=10 Ω and r': be a sinusoidal with 12-= 0.7 V
=10 Ω and r': be a sinusoidal with 12-= 0.7 V
=10 Ω and r': be a sinusoidal with 12-= 0.7 V
1. Determine whether each silicon diode in Figure 1 is forward-biased or reverse-biased then find the
voltage across each diode and the diode current in Figure 1, in case:
i. Ideal diode model
ii. Practical diode model
iii. Complete model, Assume diode model with r'd =10 Ω and r'R=100 MΩ.
Figure 1
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Benha university Electronics (EPE 170)
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra 1st Year,
Electrical Engineering Department Sheet 2, Diodes
Electrical Power and Machines Section Second Semester, 2019/2020
Figure 4
Figure 5
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Benha university Electronics (EPE 170)
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra 1st Year,
Electrical Engineering Department Sheet 2, Diodes
Electrical Power and Machines Section Second Semester, 2019/2020
Design Problems
9. It is required to design a half-wave rectifier circuit using the circuit of Figure 6 to provide an average
output voltage of 100 V. Find the required turns ratio of the transformer. Assume that a conducting diode
has a voltage drop of 0.7 V. The ac line voltage is 120 V rms.
10. Repeat problem 9 for figure 7&8.
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