2D Beam: Chair For Computational Engineering at
2D Beam: Chair For Computational Engineering at
2D Beam: Chair For Computational Engineering at
Computational Methods
Assignment 1
2D beam
Adam Mickiewicz
2 Equations
Z ∞
1 1 x 2
P (x > 1) = √ xe− 2 ( 3 ) dx
1 3 Z2π
1 1 − 1 x2 2 . 1
= √ e 18 dx (y = x2 )
3 2πZ 1 2 18
=√ −e−y dy
2π 181
3 1
= √ e− 18
1, x = 1
a) p(x) =
0, otherwise
b) p(x) =
0, otherwise
3 Tables
The table 1 is an example of referenced LATEXelements.
Col1 Col2 Col2 Col3
1 6 87837 787
2 7 78 5415
3 545 778 7507
4 545 18744 7560
5 88 788 6344
4 Scripts
Listing 1: Sample code listing
% Sample scritp to create plot from embeded data
% data points
x = [0 , 1 , 3 , 5 12 , 17];
5 yA = [ -1 , 2 , 4 , 1 , -2 , 12];
yB = [ -3 , 2 , 1 , -2 , 8 , 11];
figure (1 , ’ position ’ ,[100 , 100 , 700 , 700]);
10 hold on
set ( gca , ’ fontsize ’ , 26)
plot (x , yA , ’* - r ; Case A ; ’ , ’ markersize ’ , 15)
plot (x , yB , ’d - b ; Case B ; ’ , ’ markersize ’ , 15)
title ( ’ Comparison of cases ’)
15 xlabel ( ’ Distance [ m ] ’)
ylabel ( ’ Temperature [ deg C ] ’)
legend ( ’ location ’ , ’ southeast ’ , ’ fontsize ’ ,6)
grid ( ’ on ’)
print ( ’ cases_A_B . png ’ , ’ - dpng ’ , ’ - r600 ’ , ’ - S600 ,600 ’)
20 print ( ’ cases_A_B . pdf ’ , ’ - r600 ’ , ’ - S600 ,600 ’)
5 Figures
Figure 1 is produced from PDF file.
Figure 2 is produced from PNG file.
Comparison of cases
Temperature [deg C]
Case A
Case B
0 5 10 15 20
Distance [m]
Figure 1: Caption
6 Acknowledgments
I have received substantial help from Juliusz Slowacki.
Figure 2: Caption
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