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Care in Canadian ICUs

August 2016
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ISBN 978-1-77109-476-4 (PDF)

© 2016 Canadian Institute for Health Information

How to cite this document:

Canadian Institute for Health Information. Care in Canadian ICUs.
Ottawa, ON: CIHI; 2016.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre Les unités de soins
intensifs au Canada.
ISBN 978-1-77109-477-1 (PDF)
Table of contents
Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7
System implications ................................................................................................................ 8
Use of ICUs in Canada .............................................................................................................. 9
ICU capacity and challenges .................................................................................................10
Trends and ICU admissions ......................................................................................................13
Admission to the ICU .............................................................................................................15
ICU at end of life ................................................................................................................16
ICU patient populations and process of care .............................................................................17
Types of patients most commonly seen in ICUs ....................................................................17
ICU processes of care ...........................................................................................................21
Use of invasive ventilation ..................................................................................................23
Costs ........................................................................................................................................26
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................27
Appendix A: Data sources, case selection and study limitations ...............................................29
Appendix B: Text alternative for figures .....................................................................................31
References ...............................................................................................................................33
Care in Canadian ICUs

Executive summary
The intensive care unit (ICU) provides critical care to severely ill patients. In 2013–2014, 11%
of adult hospital stays in Canada outside of Quebec included time in an ICU. Experts have
suggested that an increase in the severity of illness among hospital patients, coupled with Canada’s
aging population, may contribute to an expected rise in the use of — and, in turn, the cost of —
ICUs in the coming decades.1, 2 The average daily cost of an ICU stay is estimated to be as high
as 3 times the average cost of a day’s stay on a general ward, as ICU stays are more resource-
intensive — from personnel to equipment and medication. For these reasons, it is important to
better understand the use of this constrained resource with respect to operating patterns, patient
flow, trends in admissions, patient populations and process of care for those treated in ICU.

Using mainly administrative data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), this
study examines care in ICUs across Canada, excluding Quebec.

The study’s main findings are as follows:

1. The use of ICUs in Canada is increasing faster than acute care hospitalizations overall.
In 2013–2014, there were more than 230,800 adult ICU admissions in Canada, an increase
of 12% since 2007–2008. During the same time frame, adult hospital admissions increased
by 7%.
2. 8 in 10 ICU admissions resulted from urgent hospital admissions. This has implications for
patient outcomes, resource utilization and capacity planning.
3. Most ICU beds are in large or teaching facilities, where having enough ICU beds to meet the
growing demand is a widespread challenge. On average, large and teaching hospital ICUs
operate at about 90% capacity, with periods of overcapacity equivalent to between 45 and
51 days in 2013–2014.
4. A growing number of ICU patients need specialized, resource-intensive care. Invasive
ventilation is one of the most common processes of care in ICU, received by 33% of ICU
patients in 2013–2014, up from 28% in 2007–2008. The biggest increase was among those
who received short-term (i.e., less than 96 hours) invasive ventilation. The continued rise in
use for ventilation could place additional strain on ICUs.

ICU capacity is a current and future health system challenge in Canada. The aging population
and concerns around the potential increase in severity of illness among hospital patients
could place additional demands on Canadian ICUs in the coming decades. This report and its
companion products can help inform evidence-based system improvement efforts by providing
a baseline of comparable measures of ICU care in Canada. It can also serve as a resource for
discussions about advance care planning and goals of care, as well as care plans for the
prevention and treatment of chronic conditions.

Care in Canadian ICUs

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) wishes to acknowledge and thank the many
individuals and organizations whose work contributed to the development of this report.

Thank you to the following expert advisors for their review of relevant materials:

Dr. Sean Bagshaw

Associate Professor, University of Alberta

Dr. Peter Dodek

Professor of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Dr. Rob Fowler

Senior Scientist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Allan Garland

Professor of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

Dr. Claudio Martin

Professor, Department of Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
Chair/Chief Critical Care, London Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Damon Scales

Scientist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Susan Shaw

Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Hannah Wunsch

Senior Scientist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Thank you also to the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG) and Canadian Critical Care
Society (CCCS), both of which contributed to the development of this report and companion
products through expert engagement and collaboration on communications with community.

It should be noted that the analyses and conclusions in this report do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the affiliated individuals and organizations.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Care in Canadian ICUs represents a collaborative effort across much of CIHI. We would like to
thank all those who contributed their expertise and time in various capacities: conducting research,
literature reviews and environmental scans; compiling, analyzing and validating the data; writing
and editing; and reviewing content and providing generous and ongoing support to the core team.

This report had the guidance, support and leadership of

• Kathleen Morris, Vice President, Research and Analysis
• Tracy Johnson, Director, Health System Analysis and Emerging Issues
• Cheryl Gula, Manager, Health Reports

The core project team for this report included

• Allie Chen, Senior Analyst, Health Reports
• Clare Cheng, Senior Analyst, Health Reports
• Catherine Chan, Analyst, Health Reports
• Josh Fagbemi, Program Lead, Health Reports
• David Lam, Senior Coordinator, Health Reports
• Michelle Parker, Program Lead, Health Reports

The team is grateful for the generous support and assistance from many areas across CIHI.
In particular, we’d like to thank those in Integrated Client Support and Clinical Administrative
Databases. As well, we are appreciative of the contributions of other CIHI staff members for
their work on translation, communications, web design, print and distribution.

Care in Canadian ICUs

The intensive care unit (ICU) is a vital component of acute care in Canada. It is where critically
ill patients receive life-supporting care. ICUs are resource-intensive — from personnel to
equipment and medication — and therefore costly. ICUs serve a broad range of patients, from
those with pre-existing conditions to those with unexpected injuries or illness, as well as those
who need support before and after undergoing complex procedures. In 2013–2014, 11% of the
more than 2 million adult hospital stays in Canada (outside of Quebec) included time in an ICU.
Experts have suggested that an increase in severity of illness among hospital patients, coupled
with Canada’s aging population, may contribute to an expected rise in use and, in turn, cost
of ICUs in the coming decades.2, 3 Such concerns underscore the increasing importance of
understanding the use of ICUs, and the quality of care and outcomes for patients treated in ICU.

