First CJS 2014

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1 SEMESTER AY: 2014-2015

Name: _______________ Schedule: _____________

Test I. Multiple Choices: Read each statement in every number and identify what is being
described, defined or asked and select the letter which corresponds to your answer, then write the
letter before the number: NO ERASURES ALLOWED:

1. The study of agencies of social control that handle criminal offenders is:
A. CJS C. Criminal Justice
B. PCJS D. Criminal Public Safety

2. This means that those who are accused of crimes are considered innocent until proven guilty.
A. “the presumption of innocence” C. “the burden of proof
B. beyond reasonable doubt D. Proof of evidence

3. A person may be considered as a criminal from the time he or she committed the crime
regardless whether or not it has been reported to the Police for investigation.
A. In Criminological sense C. In legal sense
B. In Criminal Justice sense D. Either

4. At the Prosecutors office, during the determination of probable cause or during the
Preliminary Investigation, he is referred to as the:
A. Suspect C. Respondent
B. Accused D. Convict

5. To dispense absolute justice requires the presence of four elements:

1. The absolute ability to identify the law violator.
2. The absolute ability to apprehend law violator.
3. The absolute ability to punish law violator.
4. The absolute ability to identify the intent of the law violator
5. The absolute ability to investigate the violator
A. 1,2,3,4 C. 2,3,4,5
B. 3,4,5,1 D. 4,5,1,2

6. An approach requires that the proper procedures are followed, procedures designed to protect
the rights of the accused.
A. The adversary approach C. inquisitorial approach
B. Probe Approach D. Investigation Approach

7. An approach places a greater emphasis on conviction rather than on the process by which the
conviction is secured.
A. The adversary approach C. inquisitorial approach
B. Probe Approach D. Investigation Approach

8. The Adversarial Approach assumes the accused to be innocent; while the Inquisitorial
Approach is:
A. assumes the accused to be guilty C. assumes the accused to be responsible
B. assumes the accused to be blameworthy D. assumes the accused to be at fault

9. The concept of due process means that those who are accused of the crimes and those who are
processed through the Criminal Justice System must be given the basic rights guaranteed by the
A. Wholly true C. Partially true
B. Wholly false D. Partially false
10. In essence, due process simply means compliance with the requisite of:
A. become aware of C. trial
B. Complaint D. Notice and Hearing

11. They are considered the consumers of the criminal justice system.
A. criminals C. suspects
B. offenders D. respondents

12. It consists of human relations in accordance with the general principles impartially applied.
A. fairness C. justitia
B. impartiality D. justice

13. This is the basis used by the fiscal to file a case in court against an accused.
A. prima facie case C. prima facie issue
B. prima facie evidence D. prima facie fact

14. Acts committed or omitted in violation of law are better known as

A. Criminology C. Crimes
B. Criminal Acts D. All of these

15. A person who is finally convicted by a competent court in violation of the criminal law is
A. Suspect C. Criminal
B. Defendant D. Accused

16. The pillar of criminal justice system that has the first contact with the offenders refers to
A. Community C. Court
B. Law Enforcement D. Correction

17. The agency of the community or government that is responsible for the enforcement of laws
A. Community C. Court
B. Law Enforcement D Criminal Justice System

18. The machinery used by the government to control and prevent the commission of crimes
refers to
A. Community C. Court
B. Law Enforcement D Criminal Justice System

19. Apprehension, prosecution, sentencing, conviction and rehabilitation of criminal offenders is

the activity of
A. Community C. Court
B. Law Enforcement D Criminal Justice System

20. The act of taking a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer the
commission of an offense is known as
A. Warrant C. Arrest
B. Warrant of arrest D. Search and seizure

21. That branch or division of law which defines crimes, treats of their nature and provides for
their punishment
A. Special Law C. Civil Law
B. Criminal Law D. Ordinance

22. An officer given the authority to issue warrants after personal examination of the
complainants and the witnesses he may produce
A. Prosecutor C. Ombudsman
B. Judge D. None of these
23. The process of linking the five pillars of criminal justice system together so as to achieve an
interrelated scheme of reciprocal responsibilities in its approach to community involvement
A. Due Process C. Prosecution
B. Criminal Justice System D. Adjudication

24. The breeding ground of criminality characterized by the widespread unemployment, low
income and productivity, malnutrition, big families and rapid population growth rates, low
standard of living and the like
A. Ignorance C. Unpopular Laws
B. Injustices D. Poverty

25. The reason why the court is the center or core of the CJS.
A. the arbiter of justice C. it decides on cases
B. it conducts trial D. it convicts accused

26. The equal protection clause in essence declares that the state may not attempt to
_________statutes against a person solely because of specific characteristics such as race, age, or
A. creates or enforce C. make or implement
B. generates or put into effect D. form or impose

27. Criminal due process requires that the accused be tried by ___________court in accordance
with the procedure prescribed by law and with proper observance of all the rights accorded him
under the Constitution and applicable statutes.
A. an fair and capable C. an impartial and competent
B. an neutral and able D. an independent and proficient

28. Who can utilize this right to criminal due process?

A. Any person under investigation of the crime may at all times invoke his right to due process.
B. Any person under examination of the crime may at all times invoke his right to due process.
C. Any person under inquiry of the crime may at all times invoke his right to due process.
D. Any person under study of the crime may at all times invoke his right to due process.

