=10 Ω and r': be a sinusoidal with 12-= 0.7 V

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Benha university Electronics (EPE 170)

Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra 1st Year,

Electrical Engineering Department Sheet 2, Diodes
Electrical Power and Machines Section Second Semester, 2019/2020

1. Determine whether each silicon diode in Figure 1 is forward-biased or reverse-biased then find the
voltage across each diode and the diode current in Figure 1, in case:
i. Ideal diode model
ii. Practical diode model
iii. Complete model, Assume diode model with r'd =10 Ω and r'R=100 MΩ.

Figure 1

2. Consider the half-wave rectifier circuit of Figure .2

with the diode reversed. Let v1 be a sinusoidal with 12-
V peak amplitude, and let R = 1.5 kΩ. Use the
constant-voltage drop diode model with VD = 0.7 V.
a. Sketch the waveform of vO.
b. Find the average value of VO.
c. Find the peak current in the diode. Figure 2

d. Find the PIV of the diode.

3. A diode circuit that can generate an OR

logic function is shown in Figure 3. A
positive logic convention denotes logic 0
for 0 V and logic 1 for a positive voltage,
typically 5 V. Show the truth table that
illustrates the logic output.
Figure 3

Page 1 of 3
Benha university Electronics (EPE 170)
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra 1st Year,
Electrical Engineering Department Sheet 2, Diodes
Electrical Power and Machines Section Second Semester, 2019/2020

4. A diode circuit that can generate an AND

logic function is shown in Figure 4. A
positive logic convention denotes logic 0
for 0 V and logic 1 for a positive voltage,
typically 5 V. Show the truth table that
illustrates the logic output.

Figure 4

5. Find voltage vL in the circuit of Figure 5

where D is an ideal diode.
Hint: the analysis is simplified if a
Thevenin equivalent is found for the
circuit to the left of terminals a; b]

Figure 5

6. Consider a half-wave rectifier circuit of figure 6 with a 1-

kΩ load operates from a 220-V (rms) 50-Hz supply
through a 10-to-1 step-down transformer. It uses a silicon
diode that can be modeled to have a 0.7-V drop for any
current. What is the peak voltage of the rectified output?
What is the average output voltage? What is the average
current in the load? What is the PIV of the diode?
Figure 6

7. Consider a full-wave rectifier circuit of figure 7 with a

1-kΩ load operates from a 220-V (rms) 50-Hz supply
through a 5-to-1 transformer having a center-tapped
secondary winding. It uses two silicon diodes that can be
modeled to have a 0.7-V drop for all currents. What is
the peak voltage of the rectified output? What is the
average output voltage? What is the average current in
the load? What is the PIV of the diode 2? Figure 7

Page 2 of 3
Benha university Electronics (EPE 170)
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra 1st Year,
Electrical Engineering Department Sheet 2, Diodes
Electrical Power and Machines Section Second Semester, 2019/2020

8. Consider a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit of figure 8 with a

10kΩ load operates from a 220-V (rms) 50-Hz supply through
a 10-to-1 step-down transformer having a single secondary
winding. It uses four diodes, each of which can be modeled to
have a 0.7-V drop for any current. What is the peak value of
the rectified voltage across the load? What is the average
voltage across the load? What is the average current through
Figure 8
the load? What is the PIV of each diode?

Design Problems
9. It is required to design a half-wave rectifier circuit using the circuit of Figure 6 to provide an average
output voltage of 100 V. Find the required turns ratio of the transformer. Assume that a conducting diode
has a voltage drop of 0.7 V. The ac line voltage is 120 V rms.
10. Repeat problem 9 for figure 7&8.

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