There are different types of ICUs that provide care to specific patient populations. Canadian
ICUs can be broadly categorized into 3 types: general, specialized, and pediatric and neonatal.
• General ICUs provide care to patients who require intensive care for common medical and
surgical reasons.
• Specialized ICUs (e.g., burn, cardiac, neurosurgery, trauma, respirology) provide care to
meet the needs of a specific type of illness or injury.
• Pediatric and neonatal ICUs provide intensive care to children and newborns.

Other types of special care units include step-down units (SDUs), which are also typically
classified as medical, surgical or combined. These units provide a higher level of care for
hospital patients than can be provided in a general inpatient unit.

ICUs use different approaches to organize and manage care needs. Models of care refer to
organizational features related to multidisciplinary teams, medical and nursing leadership,
communication and collaboration among providers.4 ICUs are commonly organized around either
open or closed admission and discharge models. In an open model, ICU patients are overseen
by a primary attending physician (e.g., internist, surgeon, family physician) in consultation with an
intensivist (i.e., a specialist in critical care medicine); in a closed model, patients are assigned an
intensivist who is responsible for their time in ICU. While the prevalence of these models and their
association with outcomes remain unknown, the complexity of ICU care makes the organizational
structure an important decision for critical care teams within hospitals.

Care in Canadian ICUs

This CIHI report is focused on adult ICU patients from general and specialized ICUs. It provides
high-level information on ICU capacity, trends in overall use and admissions, ICU patient
populations and ICU processes of care. This information can be used to facilitate future
comparative reporting on measures of ICU care, as well as on ICU operations in general. It can
also inform improvement initiatives looking at how care is provided and at outcomes for patients.

System implications

Aging population Average daily cost Long-term planning Increasingly complex

3× general ward and severely ill

Study development and methodology

Study development was informed by literature and review of critical care measurement and
reporting across Canada, as well as through consultations with experts. Information was gained on
critical care reporting at specific hospitals and provinces in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British
Columbia, where extensive ICU data is available. Internationally, approaches taken in the United
Kingdom and United States were also considered, with experts from abroad providing input and
identifying limitations. Based on this input, CIHI’s data and standards were used to develop
appropriate and consistent measures and definitions for inclusion in this study.
Appendix A provides details on data sources, case selection and study limitations.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Use of ICUs in Canada

There is substantial global variation in the availability of ICU beds.5 Analysis for this study
estimated that Canada had 12.9 adult ICU beds per 100,000 population in 2013–2014, placing it
mid-range of comparable countries (Figure 1). CIHI’s findings are consistent with other studies.
Canada has more ICU beds per population compared with several western European countries,
but fewer when compared with the U.S., Belgium and Germany.6 The range within Canada
across jurisdictions is almost as large (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Hospital beds and adult ICU beds per 100,000 population,
international* and Canada†

* The figure showing international comparisons has been reproduced with permission. Data years range from 2003 to 2005.
For more detail, see Wunsch et al. (2008).6
† The figure showing comparisons across provinces in Canada is based on 2013–2014 data. The data on hospital beds per
population includes information on all acute hospital beds that are staffed and in operation in the fiscal year (including pediatric,
obstetric and intensive care beds) from the Canadian MIS Database. The data on adult ICU beds is based on estimates from
this study and excludes beds in SDUs. The estimates for New Brunswick (5 facilities) and Nova Scotia (1 facility) include beds
in provincially/territorially defined units (PTDUs). The Canada values for both hospital beds and adult ICU beds exclude beds in
Quebec and the territories.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2013–2014 and 2014–2015, and Canadian MIS Database, 2013–2014, Canadian Institute for Health
Information; and the 2014 Canadian population from Statistics Canada, Table 051-0001: Estimates of population, by age group and
sex for July 1, Canada, provinces and territories. CANSIM database. Accessed June 13, 2016.

Care in Canadian ICUs

ICU capacity and challenges

As shown in Figure 2, whether ICU capacity is measured as ICU beds per population or per
hospitalizations, the pattern of variation across the jurisdictions is similar. However, it is not entirely
clear what the relationship is between the number of ICU beds and hospitalization rates. The
variation among the provinces coupled with a lack of information on ICU overuse and underuse
makes it difficult to determine the ideal number of ICU beds for each jurisdiction. For example, it is
unknown whether there were patients in need of ICU services who were never admitted because
the ICU was at full capacity or conversely whether there were patients who stayed in ICU beds
longer than necessary because no general ward bed was immediately available.

Figure 2 Adult ICU beds per 100,000 population, adult ICU beds per 10,000
hospitalizations, age-standardized hospitalization rate, by province,

Age-standardized hospitalization rate: The crude hospitalization rate was adjusted for any differences in the age distribution across
the provinces using direct standardization.
Age-specific hospitalization rates in each province were weighted by the proportion of individuals in each age group (for the
province) from the external reference population (i.e., the standard) to create the age-standardized hospitalization rates.
Age standardization was completed using the 2011 Canadian population as the reference population.
Data on adult ICU beds is based on estimates from this study and excludes beds in SDUs.
Estimates for New Brunswick (5 facilities) and Nova Scotia (1 facility) include beds in PTDUs.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2013–2014 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information; and 2014 Canadian population
from Statistics Canada, Table 051-0001: Estimates of population, by age group and sex for July 1, Canada, provinces and
territories. CANSIM database. Accessed June 13, 2016.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Previous research has shown that Canadian ICUs are well utilized.6 Using hospital data
from 2013–2014, this study showed similar findings. Occupancy rates for Canadian ICUs were
calculated by comparing the estimated number of ICU beds for each hospital with the number
of ICU patients each hour (methodology available upon request). Half of ICUs show an annual
average occupancy above 80%, but this varies widely by hospital type and between urban and
rural settings.