29. A litany of weapons, which a person may use in order to resist or defeat any abuse or misuse
of governmental power.
A. Constitution C. The Bill of Rights
B. Law D. Criminal Law

30. A society must be willing to live with the fact that some guilty offenders will be found
innocent in order to insure that the innocent persons are not unjustly convicted.
A. Crime Control Model C. Due Process Model
B. offense Control Model D. outstanding Process Model

31. The primary concerns of the due process model are the protection of individuals, individual
freedom, and general maintenance of liberty; whereas the concern of crime control model is the
collective rights of the society that must take precedence over the rights of the individual; where
there is conflict over this issue, what must be the first consideration.
A. collective public safety C. group public safety
B. Community D. public safety

32. In Due Process Model, People are considered basically good. Individuals are presumed
innocent until proven guilty, whereas in Crime Control Model individuals are:
A. presumed guilty until proven not guilty
B. presumed guilty until proven innocent
C. presumed guilty until proven blameless
D. presumed guilty until proven guiltless
33. Criminology explains the etiology, extent, and nature of the crime in society; Criminal
Justice studies the agencies of social control that handles criminal offenders. While
Criminologists are concerned with identifying _____________________.
A. the Nature, extent and causes of crime
B. the character, extent and causes of crime
C. the Nature, degree and causes of crime
D. the character, degree and causes of crime

34. Criminal Justice scholars engage in describing, analyzing, and explaining the operations of
the agencies of justice, specifically the police department, the prosecution, the courts and the rest
of the pillars of the system in seeking a more effective methods of crime control and offender
A. Wholly true C. Partially true
B. Wholly false D. Partially false

35. If all members of class in school did not do their assignments, all should receive the same
grade otherwise there will be no in justice. Justice involves equal punishment for identical
offenses and equal rewards for identical merits. What percepts as indicating the true essence of
A. “render to each is due.”
B. ‘treat equally and unequally in proportion to their inequality.”
C. “to each according to his deserts,”
D. none of the following

36.Which meaning that those who contributes more should receive more and those contributes
less will receive less but knowing that does not tell us how to determine the relative contribution
of each other.
A. “render to each is due.”
B. ‘treat equally and unequally in proportion to their inequality.”
C. “to each according to his deserts,”
D. none of the following

37. A. symbolic of using just weights for measuring goods, and of having balanced opinions.
A. level C. weighing machine
B. balance D. scale

38. The figure of Justitia, the goddess of justice, is considered to be a symbol of justice. She
wears a blindfold, to represent:
A. unbiased judgment C. impartial judgment
B. independent judgment D. fair judgment

39. In order that justice will be realized there must be the observance of:
A. the due process C. rights
B. Bill of rights D. the fair process

40. There must be a notice of hearing:

A. Procedural Due Process C. technical Due Process
B. Substantive Due Process D. fair Due Process

41. An auxiliary pillar that allows a prisoner to be released from prison after serving a part of his
sentence based on good conduct.
A. probation C. pardon
B. parole D. amnesty

42. The method by which the police, prosecution, courts, and correctional institutions enforce the
basic rules of any society, as expressed in its criminal law.
A. prosecution of cases C. Phil. CJS
B. American CJS D. Phil. Pillars of justice
43. According to Mortimer Adler, it is easy to say what justice is in abstract but it is hard to
determine what is just in a given particular case. Therefore, we can say there is justice if this
question is answered.
A. What is justice?
B. Is the particular action just?
C. Is justice applied in a particular case?
D. In what way justice is attained?

44. In the American CJS, there are 3 pillars. In the Philippines, there are 5 pillars. This pillar in
the Philippines CJS was added because they believe that it has the greatest influence in the
attaining justice like the people power that changed the government.
A. court C. community
B. prosecution D. correction

45. The basic document that guarantees and protects human rights.
A. Laws of the land C. Phil. Constitution
B. Criminal laws D. Civil laws

46. One right of a person undergoing investigation which means that the suspect may or may not
answer a question during the interrogation period.
A. right to self-incrimination C. right to freedom of speech
B. right to remain silent D. right to counsel

47. He was known the “forgotten” man of the criminal Justice System is:
A. Criminal C. Suspect
B. Victim D. Convict

48. The existence of such facts and circumstances as would exile the belief, in a reasonable
mind, acting on the facts within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that a person charge was guilty
of the crime he was prosecuted.
A. Probable Cause C. Proof
B. Witness D. Evidence

49. When we call a suspect a criminal?

A. When he is convicted by judgment
B. When he is jail
C. When the court ordered for the imprisonment of the accused.
D. When the conviction by a court lapse 15 days from receipt without completing an appeal.

