A Study On Perception of Investors Towards Gold As An Investment Avenue in Madurai City
A Study On Perception of Investors Towards Gold As An Investment Avenue in Madurai City
A Study On Perception of Investors Towards Gold As An Investment Avenue in Madurai City
Abstract Since the beginning of civilization, gold has been one of the most sought after metals in the world. Because of its durability it has
been used by nations as fiat currency. Nations may fall, paper money may lose its value but gold will always remain as something of value. But
there are certain disadvantages in investing gold. As compared to other precious metals, gold has a low industrial demand. Largely investors
only decide its demand and value. In the short run, gold is an excellent store-house of wealth as long term investment gold is not an ideal
investment. This is because its return is easily outplaced by the equity market. Moreover investment in gold has no payout in terms of dividends.
This study aims at collecting investor’s response towards investment in gold. Seventy five respondents were interviewed through structured
questions. Pros and cons of investing gold have been elicited.
The author has highlighted the limitations in investing in gold. It is learned that gold import has eroded most of our foreign currency.so it will
increase our current account deficit resulting in declining our rupee value against dollar.
Keywords: Inflation, Reserve Bank of India, Inflation-Indexed Bonds, Current Account Deficit (CAD), Assocham (Associated Chambers
of Commerce and Industry of India)
1. INTRODUCTION also the only metal that forms no oxide film on it’s surface
in air at normal temperatures, meaning that it will never rust
Gold is a precious metal that has been valued by people since or tarnish.
ancient times. People use gold for coins, jewelry, ornaments,
and many industrial purposes. Until recently, gold reserves From the ancient time, gold has been in use as decorative
formed the basis of world monetary systems. Gold plays ornaments for kings and also a currency and standard for
an important role in providing the best possible protection global transactions. It has a wrinkle role in a wide range of
against the fluctuations of both political and economic electronic devices and medical applications, recently.
scenario, mainly in Asia, the Middle east countries and also Even through gold was mainly used t wear it as an ornament,
in India. thus acting as a status symbol in India, the perception about
gold has taken different dimensions, making a long journey
2. FACTS ABOUT GOLD from those days.
Increase of belief in gold among the Indians, not only
Gold, like no other metal, has a fascinating history and a deserves a place in home cupboard or bank locket, but also
special place in the world. . Gold is a very soft metal when it in the Indians investment portfolio. Reserve Bank of India
is pure (24 Kt. is pure gold). makes changes in policy, according to the gold store in the
Gold’s many unique properties have secured it a central role Indian treasury.
in history and human development. Gold is a remarkable, In the year 2010, Gold jewellery and ornaments occupy
rare metal, with an unparalleled combination of chemical nearly 75% of the total gold demand in India; the remaining
and physical properties. It is the only yellow metal and bears 25% of Indian demand is accounted for the investment and
its name from the Old English word for yellow, ‘geolu’. It is technology sector.
2 PRiMa: Practices and Research in Marketing Volume 4 Issue 1 October 2013
3. THE METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY required primary data were collected from list of customers
maintained by the jewelry shops. The data were collected
The design of a suitable methodology and the selection of the from the respondents by the direct personal interview
appropriate analytical tools were very important in making method. A Pre-test was initially conducted and the necessary
a meaningful analysis of any chosen research problem. This corrections were made and the final draft of the interview
section had been devoted to a description of the methodology schedule was then prepared.
adopted in the present study. It had included the collection of
data, a description of the sampling procedure adopted, and 3.3. Tools of Analysis
the tools used for analysing the data.
The collected data, both the primary as well as the secondary,
3.1. Collection of Data were analysed by employing the Percentile Analysis and
Mean Scores of Five Point Scale.
The data required for the present study were collected both
from the primary as well as from the secondary sources. The 3.4. Period of the Study
primary data had been collected from the respondents in
the study area directly by using a well designed interview The present study has been based on both the primary as
schedule. The secondary data were collected from the well as the secondary data. The secondary data required for
published sources. the present study had been collected for a period of 10 years,
that is, for the years 2001-2002 to 2010-2011. The primary
3.2. Sampling Design data were collected through a field survey conducted by the
researcher during the months of March to June 2013.
