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Certainty of Senior Highschool Students To Their Chosen College Course

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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department – K-12 Education
Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc.

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the subject
Practical Research 2

Ms. Gelina G. Glova

Dolosa, Almirah Rose B.
Masias, David Arvin Son S.
Patricio, Angel Chrissa Mae
Sta. Rosa, Seann Aldrei C.
Vicente, Argielyn G.

November 2021

"Each job requires a conscious choice of career path, and a different plan

of development" said by Auliq Ice. Choosing a career path that you will take for a

long time is really difficult for students, especially for those students who are

almost good in everything and the ones who are just average. You can't take the

job without the education and it's crucial to think about your college path or your

course. The pressure of being a senior high school student, it means that you are

approaching the college life and the adult life where choosing a course will be a

major tool. It is complex for it will somehow dictate your future. You are

expected to pick your own decisions and you are responsible and one of the

reason for every wrong and right things that will happen with your path. Some

are still lost since they were just kids back then, just going with the flow and

now they are selecting the route of their future.

The purpose of this study is to help the teachers who want to help the

students, the senior high school students of Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc.

and the parents to understand and give awareness on how certain these

students are. We want to know how students approach this important task of

their lives and analyze their thoughts. Eventually and hopefully find a way to help

those having a hard time selecting. It's important to experience the education

you consciously and undoubtedly chose.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Choosing a career is one of many important decisions that students must

make while determining their future plans. It becomes one of the most difficult

and complex problems that each learner faces. It's not an easy undertaking, and

it necessitates a lengthy decision-making process. Choosing a college or degree

is a critical decision for many students, since it affects their entire life plan,

success, and professional future. It is wise to choose what we want in college

courses because it has a significant impact on our entire lives and future

achievement. Students face difficulties, pressure, and problems when it comes to

selecting college courses. Consider the fact that most senior high school students

have not yet reached the point where they are unaffected by difficulties,

limitations, or uncertainty in their college courses. stated that career selection is

one of many important choices that students will make in determining future

plans. It becomes one of the biggest dilemma and challenge in any student’s life.

It involves an interplay of many factors which are intricately intertwined. It is not

a straightforward task and involves a difficult process of decision making. This

issue is not confined to one aspect only but is universal in nature. For many

students, choosing a college or a major is a vital decision determining their entire

life plan, success, and professional career. The choice of career is a delicate

issue for students which requires caution and serious considerations factors

affecting their choices. The kind of career the youths pursue can affect their lives

in many ways. Hence,the following studies revealed some of their factors

affecting students’ decision in career selection (Quano, J. G. et al. 2019). They

found out that the family is a significant factor in determining children’scareer

choice, the ability of the learner self to identify his preferred career choice, and

teachers influence career choice of their learners. These findings are consistent

with the findings of other studies that have examined the influences of each

parent on the career choices of their sons or daughters and have found that

mothers tend tohave more influence on the career decision and aspirations of

their children than fathers. (Shumba and Naong, 2012). Similarly Leppel,

Williams and Waldauer revealed that parental education, family income,

andfamily head’s occupational status were found to be positively associated with

offspring’s educational achievement. (Leppel et.al., 2001)

It also discover the top 5 reasons for choosing a major where: interest in

a career associated with the major, good job opportunities, abilities, a desire to

run a business someday, and projected earnings in the related career. The least

selected reasons for choosing a major were the reputation of the major at the

university, the perceived quality of instruction, the parents’ influence, the amount

and type of promotional information, and the influence of friends. Utilized factor

analysis and determined the following seven main factors in deciding career

choice: high earnings expectations, career expectations, job experience,

knowledge and ability, family environment, social status, and education

environment. allowing the individual to make better and wiser decision in life.
Failure to make the rightdecision often leads to downfall. Methodologically

speaking, decision-making is not allfun and games, some deal with people,

others deal with future careers. Graduating highschool students face one of the

most crucial decisions in their lives, and that is future career decision. These

students face the fact that this certain adjudication will decide theirfuture.

Deciding on which college to attend to is not a “gut reaction”. It requires mature

and serious discussion, and may not, despite the long run, lead to initial choice.