Overall, the ICUs of teaching and large facilities in urban areas

have the highest average occupancy rate. Estimated average
occupancy was highest in teaching (90%) and large (86%)
facilities, predominantly located in urban areas, compared
with smaller facilities (50%) (Figure 3). Larger facilities also tended
to exceed occupancy thresholds more often. Large and teaching
hospital ICUs, on average, were over capacity for the equivalent
of 45 to 51 days in 2013–2014.

Our expert advisors for this study suggest that the implications of being over capacity for an
extended period of time on care delivery may include
• The cancellation of planned (elective) procedures and surgeries;
• The inability to admit or a delay in admitting new or unplanned patients to the ICU;
• Early ICU discharge of patients who would normally have remained in the ICU to
accommodate a patient who is more critical;
• Transfers to other acute care facilities; and
• Night discharge to the general ward.7

Care in Canadian ICUs

Figure 3 ICU occupancy by facility type, rural and urban areas, 2013–2014

The bed occupancy rate (BOR) is equal to the number of beds occupied divided by the estimated total number of ICU beds.
The BOR was calculated for each hour in the fiscal year for all facilities in the sample, and the annual average BOR across the
hours in the fiscal was found for each hospital. The hospital average BORs were then plotted by peer group (i.e., teaching,
community — large, etc.) for each area of residence (urban or rural) creating 6 residence peer groups.
The orange dots mark the mean of the hospital average BORs in each boxplot. 2 coloured boxes make up the core of the boxplot: the
bottom of the lower box shows the first quartile (Q1), while the top of the box shows the median of the hospital average BORs in the
peer-residence group; the top of the upper box shows the third quartile (Q3). The bottom whisker shows the minimum, while the top
whisker shows the maximum of the hospital average BORs in the group. The green dots denote outliers.
Data excludes the territories; excludes beds in SDUs but includes beds in PTDUs in New Brunswick (5 facilities) and Nova Scotia (1 facility).
Discharge Abstract Database, 2013–2014 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

This study found that there was a noticeable increase in patients discharged from ICUs during
busy periods — both to the general ward of the same hospital and to the ICU of another hospital
altogether. While some transfers may be clinically necessary to provide care at a specialist centre,
non-clinical transfers may be required when there is lack of capacity. When ICUs were over their
estimated capacity, the ratio of discharges to admission was nearly 2 to 1 (1.7), compared with
approximately 1 to 1 (0.8) when the ICUs were within capacity. Similarly, the average number
of transfers per hour from ICUs to other acute care facilities also doubled during periods of
overcapacity. While only 15,546 transfers occurred overall, 2,220 took place while ICUs
were over capacity. It is not clear what, if any, effects this has on patient care and outcomes.

Care in Canadian ICUs

There are other measures that could also speak to ICU capacity. Readmissions occurring within
48 hours can signal premature ICU discharge and may have been associated with poorer outcomes.
This study found that Canada’s overall 48-hour ICU readmission rate was at the low end of the range
at 1% but was still in line with the 1% to average of 8% found in the literature.8, 9 Night discharges are
similarly not recommended due to issues of handover and staffing difference at night. Canada’s rate of
night discharge, at 7%, was higher than those reported in other studies.10 Capacity and strain in ICUs
does have long-term implications for critical care delivery in Canada, including concerns among experts
about meeting the needs of an aging and more severely ill population requiring additional ICU services.

Trends and ICU admissions

The use of ICUs is increasing faster than overall hospital admissions. In 2013–2014, there were
more than 230,800 adult ICU admissions in Canada, outside of Quebec. This number is up from
the more than 206,800 adult ICU admissions in 2007–2008, and represents an increase of 12%
over this period (versus 7% for overall hospital admissions) (Figure 4).

Figure 4 Change in ICU and hospital admissions for adult patients in Canada,
2007–2008 to 2013–2014

ICU admissions includes stays in SDUs and PTDUs.
Data excludes hospital and ICU admissions for Quebec but includes the territories.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2007–2008 to 2014–2015, and Ontario Mental Health Reporting System, 2007–2008 to 2013–2014,
Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Care in Canadian ICUs

The biggest relative growth in ICU usage was among patients admitted exclusively to a step-down
unit (SDU) (i.e., with no stay in any other type of ICU), increasing by 46%, from 19,861 to 29,037
(Figure 5). This may be due to more SDUs opening over time or ICU use being managed
differently than in the past. Studies have found that SDUs are commonly used without prior
admission to ICU. For example, Hilton and colleagues found that 33% of overall patients were
admitted to an SDU from the emergency department (ED) (8%) or general wards (25%), and
Lucena and colleagues concluded that 77% of SDU patients were admitted from the ED (25%)
or general wards (52%).11, 12 SDU patients are often those with acute respiratory compromise
needing non-invasive ventilator support or those requiring renal replacement therapy.13

Figure 5 Trend in overall adult ICU admissions, 2007–2008 to 2013–2014

“All” includes stays in only PTDUs.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2007–2008 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Studies suggest that population growth, increases in severity and complexity of critical illness,
and Canada’s overall aging population will likely all contribute to ICUs’ challenges in meeting
future demand.1–3 Already there are often periods when ICUs across Canada are operating
over capacity, especially in teaching and large facilities. As demand increases, the ability to
measure and report on ICU care will become increasingly important to ensuring sustainable
long-term solutions.

Admission to the ICU

Patients’ admissions to the ICU typically result from one of the following scenarios:
1. Urgent or emergent — Treatment of a critical illness that requires urgent care at the time of
admission, such as a trauma patient from a motor vehicle collision. Urgent admissions can
also stem from an unexpected deterioration in a patient’s condition, such as a patient who
develops pneumonia while admitted to hospital for a hip fracture repair.
2. Planned or elective — Treatment following a medical procedure that is scheduled in
advance. An ICU stay is an anticipated part of the patient’s hospitalization.