A total number of 75 sample respondents has been selected
for the purpose of the present study. In the study area,
4. PROFILE OF THE STUDY AREA 38.1 per cent and in 2010-11 the recorded growth stood at
18.3 per cent. Thus the average rate of growth during this
Madurai is the administrative head quarters of Madurai period was 26.8 percent. Even though, the prevailing global
district in the south Indian state of Tamilnadu. It is the fincial conditions during this period was volatile, high levels
third largest city in Tamilnadu. It is located on the banks of of gold imports create an impression that India has passion /
river ‘Vaigai’. Madurai is built around Meenakshi Amman obsession with gold.
Temple, which acted as the geographic and ritual centre of A look at the Indian import figures for gold over the period
the ancient city of Madurai. According to 2011 provisional 2001-02 to 2010-11 suggests that: Gold’s share in total import
census data, Madurai city had a population of 10,16,885 bill of the country has gone up from 8.1 per cent in 2001-02
within the corporation limits with 5,09,313 men and 5,07,572 to 9.6 per cent in 2010-11. In value terms, it has risen from
women. There were 2,15,265 households in the city. US $ 4170.4 million in 2001-02 to US $ 33875.7 million in
2010-11. A growth rate of 63.5 percent is witnessed for the
5. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS period 2008-09 to 2010-11.
table 2: total Gold imports (uS dollars in million)
The information regarding the demographic characteristics
year Gold import total import Percentage Share
of the sample respondents in the study area had been
2001-02 4170.4 51413.3 8.1
presented in Table 1.
2002-03 3844.9 61412.1 6.3
Table 1 has indicated that out of the 75 respondents studied, 2003-04 6516.9 78149.1 8.3
17 (22.67 Per cent) were found to be male while 58 (77.33 per
2004-05 10537.7 111517.4 9.4
cent) were found to be female. Thus, most of the respondents
belong to the age group of above 41 to 50 years (58.67 per 2005-06 10830.5 149166 7.3
cent). Further, it could be seen that most of the respondents 2006-07 14461.9 185735.2 7.8
in the study area have belonged to the income group of 2007-08 16723.6 251439.2 6.7
more than Rs. 30000. It could further be understood that 2008-09 20725.6 298833.9 6.9
the College level educated respondents constituted 68.00 per 2009-10 28640.1 288372.9 9.9
cent. Most of the respondents in the study area had belonged 2010-11 33875.8 352574.9 9.6
to the nuclear family category.
6. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A look at the top ten import commodities for India over a
period of ten years suggests that: The percentage share of gold
6.1. Import of Gold In India and silver combined has risen from the 3rd most imported
commodity in 2000-01 to the 2nd most imported commodity
As India’s indigenous production of gold is very limited, the in 2010-11 behind only crude oil. Whereas comparatively
rising and future demand, has to be met-out from the outside the import share of other key industrial raw materials such
sources of the country. Thus import of Gold has become as Coal, Coke, Iron and Steel is much, lower in the total
a necessary criteria in Indian gold market. Import of gold import bill of the country. Economists believe that most of
compels the foreign exchange reserve to become scarce our foreign currency has been eroded by importing gold.
resource for the import of other commodities like food etc.,
Moreover, Gold as a commodity on its own does not add 7. WHY DO PEOPLE INVEST IN GOLD?
much to the productive capacity of the economy. In both the
cases, money spent on purchasing gold gets blocked since To know this answer, a study has been conducted in Madurai
gold is not a productive asset n investor buys gold when it is city with a sample of 75 respondents by asking them the
selling at a high price in relation to the dollar and then sells factors influencing to buy gold. A simple questionnaire has
it at a lower price, the investor will, of course, lose money. been prepared which contains factors to motivate them and
the risk involved in buying gold. The respondent has been
India imports most of its gold requirement. Gold as a
asked to rank them on their priority.
commodity on its own does not add much to the productive
capacity of the economy. Such high value of gold imports Analysis from the above table indicates that liquidity is the
has now started hurting India’s current account position. highest preference followed by appreciation of the value
of gold and for beauty and pride. So the above analysis
Gold’s share in total import bill of the country has gone up
indicates that investors consider that gold can be realizable
from 8.1 per cent in 2001- 02 to 9.6 per cent in 2010-11.
easily into cash.