However, during this crucial stage in each student’s life, there are some factors

in which results to confusion, and further lead to a mistake. The researchers

have decided to make a study about the factors that graduating high school

students consider in choosing a college course. We will be providing you with

information that will cover various factors such as having better job

opportunities, pursuing your passion, etc. We believe that this research will help

students and parents alike in choosing a course. Also, we would like to present it

to colleges and universities in order for them to promote their education based

on the preferences of high school graduates. The researchers have found an

importance to this study for the reason that almost all high school graduates go

through a hard time in trying to single out a course that will be a determining

factor of what their vocation will be in the near future. Due to the number of

courses today, a student graduating high school may find himself in a difficult

situation. We understand how important it is to pick the right course since

different people have a different set of skills (Rababah, 2012).

Theoretical Framework

Senior High School is a two-year program of advanced upper secondary

education (Grades 11 and 12) that requires you to choose from a variety of

programs when you enroll. The subjects you will take will be influenced by the

track and strand you choose. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM),

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) are the strands that make up the Academic Track (STEM).

The university offers Information and Communications Technology with a focus

on Programming or Information and Communications Technology with a focus on

Animation while under TVL. These various courses, strands, and specialities are

meant to help you figure out which path to take. (Importance of Choosing the

Right Senior High School Track or Strands. Malayan Colleges Mindanao, 2021)

We think that selecting the suitable track or strand for us will help us to choose

our college courses. It can be considered as the first step.

Conceptual Framework

This part of the research will help the researchers to have a diagram of

the flow of their research. The reseachers cose IPO diagram to represent it. For

the input, it contains the questions in the statement of the problem. The process

that the researchers do to gather data from the respondents is by givinWill be

the answered problem of our research title will be the answered problem of our

research title.

Input Process Output

1. What is the
demographic Feedback
profile of the
based on:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender

2. How many The researchers will

senior high conduct a survey
school that they will
students in distribute online to
Mystical Rose the senior high Certainty of Senior
School of school students of High School
Bulacan Inc. Mystical Rose School Students on their
are certain to of Bulacan Inc. This Chosen College
their chosen will help the Course
course? researchers to
answer their
3. What mostly questions in the
inspires statement of the
senior high problem.
students in
choosing their
course in

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to understand the senior high school students

of Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc. about how they approach an important

task in their lives. It sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents based on:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. How many senior high school students in Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc.

are certain to their chosen course?

3. What mostly inspires senior high school students in choosing their preferred

course in college?

Significance of the Study

Studying and understanding the struggles of students is definitely significant for

it will benefit their education, education is the key to success, a famous saying.

This study will also help the community that we live in because we will have

professionals who is sure what they are doing and have a clear goal. The results

of this study would be of great benefit to the following:

To the Pupils
That whatever courses they have chosen, they will be able to be prepared

intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically, and also to promote values as

direct recipients of this research.

To the School Heads

The level of certainty of Senior High School Students will serve as a

baseline for the school heads to assess and create an awareness of educational

programs for the welfare of the learners.

To the Teachers

That they will be able to evaluate and improve their communication and

social competence with regards to harmonious and professional relationship with

the students to choose what courses is appropriate for them.

To the Academic Management

That the school administrators will be able to help students have a better

awareness on how to choose an appropriate course for senior high school

students in todays’ new normal situation.

To the Local Government

The findings of this study will be able to help the local government in

benchmarking this material, moral and financial support to the senior high school


To the Researchers

That the study may be an appropriate reference material for the future

studies in the field. Furthermore, for the future researcher, to gain first hard

information regarding the level of certainty of senior high school students on

their chosen college course.

Scope and Delimitations

This research will solely focus on the percentage of students who are still

not certain or maybe certain into the course that they are planning to take, in

which Senior High School students, Grade 11 and 12 of Mystical Rose School of

Bulacan are chosen as respondents of the said research. Senior high school

students are chosen for they will graduate soon and they are the ones who will

eventually face the college life later which is a hard path to take.


This chapter in the research paper presents the methods used in the

study including the research design, respondents, sampling techniques,

instruments, and the statistical treatment of data that was used in interpreting
the answers of the respondents. The researchers are hopeful to generate helpful

results and information about the problem of the study.

Research Design

The researchers descriptive research design. It is the method for

collecting data like an online survey which consists of more than 10 questions

related to the study’s problem that the researchers want to solve. After the

results of the conducted survey is collected, the researchers will put it all

together and describe the answers given to them with consent. Descriptive

research design is chosen because it is appropriate to a research that needs to

explain the gathered data like this. Since the results will be in percentage format,

it is just right to also elaborate the data.


This study chose half of the population of senior high school students (138) in

Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc. as its respondents because this topic is very

suitable and applicable to them for they are the one who will have difficulties

selecting their course. The researchers want to determine what are the things that

affect their decision-making for their chosen college course.