For 8 in 10 ICU patients, their ICU stay was associated

with an urgent or emergent admission to the hospital.
About half (51%) were urgent medical patients, with
variation across provinces ranging from 44% to 64%
(Figure 6). When adjusted to remove planned cardiac
cases, 85% of all ICU admissions were from urgent
hospital admissions.

Differences across provinces likely reflect patient needs and the way care is organized. For
example, many cardiac surgeries are planned and some jurisdictions regularly send patients to
other provinces for such procedures. For example, cardiac patients who live in Prince Edward
Island are commonly treated in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Figure 6 Hospital admission category for adult medical or surgical ICU patients
by province, 2013–2014

Data is based on admission category information at the time of hospital admission.
An elective hospital admission could result in an urgent admission to an ICU. As such, the number of urgent admissions to ICUs may be higher.
Data excludes admissions to only SDUs but includes admissions to only PTDUs in New Brunswick (5 facilities) and Nova Scotia (1 facility).
Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2013–2014 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Given that ICUs typically operate at close to capacity levels, there is limited flexibility to
accommodate an unexpected surge in volume. Surges can be caused by seasonal illnesses,
disasters or pandemics. During the second wave of swine flu (H1N1) in 2009, hospitals
accommodated large numbers of H1N1 patients by managing the admission of patients not
requiring H1N1 care (limiting their admissions to both ICU beds and the general ward), as well
as increasing ventilator capacity.14 This pandemic and the strain it placed on ICUs across
Canada demonstrate the importance of understanding ICU bed capacity and the ability of
hospitals to react to long-term population-based needs as well as to surges.

ICU at end of life

For some patients, the ICU can be part of appropriate end-of-life care and offer services that are specific
to their needs to be comfortable. However, if appropriate end-of-life care could be administered in less
intensive care settings, the literature suggests that there is an opportunity to reduce costs in ICU.15
Critically ill patients at the end of life should have discussions about their preferences with their care
team and family, ensuring that advance directives and goals of care are understood. Importantly, a U.S.-

Care in Canadian ICUs

based study found that only 5% of ICU patients had advance directives or end-of-life plans and that the
presence of these plans did not have an impact on the care provided.16 While ICU-specific Canadian
data was not available for this current study, a recent CIHI study found that Canadians are in general
more likely than those from other countries to have advance care plans.17 Approximately 75% of long-
term care patients in Canada have a do not resuscitate order, while 20% have a do not hospitalize
order. Further, the data shows that those wishes were respected. Discussions about advance directives
and goals of care enable both care team and family to advocate for the patients’ wishes when they are
not able to do so themselves. Initiatives to raise awareness and support such decision-making could
alter the dynamics of ICU care in Canada by shifting patients to other care settings at the end of life.

ICU patient populations and process

of care
Types of patients most commonly seen in ICUs
Many of the conditions that lead to ICU admission are preventable and, if treated earlier, can be
managed in other less intensive settings. In 2013–2014, there were more medical (54%) than
surgical (46%) patients overall in Canadian ICUs. Medical patients represented a greater
proportion of ICU patients in small (90%) and medium-sized (77%) hospitals, compared with
large (62%) and teaching (37%) hospitals. Evidence exists that through optimal management
strategies and public health knowledge on prevention and management, some critically ill
patients with chronic conditions could avoid or limit the need for acute care services.18

Examining the profile of ICU patients over time and across jurisdictions can facilitate an understanding
of potential variations in patient needs and demand for services resources. The patients admitted to ICUs
in 2013–2014 were similar to those admitted in 2007–2008 with respect to age, gender, neighbourhood
income, place of residence and hospital peer group. The profile was also largely similar across provinces.
Additional descriptive detail can be found in the data tables that accompany this report.

What is CMG+?
The Case Mix Group+ (CMG+) methodology is designed to aggregate hospital inpatients who
have similar clinical and resource-utilization characteristics. Case Mix Groups (CMGs) are derived
primarily from a combination of diagnoses and interventions. The resulting diagnostic CMGs are
based on patients’ overall hospital admissions; they are not specific to the ICU.
CMG+ was used in this analysis to identify the most common medical and surgical CMGs among
ICU patients within each year. This has allowed us to report on changes in ICU case mix over time.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Table 1 shows the top 10 medical CMGs among ICU patients in 2013–2014 and the change in
volume since 2007–2008. Cardiac illnesses accounted for about 1 in 3 medical ICU patients in
2013–2014, with myocardial infarction and arrhythmia remaining the highest volume throughout
the study period.

Table 1 Top 10 medical CMGs (conditions) among adult ICU patients,

2007–2008 and 2013–2014, Canada
Volume Volume
(percentage of (percentage of
all medical all medical Change (p<0.05) in
ICU patients) ICU patients) proportion, 2007–
Top medical conditions 2007–2008 2013–2014 2008 to 2013–2014
The proportion decreased
Myocardial infarction/ 19,773 (19%) 14,911 (13%)

The proportion decreased
Arrhythmia 7,412 (7%) 6,874 (6%)

The proportion decreased
Heart failure 5,853 (6%) 5,821 (5%)

There was no change in the proportion
Chronic obstructive pulmonary 5,051 (5%) 5,691 (5%)
disease (COPD)

The proportion increased
Other/unspecified sepsis 3,044 (3%) 5,137 (5%)

There was no change in the proportion
Poisoning/toxic effect of drug 3,947 (4%) 4,263 (4%)

The proportion increased
Respiratory failure 2,378 (2%) 4,046 (4%)

The proportion decreased
Unstable angina/arteriosclerotic 6,816 (6%) 3,685 (3%)
heart disease (ASHD)

There was no change in the proportion
Other/miscellaneous 2,691 (3%) 3,389 (3%)
cardiac disorder

The proportion increased
Diabetes 2,413 (2%) 2,962 (3%)

