En 15048
En 15048
En 15048
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Bolting assemblies according to EN 15048-1 can be used where no
preloading or special provisions for contact surfaces are required, such
as shear connections. In case of tension connections they should be
used only where no preloading is required.
This category should not be used where the connections are frequently
subjected to variation of tensile loading. However, they may be used in
connections designed to resist wind loads (EN 1993-1-8).
Washers or other elements can be used additionally if necessary but
they are not mandatory.
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EN 15048-1 applies to bolting assemblies from M5 to M39 to be used
in aluminium or aluminium alloy structures according to EN 1090-3 and
from M12 to M39 to be used in steel structures according to EN 1090-
The use of thread sizes larger than M39 is not precluded, providing that
all the applicable requirements are met.
Only bolting assemblies are covered by this harmonized standard:
separate bolts or nuts, not tested as part of an assembly lot in
accordance with EN 15048-2, are not covered by this harmonized
standard and cannot be CE marked.
High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading according to
EN 14399-1 are also suitable for use in non-preloaded structural
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Product Requirements
As it is not a product standard, EN 15048 does not specify dimensions,
tolerances on dimensions, form and position that shall be in
accordance with the relevant product standards.
The general references to published standards (ref. to EN 15048-1, EN
1090-2, EN 1993-1-8) are:
- ISO 4014, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4032, 4033, 4034 for hexagon products
- ISO 2320, 7040, 7041, 7042, 7719, 10511, 10512, 10513 for
prevailing torque nuts
- ISO 7089, 7090, 7091, 7092, 7093, 7094 for washers (if required)
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Product Requirements
In case washers are required for use with non-preloaded structural
bolting assemblies:
- Washers with a minimum hardness of 100 HV can be combined
with any property class of bolting assemblies made of the same
type of material (steel, alloy steel, stainless steel);
- Washers made of carbon or alloy steel: a minimum hardness of 300
HV is required for property class 8.8 and 10.9 in a single lap joint
with only one bolt or single row of bolts, in accordance with EN
1993-1-8:2005, 3.6.1;
- No minimum hardness requirements exist for washers made of
aluminium or aluminium alloy.
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Essential Characteristics
(to be declared in DoP)
Property class
Product grade
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Essential Characteristics
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Essential Characteristics
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Essential Characteristics
Property class (bolting assemblies)
Reference standards:
ISO 898-1 bolts made of carbon or alloy steel - property class
4.6, 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9
ISO 898-2 nuts made of carbon or alloy steel - property class
5, 6, 8, 10, 12
ISO 3506-1 bolts made of austenitic stainless steel - property
class 50, 70, 80
ISO 3506-2 nuts made of austenitic stainless steel - property
class 50, 70, 80
EN 28839 bolts and nuts made of aluminium or aluminium
alloy property class AL1 to AL6
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Essential Characteristics
Product grade (bolts, nuts, washers and,
if provided, direct tension indicators)
Product grade covers tolerances on dimensions and shape for
bolts and nuts. It is relevant for the ability of the components to
be matched together in order to reach the declared
performances of the bolting assemblies.
Characteristics to be assessed:
Bolts: shank diameter in accordance with ISO 4759-1.
Bolts and nuts: Thread tolerance in accordance with ISO 965-1,
ISO 965-2, ISO 965-3, ISO 965-4 or ISO 965-5 (ISO 6g, 6H, 6AZ).
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Example of the information contained in the Dop
1. Unique identification code of the product-type: Non-preloaded structural bolting assemblies.
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product as required under
Article 11 (4): Non-preloaded structural bolting assemblies.
3. Intended use of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specification, as foreseen
by the manufacturer: Structural metallic works.
4. Name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and contact address of the manufacturer as required under Article 11
(5): SBE-VARVIT S.p.A. - Via dei Bagni, 26 - 34074 Monfalcone (GO) – Italy - Tel. (+39) 0481 7146 - Fax (+39) 0481 714714 - e-
mail: info@vescovinigroup.com
5. Where applicable, name and contact address of the authorised representative whose mandate covers the tasks specified in
Article 12 (2): Not applicable
6. System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as set out in CPR, Annex V:
System 2+
7. In case of declaration of performance concerning a construction product covered by a harmonised standard: TÜV Italia S.r.l.,
notified body for factory production control certification n. 0948, performed the initial inspection of the manufacturing plant
and of factory production control and the continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control
and issued the certificate of conformity of the factory production control N. 0948-CPR-0104 rev. 4.
8. Declared performance
9. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared performance in point 8. This
declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified in point 4.
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Delivery condition
The manufacturer shall supply the bolting assemblies either in an original unopened
single sealed container, or alternatively in original unopened separate sealed
containers. The suitability for tensile loading of the bolting assemblies supplied to
the purchaser shall be demonstrated by the tensile test in accordance with the
harmonized standard.
Bolting assemblies shall be supplied according to one of the following alternatives:
a) Bolts and nuts supplied together as a set by one manufacturer. The
components of the bolting assemblies shall be packed together in one package
that shall be labelled with the single bolting assembly lot number and the
manufacturer’s identification. The suitability test shall be performed on each
single bolting assembly lot;
b) Bolts and nuts supplied by one manufacturer. Each type of component may be
packed in separate packages that shall be and labelled with the manufacturing
lot number of the components and the manufacturer’s identification. The
bolting assemblies components are interchangeable within the deliveries of an
extended bolting assembly lot. The suitability test shall be performed on each
extended bolting assembly lot.
In addition to the binding marking requirements (ISO 898-1, ISO 898-2,
ISO 3506-1, ISO 3506-2 and EN 28839), bolts and nuts shall be marked
with the special marking “SB” (for use in Structural Bolting).
Marking may be either embossed or indented on the top surface of the
bolt head or on the end of studs and stud bolts, and on one of the nut
bearing surfaces.
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Tightening method (EN 1090-2)
Each bolt assembly shall be brought at least to a snug-tight condition,
with special care being given to avoid over-tightening especially for
short bolts and little thread sizes. The tightening process shall be
carried out from bolt to bolt of the group, starting from the most rigid
part of the connection and moving progressively towards the least rigid
part. To achieve an uniform snug-tight condition, more than one cycle
of tightening may be necessary.
The most rigid part is commonly in the middle of the connection or
besides the flanges.
The term “snug-tight” can generally be considered as the condition
achievable by the effort of one man using a normal sized spanner
without an extension arm, and can be set as the point at which a
percussion wrench starts hammering.
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Thank you for your attention
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