GO MS No.29

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Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 – Exemption

under section 17(1)(a) of Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 to the
Employees of M/s Andhra Pradesh Industrial and Technical Consultancy
Organisation Ltd. AP/25139 – Hyderabad – Sanction – Orders – Issued.

G.O Ms.No.29 Dated:7.5.2008.

Read the following:-

1. From the Regional Provident Fund Commssioner (Exemp) for Central

Provident Fund Commissioner, Ministry of Labour, G.O.I., Head Office
Lr No.E-III/1(6)/06/AP/Exemption/2766, dt:30.3.2007.
2. From the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Employees Provident
Fund Organisation, Regional Office, Hyd Lr No. AP/RO(HYD)25139/
Exemp/2008/34, dt:4.4.2008.


In the circumstances reported by the Regional Provident Fund

Commissioner (Exemp) G.O.I., in the letter first read above, the Government have
decided to accept the proposal and accordingly the following notification will be
published in the next issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette.


Whereas M/s Andhra Pradesh Industrial and Technical Consultancy

Organisation Ltd. AP/25139, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh (herein after referred to
as the said establishment) has applied for exemption under clause (a) of sub
section (1) of section 17 of the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952 (Central Act 19 of 1952) (herein after referred to as the said

And whereas, in the opinion of the State Government the rules of the
Provident Fund of the said establishment with respect to the rates of the
contribution are not less favourable to employees therein than those specified in
section 6 of the said Act and the employees are also in employment of other
Provident Fund benefits which on the whole are not less favourable to the
employees than the benefits provided under the said Act and under Employees
Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 (herein after referred as the scheme) in relation to
the employees in any other establishment of a similar character.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub

section (1) of section 17 of the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952 (Central Act 19 of 1952) the Governor of Andhra Pradesh
hereby exempts the said establishment namely M/s Andhra Pradesh Industrial and
Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd. from the operation of all the provisions of
the Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 with effect from 1.9.1981, subject to
conditions specified in the schedule annexed there to.



(1) The employer in relation to the said establishment shall provide for such
facilities for inspection and pay such inspection charges as the Government
of Andhra Pradesh may from time to time direct under Clause (a) of sub
section (3) of section 17 of the said Act within 15 days from the close of
every month;

(2) The rates of contribution payable under the provident fund rules of the
establishment shall at no time be lower than those payable under the said
Act in respect of the un-exempted establishment and the said scheme
framed there under;

(3) In the matter of advances, the scheme of the exempted establishment shall
not be less favourable than the Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952.

(4) Any amendment to the said scheme which is more beneficial to the
employees than the existing rules of the establishment shall be made
applicable to them automatically. No amendment of the rules of the
Provident Fund of the said establishment shall be made without the
previous approval of the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner and where
any amendment is likely to affect adversely the interest of the employees of
the said establishment, the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner shall,
before giving his approval give a reasonable opportunity to the employees
to explain their point of view;

(5) All employees (as defined in section 2(f) of the said Act) who would have
been eligible to become members of the Provident Fund, had the
establishment not been granted exemption shall be enrolled as members;

(6) Where an employee who is already a member of the employees Provident

Fund (Statutory) or a provident fund of any other exempted establishment is
employed in his establishment, the employers shall immediately enroll him
as a member of the Fund and arrange to have the accumulations in the
provident fund account of such employee with his previous employer
transferred and credited to his account.

(7) The employer shall establish a board of Trustees for the management of
the provident fund according to such directions as may be given by the
Central Provident Fund Commissioner or by the Government of Andhra
Pradesh, as the case may be, from time to time.

(8) The provident fund shall vest in the Board of Trustees who will be
responsible for and accountable to the employees Provident Fund
Organisations inter-alia for proper accounts of the receipts into and
payments from the provident fund and the balances in their custody;

(9) The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once in every three months and
shall function in accordance with the guidelines that may be issued from
time to time by the Central Government or Central Provident Fund
Commissioner the Officer authorized by him:

(10) The accounts of the Provident Fund maintained by the Board of Trustees
shall be subject to audit by a qualified independent Chartered Accountant
annually. Where considered necessary, the Central Provident Fund
Commissioner shall have the right to have the accounts re-audited by any
other qualified auditor and the expenses so incurred shall be borne by the

