Iot Based Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Arduino: Project Report
Iot Based Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Arduino: Project Report
Iot Based Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Arduino: Project Report
Submitted to Course
Mohammed Zain Mehaboob 18BEC0949 L57+L58
This is to certify that the project work entitled “IOT Based AIR POLLUTION
MONITORING SYSTEM USING ARDUINO”, that is being submitted by a
group of four candidates for IOT FUNDAMENTALS is a record of bonafide
work done under my supervision. The Contents of this Project work, in full or in
parts, have neither been taken from any other source nor have been submitted
for any other CAL course.
Place: Vellore
Date: 06th November 2020
Signature of students:
Mohammed Zain Mehaboob
K Rishik Kumar
M Sai Kalyan
Shaik Suhil Irshad
Environmental monitoring is also a scientific approach for observing and studying the
condition of environment. For the healthy person require to breath during a clean air but
because of increasing the transportation fresh air get polluted. Transport system make the
impact on environment during which we live. Increase in vehicle gives rise to increasing
traffic related pollutant emission. Therefore, to trace the effect of this pollution on
environment and health of individual it's a necessity to trace the extent of pollution in urban
and sub urban areas. Many health-related issues are arising from pollution. Major source of
pollution is road traffic emission which emits the 97% of CO and 75% of NO. Therefore, air
quality monitoring is required so on supply useful information about the pollution and should
take appropriate measures to mitigate the negative impact whenever it's a necessity. the aim
of monitoring the air quality isn't only to assemble the data but also provide the knowledge
which is required by the scientist, planners, policy makers to create a choice on improving
and managing the environment. the foremost mission of air quality monitoring network is to
record the concentration of pollution and other parameter related to the pollution and deliver
these information or data to the population to warn against the any danger.
The main objective of IOT Air & Sound Monitoring System is that the Air and pollution is
also a growing issue lately. it's a necessity to observe air quality and keep it under control for
a much better future and healthy living for all. because of flexibility and lowcost Internet of
things (IoT) is getting popular day by day. With the urbanization and with the increase within
the vehicles on road the atmospheric conditions have considerably affected. Harmful effects
of pollution include mild allergies like irritation of the throat, eyes and nose also as some
serious problems like bronchitis, heart diseases, pneumonia, lung and aggravated asthma.
Monitoring gives measurements of air pollutant and sound pollution concentrations, which
can then be analysed interpreted and presented. This information can then be applicable in
some ways. Analysis of monitoring data allows us to assess how bad pollution and sound
pollution is from day to day.
New measures are pursued, including development of air quality measuring devices and air
purifiers to scale back exposure to air contamination (especially aerosols)., many scholars are
studying to integrate these technologies to air quality monitoring systems. However, these
studies were only focused on integrating an architecture of IoT platform to look at the air
quality in real time. Merging these new technologies which include a wireless sensor network
to automatically transmit, process, analyze, and visualize data can also offer great advantages
to boost air quality. Most of the IoT-based monitoring systems statistically present the
detected value per pollutant which is difficult for the common users to acknowledge the
pollution level. The standing handy air monitoring devices aren't enough to measure the
numerous pollutants under various situations.
Literature Review
1)Paper Name And Year- IOT based air pollution monitoring system Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017
Authors- Riteeka Nayak, Malaya Ranjan Panigrahy,Vivek Kumar Rai and T Appa Rao
Description- In this paper they have used MQ135 sensor which is the best choice for
monitoring Air Quality as it can detects most harmful gases and can measure their amount
accurately. Air quality monitoring system by using Arduino Uno and using different sensors
the data of air is recognised by MQ135 gas sensor. The MQ135 sensor can sense NH3, NOx,
alcohol, Benzene, smoke, CO2. So it is dynamic gas sensor for our Air pollution Monitoring
system. When we will connect it to Arduino then it will sense all gases, and it will give the
Pollution level in PPM (parts per million). MQ135 gas sensor will give the output in form of
voltage levels and we have to convert it into PPM. So for converting the output in PPM, we
have used a library for MQ135 gas sensor.
2)Paper And Year- An IoT Based Automated Noise and Air Pollution Monitoring System
Vol. 6, Issue 3, March 2017
Authors- Palaghat Yaswanth Sai
Technology Used- Fully automated monitoring system for air and noise pollution. The air
pollution monitoring system with Internet of Things (IoT) concept experimentally tested for
monitoring two parameters. It also sent the sensor parameters to the cloud (Google Spread
3)Paper And Year - IoT based pollution monitoring and control system,ICIRCA,2017
Authors- S. Muthukumar;W. Sherine Mary;S Jayanthi;R Kiruthiga;M Mahalakshmi
Technology Used- The proposed system will use low cost air quality monitoring modules
and devices which includes low cost semiconductor gas sensors attached with a Nodemcu
module. This system will be able to process the levels of gases such as CO, CO2 and its
variants, smoke and NO2 and its variants using semiconducting sensors. These sensors will
gather the data of various ecological factors using the voltage fluctuation and based on these
changes, provide data to Arduino Uno, which will act as a base station. Recognition of data
collected by sensors is displayed on Web page through or to a mobile device using a
dedicated mobile application using Nodemcu module.
• MQ135 Gas sensor
• Arduino Uno
• Wi-Fi module ESP8266
• 16X2 LCD
• Breadboard
• 10K potentiometer
• 1K ohm resistors
• 220 ohm resistor
• Buzzer
Block Diagram
Experimental Setup
Methodology Implemented
First of all we will connect the ESP8266 with the Arduino. ESP8266 runs on 3.3V and if
you will give it 5V from the Arduino then it won’t work properly and it may get damage.