Sampling Technique
This research will utilize simple random sampling. Simple random

sampling is a type of probability sampling in which the researcher randomly

selects a subset of participants from a population. 274 senior high school

students of Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc. for the Academic Year 2021-

2022 have an equal chance of being selected that will compose of 138 Senior

High School students as our respondents on this research.


As a group of researchers, our group decided to choose the senior high

school students of Mystical Rose School of Bulacan Inc. to answer our prepared

questionnaire for it will benefit them and us, the researchers, and in order to answer

the questions for our study, we will conduct an online survey that will be distributed

to our chosen respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made the questionnaires thoroughly, allotting their time and

effort just as so the respondents will understand and answer the questionnaires

earnestly. The survey that were given to the respondents only contains questions

relating to the topic the researchers are doing. The questions that were approved by

the teacher was then asked to the senior high school students of Mystical Rose

School of Bulacan Inc.

The data gathered from the researched instrument was then collected and

organized according to the answers the respondents gave. Along with the data that

we gathered, second primary sources such as published articles were given. To

further analyse the gathered information of the researchers, the researchers made

close-ended question to get the respondent’s answer to the questions in the survey.

Furthermore, they made a survey questionnaire with the use of Google Form and

sent it with link to assure their participation to the said survey.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Researchers will analyze the data gathered with the use of Percentage

Formula and will be described in the presentation of results. The statistical formula

used in the research was Frequency and Percentage for the researchers wish to

describe the outcome of their study by using it and it will be much more clear to

present the results.

Frequency and Percentage Formula:

X 100


P = percentage

F = frequency of respondents

N = total number of respondents


This part presents the interpretation of data gathered by the researchers that

answers the problems in the statement of the problem of the study.

Table 1

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Respondents’ Age Frequency Percentage

15 1 1.1%

16 23 25.3%

17 42 46.2%

18 20 22%

19 3 3.3%

20 2 2.2%

Total 91 100%

The age of the respondents varies from 15 to 20 years old. There is 1

respondent who is 15 years old, 25.3% of respondents who are 16 years old

probably the grade 11 students, 46.2% of students are 17 years old which is the age

of majority, 22% of respondents who are 18 years old, the number of students

whose age is 19 and 20 are minimal. 3.3% of the respondents are 19 years old while

the remaining 2.2% are 20 years old.

Table 2

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Respondents’ Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 43 47.3%

Male 48 52.7%

Total 91 100%

The total of the responses that the researchers got is 91, 52.7% of that are

all males while the remaining 47.3% are females. Thus, the majority gender that the

researchers got is male.

2. How many senior high school students in Mystical Rose School of

Bulacan Inc. are certain to their chosen course?

Table 3

Do you think that your

chosen course is Frequency Percentage
compatible in your
skills and knowledge?
Yes 73 80.2%

No 18 19.8%

Total 91 100%
Table 3 shows 80% of the respondents are sure that they’re compatible with

their skills and knowledge on the courses that they have chosen while the remaining

20% are not yet sure since there are still students that are not yet sure on their path

to success, possible that they just choose a particular course to continue studying.

Table 4

Do you have other

course/s on your mind Frequency Percentage
that serves as your
Yes 83 91.2%

No 8 8.8%

Total 91 100%

Table 4 shows that most of our respondents senior high school students in

Mystical Rose School Of Bulacan Inc. stated that they have an another course

options in college and that’s equivalent of 91.2% in 100% of our respondents, But

the rest of them stated that they didn’t have other option courses on college and its

equivalent of 8.8% in 100 % of our respondents.

Table 5

How did you come up

with your chosen Frequency Percentage
Browsing through the 18 19.8%

Friends 10 11%

Parents 39 42.9%

Teacher 1 1.1%

Television 1 1.1%

Books/Magazine 1 1.1%

Others 21 23%

Total 91 100%

42.9% of our respondents stated that they come up their chosen course by

their parents or guardians. Some of them or the 19.8% our respondents stated that

they come up their course by reading or browsing in internet. Next is the exactly

11% of our respondents stated that they choose their course by influence of their

friends, and the 23% of them stated the other choices like by themselves, by reading

a book/magazine, by their teachers, on television and etc.