(11) A copy of the audited annual provident fund accounts together with the
audited balance sheet of the establishment for each accounting year shall
be submitted to the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner within six
months after the close of the financial year. For this purpose the financial
year of the provident fund shall be from the 1st of April to the 31st March;

(12) The employer shall transfer to the Board of Trustees the contributions
payable to the Provident Fund by himself and the employees by the 15th of
each month following the month for which the contributions are payable.
The employer shall be liable to pay damages to the Board of Trustees for
any delay in payment of the contributions in the same manner as an
unexempted establishment is liable under similar circumstances;

(13) The Board of Trustees shall invest the monies in the fund as per the
directions that may be given by the Government from time to time. The
securities shall be obtained in the name of the Board of Trustees and shall
be kept in the custody of a Scheduled Bank under the Credit control of the
Reserve Bank of India;

(14) Failure to make investments as per the directions of the Government shall
make the Board of Trustees severally and jointly liable to surcharge as may
be imposed by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner or his

(15) The Board of Trustees shall maintain in a script-wise register and ensure
timely realization of interest and redemption proceeds;

(16) The Board of Trustees shall maintain detailed accounts to show the
contributions credited, withdrawals made and interest accured in respect of
each employee;

(17) The Board shall issue an annual statement of accounts to every employee
within six months of the close of financial accounting year;

(18) The Board may at its discretion instead of the annual Statement of
accounts, issue pass books to every employee. These pass books shall
remain in the custody of the employees and will be brought upto date by the
Board on presentation by the employees;

(19) The accounts of each employee shall be credited with interest calculated on
the opening balance as on the 1st day of the accounting year at such rate as
may be decided by the board of trustees but shall not be lower than the rate
declared by the Central Government under para 60 of the said scheme;


(20) If the Board of Trustees are unable to pay interest at the rate declared by
the Central Government for the reason that the return on investment is less
for any other reason that the deficiency shall be made good by the

(21) The employer shall also make good any other loss that may be caused to
the Provident Fund due to theft, burglary, defalcation, mis-appropriation or
any other reason;

(22) The employer as well as the Board of Trustees shall submit such returns to
the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner as the Central Government or
Central Provident Fund Commissioner may prescribed from time to time.

(23) If the provident fund rules of the said establishment provide for forfeiture of
the employees contributions incases where an employee ceases to be a
member of the fund on the lines of para 69 of the said scheme, the Board of
Trustees shall maintain a separate account of the amounts so forfeited and
may utilize the same for such purposes as may be determined with the prior
approval of the Central-Provident Fund Commissioner.

(24) Not with standing anything contained in the Provident Fund Rules of the
said establishment, if on the ceasation of any individual from the
membership of the fund consequent on retiring from service or on taking up
the employment in some other establishment, it is found that the rate of
contribution, rate of forfeiture etc., under the Provident Fund Rules of the
said establishment are less favourable as compared to these under the
statutory scheme, then the difference shall be borne by the employer.

(25) The employer shall bear all the expanses of the administration of the
provident fund including the maintenance of accounts, submission of
returns, transfer of accumulations;

(26) The employer shall display on the notice board of the establishment a copy
of the rules of the provident fund of the establishment as approved by the
appropriate authority and as and when amended thereto along with a
translation of the salient points thereof in the language of the majority of the

(27) The appropriate Government may lay down any further conditions for
exemption of the above said establishment;

(28) The employee shall enhance the rate of provident fund contributions
appropriately if the rate of provident fund contribution is enhanced under the
said Act, so that the benefits under the provident fund rules of the said
establishment shall not become less favourable than the benefits provided
under the said Act;

(29) The exemption is liable to be cancelled for violation any of the above



The Commissioner of Printing & Stationery, Hyderabad.
(with request to publish the Notification in the next issue of the A.P. Gazette and
furnish 20 copies of the same)
The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Hyderabad.
The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Exemption)
for Central Provident Fund Commissioner, Employees’ Provident Fund
Organisation (Ministry of Labour, Government of India)
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
Copy to:
Andhra Pradesh Industrial Technical Consultancy Organisation Limited,
8th Floor, Pansrama Bhavanam, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500004.
Law (B) Department.



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