Vts Video Analysis Worksheet Doc by Zoey Katke

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VTS video analysis Name: ___Zoey Katke________

Total:________/24 points

Answer the following questions while watching the video…

1.) How did she get started with the activity? (3points)
She reminded the students to use your eyes, be quiet and so you can think, What do you
notice? To help them start thinking about the activity. Also, she told them they have only 30
seconds to look at the picture.

2.) What kinds of questions did she ask, how did she follow up? (3 points)
She asked a few questions they are:
 What do you notice?
 What else can we find?
 What makes you think like that?
What she followed up is by making sure she was pointing with her toy hand pointer while the
student was explaining what they saw. This helps the visual learners, and for students to actual
know what he/she is talking about. Instead of the student trying to look on their own to find
what other student is describing the teacher can just point it out. Also, while the student was
describing once they were done, she would repeat what the student said to follow up.

3.) What kinds of thinking strategies were practiced by the students? (3 points)
 Predictions
 Wondering
 Problem-Solving
 Making connections with other students

Now process what you just saw and discuss the following questions at your table…

4.) How could we connect this activity to the elements and principles? (5 points)
With this activity you can attach it to the elements and principles easily. You can have a new
piece presented to the students each day or week with that specific element or principle or
both. Then you as the teacher can elaborate what that element/principle is and then you can
have quick activity afterwards for the students that ties in with that theme of the day.

5.) What kinds of follow up or next step activities could we do after something like this? (5
With that talking about elements/principles you can have activity that is tied within that specific
element or principle. For example, if you had texture and you were talking about different types
of clouds. You can use cotton balls and explain the different types of clouds and tell them it has
different shape and texture. You can have the students do their own type work without a lesson
with it and just have criteria of that element/principle.
6.) Elementary Ed. how could this be used cross curricularly? Art Ed. how could this transfer
into a project? (5 points)
As my example above with the clouds you can tie art into any subject. You can also talk about
the principles/elements of art within a social studies class. You can talk about the different
clothing, food, art they have in that specific culture. Then you can relate it back to the content
of principles/elements of art.

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