Data is based on the CMG+ 2014 methodology year.
Data excludes admissions to only SDUs but includes admissions to only PTDUs.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2007–2008 to 2008–2009 and 2013–2014 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or COPD, are best managed through primary health
care or in acute services as necessary to avoid the need for ICU admission. This study found
that 2,962 patients were treated for diabetes in the ICU in 2013–2014, based on the most
responsible diagnosis for their hospital admission. Diabetes is a chronic disease that inhibits
the body’s ability to produce insulin or appropriately use the insulin it produces.19 Beyond the
diagnoses identified in this study, diabetes is a very common underlying diagnosis in many ICU
patients. In 2013–2014, 26% (53,146) of patients treated in the ICU were identified as having
diabetes (i.e., diabetes was among the patient’s reported diagnoses). Diabetes can lead to
cardiac and vascular disease, kidney failure and serious infections, among other illnesses.
In the ICU, this condition complicates care strategies and may increase the severity of the
primary diagnosis. For example, one study found that 28% of patients admitted for sepsis were
also diagnosed with diabetes.20 Literature shows that for patients with diabetes, hospitalization
can disrupt the “outpatient balance of medications, diet and exercise” and lead to the
requirement of longer and more critical care.21

The most common surgical reasons for admission to the ICU included percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Together, they accounted for 30%
of all surgical patients. Table 2 shows the top 10 surgical CMGs by patient volume in 2013–2014
and, by comparison, what those volumes were 7 years previously. The top 4 surgical CMGs
(procedures) were all cardiac-related and had been consistent since 2007–2008.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Table 2 Top 10 surgical CMGs (procedures) among adult ICU patients,

2007–2008 and 2013–2014, Canada

Volume Volume
(percentage of (percentage of Change (<0.05)
all surgical all surgical in proportion,
ICU patients) ICU patients) 2007–2008 to
Top surgical conditions 2007–2008 2013–2014 2013–2014
The proportion increased
Percutaneous coronary intervention 14,145 (16%) 16,924 (17%)

The proportion decreased
Coronary artery bypass graft 15,174 (17%) 13,410 (13%)

The proportion increased
Cardiac valve replacement 5,748 (6%) 8,014 (8%)

There was no change in the proportion
Pacemaker implantation 3,986 (4%) 4,434 (4%)

There was no change in the proportion
Colostomy/enterostomy 3,009 (3%) 2,908 (3%)

The proportion decreased
Abdominal aorta intervention 2,732 (3%) 2,210 (2%)

There was no change in the proportion
Non-major excision/repair of 1,926 (2%) 2,188 (2%)
upper gastrointestinal tract

The proportion decreased
Open large intestine/rectum resection 2,833 (3%) 2,184 (2%)
without colostomy

The proportion increased
Multisystem/unspecified site infection 1,213 (1%) 1,760 (2%)
with intervention

There was no change in the proportion
Major thoraco-abdominal/vascular 1,612 (2%) 1,575 (2%)
intervention with trauma/complication
of treatment

Data is based on the CMG+ 2014 methodology year.
Data excludes admissions to only SDUs but includes admissions to only PTDUs.
Discharge Abstract Database, 2007–2008 to 2008–2009 and 2013–2014 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Almost all (94%) of these cardiac surgical patients received care in teaching or large hospitals,
reflecting the concentration of care in centres of excellence. Many patients undergoing PCI
are admitted to specialized ICUs such as coronary care units, and patients undergoing cardiac
surgery are admitted to a cardiac surgery ICU specific to cardiac care, which is not available in
every hospital.

Care in Canadian ICUs

ICU processes of care

ICU patients have a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic needs. Some patients need
close monitoring of vital signs (e.g., heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, respiratory rate, intracranial
pressure) immediately after a major surgery or serious injury. Others may have an electrolyte or
metabolic disturbance that requires close monitoring as the underlying condition is corrected. Patients
with respiratory failure often require mechanical ventilation to support their breathing; other patients
may require intravenous medications to maintain their blood pressure or heart rate. Kidney dialysis is
used for patients with end-stage renal disease to remove waste, salt and extra water, to control blood
pressure and to maintain safe levels of various chemicals in the blood. Characterized in the literature
as processes of care, these treatments play a key role in the prognosis for many patients.

Patient care measures in Canada’s ICUs

Measurement of ICU care contributes to understanding variation in critical care
across Canada and supports evidence-based decision-making. For this study,
several measures of care in Canada’s ICUs were developed through literature
review and extensive consultations across the country. Results show that
Canada performs generally within the range of rates published for other
western countries. While the international findings provide a range within which
to understand Canada’s findings, comparisons should be made with caution as
there is variation in data sources and methodology.6 Additionally, this study
reports unadjusted or crude rates — due to data limitations — while many
published studies, including those referenced below, adjust for severity of
illness using ICU-specific severity or physiologic scores.

The measures of patient care analyzed in this study are as follows:

ICU mortality (overall 9%)

This measures the proportion of ICU stays where a patient died in the ICU, an
outcome more common in ICU patients than in general ward patients due to the
severity of illness and complexity of care required among these patients. The overall
unadjusted ICU mortality in this study was 9%. Internationally, there is wide variation
in mortality rates, from 6% in Germany and 10% in the U.S., to 29% in the U.K.22, 23

Care in Canadian ICUs

48-hour ICU readmissions (overall 1%)

This measures the proportion of ICU episodes in which patients were discharged to
the general ward and then readmitted to an ICU within 48 hours. Readmissions
occurring within 48 hours can signal premature discharge from the ICU, which is
associated with poorer outcomes.8 ICU patients requiring readmission have higher
mortality rates and longer lengths of hospital stay, and are linked to higher costs.24
This study found that Canada’s overall 48-hour ICU readmission rate was at the
low end of the range, at 1%, but was still in line with the 1% to average of 8%
found in the literature.8, 9

