirable to
check the surface for imperfections, e.g. by the use of penetrant testing in accordance with EN 1289.

14 Preparation of joint

For the preparation of the joint general guidance is given in prEN ISO 9692-3:1998. Particular
attention is drawn to the need to minimize the sizes of root gaps, where appropriate.

The joint should be prepared by mechanical means or by laser, plasma, water jet cutting or other
suitable method(s).

When cutting has a detrimental effect on the properties of the zone adjacent to the cut, allowance
shall be made to remove the damaged material following cutting. Crack detection will be
advantageous following cutting.

To avoid adverse effects on the quality of the weld, the surfaces and edges shall be appropriate for
the welding process. They should be free from cracks and notches, dry and free from excessive
oxide, oil, grease, paint, moisture, etc. Prior to welding and before assembly of the joint, fusion
faces and adjacent surfaces shall be degreased and the oxide layer refreshed. The period between
cleaning and welding shall be as short as possible without recontamination.

Degreasing by solvents or other suitable methods should be followed by the removal of surface
oxide by mechanical means. Degreasing by chemical etching may remove the original surface oxide

NOTE In this context the term “refreshed” applies to the removal of the contaminated oxide
layer followed by reoxidation in a dry environment.

15 Assembly for welding

The preferred welding positions according to EN ISO 6947 are PA, PB, PC and PF.

16 Alignment of joints

The acceptance criteria for misalignment shall be in accordance with the appropriate quality level
selected from EN 30042. For certain applications closer tolerances might be necessary.

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Page 13
EN 1011-4:2000

17 Preheat

Preheat may be applied for the following reasons:

- to remove moisture prior to welding, e.g. when site welding;

- to avoid cold-start imperfections;

- to achieve heat balance when welding extremely dissimilar thicknesses;

- to reduce heat sink effects when welding thick sections.

The preheat temperature is given in Table 1. The time at temperature is important and shall be for as
short a time as possible to avoid detrimental effects. See also annex A.

Excessive preheating beyond the values given in Table 1 will affect the mechanical properties in
work hardened or fully heat treated materials (i.e. partial annealing or overageing). It can also alter
the metallurgical structure of the HAZ by causing grain growth and/or the precipitation of second

In some circumstances the use of argon-helium mixtures or helium instead of argon may eliminate
the need for preheating.

18 Interpass temperature

Interpass temperature should be controlled for the following reasons:

- to prevent reduction of mechanical properties by overheating;

- to reduce the size of HAZ softening;

- to reduce the extent of HAZ segregation, e.g. overaging

It is recommended that the temperature of the joint at the commencement of each successive weld
run does not exceed the appropriate value given in Table 1.

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Page 14
EN 1011-4:2000

Table 1 - Recommended maximum preheat and interpass temperatures

Parent metal Preheat temperature Interpass temperature

ºC max. ºC max.
Non-heat treatable alloys

5xxx 120a 120a
AlSi cast
AlMg cast

Heat treated alloys

AlSiMg cast 120a 100
AlSiCu cast

7xxx 100a 80
Prolonged heating can produce partial annealing in work hardened alloys and overaging in
fully heat treated alloys.

NOTE 1 The temperatures in this table are intended for guidance. They can be changed to
other values by contract and should be stated in the welding procedure specification.

NOTE 2 In group 22.4 (5xxx) alloys containing > 3,5 % Mg and in group 23.2 (7xxx)
alloys, precipitation of such phases can produce sensitization to exfoliation corrosion and
stress corrosion cracking in certain service environments.

19 Methods of temperature measurement

When preheat and/or interpass temperature control is required, the temperature shall be measured,
e.g. by means of contact pyrometers, thermo-indicating paints or crayons, and recorded as required.

For interpass temperature control, the temperature shall be measured as close as is practical to the
weld metal.

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Page 15
EN 1011-4:2000

20 Additional recommendations

20.1 Inter-run cleaning and treatment

The surface of each weld run should be cleaned by stainless steel wire brushing or mechanical
means before it is covered by the next run.

20.2 Inspection and testing

It is recommended that welds are not dressed, painted or otherwise treated until they have been

20.3 Quality requirements

Acceptance levels, according to EN 30042, shall be in accordance with the design specification.

