I. Learning Objectives: Media and Information Literacy Grade 12

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Capiz
Puti-an, Cuartero, Capiz

Lesson Plan
General Academic Strand (GAS)
Media and Information Literacy

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of 2 hour, at least 85% of the student will be able to:
1. Describes the multiple media roles affecting the public.
2. Define internet and facebook as the means and channel of communication.
3. Evaluate how media and information change the world because of the latest
communication means.
4. Identify each media information that can be accessed through the latest channel
of communication.

II. Learning Task

Subject Matter: 10 levels of intimacy in today’s communication.
Reference: Quex learning material, Kto12-SHS
Materials: pentil pen, Carolina, pictures
Value Focus: Evaluate how media and information change the world because of
the latest communication means.

III. Procedure
Major Steps Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
2. Energizer
3. Review Teacher will check the Each student read their
assignments yesterday work and how they
and let the students read rank it from 1-10.
their work at the front.

4. Presentation of the Teacher will present a Students will view the

lesson video presentation about video.
how media affect the (possible responses)
youth. Media affect the youth
through the latest
gadgets and social
media platforms that
can be access through
the tip of your hands.

5. Discussion Proper Teacher will discuss and Students are listening

infer the 10 levels of and interacting as well
intimacy and media roles as sharing their
and communication thoughts and opinions
channels about the 10 levels of

6. Generalization 1. Is the internet really a 1.Yes, because it does

means of gives us the
communication right information we need
now? Why? Does it but it also makes our
give us the needed life more easier.
information we
2. How can we access 2. We can access the
the information we information we need
need? through browsing the
3. How can we minimize internet.
the use of the 3. We can minimize the
popular media use of popular media
affecting our youth? by self-discipline.
4. Does media and 4.Yes, because social
information really media platforms uses
affect it audience? In advertisement and
what way? State one features that the
example. audience will make
themselves hook and
addict in using those
media provider

IV. Evaluation Teacher will give an exit

cards stating how can
they state that media is
a useful one?

Have an advance reading

V. Assignment about then seven skills of
media literacy.

Student will answer

exit cards
Reference: quex learning material, kto12-SHS.
Prepared by:
Ms. Cheeny Tamayo
Sign by:
Principal II

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