Length of ICU stay (overall approximately 3 days)

Factors that increase length of stay in the ICU include challenges with
communication among and between care teams, and the absence of full-time ICU
physicians. As such, this measure has implications on ICU resources and costs.25
At approximately 3 days, this measure for Canada falls within the same range
as that for European nations, with average lengths of ICU stay between 2.8 and
3.7 days.26

Invasive ventilation (overall 33%)

Invasive ventilation is a marker of clinical severity, involving a breathing tube
in the trachea. There is variation in the use of invasive ventilation; this is
commonly driven by patient mix. In Canada, 33% of patients with an ICU stay
are invasively ventilated. International studies have reported a wide range,
with lower rates in France (19%)27 and higher usage in the U.S. (39%).28

Night discharge from ICU (overall 7%)

This measures the proportion of ICU stays in which patient discharges from
the ICU to the general ward occurred between 10:00 p.m. and 6:59 a.m. ICU
patients discharged overnight have significantly poorer outcomes and are also
more likely to be discharged prematurely from the ICU.7 In Canada, 7% of
patients were discharged from an ICU at night. Internationally, there is wide
variation in night discharge rates, from 6% in Australia to 18% in the U.K.10, 29

Care in Canadian ICUs

Transfers (overall 9%)

This measures the proportion of ICU stays resulting in a transfer to another
acute care hospital. Inter-hospital transfers from ICU are an operational
measue that may indicate ICU resource availability and potential for elevated
risk to patients. Transfers can be the result of a number of factors such as
access to care, capacity constraints or availability of specialized treatment.
In Canada, 9% of ICU patients were transferred. Internationally, there is a
wide variation in transfers, from 6% in the U.S. to 23% in the U.K.23

Detailed information on each of the above measures for Canada at

jurisdictional and regional levels is available in the companion data tables
to this report.

This section focuses on one common ICU process: ventilation. It describes the patients involved
and highlights the differences over time and across jurisdictions.

Use of invasive ventilation

Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving or life-supporting treatment delivered in ICUs. There are
different mechanisms to provide mechanical ventilation: invasive ventilation, where a breathing
tube is inserted into the trachea, or non-invasive ventilation through the use of a tight-fitting
mask to the nose and mouth. Invasive ventilation is common in Canadian ICUs, with 33% of
patients requiring invasive ventilation during their ICU stay. This is in line with rates reported
in the U.S. of patients ventilated at any given time, ranging from 21% to 39%.28 The cost to the
system and patients can be high, with studies showing links to an increase in mortality and
adverse effects. The ventilation itself was estimated at $1,522 per day (adjusted for patient and
hospital characteristics) in a 2005 U.S. study, and at 2,110 euros per day (about CA$3,100) in a
2006 European evaluation.30, 31

In Canada, the availability of ICU beds with ventilation capacity varies across jurisdictions (5.5 per
100,000 in the territories to 19.3 per 100,000 in Newfoundland and Labrador).32 At the same time,
some experts have suggested that the use of ventilation is expected to increase over time. An
Ontario study predicted that based on use in 2006, the demand for invasive ventilation is forecast
to increase by 57% by 2026, requiring an estimated 810 additional beds in Ontario alone.33

The percentage of non-ICU patients who received invasive ventilation is highest in teaching
hospitals, which could reflect that teaching hospitals have more capacity than other hospitals
to ventilate outside of the ICU.32

Care in Canadian ICUs

Due to its intrusiveness and duration of use, invasive ventilation is associated with increased
risk of complications such as pneumothorax, ventilator-associated pneumonia, decreased
cardiac output, oxygen toxicity and acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome.34
The length of time a patient is on ventilation can have important implications for outcomes, with
those needing longer durations of ventilation having worse outcomes.35, 36 Based on Canadian
Classification of Health Interventions codes, long-term invasive ventilation is defined as
ventilation equal to 96 hours or longer; short-term invasive ventilation is defined as less than
96 hours. In 2013–2014, more than 65,500 (33%) of ICU patients were invasively ventilated
(49,100 as short-term ventilation and 16,800 as long-term ventilation).

As shown in Figure 7, the use of invasive ventilation varied across provinces. The rate was
highest in Manitoba (45%) and lowest in New Brunswick (18%). The difference in rates likely
reflects differences in patient case mix, facility types and the organization of critical care
services within each province.

Figure 7 Variation in rate of invasive ventilation (short and long term) among
ICU patients, by province, 2013–2014

The total excludes Quebec but includes the territories.
The data excludes patients admitted only to SDUs but includes admissions to only PTDUs in New Brunswick (5 facilities) and
Nova Scotia (1 facility).
Discharge Abstract Database, 2013–2014 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Care in Canadian ICUs

From 2007–2008 to 2013–2014, the biggest increase in the use of invasive ventilation occurred
among those who received short-term ventilation (Table 3).

Table 3 Number of ICU patients by ventilation status, Canada, 2007–2008 to

Ventilation category 2007–2008 2008–2009 2009–2010 2010–2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014
Short-term, 38,673 39,313 41,963 43,699 46,230 47,534 49,101
invasive ventilation
(less than 96 hours)

Long-term, 14,494 15,307 16,143 15,899 16,348 16,700 16,826

invasive ventilation
(96+ hours)

No ventilation or 130,897 126,427 123,138 126,096 129,666 132,787 132,859


Data excludes Quebec but includes the territories.
Data excludes patients admitted only to SDUs but includes admissions to PTDUs in New Brunswick (5 facilities) and Nova Scotia (1 facility).
Discharge Abstract Database, 2007–2008 to 2014–2015, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Among all surgical patients admitted to the ICU, 42% required invasive ventilation — almost
double that of medical patients (24%). This likely reflects the continuation of ventilation from the
operating room into the ICU. In line with findings from the literature that show higher mortality
for invasively ventilated patients, in 2013–2014, 19% of invasively ventilated patients died in the
ICU, compared with 4% of patients who were not ventilated or received non-invasive ventilation.
Rates of invasive ventilation differed by age and sex, and by size of hospital (detailed
information is provided in the companion data tables that accompany this report).