20.4 Correction of non-conformity

Corrections of non-conformity shall be based on EN 30042.

20.5 Temporary attachments

See also clauses 6 and 7.

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Page 16
EN 1011-4:2000

Annex A (informative)

Detrimental effects on weld properties and measures for their avoidance

Although most aluminium alloys are readily welded via the correct selection of process and
consumable, it is possible, under certain circumstances, for a number of imperfections to occur.
These may be a function of the consumable selected, the operating parameters chosen for the
welding process, or metallurgical effects associated with the combinations of parent/consumable
materials. However, the imperfections can be minimized or eradicated by selecting the appropriate
welding parameters or consumables. Typical detrimental effects that are more prevalent to
aluminium are given in Table A.1, together with the principal reasons for their occurrence and
methods for their avoidance. These effects should be avoided especially in the case of dynamically
loaded structures which have underlying safety aspects.

Notwithstanding the quality of the weld, there are detrimental influences on the good performance
of the weld which result from inadequate design. These may include stress concentrations due to
sharp transitions in material thickness and high residual stresses induced by the close proximity and
accumulations of welded joints.

In the case of work hardened or heat-treated alloys, the fact that the HAZ of the weld suffers a
reduction in mechanical properties should be taken into account during the design calculations.
However, during welding, care should be taken to avoid excessive heat input which could increase
the softening and extent of the HAZ.

The avoidance of some detrimental effects is dependent on the maintenance of the correct angle and
distance between the welding torch and the work piece. For the feed system use materials adapted to
aluminium to avoid contamination and damage of the filler metal. The torches used for welding of
aluminium, together with their cables and conduits, are quite bulky and can be difficult to
manoeuvre in tight corners. Designers of welded structures should ensure that there is adequate
access for torch and welder to all joints. In some instances it may be necessary to weld from one
side only with a suitable edge preparation and permanent or temporary backing. --`,`,,,,`,`,`,,,,`,`,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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Page 17
EN 1011-4:2000

Table A.1 - Detrimental effects on weld properties and measures to be taken for

their avoidance

Detrimental effect Principal reasons Prevention and/or counter measure

EN ISO 6520-1 (ref. no.)

Porosity Contaminated filler metal. Improve cleanliness of filler metal.

[e.g. linear porosity (2014) Store in a clean environment above the
or pore clusters (2013)] Moisture on the surface of the dew point of the working area.
filler metal.
Contaminated joint area. Clean and dry joint area prior to
welding, e.g. preheating. Ensure
Moisture on the surface of the material is at ambient temperature
joint. prior to welding.
Unacceptably high H2 -content If necessary contact supplier and/or
in the filler metal and/or parent producer of filler metal and/or parent
metal. metal.
Formation of pores due to a Optimized gaps preventing air escaping
too narrow gap in the joint through the weld pool.
Unfavourable welding If possible, use welding positions PA,
positions - PC, PD, PE, PG. PB, PF.
Time for gas evolution too Increase heat input and/or preheat ,
short. change joint preparation.
Impure shielding gas due to Eliminate leakage.
leaking cooling water or gas
supply system.
Impure shielding gas e.g. due Use shielding gas complying with
to moisture penetration. EN 439. Ensure suitable hose quality,
replace perished hoses, hose length to
Unsuitable hose quality. be short as possible, if possible use
metallic hoses.
Non-laminar gas flow due to Optimize the adjustment of the gas
too high or too low flow rate flow, avoid draught.
or draught.
Arc voltage too high. Optimize arc voltage.
Torch angle too small. Use correct torch angle.

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Page 18
EN 1011-4:2000

Table A.1 - Detrimental effects on weld properties and measures to be taken for
their avoidance (concluded)

Detrimental effect Principal reasons Prevention and/or counter measure

EN ISO 6520-1 (ref. no.)

Oxide inclusions (303) Formation of oxide in the arc or See porosity.

weld pool area by entry of oxygen
due to interrupted or insufficient Optimize the adjustment of the gas
gas flow. flow, avoid draught.

Inadequate cleaning of the joint Ensure cleanliness of the joint

area and/or previous runs. area/previous runs is correct. Optimize
arc condition.
Surplus oxygen in pre-heating Optimize flame.
Incorrect manipulation of TIG Do not remove the rod end out of the
filler rods. protective gas shield.

Cracks (100)
Solidification cracking Solidification characteristic of the Select a filler metal to ensure optimum
e.g. Crater crack (104) weld pool. weldability.
Place the end crater on the run out
plate or work with a programme for
filling craters.
Internal stress. Choose a welding sequence that
reduces self restraint and distortion.
e.g. Liquidation cracking Remelting of low melting point Reduce heat input and interpass
constituents segregating on the temperature.
grain boundaries of the HAZ.
Reduce crack susceptibility by using a
single run technique.
Reduce internal stress.
Select a suitable filler metal (e.g. 4xxx


Metallic inclusions (304) Tungsten inclusions (TIG: 141 and Reduce the current for the tungsten
Tungsten inclusions plasma arc welding: 15) due to electrode type and diameter. Do not
(3041) excessive current for the tungsten touch the tip of the tungsten electrode
electrode or for touching into the into the weld pool.
weld pool.

Copper inclusions (3042) Copper inclusions (MIG: 131) due Choose a torch and contact tip
to overheating/burnt out of contact appropriate to current.
Work with a short arc length.
Pick up from copper backing bars. Replace copper backing bars with
stainless steel, aluminium or ceramics
if necessary.

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Page 19
EN 1011-4:2000

Annex B (informative)

Recommendations for the choice of consumables

B.1 Filler metals

The choice of the filler metal depends on several factors including the following:

- the compatibility to the chemical composition of the parent metal(s) e.g. the propensity for
weld cracking;

- the mechanical properties required of the joint (taking into account both the HAZ and weld
metal properties);

- the subsequent treatments of the welded part or construction, e.g. surface treatment,
anodizing and decorative finishes;

- the corrosion resistance required of the joint;

- optimum weldability.

The ultimate selection will be dependent on the application and may involve a value judgement of
such factors.

Table B.1 details a filler metal grouping system.

Table B.2 gives recommendations for the selection of filler metal for welding joints in similar and
dissimilar parent metal alloys under working temperatures up to +50 ºC. Parent metals shown
include wrought and cast alloys according to EN 573, EN 1780 and EN 1706, respectively.

The recommendations given in these tables are included purely for guidance. In some circumstances
a different choice of filler metals may be used, but this should be in accordance with the design

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EN 1011-4:2000

Table B.1 - Filler metal grouping system

Type Alloy Chemical Remarks

designation designation
Type 1 R-1450 Al99.5Ti Ti decrease the cracking
R-1080A Al99.8 susceptibility in the weld metal by
means of grain reinforcement
Type 3 R-3103 AlMn1
Type 4 R-4043A AlSi5 Type 4 filler alloys will oxidize by
R-4046 AlSi10Mg anodizing or atmospheric exposure
R-4047A AlSi12(A) to give a dark grey colour, the
R-4018 AlSi7Mg intensity of which increases with
increases in Si content. Thus these
filler metals will not provide a good
colour match with wrought
parent metal alloys.

These alloys are specifically used to

prevent solidification cracking in
joints involving high dilution and
high restraint
Type 5 R-5249 AlMg2Mn0.8Zr If a good corrosion resistance and
R-5754 AlMg3 colour matching are important
considerations, then the Mg content
of the filler metal should be
matched to that of the parent metal.
If high proof and rupture weld metal
strengths are the important
considerations, then a filler metal
with a Mg content of 4,5 % to 5 %
should be used.
R-5556A AlMg5.2Mn Cr and Zr decrease the cracking
R-5183 AlMg4.5Mn0.7(A) susceptibility in the weld metal by
R-5087 AlMg4.5MnZr means of grain reinforcement
R-5356 AlMg5Cr(A) Zr reduces the risk of hot cracks.
NOTE 1 The type numbers 1, 3, 4 and 5 correspond with the first number of the alloy designation.

NOTE 2 This table will be available until a new filler metal standard is issued.