In 2008-09 the growth was 23.0 percent, in 2009-10 it was
4 PRiMa: Practices and Research in Marketing Volume 4 Issue 1 October 2013
9.1. Inflation-Indexed Bond Dubai Municipality, Gems & Precious Metals Laboratory
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Account Deficit (CAD), which widened to historic high of tains its glitter, GulfNews. Retrieved from http://archive.
6.7 per cent in third quarter of 2012-13. So the Reserve Bank gulfnews.com/articles/02/08/24/61380.html
of India plans to introduce inflation-indexed bonds (IIBs) to Ganesh, G. (1997). Spousal influence in consumer decisions:
discourage investments in gold. a study of cultural assimilation. Journal of Consumer
“Thus these bonds provide inflation protection to both Marketing, 14(2), 132-155.
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savings of poor and middle classes of people from inflation Mannan, M. A. (2006a). Gold & Jewellery Retail Space
and motivate them to save in financial instruments rather to Double by 2020, Dubai, Department of Tourism &
than buy gold. Commerce Marketing. Weekly Newsletter, 2(12). re-
The first set of such bonds will be auctioned on June 4. The trieved from http://www.dubaitourism.ae/newsletter/ar-
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such bonds every month, to raise Rs 12,000-15,000 crore in Mannan, Mohammed Abdul (2006b). Tourists Driving
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10. CONCLUSION 398-411.
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has fallen 12-15 per cent in last six months. This is the havior. Journal of Consumer Research, 12(3), December,
longest period of continuous decline in 16 years. Surely a 251-264
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a great opinion on gold . Gold may easily surprise. So, one behind-the-scenes look at the Dubai-India gold supply
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6 PRiMa: Practices and Research in Marketing Volume 4 Issue 1 October 2013
initial extraction
Awareness level of consumer 1.000 .626
Opinion 1.000 .590
Image 1.000 .674
Charity 1.000 .720
Trustworthiness 1.000 .868
CSR 1.000 .708
Participation 1.000 .709
Explore 1.000 .720
Willingness 1.000 .792
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
A Study on Perception of Investors Towards Gold as an Investment Avenue in Madurai City 7
table 1.4 total
total variance explained
Initial Eigen values extraction Sums of Squared loadings rotation Sums of Squared loadings
component % of Cumulative Cumulative % of
total total % of variance total Cumulative %
variance % % variance
1 5.032 55.912 55.912 5.032 55.912 55.912 4.731 52.571 52.571
2 1.375 15.277 71.189 1.375 15.277 71.189 1.676 18.618 71.189
3 .793 8.812 80.002
4 .717 7.972 87.973
5 .411 4.572 92.546
6 .289 3.207 95.753
7 .200 2.228 97.981
8 .099 1.104 99.084
9 .082 .916 100.000
component matrix
1 2
Awareness level of
.284 .738
Opinion .700 .317
Image .317 .757
Charity .836 -.146
Trustworthiness .880 -.305
CSR .824 -.172
Participation .842 -.018
Explore .848 -.043
Willingness .885 -.099
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
factor 1 factor 2
Awareness Level of consumer .789
Opinion .579
Image .816
Charity .842
Trustworthiness .931
CSR .838
Participation .812
Explore .825
Willingness .876
8 PRiMa: Practices and Research in Marketing Volume 4 Issue 1 October 2013
1 2
Awareness level of consumer .060 .789
Opinion .579 .504
Image .087 .816
Charity .842 .100
Trustworthiness .931 -.040
CSR .838 .071
Participation .812 .224
Explore .825 .201
Willingness .876 .159