Final Chapter 1

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This chapter discusses about the main theme of the study which is determining

the level of career preparedness of the Grade 12 General Academic Strand in

Tagaytay City Science National High School and this chapter includes the

introduction, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, hypothesis,

significance of the study, and the definition of terms.


Senior High School serves as the preparatory level for students before

stepping into college. It is consisted of various subjects according to their chosen

strand that is under different tracks. This program develop students through the

method of using higher level of teaching, broader lessons and actual application of

learning in real life. Some of the subjects were extracted from college-level courses

and this serves as an introductory phase for them in order to be prepared. Every strand

has it’s own uniqueness, they differ on the major subjects they provide, this were

classified as “specialized subjects”, the one that will guide and lead students to their

chosen course in college as a continuation of the subjects they already took. General

Academic Strand is inclined with wider areas of professions. Senior High School

serves as the transition stage for student’s decision making for their lifetime

profession. Upon deciding, there are factors that should be considered like the family

income, student’s interest or ability, chosen course and grades. With the help of K to
12, students were already exposed in broad subjects that made them prepared for the

college environment and atmosphere (

The k-12 program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six

years of primary education, four years of junior high school and two years of senior

high school) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concept and skills, develop

lifelong learners and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills

development, employment and entrepreneurship. It has been one of the greatest issues

in the country ever since it was implemented. Some are in favor yet some of them

questioned the capability of the country to conform to what is generally accepted by

the world in terms of educational standards. Philippines have been trying to keep up

with what the world have set as standards especially when it comes to the educational

sector (

Students can choose electives from the different academic strands under this

track. These subjects include Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied Economics,

Organization and Management, and Disaster Preparedness, etc. It also provides the

students with a number of opportunities after graduation. Some of the courses that can

taken in college after GAS include: Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSED),

Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED), Applied Economics, Environmental

Management, and BSBA Operations Management (

Hence, there is a need to conduct this study because people are obsessed to

know if this K-12 curriculum will be effective or not, especially to those General

Academic Strand (GAS) students who are not yet decided with the college course

they will take when they entered Senior High School (SHS). By this study, the

researchers will be able to determine if the General Academic Strand did really helped

them in deciding or preparing for college. Researchers will know the mindset or
feelings of the students towards their career preparedness. The purpose of this study is

to know the level of career preparedness of the Grade 12 GAS students. The General

Academic Strand allows students to take time to decide and to prepare on what career

or course they will take in college. Thus, to give an overview and appreciation on its

pros. Here are ways that General Academic Strand can help guarantee senior high

school graduates will be able to become career prepared; This study will also afford

ample learning time for students to master study areas and focus on their interests.

Hence, students will be able to decide their chosen career.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of preparedness of the Grade 12

General Academic Strand students in Tagaytay City Science National High School

towards career readiness.

More specifically, it sought answers to the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 gender; and

1.2 rank in class?

2. What is the level of career preparedness of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 emotional;

2.2 mental; and

2.3 decision making?

3. Is there any significant relationship in the gender of the respondents and of

career preparedness in terms of emotional?

Objectives of the Study

This study has the following objectives:

1) To determine the demographic profile of the students in terms of gender

2) To determine the attitude of students towards work-preparedness in terms of

2.1 emotional

2.2 mental

2.3 decision making

3) To create suggestions or recommendations for the future curriculum

developers, teachers, and students.


Ho: The Grade 12 General Academic Strand students of Tagaytay City

Science National High School feels they are not yet career prepared.

This study assumes that the grade 12 General Academic Strand students in

Tagaytay City Science National High School feel and think that they are not yet

career prepared or they are not yet decided on what course to take in college.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focuses on the emotions or feelings of the Senior High School

students in Tagaytay City Science National High School towards career preparedness

and to determine if they are already prepared or if this strand really helped them in

deciding what course to take in college. The study will be conducted to the Grade 12
students under General Academic Strand, School Year 2019 to 2020. The study will

only focus on the level of career preparedness off the chosen repsondents.

Significance of the Study

Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behavior,

skills and knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought for

quality education.

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the

vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements. Vital results of this

investigation entitled “The Level of Career Preparedness of the Grade 12 General

Academic Strand Students at Tagaytay City Science National High School SY 2019-

2020” could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following:

The curriculum developers The curriculum developers can adjust and it depends on

whatever the result is. They can either change, develop or maintain the K to 12


The Parents They will also benefit from this study because they will know and feel

relieved that the future of their children is in the right hands.

The Students This will help the students determine the role, function, and affectivity

of the General Academic Strand to their level of preparedness. They are the ones who

will benefit here utmost because they will be able to determine first hand if the

General Academic Strand will really help them in deciding what career to pursue and

also this will be beneficial to the upcoming senior high school students since this will

be their guide if they are also undecided and will be taking General Academic Strand.
The Teachers They will be aware and conscious with their essential role or function

as an important foundation for student’s preparedness before entering college. it can

help them formulate methods to ensure student’s learning, and will also notify them to

address students’ needs in aspects of education.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have

been defined. The following terms are:

Preparedness Act of being ready for something that will happen.

Department of Education It is the executive department of the Philippines

government responsible for the management and governing of the Philippine system

of basic education.

Education The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying

particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of


K to 12 A scheme of Department of Education which contains the additional one year

for elementary and additional one year for secondary.

Curriculum Adjustment In this study, the term refers to the new set of activities and

trends integrated in the implementation of the K to 12 program.

School Readiness As applied in this study, signifies the capability of the schools to

provide better facilities, school buildings, tools, equipment and instructional materials

and aids
Electives It allows you to be picky and select college courses (in K-12, other strand’s

major subjects) that fulfill a general education requirement

Career Course that the Grade 12 General Academic Strand students will take on their

college years.

Career Preparedness It is the level of preparedness the General Academic Strand in

terms of choosing their preferred career.

Senior High School The added 2 years from the 10 year basic education, now known

as the K to 12 curriculum.

General Academic Strand One of the strands in the academic track that is designed

for students who are still undecided on what career to take in college.

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