Personnel Heater and Winterization
Personnel Heater and Winterization
Personnel Heater and Winterization
Paragraph Page
Purpose.............................................................................................................. 1 1
Scope ................................................................................................................. 2 1
Use..................................................................................................................... 3 1
Supply ................................................................................................................ 4 1
References......................................................................................................... 5 1
Policy.................................................................................................................. 6 2
Requirements..................................................................................................... 7 2
Installation and operating instructions................................................................ 8 2
Types of personnel heater kits ........................................................................... 9 2
Policy.................................................................................................................. 10 2
Requirements..................................................................................................... 11 2
Installation and operating instructions................................................................ 12 2
Removal and storage ......................................................................................... 13 2, 3
Reporting of errors ............................................................................................. 14 3
1. Purpose. This bulletin provides information and pertinent consumer funds. Refer to the appropriate
guidance regarding the basis of issue and requisitioning technical manual for the National Stock Number and
procedures for personnel heaters and winterization kits. applications of the specific kit required.
6. Policy. a. Personnel heaters and windshield 7. Requirements. First priority for installation of
defogging/defrosting systems are authorized for all personnel heaters will be vehicles destined for Alaska
closed cab Army vehicles in order to comply with and USAREUR. Heaters may be installed by a
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Vehicle contractor or depot, as determined by the responsible
Safety Standard No. 103 which requires a windshield NICP.
defogging/defrosting system on all vehicles. This policy
will be implemented as outlined in b and c below. 8. Installation and Operating Instructions.
Instructions for installation and operation of personnel
b. Procurement initiated or overhaul planned heaters are provided in pertinent technical manuals.
subsequent to the publication of this bulletin will provide
for personnel heaters and windshield defogging/ 9. Types of Personnel Heater Kits. a. Hot Water,,
defrosting systems to be installed as part of the vehicle. Designed to produce a satisfactory heat output for
This does not apply to the personnel heaters described temperatures to -200F. This type of heater is the
in paragraph 9b, 9c, and 9d standard that will be installed on all new
c. For vehicles currently in the field, subordinate
commanders are authorized, but not required, to install b. Hot Air (Fuel Burning). Designed to provide heat
heaters on vehicles on hand/received at a later date independently of the vehicle engine. This heater is
without heaters. If the determination is made that authorized for installation when the prevailing
heaters are required, customer funded requisitions for temperatures are below -20°F.
personnel heater kits will be submitted to the appropriate
Army Supply Depot Activity: (ASDA) and National c. Shop Van Hot Air (Fuel Burning). Designed for
Inventory Control Point (NICP). use in bodies of shop van trucks and truck mounted
repair shops, in areas where average temperature during
d. All closed compartment wheeled and tracked the coldest month of the year is +25°F. or colder.
vehicles shipped to USAREUR will have personnel
heaters installed. An exception to this policy would be d. Supplemental Van Heater Kit. Where the
shipment of vehicles without heaters as a result of unit average temperature during the coldest month of the
moves. year is -20°F. or colder, a supplemental shop van
personnel heater kit (60,000 BTU) is authorized for use
with the primary shop van personnel heater.
10. Policy, a. Winterization kits will be used on Army introduced into Alaska for the first time will be furnished
and Army National Guard vehicles in areas where with kits installed. Subsequent deliveries of the vehicle
temperature ranges warrant, as prescribed in the will be coordinated with Alaska to determine whether kits
appropriate technical manual. are available for installation in the theater, or should be
b. Consumer funded requisitions for winterization furnished with the vehicles.
kits are to be submitted only if the kits are not on hand b. The NICP will annually determine planned initial
(stored or on the vehicle) within the command. issue of new makes and models of construction
c. Alaska's winterization requirements will be equipment for Alaska.
coordinated between representatives of the 172d BDE 12. Installation and Operating Instructions.
(AK) representing FORSCOM, AKARNG representing Instructions for installation of winterization kits on specific
NGB and TARCOM. Further, a representative from vehicles (except for installation of soft-top closure kits)
TRADOC engineer school will be provided when are provided in pertinent technical manuals. Instructions
considering construction equipment requirements. for soft-top closure kits are contained in each kit.
Funding for construction equipment will be budgeted by Instruction/schematics are also included with other kits to
the NICP in the Army Material Plan (AMP). provide instructions for installations.
11. Requirements. a. The NICP responsible for the 13. Removal and Storage. a. When the winterization
major item will insure that all vehicles delivered to Alaska kits are removed, primer kits/slave receptacle kits will
are equipped with winterization kits or that kits are also be removed when:
available for installation in the theater. Winterization kits (1) Vehicle is to be evacuated to an area
for vehicles requiring hard tops will include same. where the average temperature range during the coldest
Vehicles being
month of the year does not justify their usage. for use, all parts will be processed as above, and
reported as above, and reported to the appropriate NICP
(2) Vehicle is to be evacuated for under pertinent excess procedures.
reconditioning and re-issue to a different organization.
14. Reporting of Errors. You can improve this
(3) Vehicle is classified as not being publication by calling attention to errors and by
economically repairable. recommending improvements using DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank
b. When kits are removed, all parts will be cleaned, Forms) or by a letter mailed direct to Commander, US
serviced, packed and marked to identify parts and the Army Tank-Automotive Material Readiness Command,
vehicles from which they were removed, and stored for ATTN: DRSTA-FPC, Warren, MI 48090. A reply will be
future use. When enclosures and power plant heater furnished direct to you.
kits are removed from vehicle, all parts will be handled in
like manner. When future requirements indicate
winterization kits will not be required or authorized
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Major General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34, requirements for SB 700 Series: All other Logistic Bulletins.
GPO 898-549
PIN: 030389-000