Invasive ventilation is a critical process of care administered in the ICU. The continued rise in
use of this process could place additional strain on ICUs in the coming decade. Alternative
settings for invasive ventilation and support for the management of chronic diseases in less
resource intensive environments would help to address the forecast growth.

Care in Canadian ICUs

ICUs are a costly resource because they require high staff-to-patient ratios for intensive
patient monitoring and complex treatment. Although a small number of hospitalizations involve
ICU stays, these ICU stays are responsible for a substantial portion of hospital resources.37
On average, the daily cost of an ICU stay is as high as 3 times that of stays in general hospital
wards across Canada ($3,592 versus $1,135). International studies have reported large
variations in the cost per ICU patient admission. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K.
have an estimated ICU cost per day that ranges from 1,168 to 2,025 euros,38 while a U.S.
study has reported that ICU hospitalizations start at a minimum of US$1,783 per
hospitalization.39 These differences have been attributed to a number of factors, including
technology, differences in staffing ratios, treatment options and differing costing methodology
across countries.

In the current study, ICU costs in Canada were found to vary by hospital location, type of
hospital and type of patient. Table 4 shows the differences in ICU and general ward costs
by hospital type. ICU beds are consistently more expensive in every hospital type than a
general ward bed, but teaching hospitals ($4,186) have the highest daily costs for an ICU
bed. Understanding the costs associated with ICUs reinforces the importance of effectively
managing chronic conditions in the community, because they increase clinical complexity.

Table 4 Average* daily cost for stay in ICU and general ward by hospital
type, 2013–2014
Community — Community — Community —
All Teaching large medium small
Average cost per day $3,592 $4,186 $3,639 $3,242 $3,494
in ICU
Average cost per day $1,135 $1,492 $1,032 $1,021 $1,135
on general ward

* Average is based on costs across individual facilities within each hospital type, where data is available.
Canadian MIS Database, 2013–2014, Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Care in Canadian ICUs

This report and its companion products are intended to provide a basis for comparative
reporting on ICUs. The findings provide high-level information on several aspects of ICUs in
Canada: their capacity and use, trends in admissions, patient populations and processes of
care. Across Canada, outside of Quebec, the use of ICUs appears to be increasing faster than
overall hospital admissions. Since 2007–2008, there has been a 12% increase in admissions to
ICU, and this trend will likely continue with the aging of Canada’s population and the general
increase in the severity of illnesses of hospital patients.

The findings highlight that ICU capacity challenges exist. At 12.9 adult ICU beds per 100,000
population, Canada’s ICU capacity is in the mid-range of comparable countries. However, there
is wide variation across the country. Larger hospitals in urban areas account for the majority
of ICUs and ICU beds; in these facilities, estimated bed capacity was most often exceeded.
On average, large and teaching hospital ICUs operate at about 90% capacity, with periods
of overcapacity equivalent to between 45 and 51 days in 2013–2014.

Further, during periods of high demand, there is a noticeable increase in markers of system
stress, including an increase in ICU discharges. This increase was seen in patients discharged
to the general ward of the same hospital and to the ICU of another hospital.

8 in 10 ICU patients had an unplanned hospital admission, requiring ICUs to have capacity for admitting
those patients without delay. This study found an increased use of step-down units in recent years,
possibly in response to the capacity pressure these urgent cases place on admissions. It is not yet
clear what effect the capacity issues may have on patient care and outcomes, or on the experience of
care for patients and their families. Increasing the supply of ICU beds could help address an aging
population and more acutely ill patients. However, some experts suggest that this approach could
create more inefficiencies in the use of critical care services or contribute to the overuse of ICUs.40

ICU patients are most commonly receiving care for cardiac system illnesses, pulmonary system
illnesses or neurologic disorders. The complexity of illness among patients in Canada’s ICUs may
intensify and could, in part, be driven by expected increasing challenges with managing chronic
conditions such as diabetes and COPD.2 The ability to support the prevention and care of such
illnesses and other concurrent chronic conditions in other settings, such as the community or general
ward, would not only improve patient care and outcomes but also reduce stress on ICUs. Invasive
ventilation is one of the most common processes of care provided in the ICU and is considered by
many experts to be a marker of illness severity. The use of invasive ventilation increased over the
study period, with 33% of ICU patients receiving invasive ventilation in 2013–2014, up from 28%
in 2007–2008. This has important implications for understanding patient complexity, outcomes,
resource utilization and capacity planning in the short and long terms.

Care in Canadian ICUs

A number of strategies might be explored to prepare for the increase in ICU care as Canada’s
population ages. Preventing the onset of chronic conditions is an effective way to reduce the
burden of disease on patients and the health care system. When illness does become critical,
advance care planning and goals of care discussions can ensure that care delivery reflects
patient and family preferences by detailing their wishes, including those who may not want
aggressive care at the end of life. Other system-wide changes may be considered, such as
reorganizing or possibly increasing the supply of ICU beds in jurisdictions according to
evidence of demand–capacity stress.

Developing and reporting on comparable capacity and quality of care indicators and
benchmarks that account for severity of illness could inform patient pathway decisions and
facilitate best-practice discussions across jurisdictions. The geographic allocation of ICUs —
by specialty or by acuity — is heavily influenced by local patient populations, hospital capacity
and historical precedence. Well-coordinated and less siloed care delivery could contribute to
system-level improvements for the care of critically ill patients. This report and its companion
products can help inform evidence-based system improvement efforts by providing a baseline
of comparable measures of ICU care in Canada.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Appendix A: Data sources, case

selection and study limitations
This study uses data from CIHI’s Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), primarily from 2013–2014
to 2014–2015, to identify discharges from ICUs between April 1, 2013, and March 31, 2014.
The study is based on abstracts for patients age 18 and older at the time of ICU admission,
and excludes admissions to neonatal and pediatric ICUs. For the historical analyses, DAD data
for 2007–2008 to 2011–2012 was used.