Connect the VCC and the CH_PD to the 3.3V pin of Arduino. The RX pin of ESP8266
works on 3.3V and it will not communicate with the Arduino when we will connect it
directly to the Arduino. So, we will have to make a voltage divider for it which will
convert the 5V into 3.3V. This can be done by connecting three resistors in series like we
did in the circuit. Connect the TX pin of the ESP8266 to the pin 10 of the Arduino and the
RX pin of the esp8266 to the pin 9 of Arduino through the resistors.
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module gives your projects access to Wi-Fi or internet. It is a very cheap
device and make your projects very powerful. It can communicate with any
microcontroller and it is the most leading devices in the IOT platform. Learn more about
using ESP8266 with Arduino here.
Then we will connect the MQ135 sensor with the Arduino. Connect the VCC and the
ground pin of the sensor to the 5V and ground of the Arduino and the Analog pin of
sensor to the A0 of the Arduino.
Connect a buzzer to the pin 8 of the Arduino which will start to beep when the condition
becomes true.
In last, we will connect LCD with the Arduino. The connections of the LCD are as
• Connect pin 1 (VEE) to the ground.
• Connect pin 2 (VDD or VCC) to the 5V.
• Connect pin 3 (V0) to the middle pin of the 10K potentiometer and connect the
other two ends of the potentiometer to the VCC and the GND. The potentiometer
is used to control the screen contrast of the LCD. Potentiometer of values other
than 10K will work too.
• Connect pin 4 (RS) to the pin 12 of the Arduino.
• Connect pin 5 (Read/Write) to the ground of Arduino. This pin is not often used
so we will connect it to the ground.
• Connect pin 6 (E) to the pin 11 of the Arduino. The RS and E pin are the control
pins which are used to send data and characters.
• The following four pins are data pins which are used to communicate with the
• Connect pin 11 (D4) to pin 5 of Arduino.
• Connect pin 12 (D5) to pin 4 of Arduino.
• Connect pin 13 (D6) to pin 3 of Arduino.
• Connect pin 14 (D7) to pin 2 of Arduino.
• Connect pin 15 to the VCC through the 220 ohm resistor. The resistor will be used
to set the back light brightness. Larger values will make the back light much more
• Connect pin 16 to the Ground
Code Screenshot
TinkerCad Simulation
The MQ135 sensor can sense NH3, NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke, CO2 and some
other gases, so it is perfect gas sensor for our Air Quality Monitoring Project. When
we will connect it to Arduino then it will sense the gases, and we will get the
Pollution level in PPM (parts per million). MQ135 gas sensor gives the output in form
of voltage levels and we need to convert it into PPM. So for converting the output in
PPM, here we have used a library for MQ135 sensor, it is explained in detail in “Code
Explanation” section below.
Sensor was giving us value of 90 when there was no gas near it and the safe level of
air quality is 350 PPM and it should not exceed 1000 PPM. When it exceeds the limit
of 1000 PPM, then it starts cause Headaches, sleepiness and stagnant, stale, stuffy air
and if exceeds beyond 2000 PPM then it can cause increased heart rate and many
other diseases.
When the value will be less than 1000 PPM, then the LCD and webpage will display
“Fresh Air”. Whenever the value will increase 1000 PPM, then the buzzer will start
beeping and the LCD and webpage will display “Poor Air, Open Windows”. If it will
increase 2000 then the buzzer will keep beeping and the LCD and webpage will
display “Danger! Move to fresh Air”.
• Due to smaller size and relatively cheaper cost, the sensors can be spread over a larger
• The alerts can directly be sent to mobile phones for immediate response.
• There is also a screen to show the current air quality level.
• All the air data over areas can be compiled and sent to a cloud to be processed by
environmental researchers.
• As we were not in college doing a group project from home was bit uneasy and first
time too. There was also some difficulty in communication
• Everyone was having different approaches in simulation part like which software to
use like tinkercad and proteus, but we were unable to fully simulate in in either.
• We managed to get most of the hardware finally,but there were lots of delays due to
covid, so we were unable to run many tests.
• Wifi module has not come so we cannot communicate with thingspeak
Air Quality
PPM in
LCD-Visual Output
Future Work
• We can make the webpage accessible anywhere by using port forwarding
• We can develop an app to monitor the air quality and alert the person instead of a
• Having an app is different from accessing a web page .
• We can add more features to an app.
• Here, we used MQ135 Gas sensor but for the future improvements, as we have used
an Arduino board, capable of hosting several devices at the same time, some other gas
sensors or instruments can be added to give a detailed depiction of the surrounding
area while also measuring some physical parameters which might affect the air and its
• In this project,we observed that the gas sensors, being semiconductors, tend to heat up
if the system is used over large durations and might affected the reading collected by
temperature sensor or by other physical parameter were temperature plays an active
and important role.So for future work,we can consider this observation and try to
rectify this by using different sensors that are more efficient and perform the same
[2] Kaur, Navreetinder, et al. "Air quality monitoring system based on Arduino
microcontroller." International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering, and Technology 5.6 (2016): 9635- 9646.
[3] Sai, Palaghat Yaswanth. "An IoT Based Automated Noise and Air Pollution
Monitoring System." International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering 6.3 (2017): 419-423.
[4] Deshmukh, Sarika, Saurabh Surendran, and M. P. Sardey. "Air and Sound Pollution
Monitoring System using IoT." International Journal on Recent and Innovation
Trends in Computing and Communication 5.6 (2017).
[5] Blum, Jeremy. Exploring Arduino: tools and techniques for engineering wizardry.
John Wiley & Sons, 2019.