50. Apathy among Filipinos towards prisoners and ex-convicts as public enemy’s should be
overcome, instead they should be accepted as members of the society,
A. Wholly true C. Wholly false
B. Partially true D. Partially false

51. This achieved by isolating the criminals for incarceration thereby effectively controlling
them from further endangering the society thus protecting the public from harm and damage.
A. Crime Prevention C. Crime Deterrence
B. Crime Control D. Crime organize

52. The most “pampered” element of the criminal justice system is:
A. Criminal C. Police
B. Victim D. Convict

53. A pillar of the Criminal justice system in charged to maintain peace and order and enforces
the criminal law.
A. First pillar C. Second pillar
B. Third pillar D. Fourth pillar
54. Considered as the weakest among the 5 pillar of Philippine Criminal Justice System.
A. Police C. Prosecution
B. court D. Corrections

55. The primary concerns of the due process model are the protection of individuals, individual
freedom, and ___________________.
A. general maintenance of liberty C. general maintenance of freedom
B. general maintenance of peace and order D. general maintenance of protection

56. Due process model emphasizes “reliability “while crime control model emphasizes
A. “efficiency” and productivity C. “efficiency” and reliable
B. “firm” and productivity D. “competence” and production

57. Criminal due process requires that the accused be tried by _____________court in
accordance with the procedure prescribed by law and with proper observance of all the rights
accorded him under the Constitution and applicable statutes.
A. an impartial and competent C. a fair and capable
B. an unbiased and knowledgeable D. an independent and skilled

58. The equal protection clause in essence declares that the state may not attempt to
__________statutes against a person solely because of specific characteristics such as race, age,
or sex. According to the Supreme Court, it must be based on some reasonable classification.
A. generate or put in force C. create or enforce
B. form or make obligatory D. fashion or make compulsory

59. The dispensation of justice in the community is greatly dependent on the effectiveness and
efficiency of the
A. CJS C. Criminal Justice
B. Court D. People

60. The following are factors undermine the effectiveness and efficiency of the criminal justice
system except:
A. Lack of equipment and facilities.
B. Inadequate manpower
C. Politics, public apathy or indifference
D. None of the following

61. This serves to compromise the values and ethical standards of the system thus affecting the
credibility of the CJS in general:
A. Political interference C. Social interference
B. Political intrusion D. Social interference

62. These are contributory factors, which may have serious implications to the overall credibility
of CJS.
A. Graft and corruption and the negative media
B. Graft and corruption
C. negative media
D. Political Influence

63. These are some reasons why some people commit offenses and because of their inability to
determine what would be the results of their acts and lack of understanding about some facts and
misconception about things.
A. Mental conditions and lack of education and instruction
B. Social conditions
C. Personal temperament
D. Either
64. It is the manner in which they control these that will determine whether or not they will
resort to criminal activity or will live a normal life.
A. Hatred C. Passion
B. Personal gain D. Insanity

65. They are distinguished by a strong adversarial system where lawyers interpret and judges are
bound by precedent.  Common law systems are distinctive in the significance they attach to
precedent (the importance of previously decided cases). 
A. Common law systems C. Islamic systems
B. Socialist systems D. Civil law systems

66. A continental justice or Romano-Germanic justice, and practiced throughout most of the
European Union as well as elsewhere, in places such as Sweden, Germany, France, and Japan. 
A. Common law systems C. Islamic systems
B. Socialist systems D. Civil law systems

67. This is an important part in police work which is concerned with the apprehension of
A. maintaining peace and order C. enforcing the law
B. public policing D. service

68. This function involves many activities and missions peripheral to basic law enforcement and
public safety. It includes escort duties and civic actions and other activities related thereto.
A. safeguarding public health and morals C. safeguarding public safety
B. safeguarding environmental sanitation D. safeguarding peace

69. This requires a police officer to gain sympathy of the community so they may close rank in
combating crimes and other anti-social behavior.
A. maintenance of public safety C. protection of lives and property
B. preservation of peace and order D. arrest of criminals

70. This emphasizes the presence of the adequate patrol system including the continuous effort
toward eliminating or reducing the opportunities for criminal action.
A. arrest of criminal’s C. prevention of crimes
B. repression of criminal activities D. suppression of crimes

Test II. Enumeration:

1. Four kinds of societies in the world.

2. Four (4) types of criminal justice systems in the world.


3. Two (2) Court systems of the world are of two types:


4. Two (2) aspects of the CJS

5. Three (3) reasons why a person commit an offense :

6. The six (6) other basic causes of crimes:


7. Three (3) Requisites of crime by omission:


8. Three (3) People involved in the system (Parties to the criminal case)

Three Pillars of ACJS (in order)


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