Voice Controlled Wheel Chair Via Bluetooth Mobile Application
Voice Controlled Wheel Chair Via Bluetooth Mobile Application
Voice Controlled Wheel Chair Via Bluetooth Mobile Application
µ = Coefficient of friction.
* It is ratio between the force resisting motion between the objects and the normal or perpendicular force
pushing them together.
* The static coefficient of friction is 0.8 and rotational coefficient of friction is 0.6 for rubber to concrete.
At Starting:
Mass = 80kg
= 94.05 Nm.
At Running:
Mass = 80kg
g = 9.8
= 70.56 Nm
1. So, Total Torque of wheelchair at starting and running.
a. total = +
= 94.08 + 94.08
2. Total = 188.16 Nm
3. total = +
= 70.56 +70.56 → total = 141.12 Nm.
Speed calculation of wheelchair
We take a speed of wheelchair is 1
RPM to
= πD
D = diameter of wheelchair
Ns = Speed in RPM of wheel
= 0.53rps N = 0.53*60
N = 31.84rpm.
Fig-4: Model Voice Controlled Wheel Chair Via Bluetooth Mobile Application
Thus with this project it can be concluded that how the technological advancement can be used to serve
the society in a better and more capable form by helping them with basic needs and requirements. Thus it
can be further considered the various problems that are faced by the user in the real world and can be
tried to improve the product’s working abilities and capabilities.
The current system is possible to help the user with better ease and comfort but still there are some
possibilities that can make it more feasible to eradicate all the shortcoming faced by a manual wheel
chair. The project can be made more realistic and practical for the user’s need
1. The automatic voice control robot utilizes a simple voice app that recognizes voice commands. We
need to eliminate noise and detect only the required speech signals.
2. Once our main motto of voice control is achieved we are working on the feature of obstacle detection.
3. We would like to implement multimodal approach to it.
4. We would like to focus on stair case climbing possibilities.
5. We would like to consider the current government’s initiative of Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan to enrol
this product to help serve the society better.
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www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:08/August-2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
[4] http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/friction_coefficient.html
[5] http://www.physlink.com/reference/frictioncoefficients.cfml
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