Table 6

On a scale of 1-5, 1
being the highest, how
certain are you with Frequency Percentage
your chosen course
right now?
I'm1-Very Certain 15 16.5%

2-Certain 24 26.4%
3-Neutral 38 41.8%

4-Unsure 7 7.7%

5-Very Unsure 7 7.7%

Total 91 100%

On scale 1-5,most of our respondents placed on number 3 and that’s the

41,8% of our respondents. And next on the percent is the number 2 that have an

26.4% respondents, Some of them placed on number 1 that states they sure in their

courses and that’s the 16.5% of our respondents. And last is the number 4 and 5

that has an equal percentage of respondents which consist of 7.7% of our


Table 7

Do you think your

grade average will suit Frequency Percentage
the course you’ve
Yes 38 41.8%

No 15 16.5%

I haven’t realized that 12 13.2%

Currently looking for my 26 28.6%

possible option
Total 91 100%
Table 7 represents the response of the respondents in question no.7 which is

about if they think their grade average will suit the course that they’ve chosen. It

shows in the table that about 30 people which are 41.8% of the total respondents

answers yes, while 15 people which are about 16.5% of the total respondent

answers no. Meanwhile, 12 people answers I haven’t realize that totaling to 13.2%

of the total respondents, and 26 people chose currently looking for their possible

opinions which total to 28.6% of the respondents. The total respondents are 91


Table 8

Is the course you are

planning to take Frequency Percentage
decided by yourself or
your parents?
Myself 50 54.9%

Parents 4 4.4%

Both 37 40.7%

Total 91 100%

Table 8 represents the response of the respondents in question no.8 which is

about if their course that they are planning to take was decided by themselves or

their parents. In the table, it shows that 50 people answers myself totaling to 54.9%

of the total respondents, while 4 people chose parents totaling to 4.4% of the total
respondents, and last 37 people chose both that is total to 40.7% of the total

respondents. The total respondents of the research are 91 people.

Table 9

Does your parents

fully support the path Frequency Percentage
you’re gonna take on
Yes 72 79.1%

No 1 1.1%

I don’t know 18 19.8%

Total 91 100%

The parents who gives full support to their chosen path is 79.1%. And 19.8%

are not sure if they will receive full support from their parents. Lastly, are those

parents who can’t give them full support of their chosen path with 1.1%

Table 10

Can your parents

afford the tuition fee Frequency Percentage

in your chosen course?

Yes 59 64.8%

No 32 35.2%

Total 91 100%
The parents who can afford the tuition fee in their chosen course is 64.8%.

And the parents who can’t afford is averaging of 35.2%.

Table 11

Does your course give Frequency Percentage

you confidence?
Yes 80 87.9%

No 11 12.1%

Total 91 100%

In table 11, the confidence of the students is asked when it comes to their

course. Majority of the answers which is 87.9%, confirmed that their chosen course

gives them confidence and the other 12.1% said no.

3. What mostly inspires senior high school students in choosing their

preferred course in college?

Table 12

Do you have a career

goal that you can see
achieving with the Frequency Percentage
course you’re gonna
Yes 86 94.5%

No 5 5.5%
Total 91 100%

94% of respondents does see their future career with their chosen course

right now, while the remaining doesn’t see their future career on their chosen

courses right now possible because they’re not yet sure on the course that they’re

taking right now. The remaining 6% of the respondents just take any course just to

continue studying even though they are not yet sure on the course that they have

chosen because of difficulties on choosing the right path to success.

Table 13

What are your bases

in choosing a Frequency Percentage
Salary 15 16.5%

Availability 4 4.4%

Interest/Dream 63 69.2%

Duration of the Course 1 1.1%

Convenient 5 5.5%

None 3 3.3%

Total 91 100%
Table 13 presents the response of the participants in question no.6 about

their bases in choosing their career/ course. It shows that there are 15 respondents

who chose salary which are 16.5% of the total respondents, 4 people answers

availability totaling to 4.4% of the total respondents, 63 people answers

interest/dream which are 69.2% total respondents, 1 person chose duration of the

course which is 1.1% of the total respondents, 5 people chose convenient totaling to

5.5% of the total respondents, and 3 people answers none totaling to 3.3% of the

total population. The total respondents of the survey are 91 respondents.

Table 14

Do you think that your

chosen course will Frequency Percentage
lead you to success in
the near future?
Yes 86 94.5%

No 5 5.5%

Total 91 100%

94.5% of the students are thinking that the course they’re going to take will

lead them to success while the remaining 5.5% are not expecting the same.

Table 15

Did you choose this Frequency Percentage

course because you
like the quality of
education that you will
Yes 83 91.2%

No 8 8.8%

Total 91 100%

The quality of the education is important and students expect a good quality

of their course. 91.2% said that they choose their course because they expect a

good quality of education while 8.8% of the responses didn’t choose their course

because they like the quality of education that they will receive.

