Thromboembolic Complications After Splenectomy For Hematologic Diseases
Thromboembolic Complications After Splenectomy For Hematologic Diseases
Thromboembolic Complications After Splenectomy For Hematologic Diseases
diseases within a short period of time. TE is a rare patients [13]. In one report, 4 of 8 patients with post-
complication of splenectomy that usually does not splenectomy PVT developed TE later in the course
receive as much attention as secondary infections or [5], whereas 2 of our patients had both, PVT and PE
hemorrhage. However, an increased incidence of TE, at the same time.
portal vein thrombosis in particular, following splen- So far the pathogenesis of TE after splenectomy is
ectomy has been reported in patients with hematolo- poorly understood.
gic diseases. Portal vein thrombosis may result from local fac-
A Dutch study of 563 splenectomies published in tors, such as intraoperative manipulation of visceral
2000 found postoperative portal vein thrombosis in vessels, the splenic vein in particular [14], and may
9 patients (2%). The latter was more likely to occur account for the particular risk in patients with
in patients with hematologic diseases, such as auto- massively enlarged organs. Five of 31 patients (16%)
immune hemolytic anemia and myeloproliferative with mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT)—a rare
syndrome (incidence 10%) [3]. complication of PVT—had previously undergone
In a recently published report investigating portal splenectomy, whereas 13 (42%) of these patients had
vein thrombosis after splenectomy, an incidence of a hypercoagulable state (protein C, protein S, and
8% was found among 101 patients, 74% of whom ATIII deficiency) without local risk factors [15]. Mes-
had hematologic disease [4]. Among 8 patients who enteric thrombosis, as was also seen in patient I of
developed PVT, 4 had a myeloproliferative disorder. our report, is associated with a poor prognosis due
Interestingly PVT occurred as late as 3 years follow- to subsequent bowel ischemia and multiorgan failure
ing splenectomy [4]. [4,15,16].
Another report of 223 splenectomies in patients with Thrombocytosis that accompanies splenectomy in
myeloid metaplasia, however, detected thrombosis most cases may, although poorly defined, play an
(location not further specified) in 7.2% only. Postsplen- etiologic role.
ectomy thrombocytosis in these patients was associated In several reports, large spleen size, thrombocytosis,
with postoperative thrombosis. Unfortunately, platelet and a myeloproliferative disease (MPD) as the under-
numbers are not provided by the authors [5]. lying disease were described as risk factors for TE [4,7].
An additional analysis of 26 splenectomized patients Patients with MPD and a large spleen (>3,000 g) had
with myelofibrosis revealed venous thrombosis in 12% a 75% incidence of PVT [4]. Splenic weight >1,000 g
[6]. In an American investigation carried out with 50 was found to be associated with significant morbidity
splenectomized patients whose underlying disease was after laparoscopic splenectomy [17], yet none of our
not further specified, 5 of 50 patients (10%) were found patients with severe TE had MPD and only one patient
to develop PVT that was then successfully treated with had a massively enlarged spleen.
anticoagulation [7]. In an Italian report on patients The association of postsplenectomy thrombocyto-
undergoing splenectomy for treatment of thalassemia, sis and PVT is unclear, particularly in patients with-
an incidence of TE as high as 29% was seen [8]. out MPD, since not all patients with thrombocytosis
One of 12 patients with immunethrombocytopenia develop PVT and PVT also occurs in patients with
developed PVT without any further complications in normal platelets [4]. Patient I in our report, for exam-
another Italian report [9]. A French group performed ple, had slightly elevated platelets only (499 G/l), and
repeat Doppler ultrasound studies in 60 consecutive not all of the reported patients with MVT following
splenectomized patients on days 7 and 30 postopera- splenectomy had thrombocytosis [15].
tively and found 1 symptomatic and 3 asymptomatic In a study of 129 patients with extreme thrombo-
PVT (8%) in this patient cohort [10]. Thus asympto- cytosis (>1,000 G/l), 72 in MPD and 57 with reactive
matic PVT may occur more frequent than clinically thrombocytosis, thrombosis was found in 3–4% [18],
apparent TE. A review of imaging findings in postsplen- but a prospective observational study of patients with
ectomy patients revealed PVT in 12 of 123 patients essential thrombocythemia (ET) and a platelet count
(9,8%), all of whom had hematologic disease [11]. A <1,500 G/l as compared to an age- and sex-matched
small number of TE (1%) was reported by a French control group failed to show an increased risk for
group that performed laparoscopic splenectomy in 275 thrombosis in ET patients [19]. A recent study investi-
patients with hematologic disease [12], and a lower gating etiology and clinical significance of thrombocy-
rate of TE was also found in another report on laparo- tosis found a higher incidence of venous and arterial
scopic splenectomy [5]. In contrast to these findings, thrombosis in patients with primary thrombocytosis
2 of our patients with severe TE had undergone laparo- as compared to patients with secondary thrombocyto-
scopic splenectomy. sis (12.4% vs. 1.6%). The authors conclude that post-
There is little data on the incidence of TE other splenectomy thrombocytosis is not associated with an
than PVT, such as DVT and/or PE in splenectomized increased risk for hemostatic complications [20]. Thus
146 Case Report: Mohren et al.
thrombocytosis by itself does not seem an indication approach may not be sufficient in preventing TE in
to initiate anti-coagulation or antiplatelet or platelet- splenectomized patients with hematologic disease.
lowering therapy unless it is being used as secondary In concordance with our findings, the majority of
prophylaxis. patients (approximately 70%) developed PVT while
There exists little data on activation of plasmatic receiving prophylactic anticoagulation with low-dose
coagulation and/or lack of coagulation inhibitors, heparin [4,8]. Although a combination of heparin and
such as protein C or S deficiency after splenectomy or antiplatelet agents or even vitamin K antagonists has
the presence of the factor V Leiden mutation or anti- been suggested in high-risk splenectomized patients
phospholipid antibodies. Few reports demonstrated a [4], its use is problematic due to an increased risk of
systemic hypercoaguable state in patients with PVT bleeding in the postoperative period and the abnor-
[14,15], but these reports focused on the etiology of mal platelet function seen in some patients with
PVT and MVT without special attention to the post- hematologic disease [5]. However, routine postopera-
splenectomy state. tive surveillance ultrasound imaging may be of bene-
Disseminated intravascular coagulation was not fit in patients with myeloproliferative disease and a
found in splenectomized patients in a systemic evalua- large spleen [11] for prompt diagnosis of PVT.
tion [5].