The DAD allows for the collection of specific information for up to 6 ICU admissions to be
captured on one abstract. This information includes ICU admission/discharge date/time, type
of ICU and death in ICU. These data elements and other patient clinical information in the DAD
were used in the analysis of ICU utilization and type of hospital admission, as well as in the
analysis of patient clinical groups, process of care and outcomes. Analyses of capacity and
beds used the date/time data to derive ICU census information, which was then used to
estimate the number of beds. The same information was also used for operations measures
such as bed occupancy rates. Please note that for the beds analyses, no exclusions were
made based on patient’s age in order to accommodate cases where a pediatric patient might
have stayed in a non-pediatric adult ICU bed.

Additional information on cohort selection and study methodology is available upon request.

Study limitations
There are several limitations that could affect how the findings from this study are interpreted.
Examples of these limitations are noted below:

The measures reported are crude and have not been adjusted in any way due to lack of data
on severity of illness or other physiological scores (e.g., APACHE, MODS, MPM). These scores
are widely used for the purposes of risk adjustment to enable comparisons across different ICU
groups and can be predictive of outcomes such as mortality. The measures in this study have
also not been adjusted for the presence of comorbidities. As such, results provided should be
interpreted with caution.

Data on ICU-specific admission diagnosis was not available for this study. Case Mix Groups
(CMGs) were used to classify ICU patients into clinical groups. CMGs are based on the
combination of diagnoses and interventions from a patient’s overall hospital admission and not
just on their time in the ICU. As a result, the conditions of patient groups reported on may not
necessarily reflect their admitting diagnosis to the ICU. Furthermore, since CMGs are often

Care in Canadian ICUs

based on a single diagnosis or intervention, the volumes of patients reported within CMGs may
not represent all patients within the ICU with that specific diagnosis as would be the case when
multiple diagnoses or interventions are considered.

Process of care measures, such as ventilation and dialysis, were based on Canadian
Classification of Health Interventions (CCI) codes. While the codes for ventilation allow for
differentiation between short-term and long-term ventilation, information on the start and end
times for these interventions are not mandatory in many cases. Therefore, process of care
measures are based on patients’ entire hospitalization and are not specific to just the ICU stay.

The results from the study do not distinguish between different types of general or specialized
ICUs. Caution should be used in interpreting the findings as being representative of specific
types of ICUs.

Data for chronically or critically ill patients who were admitted to an ICU prior to or during 2013–
2014 but were not yet discharged, even by the end of 2014–2015, would not be captured in the
data used for this study. However, this is applicable to only a small minority of hospitals and
involves very low volumes.

The DAD does not contain information about the number of adult ICU beds in each acute care
hospital. Therefore, the estimated number of beds provided in this study may be different from
the true number of adult ICU beds available.

This study included data from all acute care hospitals in Canada, outside of Quebec. Due to
differences in reporting and the use of the DAD, Quebec data was not available for inclusion in
the study. Quebec’s hospital data is reported to CIHI’s Hospital Morbidity Database.

Unless it was applicable or provided context, an admission to a step-down unit (SDU) was
excluded. However, the study includes admissions to provincially/territorially defined units (PTDUs).
The way jurisdictions use and report SDU and PTDU data to CIHI varies. PTDUs are reported
mainly by Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Manitoba, while SDUs may be optional to report, as is
the case for Alberta. The variation in use and reporting of these units may affect applicable results
and findings from this study. In New Brunswick, PTDU refers to concentrated care beds or units;
hospitals must receive approval from the provincial clinical data quality coordinator before they can
apply this terminology to their data. In Manitoba, this term refers to the Intermediate Care Nursery
at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre and the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital. However, PTDUs in
Manitoba were excluded from the study due to the age of their patients.

Care in Canadian ICUs

Appendix B: Text alternative for figures

Figure 2 Adult ICU beds per 100,000 population, adult ICU beds per 10,000
hospitalizations, age-standardized hospitalization rate, by province,
ICU beds per 10,000 hospitalization rate
ICU beds per 100,000 hospitalizations per 1,000 population
Province/territory population (age 18+) (age 18+) (age 18+)
Newfoundland and Labrador 21.8 20.4 103.8

Prince Edward Island 11.1 10.2 104.5

Nova Scotia 13.6 13.7 94.2

New Brunswick 20.2 16.6 114.0

Ontario 14.2 16.0 87.3

Manitoba 11.2 10.5 105.0

Saskatchewan 11.2 8.6 126.7

Alberta 9.7 9.8 106.1

British Columbia 10.5 10.5 96.0

Care in Canadian ICUs

Figure 6 Hospital admission category for adult medical or surgical ICU patients
by province, 2013–2014
Urgent medical Urgent surgical Elective medical Elective surgical
Newfoundland and Labrador 57% 27% 1% 15%

Prince Edward Island 64% 23% 5% 8%

Nova Scotia 57% 27% 4% 11%

New Brunswick 56% 31% 3% 9%

Ontario 52% 28% 2% 18%

Manitoba 56% 30% 2% 12%

Saskatchewan 53% 34% 1% 12%

Alberta 44% 31% 2% 23%

British Columbia 50% 31% 2% 17%

Total 51% 29% 2% 17%

Figure 7 Variation in rate of invasive ventilation (short and long term) among
ICU patients, by province, 2013–2014
Long-term invasive Short-term invasive

Newfoundland and Labrador 7% 18%

Prince Edward Island 7% 16%

Nova Scotia 8% 22%

New Brunswick 4% 14%

Ontario 9% 25%

Manitoba 11% 34%

Saskatchewan 8% 27%

Alberta 8% 23%

British Columbia 9% 26%

Total 8% 24%

Care in Canadian ICUs

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