Table 16

Does the course you’re

gonna take will help Frequency Percentage
you grow your future
Yes 89 97.8%

No 2 2.2%

Total 91 100%

Table 16 shows that 97.8% of the respondents chose their course because it

will help them to grow their future career. The remaining 2.2% doesn’t see

themselves achieving a career goal in their course.


This part presents the important information gathered as well as the

conclusions and recommendations of the researchers based on the results of their


Summary of Findings

1. Demographic Profile of the respondents

1.1 Gender

The gender of the respondents of the study is 47.3% female and 52.7%


1.2 Age

The age of the majority of the students are 16-18 while there are few whose

age is 15,19 and 20.

2. How many senior high school students in Mystical Rose School of

Bulacan Inc. are certain to their chosen course?

Using the percentage formula, the researchers calculate the percentage of the

students who are certain and not. The percentage of the certain students is 62.64%

while the students who are not certain is 37.39%.

3. What mostly inspires senior high school students in choosing their

preferred course in college?

The senior high school students are inspired to take their course because they have

a career goal that they can see achieving with the course they’re gonna take. The

interests or dream is also the reason why they choose their course as well as the

quality of education they expect obtaining. Lastly, they think this course will help

their future careers that will lead them to success.


Based on the gathered information from the respondents, the following are

the conclusions made by the researchers:

1. The gender of the respondents is 47.3% female and 52.7% male. Students whose

age is 16-18 is the majority respondents.

2. The majority of the researcher’s respondents are certain to their chosen course

but there are still quite a lot of uncertain students which is 37.39%.

3. Senior high school students choose their college course because of the quality of

education, they can see themselves successful with their chosen course and it is their

dream course.


The following are the recommendations made by the researchers based on

the data gathered from the study.

1. For the Pupils

Choose a course or career path that matches on your own interests and skill

set, as well as your overall life goals.

2. For the Teachers

We suggest that the teachers will guide their students on how to choose a

course and what needs to be in their minds to pick.

3. For the Academic Management/School Heads

We recommend that the management should have a career counselling that

will serve as a guide to the senior high school of Mystical Rose School of

Bulacan Inc.. We hope that this will be implemented so that the student will

have a clear view of their future.

4. For the Local Government

For this is good for everyone in the community, we suggest that the local

government will give this some concern and provide moral and financial


5. For the Researchers

We recommend to our fellow researchers to analyze the reason about why

students have hardship when it comes to choosing a career and gradually

help them to lessen their struggles.

Survey Questionnaire
1. Do you have a career goal that you can see achieving with the course you're

gonna take?

a. Yes

b. No

2. Do you think that your chosen course is compatible in your skills and knowledge?

a. Yes

b. No

3. Do you have other course/s on your mind that serves as your option?

a. Yes

b. No

4. How did you come up with your chosen course?

a. Browsing through the internet

b. Friends

c. Parents

d. Teacher
e. Television

f. Books/Magazines

g. Others

5. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the highest how certain are you with your chosen

course right now?

a. 1 - Very certain

b. 2 - Certain

c. 3 - Neutral

d. 4 - Unsure

e. 5 - Very unsure

6. What are your bases in choosing a career/course?

a. Salary

b. Availability

c. Interest/Dream

d. Duration of the course

e. Convenient

d. None
7. Do you think your grade average will suit the course you've chosen?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I haven't realized that

d. Currently looking for my possible option

8. Is the course you are planning to take decided by yourself or your parents?

a. Myself

b. Parents

c. Both

9. Does your parents fully support the path you're gonna take on college?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know

10. Do you think that your chosen course will lead you to success in the near future?

a. Yes
b. No

11. Can your parents afford the tuition fee in your chosen course?

a. Yes

b. No

12. Does your course give you confidence?


b. No

13. Did you choose this course because you like the quality of education that you will


a. Yes

B. No

14. Does the course you're gonna take will help you grow your future career?

a. Yes, I think

b. No, I don't think so

Definition of Terms

Baseline. It is a fixed point of reference that is used for comparison purposes.

Benchmarking. It is the process of measuring key business metrics and practices

and comparing them.

Certainty. Firm conviction that something is the case.

Crucial. Being a final or very important test or decision.

Gut reaction. Something that you feel or believe strongly without stopping to

think about it.

Harmonious. Things that go well together, or people and things that get along


Offspring. Children or young of a particular parent or progenitor.


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