Engaging Activities A. "Globalization II - Good or Bad?" Video Evaluation Chart
Engaging Activities A. "Globalization II - Good or Bad?" Video Evaluation Chart
Engaging Activities A. "Globalization II - Good or Bad?" Video Evaluation Chart
I Institutionally Accredited
III. In just six words, explain the purpose/theme/aim of the video as you see it.
V. In ten words, what are the values you learned from this video?
3 - Full Participation - Students wrote their reflection essays about the video in a
clear and consistent manner.
2 - Substantial Participation - Students wrote their reflection essays about the
video and do so in a somewhat consistent manner.
1 - Little or Partial Participation - Students have difficulty writing their reflection
essays about the video consistently.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified