Effortless Personal Transporter
Effortless Personal Transporter
Effortless Personal Transporter
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue III Mar 2021- Available at www.ijraset.com
Abstract: Thispaper deals with the construction of a personal transporter at a very low cost, high efficient rate and easy to
handle. It will eventually be widely used and accepted as a form of transportation. This effortless personal transporter is one of
the several low speed transportation devices that, under certain circumstances, travel on sidewalks, roadways, and other shared-
used paths. It will be more economical and accessible to people in their day to day life. In this paper, we present an effortless
Segway based onself balancing mechanism using Accelero-Gyro sensor (IMU MPU6050) along with a microcontroller
(Arduino Uno) and use of mechanical and electrical hardwares. This Segway is absolutely eco-friendly mode of transport
which causes zero pollution. The main objective is to build a vehicle capable of transporting a person weighing upto 70 –
80 kg and capable of travelling some km distance with varying speed. The design of effortless personal transporter is such that
it covers less space and gives more comfort to the user.
Keywords: Segway, Accelero – Gyro Sensor, Arduino UNO, Microcontroller
A Segway is a two-wheeled vehicle which was introduced by Dean.L. Kamen in 2001.It can self-balance itself as well as the weight
of the rider. It is provided with a control handle bar, vertical to the platform, which is pushed front or pulled back and accordingly
the motion of the segway is noticed. This device is primarily driven by the dynamics of the rider either forward or backward. This is
an eco-friendly mode of transport for short distances since no fuel is consumed and rechargeable batteries are used. A Segway
consumes very less space and helps reduce the extreme traffic to quite some extent. In our paper, the prototype demonstrates the
mechanism of the segway by balancing itself. A rider’s motion makes changes in the angle of inclination of the device which is
sensed by the MPU 6050 and sends the data to the arduino which in turn controls the motion of the Segway. For the rider’s
convenience, we have also introduced remote sensing, implementing it using the HC – 05 from a certain distance.
The rest of this paper organized as follows; Section 2 describes the identification of the problem and offers solution. Section 3
describes the mechanical and electrical components of the model. Section 4 presents the working principle of the model. Finally in
section 6 conclusion and reference section for future work are presented.
B. Solution
To solve this problem, we came up with an idea to reduce their travel time and do the work with ease. This lead us to come out with
a solution called personal transporter (Segway). By using this segway, the supervisors and quality crackers can do their work
effectively and efficiently. In 2011, the Segway was being marketed to the emergency medical services community. In 2018, the
police of Stockholm adopted Segways as permanent transportation method for the patrollers of the old town. Thus, Segway can be
used as a solution in various ways.
B. Handle Bar
In most of the vehicles, handle bar will act like a steering system. Our segway runs on various control systems attached to it. These
control systems are attached to the handle bar so that the rider can control the segway easily. Our handle bar is made up of stainless
steel which is a high corrosive resistant one, has light weight and more life. The grade of steel used to manufacture handle bar is
Grade 304 (Stainless steel).
D. Wheel
A wheel is a disc or circle shaped mechanical device. Its main purpose is to allow things to roll; in other words, the wheel spins and
the objects on the wheel move more easily along the ground. The wheels used in our segway is a rubber moulded one which is
connected to the motor shafts through bearings. The wheels have a diameter of 30 cm.
E. Safety Wheels
These safety wheels are undriven one. It is designed to be attached to the bottom of a larger object to enable that object to be moved.
As its name indicates it is used for the safety purpose of the segway. If the electrical components of the segway fail, the rider should
be safe and avoid any injury. So safety wheels play a vital role in rider safety.
A. Brushless DC Geared Motor
A motor is a device or electrical machine used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Here, we are using a brushless
DC geared motor.
A geared motor is a component whose mechanism adjusts the speed of the motor, leading them to operate at certain speed. Thus, we
can achieve the needed speed through this geared motor. This geared motor have the ability to deliver high torque at low speeds, as
the gear head functions as a torque multiplier. In addition, they are brushless so that the motion control, positioning and actuation
systems are done. They have high power density, good speed torque characteristics, high efficiency, wide speed range and low
B. Arduino UNO
Arduino is an open source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs
like activating a motor.
The Arduino UNO board we use here is equipped with sets of digital and analog input / output pins that may be interfaced to
various expansion boards and other circuits. It can be powered by USB cable or by an external 9 volt battery, though it accepts
voltages between 7 to 20 volts.
Autopilot Mode
Driving Mode
As we said earlier, first we have identified the problem during our research and then concluded with the solution called personal
transporter (Segway). We discussed with our team mates and have included various transformations in this personal transporter.
This transporter works with a micro controller called Arduino UNO and also use various sensors like accelerometer, gyroscope, etc.,
We have studied the program involving Arduino Uno and implemented it. Being different from other Segways, we have also
attached the safety wheels and battery operation as an emergency servicewhen Arduino fails.
During the research, we have faced various hiccups and gaps in exploring the plan and design. We handled it and did the research
efficiently. The final model is a user friendly one. The person can ride and use this transporter without any fear and dauntless
because we have focused on the safety wheels by prioritizing the safety of the riders. This transporter can be used extensively since
it can be handled easily. Future developments will include new control technique andperforming a comparative study among them.
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