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Page 21
EN 1011-4:2000

Table B.2 - Selection of filler metal (for filler types see Table B.1)

Choice of filler metal within each box (The numbers in the Table B.2 refer to the type numbers according to Table B.1)
First line - optimum mechanical properties
Second line - optimum corrosion resistance
Third line - optimum weldability
Parent metal

Al 1
4 or 5 3 or 4
AlMn 1 3
4 4
4 or 5 4 4
AlMg <1%a 1 4 4
4 4 4
4 or 5 5 5 5
AlMg 3% 5d 5dor 3 5d 5d
4 or 5 4 4 5
5 5 5 5 5
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AlMg 5%b 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5
4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 5 5 5 or 4
AlMgSic 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
AlZnMg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
AlSiCu <1%e, f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
AlSiMge 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
AlSiCue, f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 Nrg
AlCuc Nrg Nrg Nrg Nrg Nrg 4 4 4 4 4 Nrg
4 4 4 4 4 4
Parent metal Al AlMn AlMg<1% AlMg3% AlMg5% AlMgSi AlZnMg AlSiCu<1% AlSiMg AlSiCu AlCu


© BSI 26 January 2004

Page 22
EN 1011-4:2000

Table B.2 (concluded)

NOTE 1 When welding parent metal alloys containing approximately ≥ 2 % Mg with AlSi5
or AlSi10 type filler metal (or when welding parent metals containing ≥ 2 % Si with AlMg5
type fillers) sufficient Mg2Si precipitate may be formed at the fusion line to embrittle the
joint. These combinations are not recommended for dynamic or impact loaded structures.
When this alloy combination is unavoidable AlMg5 or AlSi5 type fillers can be used.
NOTE 2 Parent metal according to the chemical composition without relation to wrought or
cast material
When welded autogenously, these alloys are prone to solidification cracking. This may be
prevented by applying compressive jigging or by increasing the Mg content of the weld pool
to above 3 %.
Under certain environmental conditions, e.g. service at a temperature ≥ 65 °C, alloys
containing > 3 % Mg may be susceptible to intergranular corrosion and/or stress corrosion.
The susceptibility will increase with increasing Mg content and/or work hardened condition.
Allowance should be made for the effect of weld metal dilution.
These alloys are not recommended to be welded autogenously as they are susceptible to
solidification cracking.
The intergranular corrosion and/or stress corrosion resistance of type 5 in Table B.1 is
enhanced when the Mg content does not exceed ∼ 3 %. For service environments which are
potentially inducive to intergranular corrosion and/or stress corrosion the Mg content of the
weld metal should be similar to and not significantly greater than that of the parent metal.
Thus it is preferable to weld parent metals with corresponding filler metal alloys.
The silicon content of the filler metal should be selected to provide the closest match to that
of the parent metal casting alloy.
When cast alloys are pressure die cast they are not weldable due to gas content.
Not recommended – incompatibility of the parent metal.

B.2 Shielding gases

When welding aluminium the choice of shielding gas can have an important effect on the
productivity and quality of the finished joint.

Due to the sensitivity of aluminium to oxidation, inert gases such as argon and helium have to be
used. Although argon is the most widely used shielding gas, there can be advantages in using helium
and mixtures of argon and helium. (Pure helium is limited to DC TIG welding.)

The advantages can include:

– improved penetration and weld run shape;

– increased welding speed;
– welding a greater range of thicknesses;
– reduction in preheat temperature;
– reduced level of imperfections such as porosity.

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EN 1011-4:2000

As the level of helium in the mixture increases, the penetration profile changes from a narrow
finger-like profile to a more rounded shape. The user will also see a reduction in the level of
reinforcement and an increase in the depth of penetration.

For any material thickness, an increase in welding speed can be achieved by the addition of helium
to argon. This is because helium transfers heat more effectively from the arc than argon. Increasing
the welding speed can also lead to a reduction in the size of the heat affected zone.

The higher heat input associated with the helium rich mixtures also facilitates the welding of thicker
section joints. However, high helium mixtures are not normally recommended for material
thicknesses less than about 3 mm, other than in automatic applications.

The additional heat generated from the use of helium containing mixtures can also reduce the
occurrence of weld imperfections such as porosity and lack of fusion face.


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